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^^^ MJP...laddie....self control...we all lose it on occasion...hah!

An old friend of mine even wrote a song about losing control back

in the mid 70's...did well out of it and the album too!

Go on...buy the camera...go on now...it's only money!

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^^^ MJP...laddie....self control...we all lose it on occasion...hah!

An old friend of mine even wrote a song about losing control back

in the mid 70's...did well out of it and the album too!

Go on...buy the camera...go on now...it's only money!

I haven't been paid for a year.


So many rumours about at the moment I don't believe any of them.

I think people are doing it to get the traffic to their site, either way a few hours will tell the real truth, hope for Nikons sake it's not a lemon.


Nikon must be joking, SERIOUSLY.

The reported price of the new D810, is allegedly $4600, some $1300 dearer than the D800e.

They must be joking, surely this is a mix up?


@rhythmworx....your post #62...I feel exactly the same way and the attached pic is a bad fake too!

@ neverdie...if it (800xxxxx whatever) is gonna be that price why not a photog (serious enthusiast

or pro) save a bit more...and not a heap more, just a bit...and buy the D4s or the D5 when it arrives?

Surely that would be a better choice IMO. Unless the buyer is a pixel counting Derek.

@ all others....As an owner of both the D800 & D800e plus other Niks (they breed when nobody is

looking you know) I was really trying to come up with some words about this new Nikon....but alas,

as I was perusing the web in search of new intelligence concerning the camera I was distracted

when this page popped up and I forgot completely about this new Nik....

  • Like 2

@rhythmworx....your post #62...I feel exactly the same way and the attached pic is a bad fake too!

@ neverdie...if it (800xxxxx whatever) is gonna be that price why not a photog (serious enthusiast

or pro) save a bit more...and not a heap more, just a bit...and buy the D4s or the D5 when it arrives?

Surely that would be a better choice IMO. Unless the buyer is a pixel counting Derek.

@ all others....As an owner of both the D800 & D800e plus other Niks (they breed when nobody is

looking you know) I was really trying to come up with some words about this new Nikon....but alas,

as I was perusing the web in search of new intelligence concerning the camera I was distracted

when this page popped up and I forgot completely about this new Nik....

I (We) agree completely Sunny. I can't imagine what Niks is thinking, yet alone how they can justify such an increase. Maybe they are just trying to pay for the upgrades with the first three cameras sold. Maybe it's a mistake or typo, or something.

Crazy town !


So many rumours about at the moment I don't believe any of them.

I think people are doing it to get the traffic to their site, either way a few hours will tell the real truth, hope for Nikons sake it's not a lemon.


Nikon must be joking, SERIOUSLY.

The reported price of the new D810, is allegedly $4600, some $1300 dearer than the D800e.

They must be joking, surely this is a mix up?


You stupid old fool, never believe what you read on the internet without confirming it elsewhere.

There is no such price increase, u old fool !


Well...I'll be snookered. Just watched the video & it looks good to me.

That said...so did my old D3x until it was confirmed the buffer was too

narrow. Will I? Will I not?...time will tell. Mind you I am extremely pleased

with my current Niks....I ain't holdin me breath.


Well...I'll be snookered. Just watched the video & it looks good to me.

That said...so did my old D3x until it was confirmed the buffer was too

narrow. Will I? Will I not?...time will tell. Mind you I am extremely pleased

with my current Niks....I ain't holdin me breath.

I just finished my dinner and came over here to ask you for a spec appraisal.

I'm fairly pleased with it first glance, even moreso pleased as the wife is looking fairly pleased with it, drop the grip onto it and it can fire the DX or the crop 1.2 at 7FPS. Of course 5FPS at full 36.6 mp is slightly better than before too. The ISO improvements sound outstanding, expeed 4 is alraedy a great thing and if they are touting the new sensor even better than D800e, then how can one go wrong?

For me, I'm smiling cos it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the D4s. And eventually I will become the owner of the worlds most expensive D300...... 555555

edit: to make it right.

  • Like 1
Come on M,

You know what u want 5555555 tongue.png

I've looked at the specs and this seems to be a mild D800E upgrade, no 4K video either even in crop mode.

£2700 body only is a no go, although a used D800E might be worth it if the price drops enough.

I reckon the D4x will be next up for Nikon.

I don't think they will do a D4X, I think that may go via the wayside due to what the 800 offers (now 810).

I'm not sure I agree with mild update, it's a little more than mild, IMO. To me, it actually goes further than the D4s did to the D4. (Yes, baby steps but refinement never the less).

We don't do much video stuFf but the time lapse is almost equivalent in comparison to 8k. I realise 4k video would have excited many, although people wanting high end vid, should just buy a video IMO.

Buy Sunnys 800E & he an get the 810, then based on his testing, we can get one ;)

  • Like 1

MJP...please take note of this quoted post also...

This is not a mild upgrade of the D800E....this is a major upgrade of

the 800 series. If not a complete new camera built around the 800


Higher ISO...I like that although both my 800's work great wherever I

set my ISO.

9,999 frames for an intervalometer vs 999 frames...I like that.

In fact I like all the yes vs no list in the entire spec sheet; instead

of listing everything here in this reply save for a for a few that smacked

me in the face when I read em....

I can see using the highlight weighted metering quite often instead

of selecting a single AF point with 8mm spot metering and applying

FM to get the shot.

Group area AF will make shooting pressers a cool breeze on a hot day.

Electronic front curtain...oh please give me!

Dual record mode to CF card & external recorder...Hell Yeah! And

not just for shooting video either....think of the possibilities!

Auto ISO in Manual mode....about time this happened. Quit

fidgeting and keep the eye on the subject as you shoot. Brilliant.

At 3296 USD for the body...well this is great value for money IMO

and at 4996 USD for the film makers kit, with what's included, this

is better value for money IMO! I'm not gonna nitpick f1.8 lenses

against F1.4 or F1.2 lenses in a kit form because the listed lenses

in the film makers kit are all razor sharp...and the price is fair...nuff


The MB-D12 bat grip has always been around 350 USD and that's

just the way it is...especially when you buy two of em at the get go.

Then again...there are always third party grips much cheaper & I will

always recommend Phottix over all the others...but Niks grips ensure

less probs as time passes.

I do not doubt the nimbleness of Thai fingers in assembly over the

nimbleness of Japanese fingers...it's just a matter of economics

at the end of the day. Thai fingers making the camera equals a

fair price whereas Japanese fingers making the camera equals

an astronomical price IMO. Both do the same job equally well

because Nikon demands they do it...or lose their job or get

demoted to toilet cleaning lady etc.

However...hah!...y'all know this was eventually gonna crop up

didn't ya....

I reckon this camera may overshadow the new D4s save for the

photogs who actually need the D4s capabilities daily. That said;

I'm gonna wait a while...line up a few customers who may be

interested in a few low SC Nik bodies in excellent condition...

and see if the D810 turns out to be a lemon or a sweet treat.

I cannot envision the 810 being a lemon as Nikon cannot afford

this happening to them these days...nor can any manufacturer

of anything...let alone cameras.

If the praise outweighs the nays....I have an old friend coming

to visit in November who resides in NYC who wouldn't mind

calling into B & H on my behalf before he heads to the airport.

BTW...ND; the 800E won't be up for sale in the near future but

the 800 will...sorry bout that.

If this new D810 works as advertised...Nikon has a game changer

and a damn good game changer at that.

Oh yeah...I was also gonna post the D810 vs 800-800E spec

sheet pdf with this post but....ND plastered the thing up before

I got to it...brilliant work ND!

Then again...here are 2 B & H links FYI- (For Y'alls Interests!)





Incremental upgrade. Deffo, not interested.


I keep telling myself similar things. Not getting fatter, its just the mirror, definately the mirror, gotta be the mirror........... Yes, it was the mirror. :P

Having said that, I admire your strength.

On a sensible note, I thought this about the D4S, it was nice little refinements that fine tuned the overall package. IMHO, there wasnt much of a difference between the D4 and D3S, as in my opinion the D3S was one hell of a camera.

Im at the point of not really caring what she gets, as long as we get another camera. I am more than happy with the camera that was designed in 2005/2006 and released in 2007. It will do me until it either stops working OR with higher probability, I kick off :)


Incremental upgrade. Deffo, not interested.


I keep telling myself similar things. Not getting fatter, its just the mirror, definately the mirror, gotta be the mirror........... Yes, it was the mirror. tongue.png

Having said that, I admire your strength.

On a sensible note, I thought this about the D4S, it was nice little refinements that fine tuned the overall package. IMHO, there wasnt much of a difference between the D4 and D3S, as in my opinion the D3S was one hell of a camera.

Im at the point of not really caring what she gets, as long as we get another camera. I am more than happy with the camera that was designed in 2005/2006 and released in 2007. It will do me until it either stops working OR with higher probability, I kick off smile.png

Watch Canon mid-August.


^ I wont do that. Even if they brought something that was 10% better, in absolutely NO WAY could I justify changing brands. no way.

please shut up.



^ I wont do that. Even if they brought something that was 10% better, in absolutely NO WAY could I justify changing brands. no way.

please shut up.


There's always ebay.


^ I wont do that. Even if they brought something that was 10% better, in absolutely NO WAY could I justify changing brands. no way.

please shut up.


There's always ebay.

Just told the wife what you said and she said and I quote, "Tell M, that id rather sketch something with a pencil onto paper, than use a Cannon".

So there you have it, a very one eyed Nikon lady. :P

If we wernt in the market for another camera, I wouldnt consider this, but the alternative option is twice the price and really not needed imo.

Never used ebay in my life.


^ I wont do that. Even if they brought something that was 10% better, in absolutely NO WAY could I justify changing brands. no way.

please shut up.


There's always ebay.

Just told the wife what you said and she said and I quote, "Tell M, that id rather sketch something with a pencil onto paper, than use a Cannon".

So there you have it, a very one eyed Nikon lady. tongue.png

If we wernt in the market for another camera, I wouldnt consider this, but the alternative option is twice the price and really not needed imo.

Never used ebay in my life.

There's always the 645z.

Ooops . . . I said it.



^ Too heavy, both in the hand and on the wallet.

You can afford it. You just need to set an unlimited budget.


^ Too heavy, both in the hand and on the wallet.

You can afford it. You just need to set an unlimited budget.

It must be carved from Granite, heavy little sucker.

Unlimited budget? Could just buy myself a personal photographer in that case and therefore run less risk of looking so incompetent with that wonderful piece of kit in my hands.

  • Like 1

^ Too heavy, both in the hand and on the wallet.

You can afford it. You just need to set an unlimited budget.

It must be carved from Granite, heavy little sucker.

Unlimited budget? Could just buy myself a personal photographer in that case and therefore run less risk of looking so incompetent with that wonderful piece of kit in my hands.

That's what that LB said.

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