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Thai women..the Thai way..?


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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

(sounded so unbelievable to me).

Exactly. smile.png

. To call this unbelievable is what is unbelievable.

I can't believe you just said that . smile.png

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When she left i asked my friend why she would stay with him..and her reply is

that sadly many Thai women will accept this as the "norm",

even when they are unhappy and treated with so little respect.

Yes but the flip side of that is supposedly the doctors in Bangkok are the best

in the world at penis re-attachment since they get so much practice. ohmy.png

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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

I can speak and read thai. I was asked once if i was born here. How good does my Thai need to be?? She was speaking so fast and frantic that i wanted to make sure that i am really hearing what i think i am hearing (as sounded so unbelievable to me). My friend confirmed.

..sure, its obviously a thinly veiled attack on male expats..im obviously just trolling (<--i am being sarcastic, for clarification)..for nothing like this ever happens here, right.

Thank you all for your take on this.......

Should have posted in Ladies forum instead.

Showering your man, something usual with the more traditional ladies. The man doesn't need to be disabled, they enjoy doing it.

In her 50s, does she still have sex with him? Also often with the older Thai ladies, they stop having sex with their man and allow him to play around a bit if he still needs it.

In your 50s a relationship can be more about companionship than sex.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Obvious Troll, you went over the top with the, he's not wealthy, doesn't take care of her, she owns her own house and has a business, he is severely disabled and in his late 50's, she cooks for him and showers him, and he still treats her like crap.

Then you ask a bunch of bitter and twisted Alpha males what they think about it ....rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

If such a man existed I'd say he's doing good. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

maybe he is doing good ... for now.

but her thai mentality wont take it for long. hope he lives on the bottom floor.

people on this forum are alpha males? hahahohohehe.

talking sh*t doesnt make alfa anything.

nor does half ass advice.

Thanks for the advice

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Thai women mess up the Western way. They are hope. They are love. They are the last resort.

When the world comes crashing down around your ears and the ex and the judge think they got you on the ropes. Cry those crocodile tears and book the flight to Bangkok.

In a clearing stands a boxer and he cries out, "I am leaving, I am leaving but the fighter still remains."

So the dude dries up his tears looks outside and realizes he has another ten years on his tires. Whoopee, ride em cowboy.

But this has totally messed up the system back there. So you hear a plaintive cry or muffled cough at the way things turned out.

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If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

I can speak and read thai. I was asked once if i was born here. How good does my Thai need to be?? She was speaking so fast and frantic that i wanted to make sure that i am really hearing what i think i am hearing (as sounded so unbelievable to me). My friend confirmed.

..sure, its obviously a thinly veiled attack on male expats..im obviously just trolling (<--i am being sarcastic, for clarification)..for nothing like this ever happens here, right.

Thank you all for your take on this.......

Should have posted in Ladies forum instead.

Showering your man, something usual with the more traditional ladies. The man doesn't need to be disabled, they enjoy doing it.

In her 50s, does she still have sex with him? Also often with the older Thai ladies, they stop having sex with their man and allow him to play around a bit if he still needs it.

In your 50s a relationship can be more about companionship than sex.

Bloody well hope not....

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I wouldn't get involved, as some women, over here, make up so many pity seeking stories behind their foreign partner's back. How do you think they get someone to take over as their sponsor?

A sponsor is someone who buys toothpaste advertising on TV. I live in Thailand no one has ever asked me to be a sponsor after I left Sister Mary's class in the 7th grade. Sister Mary used to want us to sponsor pagan babies. But not since then. Do you mean there are men who send money to women in Thailand? No. One born every minute I guess.

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I wouldn't get involved, as some women, over here, make up so many pity seeking stories behind their foreign partner's back. How do you think they get someone to take over as their sponsor?

A sponsor is someone who buys toothpaste advertising on TV. I live in Thailand no one has ever asked me to be a sponsor after I left Sister Mary's class in the 7th grade. Sister Mary used to want us to sponsor pagan babies. But not since then. Do you mean there are men who send money to women in Thailand? No. One born every minute I guess.

I sponsor two Thai ladies.

An elderly Aunt up in nowhereville gets 3k a month.

A teen niece, who gets government school extras paid (about 15k a year) food, clothes and a bit of pocket money.

Is there a problem with that?

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I wouldn't get involved, as some women, over here, make up so many pity seeking stories behind their foreign partner's back. How do you think they get someone to take over as their sponsor?

A sponsor is someone who buys toothpaste advertising on TV. I live in Thailand no one has ever asked me to be a sponsor after I left Sister Mary's class in the 7th grade. Sister Mary used to want us to sponsor pagan babies. But not since then. Do you mean there are men who send money to women in Thailand? No. One born every minute I guess.

I sponsor two Thai ladies.

An elderly Aunt up in nowhereville gets 3k a month.

A teen niece, who gets government school extras paid (about 15k a year) food, clothes and a bit of pocket money.

Is there a problem with that?

As long as your not grooming the niece I do not see an issue with your financial transactions as are both well outside of the sponsor concept alluded to by thailiketoo.

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Haven't read all these posts, but my take on the woman is that she likes the abuse, likes being a victim, etc, similar to how compulsive gamblers really enjoy losing more than winning. She gets attention for her troubles and is excited by this attention. Doesn't like herself too much, sadly. Maybe being a Thai makes this seem more normal? I don't know.

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There is no 'Thai way' its just a phrase the use of which has evolved to describe something people are either unable to or too lazy to articulate more eloquently...

In much the same manner 'its culture' is also used in a lazy manner to palm off questions, judgement or criticism.

In this case: This lady is much the same as many ladies all over the world. She is being taken advantage of by someone she loves, however, there are also two sides of every tale. Some truly embellish facts when gossiping with friends.

Edited by richard_smith237
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I wouldn't get involved, as some women, over here, make up so many pity seeking stories behind their foreign partner's back. How do you think they get someone to take over as their sponsor?

A sponsor is someone who buys toothpaste advertising on TV. I live in Thailand no one has ever asked me to be a sponsor after I left Sister Mary's class in the 7th grade. Sister Mary used to want us to sponsor pagan babies. But not since then. Do you mean there are men who send money to women in Thailand? No. One born every minute I guess.

I sponsor two Thai ladies.

An elderly Aunt up in nowhereville gets 3k a month.

A teen niece, who gets government school extras paid (about 15k a year) food, clothes and a bit of pocket money.

Is there a problem with that?

I can see that. Reminds me of Sister Mary. No one has ever asked me to sponsor them in that way or I didn't think of it that way. My GF's dad had some medical bills I paid until he died. I didn't think of that as a sponsor. I meant the guys who send money to a lady they hardly know so they can claim to have a GF or wife. I think that is an invitation to disaster.

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I'm still stuck on your first sentence, "I met with my friend yesterday ( a professional Thai lady. She takes no BS, and i admire her personal ethics)."

How does this relate to the friend who comes up and complains that she's in love with a jerk?

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How good does my Thai need to be??

Obviously better if you can't follow a conversation or ask them to slow it down and clarify.

that would be extremely rude of me.

She was blurting out to my friend first and foremost.

Obviously needed to vent it out.

I would consider it extremely inconsiderate to ask her to slow down purely for my benefit, particularly if she is in a highly emotional state.

..honestly, you would ask this of someone...???

EDIT: this is beside the point. The point is i understood, but had clarification in English too..as the conversation flow was fast.

The POINT is why would a woman allow it..not my comprehension of Thai when spoken fast..

a thai woman in her 50's is past her sell by date

no thai man would want it

shes probably lucky to have someone in her life for companionship

you should mind your own business as you dont know

his side of the story or even if her side is true or exageratted

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I'm still stuck on your first sentence, "I met with my friend yesterday ( a professional Thai lady. She takes no BS, and i admire her personal ethics)."

How does this relate to the friend who comes up and complains that she's in love with a jerk?

The point of this was to show that even from an educated, no bs kind of thai lady, that she did not have a strong reaction to her friends story. As if her friend was telling her something more "normal" (for want of a better word). She just shook her head and said oh dear kind of thing, rather than something like "get away from him and do not let him treat you this way". It suprised me because she (my friend) left her ex for messing around once on her. I guess she did not wish to get involved, which i understand..was just being an ear. However, if a female friend told me that story, i would tell her untimately the choice of what to do lies with her, but would urge her to find strength to leave or take time out..i dont know..something that may empower her, rather than have her accepting this situation. I wouldnt consider that i would be meddling, i would consider that compassion and care.

Because many Asian women do take care of their man in better or worse, unlike the western disilusioned self-acclaimed princesses.

You seriously think that not wishing to endure emotional abuse and being treated like a doorman equals delusional self-acclaimed princesses. ...Good grief, yes, you are a prime example of what is wrong with some men here. (PLEASE gentlemen of Thaivisa forum..not that i say SOME men here).

a thai woman in her 50's is past her sell by date

no thai man would want it

shes probably lucky to have someone in her life for companionship

you should mind your own business as you dont know

his side of the story or even if her side is true or exageratted

Disgusting way to think of a person who has been by your side for years.

Where are peoples sense of loyalty?

Is life really just about screwing people over...?

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"no wonder so many men like it here, when they can walk all over a woman and be selfish, without any repercussions. However...i do wonder how a man can look at himself in the mirror with any sense of pride after treating another human being so unfairly.

Any thoughts...???"

Yeah, no wonder so many men like it here.

But have you considered, Lara, that the majority of those low class men were the dregs back home? Don't give them a thought.

My SO told me very sincerely that she will not tolerate me having a mia noi, but if I got bored with our sex, it would be ok to have a gik. She point blank refuses to entertain the idea that she would ever take on a gik. This is a Thai lady in love.

That statement stiffened an already solid resolve to never be unfaithful to her. How could I deliberately hurt such a precious and lovely woman?

Not all men are lascivious bastards

I don't think men are monogamous. I think a look at any famous men throughout history will support this. American Presidents for example. So I would disagree, what you call lascivious I would call normal. For one reason or another you don't feel the same as most men. That is certainly up to you and I would not criticize you for being monogamous. But why do you feel the need to criticize the normal guy who is not monogamous?

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wai.gifwub.pngNot sure how this is going to go BUT..... dep breath.....facepalm.gif

There is another side to the story. I have been trying to figure ut a few things in my life and the biggest one is why women do not understand that in order to keep your man at home you have to do a few things.

Check out Lenny bruce for the best definition.

The question is why is he going out looking? Why do married guys go get soapy massage? Why do guys go to strip clubs or watch porn?

The answer is that they in most cases are missing that part of the equation at home.

I notice that she said she cleaned, got his meals made money did everything except what these one hour stands were doing.

There seems to be in Thai training for girls that sex is thought of much like the good catholic girls used to have drummed into their heads. It is dirty it hurts and it is only for making babies. you are not to enjoy it.

If yo do then you are no better than the girls in patpong, walking street or NANA.

I am not saying it is right but ask why there are so many karaoke bars in Thailand and they are all not there to cater to Farang.

you should have a sex talk with your friend or better yet have your friend translate the sex talk.

Again not saying it is right just that it is what it is.

Edited by kingstonkid
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"no wonder so many men like it here, when they can walk all over a woman and be selfish, without any repercussions. However...i do wonder how a man can look at himself in the mirror with any sense of pride after treating another human being so unfairly.

Any thoughts...???"

Yeah, no wonder so many men like it here.

But have you considered, Lara, that the majority of those low class men were the dregs back home? Don't give them a thought.

My SO told me very sincerely that she will not tolerate me having a mia noi, but if I got bored with our sex, it would be ok to have a gik. She point blank refuses to entertain the idea that she would ever take on a gik. This is a Thai lady in love.

That statement stiffened an already solid resolve to never be unfaithful to her. How could I deliberately hurt such a precious and lovely woman?

Not all men are lascivious bastards

I don't think men are monogamous. I think a look at any famous men throughout history will support this. American Presidents for example. So I would disagree, what you call lascivious I would call normal. For one reason or another you don't feel the same as most men. That is certainly up to you and I would not criticize you for being monogamous. But why do you feel the need to criticize the normal guy who is not monogamous?

Many (not all) men who rise to power significantly, often have certain personality traits, such as narcissistic traits. This helps push them to aquire status. Many of these men may be admired by others due to their obvious external success, but are actually terrible husbands/partners in the dedicated/emotional sense. The trouble is, many see this as something to aspire to (as society praises materialistic success). However, you often see very disturbed individuals when you crack open the outward shell (IF you can crack it open)..and often unhappy partners and families (who spend money to fill the fufillment gap). Who was it that said the true test of a man is when you give him power? Lincoln? Something like that anyway.

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