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I think your "friend" is actually a HE and not a SHE.

As soon as she gets home, the make-up comes off and the baritone voice comes on.

You = in big trouble

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Perhaps if after hearing you say "hello teerak" he responded with "me too I miss you teerak" a missing inner void could finally be filled?


Doesn't matter what I think. It's what you think that counts. If you think she is two timing you. Forget her and move on. Your never trust her in the future.

Or: trust your doubts, not your hopes.



Back in my "two week millionaire" days I was in bed with Thai chick once when phone rang. She put her finger to lips and said quiet please, then answered the call. Her boyfriend back in the states. Hey, we never missed a beat, quietly...lol. I was just 'renting', no long term lease, no problem. I've heard the "son/daughter play with phone" more than once, although sometimes it is actually true, sometimes. I'd say you just took a class at Water Buffalo University. I'm doing post graduate work...lol.


tough luck unsure.png

"Tough luck" would be the negative way of looking at it....I would consider it my great luck indeed that I had seen the Facebook post then decided to call her and then made my discovery....what a lot of heartache i might possibly have been saved in the future.


If it FEELS like she's cheating you.....she's cheating on you!

I had it once (as far as I know) and it was 25 years ago. All the signs were there and I chose to ignore them.

Because you don't WANT IT TO BE TRUE! Sorry mate lots of fish in the pond. Enjoy life.

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Relax guys.

It came up as a random number and her son gave it to some guy instead of giving it to her.

Just add in a few teelak and dahling into the sentence and it makes perfect sense. :)

Yes of course that makes perfect sense ... I know when my kids are playing with my or my wife's phone and some calls.. They never give the phone to me or my wife

They just find some random stranger and give the phone to them...

Makes perfect sense

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What an odd question. What is wrong with a male answering her phone? Seems to me you are already suspicious of her and that is not a good way to have a relationship. Jealousy maybe?


Getting back to the OP's question, no bloke would/should touch a birds phone, or visa versa. Plus perhaps the callers name would be on screen, if it was, the bloke who answered might be in the same boat as you and wanted an answer from you. whistling.gif

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Yes it is normal she could have popped outside or gone for a shit but I would tend to be suspicious. Check more into it and keep a good eye on her.

Can she not have a rest with you. Happened a lot with me with my first G/f after I found out she was screwing all sorts.


Depends how much she means to you. The same thing happened to my friend. Thai man answered. He never mentioned it to her, and she still comes over to his place when she has free time. He is dating other girls anyway, so everyone is happy.

Another friend had the same thing happen. The guy that answered was a foreigner. My friend, being the reasonable level-headed guy that he is, started talking to the foreigner about the girl. They both laughed and shared stories.


Good lord, what a pack of sad, cynical judgmental ***holes...

Yes it is possible she is playing around, and it is possible she is not. The general sentiment here against this woman is far more revealing of the people posting than the woman herself. The guy asks for advice, and is probably feeling really bad in his guts, and he gets called a fool by a gaggle of know-it-all loser jerks.

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when that happened to me, it turned out to be her father, and my GF was in the hospital. I verified it all later too. Reason I verified it was with my first Thai GF, she was with her husband when I called..... trust but verify. Ask her if you think she is real and special. if not, move on there are THOUSANDS of Thai women to choose from. Be patient and be careful to find right one. I did and been with the right one for 7 years now and we're married. But that's after many of not so honest ones...

1000s of women to choose from. All from issarn and so damaged NO respectable thai man would want one................................lol.

Of course this is exxageration but you get the picture.


The Thai guy is currently posting on the Thai forums,

"I answered my wifes' phone and some foreign guy was calling her, what do you think I should do?"


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Keep making up excuses for her horrific behaviour and for the completely dazzlingly delusional cocoon of conceit and stoopidity that you maintain as the cost of having a "hot wife".

Your crie de vivre has to be "Phom ! RLAK ! coon taiylack . . . . . Phom RLACK coon"

G'head. Her entire family and the whole village in which she prances around and boasts to all and sundry how much she takes you for every month will just crank out a dutiful series of pewp-eating sam-eyes next time they spot you strutting the perimeter with the love of your life up there.

Grow a pair and pony up the ten grand it costs for an investigation.

You might as well know . . . . . because everybody ELSE sure does.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

  • Like 1

Good lord, what a pack of sad, cynical judgmental ***holes...

Yes it is possible she is playing around, and it is possible she is not. The general sentiment here against this woman is far more revealing of the people posting than the woman herself. The guy asks for advice, and is probably feeling really bad in his guts, and he gets called a fool by a gaggle of know-it-all loser j

many here have had their judgement tailored by their own or their friends experiences.does not mean they are sad in any form..losers and a**holes you call them...how about you giving your treasured advice on the op,s problem......possible this,probably that...bad in his guts...what would you do ? don't be judgemental now,you know you don't like it.....sorry if i sound like a cynical a**hole ..i am exactly that haha...

my advise get new if this one is not making you happy

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No sane man should have to waste his life financing and underwriting this kind of perfidy.

The only reason they DO is that they have decided to turn a blind eye to it in order to save face with his own family and/or mates from home he's dragged over for the village nuptials.

Or . . . . . . Simply in order to avoid a knock down drag out Donneybrook with the hot wife.

Fine. That's his choice.

But then these encornuto CLOWNS routinely turn around and systematically vilify anyone who actually knows what his wife is doing and who behave or act accordingly.

This will include other village farangs, husbands of women who know his wife, jealous sisters, passersby, the gig himself . . . All are singing the same song. "Hey Buddy. Wake up. Everyone is having it off with your hot wife"

The best the encornuto can come up with is to smear and vilify them.

Bit sick, is it not ?

Just askin'

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


The Thai guy is currently posting on the Thai forums,

"I answered my wifes' phone and some foreign guy was calling her, what do you think I should do?"

Classic. You made my day. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i know, lets crucifi her,,,

i wouldnt like you lot as my judge,, christ just bloody ask her why a man answer her phone,,

you all wouldnt be so keen to move on and get a new one,,,,just like a broken toy,, in your own country,, just because you can get a new one here easy,,lol,,,un believable


Have you tried just asking her ?

Are you that insecure you immediately jump to conclusions.

Please read the OP carefully. He did ask her to explain and received an explanation. His post is in relation to the explanation he received.


Good lord, what a pack of sad, cynical judgmental ***holes...

Yes it is possible she is playing around, and it is possible she is not. The general sentiment here against this woman is far more revealing of the people posting than the woman herself. The guy asks for advice, and is probably feeling really bad in his guts, and he gets called a fool by a gaggle of know-it-all loser j

many here have had their judgement tailored by their own or their friends experiences.does not mean they are sad in any form..losers and a**holes you call them...how about you giving your treasured advice on the op,s problem......possible this,probably that...bad in his guts...what would you do ? don't be judgemental now,you know you don't like it.....sorry if i sound like a cynical a**hole ..i am exactly that haha...

my advise get new if this one is not making you happy

I would advise the guy that it is possible that things could be either way. But having aroused his suspicions, to think back over recent events - whether she has had unexplained (or lamely explained) absences. If one is not normally given to jealousy and suddenly begins to feel that something is not right, there is often evidence already buried in one's own mind - pushed to the back of the brain by (possibly misplaced) faith and trust. The penny drops and all becomes clear.

Also, though it generally does little good to interrogate Thai people (who just don't answer questions they don't like, as opposed to Westerners who expect answers and have been trained from birth to provide them), to ask her directly to explain why the presence of the man was not mentioned before and ask again who he is to her, and watch her face and body language for signs of lying. Stay calm, do not get angry, as that offers an easy way out since she can respond with anger.

There are also a few questions I'd suggest the OP to ask himself - has he been an open piggy bank for the girl? Is there an advantage for her having another boyfriend (or possibly husband) and also staying with him?

In the end, I'd advise him to review the evidence and his gut feeling and decide for himself what she may or may not be up to, and act accordingly - move on or stay. He wouldn't have to stay much longer to piece together

What I wouldn't do is smugly and definitively proclaim that his girl is a two-timing lying hoor based on the small amount of evidence presented by the OP.

And I think it is sad if one's nature and experience leads them to such a consistently negative view of Thai women... I also think it is sad that a lot of members here have a strong compulsion to big themselves up at the expense of someone else's feelings.

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