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To all Thai's thats Red shirts ,Yellow shirts and any other shirts Your in a position to demand real change the world is watching. You can demand thart the Army clean up what your police and politians failed to do like the corruption. You others here selling products they have no right to sell, You people scamming tourists which hurts your country, you have farang's scamming people your police are so corrupt you can get a fair deal when needing there help. Your not treated fairly when dealing with the elite. Your elite can kill a police officer yet remain out free to kill again Your children schools are they teaching your children good or just passing them to make room for the next ones.. Can you run a business without paying bribes to the police or other officials? Do you feel safe reporting these crimes? That's not Democracy .Look how bad crime has risen over the last 10 years Your polictians don't care or fail to serve your needs as a nation. But now you have a voice request your General adress these issues since he now has the power to do so. If he said he is going to return the country to Democracy at least return the country in better shape to give Democracy a chance to work. I'm sure there is more to add to what I said but at least try to do something you all can be proud of Forget what divides you and see what unites you.

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