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Mom leaves toddler to drown in motel's bathtub while hanging with lover: Thailand


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Thai women truly love their kids and are great mothers. But I have noticed in the raising of our

three year daughter, there have been a few moments with poor risk analysis on her part.

I have also told her many times, our daughter must be watched EVERY SECOND. Every

minute is not good enough. The capacity of a child to find ways to harm themselves is

astonishing, so they require a lot of supervision to prevent that.. In this case the mom

simply failed that responsibility. Whether she was boinking someone, or updating her

facebook page is irrelevant. Although if boinking, sure makes her look a bit worse....

But as someone noted, am sure she is going through her own hell....

So it's her job to look after your daughter every second is it?

Jeez, who'd be voluntarily partnered to a control freaklaugh.png.

Must confess as a parent of an incredibly active and mischievous 4 year old, my first reaction was to feel empathy for the mother who must have felt and still feels horrific. I'm clearly an out of sync Dad.

Edited by SantiSuk
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This one still tears me up, but just all know that Thailand does not have an exclusive on this, check out the following link.

I am not looking for these articles, but when going thru the news, bang..... there it is..... another terrible tragedy



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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

Not everyone's Mum is frolicking with a near-stranger in a motel room at the time the child is struggling for life 5 feet away !! Lets not compare this to "accidents happening all over the world". Where 'Mum' is next going will allow her lots of time to frolic with near-strangers.

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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

Not everyone's Mum is frolicking with a near-stranger in a motel room at the time the child is struggling for life 5 feet away !! Lets not compare this to "accidents happening all over the world". Where 'Mum' is next going will allow her lots of time to frolic with near-strangers.

Were you there? It sounds like it. Was she frolicking or getting dressed? Was it a near stranger or someone she knew? Was she a hooker making ends meet because she had to? Was she stoned on yabba? Was it a tragic accident? I am not sure about any of that, but what I am sure about is that the mother would never have intended this to happen to her child. By the way If that is you in your Avtar or the person you fancy, no matter either way, i would refrain from comments about 'frolicking' eh ;)

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