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Farang speaking Pidgin baby talk - painful to listen to!

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I am thinking....nice work you, now we both look like idiots. No wonder they laugh when they get our money.

Clearly SL, You dont need any help to look like an idiot, you manage perfectly well on your own ;)

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Maybe the guy takes on an irritating way of speaking but I'll bet he has something more interesting to say than your "mini" rant. Sorry if this is rude but "yuck".


HaHa, my Thai wife is quite the English language critic and can't stand anyone who talks like this.

This kind of talk is demeaning to Thais and insinuates the Thai person you are talking to is stupid.


I'm not sure what's more disturbing. Listening to idiots babble away in pidgin english, or the nut cases on here defending their right to do so.

Aim higher.


I have lived in countries where English is not the native language all my life, and all my life I have refused to speak bay talk or pidgin. Sure, I might not use very complicated vocabulary if the situation merits it, but there is no way that I will speak like a two-year old; it i condescending and makes the speaker sound pretty stupid and uneducated.


I am thinking....nice work you, now we both look like idiots. No wonder they laugh when they get our money.

Clearly SL, You dont need any help to look like an idiot, you manage perfectly well on your own wink.png

Cheap shot, eh?


My talk, you not like?

BTW ... Mate, I hear you.

what samual L jackson said mixed in with a walter mitty moment and this is me, and then i come back out of my daydream, a daydream like this is sometimes enough w00t.gifw00t.gif


My talk, you not like?

BTW ... Mate, I hear you.

what samual L jackson said mixed in with a walter mitty moment and this is me, and then i come back out of my daydream, a daydream like this is sometimes enough w00t.gifw00t.gif


Strange, I find I dumb down as well. I can see both sides of the perspective but tend to slant my view of supporting the proper use of spoken (Canadian) English Eh!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does it really matter? If it irritates you , move on.
Have you tried asking him?
Maybe he is not aware that he is doing it to the degree he is because its become a habit, and no one as yet, has bothered to ask or point it out to him.

Just a thought.

Just tell him that he sounds like a dildo.

You want the OP to tell him he "vibrates".....wow....that ought to confuse him. You go.


5 whole pages of "my wife speaks perfect English," mixed with "they spend all their time talking to low life bar girls".........nice....


got a mate over here in the UK who speaks to his missus in broken Thai/English like this adding Thai words into sentences and vice versa, mumbles a lot of it.... seeing less and less of him to be fair!

I did reply with a classic line I remembered some Thai girl saying to her fella when he asked a question....

I not know.... but I know you know

the look on his face was a picture as he didn't know if I was taking the pee out of him or not whistling.gif


The OP was on a loser from the start, considering his inclusion of "farang" in the title.

Seems he may suffer from the same impediment as the person he complains about.


Do you have the urge to say "mak mak" every now and again?


You want to know something? I do the same and have done this for many many years. Only foreigners are the ones that complain. Through the years I have actually received many complements from Asians, Italian, Chinese and Thai's alike. They basically have told me that they appreciate me speaking to them this way and always speaking slowly. They have also confided in me saying that most all foreigners speak to fast and don't consider the other persons short comings of not being able to speak English very well. So I say to those that complain about speaking this way, too bad for you! It not only shows you only like listening to yourself speak but more importantly you take for granted that Asians understand all your words. Most likely though, you couldn't care less.


You want to know something? I do the same and have done this for many many years. Only foreigners are the ones that complain. Through the years I have actually received many complements from Asians, Italian, Chinese and Thai's alike. They basically have told me that they appreciate me speaking to them this way and always speaking slowly. They have also confided in me saying that most all foreigners speak to fast and don't consider the other persons short comings of not being able to speak English very well. So I say to those that complain about speaking this way, too bad for you! It not only shows you only like listening to yourself speak but more importantly you take for granted that Asians understand all your words. Most likely though, you couldn't care less.

Of course, speaking slowly, clearly...and most important....correctly...makes english easier to learn and understand.

Gobblygook nonsense like "me no likey you" is not even for children. They will appreciate your efforts. Please use correct grammar, as perhaps they would like to show off what they have learned from you.

I hope we can break the chain of ignorance.

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You want to know something? I do the same and have done this for many many years. Only foreigners are the ones that complain. Through the years I have actually received many complements from Asians, Italian, Chinese and Thai's alike. They basically have told me that they appreciate me speaking to them this way and always speaking slowly. They have also confided in me saying that most all foreigners speak to fast and don't consider the other persons short comings of not being able to speak English very well. So I say to those that complain about speaking this way, too bad for you! It not only shows you only like listening to yourself speak but more importantly you take for granted that Asians understand all your words. Most likely though, you couldn't care less.

touched a nerve Tony? whistling.gif


There is a difference between speaking in a way that a non native speaker would find easier to understand, and being a total numpty


Of course I try to speak slower and use less fancy words (ad if I knew any) with non-native English speakers; no need to talk to them like they are imbeciles.

Some people really show little respect to the people of the country they live in.........


You want to know something? I do the same and have done this for many many years. Only foreigners are the ones that complain. Through the years I have actually received many complements from Asians, Italian, Chinese and Thai's alike. They basically have told me that they appreciate me speaking to them this way and always speaking slowly. They have also confided in me saying that most all foreigners speak to fast and don't consider the other persons short comings of not being able to speak English very well. So I say to those that complain about speaking this way, too bad for you! It not only shows you only like listening to yourself speak but more importantly you take for granted that Asians understand all your words. Most likely though, you couldn't care less.

If you have lived here many years, why aren't you speaking Thai?

(As opposed to some variation on the English language you invented all by yourself)

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I too hate this. Pick a language and speak it properly.


When I speak English to a Thai, if they don't understand, I then speak Thai (that includes the English words Thai use ...COMPUTERRRR etc...) but I always insist on never breaking into T-English, I hate it! Like a poster or two has said, teach them to speak real English and not that silly babble.

Do the users of this sh*te not realize how totally idiotic they sound? I hear this 'same-same but different' is okay. BS, it takes no time at all to explain the word they're looking for is SIMILAR, lol.

Although I agree with the OP's point on how annoying many an 'educated, well-traveled, wise' (YEAH RIGHT!) expat men are here, you got to question, what does he really expect in a bar? Hardly the place to debate the pitfalls of mankind and the importance of science in today's society!

I also agree

Many Thais would like to learn proper English, even bargirls. I never use same same, I always say same as.

Every time we use Tinglish we are doing a disservice to Thai people. The poster who said the kids who wanted to speak English with him so he needed to speak this crap, totally wrong! Speak properly, especially to children.

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Strange, I find I dumb down as well. I can see both sides of the perspective but tend to slant my view of supporting the proper use of spoken (Canadian) English Eh!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Calling the roll, I have a kid named ZBone.

I say ZedBone!

He replies, no teacher, ZeeBone.

I said not in this class! I'm Canadian!


there is nothing wrong with trying to make yourself understood by the listener

if this means reverting to baby-speak/tinglish/pidgin English then so be it if it helps

my friend talks 'regular' English (elaborate code) to Thais and is often misunderstood

I jump in and switch the phrasing around (restricted code) and they get it straight away

if they speak like that, then clearly they will understand you better if you also speak like that.

(even if you sound like a tit to other farangs!) rolleyes.gif

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Why not just say to him, " You know my friend I speak English very well. I would appreciate it if you spoke good English to me. "

Then later on in your conversation with him. " I believe there are many Thais who would like to speak good English but do not have good models. I believe that speaking correct English helps all who can understand English. The remainder of the people likely do not understand you no matter how much you dumb down the language. " "If you want to speak to everyone, I believe you would be better off learning Thai rather than crucifying English. "

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