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I'm A Daddy..!


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Just to say my darling wife gave birth to our first child Jenson on wednesday night...a healthy baby boy..!

7lbs 6ozs.... :D

im on cloud nine at the minute, just grateful he's healthy... :o .

puts the probs with the in-laws in perspective, although bring on august til they go home!!! :D

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Yes congratulations my friend, I understand how you feel completely, my wife gave birth to our little monster 1 day after my arrival last year and it has been fun and games ever since

I initially had a lot of concerns regarding how the <deleted> I was going to stay out here and be part of our boys life but things have worked out, I hope they do for you too :-D

If this is your first baby then what a place to start! There are advantages and disadvantages to being a daddy/mummy here, first the heat, our Falang genes have got issues with this heat and as far as our boy is concerned we have to make sure the beads of sweat don't blur his vision as he sweats a lot.

The main advantages for us is that we have some good neighbours here who take care of our now 15 month old monster when we really need it, this is a godsend, I am busy working all day in my office and my wife has a garden to see to, this has been very important to us as her family is 'distant' and my family is in the UK :-(

I wish you all the luck for the future and I'll drink a beer to your newborn! ;-)


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Yes congratulations my friend, I understand how you feel completely, my wife gave birth to our little monster 1 day after my arrival last year and it has been fun and games ever since

I initially had a lot of concerns regarding how the <deleted> I was going to stay out here and be part of our boys life but things have worked out, I hope they do for you too :-D

If this is your first baby then what a place to start! There are advantages and disadvantages to being a daddy/mummy here, first the heat, our Falang genes have got issues with this heat and as far as our boy is concerned we have to make sure the beads of sweat don't blur his vision as he sweats a lot.

The main advantages for us is that we have some good neighbours here who take care of our now 15 month old monster when we really need it, this is a godsend, I am busy working all day in my office and my wife has a garden to see to, this has been very important to us as her family is 'distant' and my family is in the UK :-(

I wish you all the luck for the future and I'll drink a beer to your newborn! ;-)


thanks mate...very much appreciated....but im in good old Northern Ireland...! not in bkk...but plan to be sometime within the next 2 years...although probs with the in-laws have kinda put me off it, if its shit here at home with them, imagine what it would be like in thailand.....

but thanks for the advice anyhow mate :o

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Yes Belfastboy, I've just read your previous posts and it seems you've got other issues apart from being a daddy, I can't believe what is hapening in your home, it sounds like total madness, typical madness if you know what I mean, you would think that once you get back to your own country that you kind of leave these kind of things behind but you've managed to drag them along with you(no fault of your own it appears!)

Again, I hope everything goes well for you and I hope your in-laws go home soon(no disrespect intended!). Sounds like you need it!

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Well done that man. Congratulations to you both, I hope mum is feeling well and my best wishes that your son has a great life.

His health is being toasted in Rome... or will be as soon as I stop typing.


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Congrats mate, glad everything is ok. Be ready now for the sleepless nights and dirty nappies. Do what i have done, and get a job working nights :o:D

:D:D Days and nights .

Naw , it's great to hear the good news . best wishes :D

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Congratulations BB :D

I too am aware of the current situation, but that will pass, Your Son is worth all the trouble in the World and you will go through "hel_l and High Water" to ensure his future happiness.

I have 3 sons and even though I have had 4 marriages my Love for them has and always will be constant, as will yours :o

Good Luck to all three of you


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Congratulations to you and your wife - may your child grow up needing nothing and wanting for little.

Ours is just 2 months old and a total joy - the sleepless first month passes quickly and then it's joy . . . .also amzing that one's baby's nappies don't stink . . . all other kid's do!

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Well congratulations to you and your wife. I wish all the best for you and your new family.

Try not to live too close to her family when you eventually go back there, it might ease your pain a little. If you do have to live close, do as one of the posters on here has done, made the upstairs portion of his house a no-go area for the family.

That aside, all the best to you, from a Mayo exile.

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Cherish the time and take tons of video and pictures

Absolutely. I've got over 1,000 pix of my little fella and he's just 2 and a half! Whenever you get the chance BelfastBoy always have your camera/phone with you. Leave them on your computer and once in a while burn them on to a CD to be safe.

Now I'm in to the "terrible twos" but to be honest so far it's all good. No teething problems, sleep patterns generally OK and he can now recognise the fact that Daddy speaks a different language than Mummy. Thai is the mother tongue narurally but I am at pains to get at least 1 hour a day of one-on-one English.

Make it fun with drawing pictures, pointing to colours, animals on the TV etc. with plenty of "What's that?", or "Whose that?'. Now when my son speaks to me I say to him "English" and he now can tell me the word in English. He's also counting 1 to 20 and knows all the colours and animals in English (Thanks Animal Planet channel!!)

Bless him...

Anyone want to see a pic of Backpack Jr. ??

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Just to say my darling wife gave birth to our first child Jenson on wednesday night...a healthy baby boy..!

7lbs 6ozs.... :D

im on cloud nine at the minute, just grateful he's healthy... :o .

puts the probs with the in-laws in perspective, although bring on august til they go home!!! :D

Congradulations, good timing, tomorrows FATHERS DAY! :D

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Congratulations!! I became a daddy last year...kind of hoped for a girl since I never had a sister, but we got a boy. Sleepless nights will seem easy once the little guy starts crawling! Ours is trying to stand up by holding onto things so we have to keep after him. It's so cool to watch them develop both physically and mentally. You may also notice a bit of stubborness after several months when the little one doesn't get his way so make sure you invest in a low wattage stun gun...it's a great child rearing tool (kidding). As another poster said, takes LOTS of pics and videos because he'll grow up faster than you can imagine. Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

here's a wee pic of our wee man.... Jenson... :D

thanks again to all of u for the wise advice....haven't been on here in ages, due to obvious reasons...

but its the greatest feeling ever, would really recommend having a child, i feel more focused on what important in life now... :o

maybe when i eventually get out to thailand us fathers can have day/night out to show off our heirs with a few beers / red wine of course...

any stories on bringing up kids in thailand?? :D



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Just to say my darling wife gave birth to our first child Jenson on wednesday night...a healthy baby boy..!

7lbs 6ozs.... :D

im on cloud nine at the minute, just grateful he's healthy... :o .

puts the probs with the in-laws in perspective, although bring on august til they go home!!! :D

Congrats!! :D

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Congrats BB... :D

I hope that Mrs BB and baby BB are doing well.

Enjoy being a dad it is the greatest feeling in the world..... :D

My 18 month old son is just changing from being a mummy's boy to a daddy's boy.

Now everything is Dad, Dad, Dad.......it makes my heart melt! :o !

Our best wishes to the 3 of you.

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