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Australian drug smuggler sentenced to 23 years in Cambodian prison


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Headline from today's Breaking News on Thai Visa. Game, set and match, gentlemen.

well after Transam's warning about possible death if we stop drinking gives us a perfect reason to carry on, as mentioned amusingly by a previous poster, we now have an apparent overdose and death from beer in Phuket.

Is this really possible, surely one would pass out first, or would it be similar to the die from too much water scenario? I'm glad finances compel me to stick to 2 or 3 bottles a night,

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All three denied the drug belonged to them.

People need to read that carefully before commenting like "they deserve it!"

Almost as evil as trafficking heroin is the standard "I'm innocent. I'm a good person. Really!" defence that these people invariably come up with.

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heroin can be the devils tool when abused, but when my uncle was dying of cancer he was living in the UK and they give cancer patients Diamorphine (just another nomenclature for heroin) he was given the drug and it certainly made his last days pain free. I don't recommend people going out there and taking heroin just for pleasure but it has its place

Edited by Smurkster
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It astounds me that people simply are not getting the message. Everyone in Australia knows about the Van Nguyen case where he got the death penalty in Singapore hell they even made a movie about it but for some reason they continue to think they can do this and not get caught. I just have to say suffer for being so bloody stupid.

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Does this lack of tolerance extend to users of the globally endemic and legal drug called alcohol - or does that happen to be a drug that you enjoy and therefore not subject to the same condemnation?

Have you any idea at all of the social and economic cost of alcohol compared to any other soft or hard drug you would care to mention?

It's a rhetorical question, by the way.

Stop swallowing the mass media propaganda and do some research. This should enable you at least to take a more balanced view of drugs and their effects before publicly flaunting your ignorance and prejudice.

And have you any idea about the withdrawal effects of heroin on the individual compared to alcohol?

I cannot speak for the other poster, but I have very good ideas of the withdrawals of both drugs, and many others as well. Heroin withdrawals cannot be considered pleasant in any way. However, if you have ever worked in a detox facility, you will know that the withdrawals of severe alcohol addiction make kicking heroin look quite mild. Heroin junkies will shake, and puke, and be quite physically and emotionally miserable for a few days. However, there are substances which make these symptoms pale in comparison. Chief among these is ALCOHOL. Also included are benzodiazepams, barbituates, and a few others whose names escape me right now. Severe alcoholics, when taken away from their drug of choice, will have full seizures, where they scream, fall to the floor, and thrash about violently. They will vomit and defecate all over the place. When they are not busy puking and having seizures, they will sit around for many days, vibrating in misery, unable to eat or sleep. Alcohol causes countless more deaths and misery than heroin does. I am not advocating for heroin. I am opposed to the use of all drugs, including alcohol. I have many years of experience, up close and personal, and I can tell you without hesitation: Alcohol withdrawals, and the overall damage caused by alcohol, are far greater than the suffering caused by heroin. Heroin is greatly stigmatized, and ignorant people will consider this the worst of addictions. However, in terms of overall destruction and misery, alcohol is at the top of the list. Tobacco is up there somewhere too, but I am not an expert on this subject. In regards to tobacco, I am not talking about withdrawals, but sickness and death.

This may all be true; I don't know. But the isssue here is not about how good or how bad any drug is; it is solely about the law. Now, some may think there is a need to change the laws, so be it. But until that happens we must accept the consequences of breaking any laws. These ladies knew the consequences if caught, so they must now do the time.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

By tipping off Cambodia that has saved the Australian taxpayers $500,000 at least for prison accommodation charges in Australia

They will be in your prison after a couple of years. But still saved you about $10,000. Less the expenses of extradition.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They have plenty of time to think where their operation went wrong, Mr Precious really dropped the ball . I sure he will enjoy his time.

These guys are too smart to get caught! Why do you think they use Mules to deliver their drugs? Do you not think that they realize that someone may get caught at the airport so they set up an alibi long before anything happens? Like sitting and drinking tea with some Police Chief? Or 5 other witnesses to say he was with them all this time?

So what do you really have here as proof against Precious? The word of 1 women (Convicted Criminal) saying he helped pack drugs? Or the word of another (Convicted Criminal) saying he set everything up? With everyone knowing that at the point they got caught, they would say or do anything to protect their own skins. From say the Death Penalty, or life in a Cambodian Prison with no chance of ever spending your Prison Time back home? That some deal was stuck if they confessed and pointed the Ring Leader out? Even if they invented one!

So all you really have is the word of 2 Convicted Criminals against the word of what may be an innocent man, and some surveillance and telephone calls that may prove nothing more than they knew each other? Perhaps just for sex? His conviction was just for show. I think he will appeal this decision and win. I am sure he can show Reasonable Doubt! He will be out in a year or sooner, and back to his old ways, while these girls rot in prison and over the years turn grey. That is how it works!

Simply put, these guys know how to play and beat the system. That is why they are seldom caught. After a couple of weeks in prison, and some big fellow female inmates threating to beat the crap out of the girls, if they open their mouth, they will soon forget who the Ring Leader really was. No witnesses means no case. Of this I am sure.

But time will tell all.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does this lack of tolerance extend to users of the globally endemic and legal drug called alcohol - or does that happen to be a drug that you enjoy and therefore not subject to the same condemnation?

Have you any idea at all of the social and economic cost of alcohol compared to any other soft or hard drug you would care to mention?

It's a rhetorical question, by the way.

Stop swallowing the mass media propaganda and do some research. This should enable you at least to take a more balanced view of drugs and their effects before publicly flaunting your ignorance and prejudice.

And have you any idea about the withdrawal effects of heroin on the individual compared to alcohol?

I cannot speak for the other poster, but I have very good ideas of the withdrawals of both drugs, and many others as well. Heroin withdrawals cannot be considered pleasant in any way. However, if you have ever worked in a detox facility, you will know that the withdrawals of severe alcohol addiction make kicking heroin look quite mild. Heroin junkies will shake, and puke, and be quite physically and emotionally miserable for a few days. However, there are substances which make these symptoms pale in comparison. Chief among these is ALCOHOL. Also included are benzodiazepams, barbituates, and a few others whose names escape me right now. Severe alcoholics, when taken away from their drug of choice, will have full seizures, where they scream, fall to the floor, and thrash about violently. They will vomit and defecate all over the place. When they are not busy puking and having seizures, they will sit around for many days, vibrating in misery, unable to eat or sleep. Alcohol causes countless more deaths and misery than heroin does. I am not advocating for heroin. I am opposed to the use of all drugs, including alcohol. I have many years of experience, up close and personal, and I can tell you without hesitation: Alcohol withdrawals, and the overall damage caused by alcohol, are far greater than the suffering caused by heroin. Heroin is greatly stigmatized, and ignorant people will consider this the worst of addictions. However, in terms of overall destruction and misery, alcohol is at the top of the list. Tobacco is up there somewhere too, but I am not an expert on this subject. In regards to tobacco, I am not talking about withdrawals, but sickness and death.

Perhaps you have more addictions with alcohol because it is legal where Heroin is not! The cost of a Heroin Addiction is also far more than the cost of an Alcohol one. An Average Heroin Addict cannot afford his addiction in the normal way, whereas an Alcoholic can and in most cases does. So along with Heroin Addiction comes Crime. Since you also can't keep Heroin out of the reach of young teens, you also have another problem to deal with. Like Child Prostitution!

You seem to know a lot about both these addictions so let me also mention that generally it takes many years to become the alcoholic you describe during withdraw. Only 5% experience DT's during withdraw. Maybe 10% as bad as you described. But how long does it take to become a Heroin Addict? Less than a year, or is 6 months a better guess? What is the life expectancy of a Heroin Addict as compared to and Alcoholic? How many Alcoholics are there at ages 16 or 17 with burnt out Livers, compared to Heroin Addicts this age? How many Heroin Addicts are 65 Years Old or Older? Not many I guess, for both.

You can't compare these two based simply on withdraw symptoms. From what takes many years to get compared to a year or two. Heroin is far worst and in many ways not discussed here. I think everybody knows this. But okay to be different.

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Does this lack of tolerance extend to users of the globally endemic and legal drug called alcohol - or does that happen to be a drug that you enjoy and therefore not subject to the same condemnation?

Have you any idea at all of the social and economic cost of alcohol compared to any other soft or hard drug you would care to mention?

It's a rhetorical question, by the way.

Stop swallowing the mass media propaganda and do some research. This should enable you at least to take a more balanced view of drugs and their effects before publicly flaunting your ignorance and prejudice.

Your argument is floored.

I'm anti-alcohol, don't drink and couldn't give a rats fat toosh about what drinkers think.

But the wrongs and rights of alcohol have nothing to do with Heroin. If you've broken the law, that's the issue, not what else should or shouldn't be.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does this lack of tolerance extend to users of the globally endemic and legal drug called alcohol - or does that happen to be a drug that you enjoy and therefore not subject to the same condemnation?

Have you any idea at all of the social and economic cost of alcohol compared to any other soft or hard drug you would care to mention?

It's a rhetorical question, by the way.

Stop swallowing the mass media propaganda and do some research. This should enable you at least to take a more balanced view of drugs and their effects before publicly flaunting your ignorance and prejudice.

And have you any idea about the withdrawal effects of heroin on the individual compared to alcohol?

I cannot speak for the other poster, but I have very good ideas of the withdrawals of both drugs, and many others as well. Heroin withdrawals cannot be considered pleasant in any way. However, if you have ever worked in a detox facility, you will know that the withdrawals of severe alcohol addiction make kicking heroin look quite mild. Heroin junkies will shake, and puke, and be quite physically and emotionally miserable for a few days. However, there are substances which make these symptoms pale in comparison. Chief among these is ALCOHOL. Also included are benzodiazepams, barbituates, and a few others whose names escape me right now. Severe alcoholics, when taken away from their drug of choice, will have full seizures, where they scream, fall to the floor, and thrash about violently. They will vomit and defecate all over the place. When they are not busy puking and having seizures, they will sit around for many days, vibrating in misery, unable to eat or sleep. Alcohol causes countless more deaths and misery than heroin does. I am not advocating for heroin. I am opposed to the use of all drugs, including alcohol. I have many years of experience, up close and personal, and I can tell you without hesitation: Alcohol withdrawals, and the overall damage caused by alcohol, are far greater than the suffering caused by heroin. Heroin is greatly stigmatized, and ignorant people will consider this the worst of addictions. However, in terms of overall destruction and misery, alcohol is at the top of the list. Tobacco is up there somewhere too, but I am not an expert on this subject. In regards to tobacco, I am not talking about withdrawals, but sickness and death.

Perhaps you have more addictions with alcohol because it is legal where Heroin is not! The cost of a Heroin Addiction is also far more than the cost of an Alcohol one. An Average Heroin Addict cannot afford his addiction in the normal way, whereas an Alcoholic can and in most cases does. So along with Heroin Addiction comes Crime. Since you also can't keep Heroin out of the reach of young teens, you also have another problem to deal with. Like Child Prostitution!

You seem to know a lot about both these addictions so let me also mention that generally it takes many years to become the alcoholic you describe during withdraw. Only 5% experience DT's during withdraw. Maybe 10% as bad as you described. But how long does it take to become a Heroin Addict? Less than a year, or is 6 months a better guess? What is the life expectancy of a Heroin Addict as compared to and Alcoholic? How many Alcoholics are there at ages 16 or 17 with burnt out Livers, compared to Heroin Addicts this age? How many Heroin Addicts are 65 Years Old or Older? Not many I guess, for both.

You can't compare these two based simply on withdraw symptoms. From what takes many years to get compared to a year or two. Heroin is far worst and in many ways not discussed here. I think everybody knows this. But okay to be different.

I have seen a few pre 18 year old alcoholics, lost teeth the whole nine yard...

I have also met a few people who have managed to experiment pretty heavily with heroin and avoid addiction, are they lucky? yes, but all of these scenarios of addiction are also as much based on the individual as well not just the physiological/physological effects of the drugs (heroin or alcohol) everyone is different

Edited by Smurkster
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What is the life expectancy of a Heroin Addict as compared to and Alcoholic? How many Alcoholics are there at ages 16 or 17 with burnt out Livers, compared to Heroin Addicts this age?

Actually pure heroin does not cause much damage to the liver - much less than alcohol. Most of the damage caused by heroin comes from substances added to heroin by drug dealers or from using unclear equipment to inject it. If pharmaceutical heroin was legally available as well as needles, a heroin addict would live much longer than a severe alcoholic.

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What is the life expectancy of a Heroin Addict as compared to and Alcoholic? How many Alcoholics are there at ages 16 or 17 with burnt out Livers, compared to Heroin Addicts this age?

Actually pure heroin does not cause much damage to the liver - much less than alcohol. Most of the damage caused by heroin comes from substances added to heroin by drug dealers or from using unclear equipment to inject it. If pharmaceutical heroin was legally available as well as needles, a heroin addict would live much longer than a severe alcoholic.

I have heard this time and time again Re: opiates not taking a huge physical toll on the body after years of usage...at least not when compared to Alcohol...I find it hard to believe though that prolonged heroin usage doesn't take some sort of toll on the body if nothing else, it can't be good for the heart..

that being said, in terms of bodily damage, risk of cancer, liver breakdown and all around poor physical health, expect the severe alcoholic to have is body fail before the junkie

this having been said.....

One has neither of these problems with Marijuana....

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Ann Yoshe Taylor, 41, wept

I wonder if she ever thought of the parents who would have wept because of their children taking drugs.

These peddlers should rot in hell - there is no punishment that exist in this world to justify these drug peddlers crime.



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It is hard to feel too sorry for them. Just last week we were feeling sorry for the Thailand Lady to executed in Malaysia for a small amount of I think Marijuana.

I have low tolerance for drug users and none for dealers or pushers.

Further I keep reading about all the problems with Nigerians, who to mind have nothing to add to Thailand's well being. Don't let them in.

Indeed hadn't she heard of profiling? Were I to consider trafficking a large quantity of drugs the last people I would want involved would be Nigerians.

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Precious eh, Guess he will not be feeling so precious soon. It seems like only an hour ago I was reading a thread about another drug mule conned by an Nigerian, and some members were saying "don't tar everyone with the same brush" Seems to me they are spread pretty thick around these parts.coffee1.gif

What happened to their good old fashioned Nigerian email scams? Did they abandoned it for the more lucrative drug mule bizness?

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In a couple of days, I will receive my first salary ever since I arrived Thailand in Feb 2014, thanks to my determination n moral support from my family.

Interesting, super good, so what job you do, with work permit and all legal? rolleyes.gif

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3 more learn the hard way,don't smuggle drugs through international airports.

In 3rd World countries.

Death penalty in Singapore and it is not 3rd world (economic-wise).

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