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Kerry urges Snowden to return to US


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John Kerry tells fugitive Edward Snowden to 'man up'

WASHINGTON: -- US Secretary of State John Kerry has labelled intelligence leaker Edward Snowden a fugitive from justice who should "man up" and return home.

Mr Kerry added that if Mr Snowden, 30, "believes in America, he should trust the American system of justice".

His comments come in the wake of an interview with NBC in which Mr Snowden said he sought asylum in Russia because the US revoked his passport.

Mr Snowden also described himself as a trained spy, not a low-level analyst.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27614001


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Many derided a young John Kerry as a traitor circa 1970/1971 when he met with North Vietnamese representatives in Paris, and testified before Congress for the Fulbright Hearings in 1971.



The 1970 meeting that John Kerry conducted with North Vietnamese communists violated U.S. law, according to an author and researcher who has studied the issue.
Kerry met with representatives from “both delegations” of the Vietnamese in Paris in 1970, according to Kerry’s own testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 22, 1971. But Kerry’s meetings with the Vietnamese delegations were in direct violation of laws forbidding private citizens from negotiating with foreign powers, according to researcher and author Jerry Corsi, who began studying the anti-war movement in the early 1970s.
According to Corsi, Kerry violated U.S. code 18 U.S.C. 953. “A U.S. citizen cannot go abroad and negotiate with a foreign power,” Corsi told CNSNews.com.
By Kerry’s own admission, he met in 1970 with delegations from the North Vietnamese communist government and discussed how the Vietnam War should be stopped.
Full disclosure: I voted for Mr. Kerry ~ seven times, in primaries, Lt. Governor, Senator and President.
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So now Mr. Snowden is a high level spy....I wonder why he bumbled around in Hong Kong for a time and was finally sent on his way by the Chinese to Russia.   From Russia he tried to seek asylum in pretty much any country that would take him.   


I'd say he is a pretty bad spy if he couldn't plan his escape better than he did.   


He should return to the US.   He obviously needs better mental health services than the Russians are providing.   

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So now Mr. Snowden is a high level spy....I wonder why he bumbled around in Hong Kong for a time and was finally sent on his way by the Chinese to Russia.   From Russia he tried to seek asylum in pretty much any country that would take him.   


I'd say he is a pretty bad spy if he couldn't plan his escape better than he did.   


He should return to the US.   He obviously needs better mental health services than the Russians are providing.   


When you have a creepy US government agency or two desperate to get their hands on you, there are few places to hide. Don't you remember they basically got loads of European countries to ground the Bolivian president in Austria because they thought Snowden was on his aircraft?


Setec Astronomy.



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Kerry was forced out of Vietnam Veterans Against the War before the crap hit the fan for many of us. Still, he knew then and certainly knows now what the so-called government is capable of doing to people they really don't like. Had tricky dick been able to do what cheney/shrub et al and obushma has done to the Constitution many of us would have 'disappeared' back in those days. Anybody remember COINTELPRO? I sure do. If Snowden were to return to the states he would never be heard of again and Kerry knows it. He is a walking dead man anyway, just a matter of time. If I were Greewald and the others helping him I'd sleep with one eye open also. Kerry needs to zip mouth.
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Snowden has a higher moral code than the 'powers that be' in the US and he is a hero to many, many people around the 'free' world. He is that very rare thing - a popular American and they want to lock him up, Jeeez! Should be looking to making him President.
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John Kerry tells fugitive Edward Snowden to 'man up'

Do people actually still talk like this in the 21st century, sounds vaguely sexist.....


Well, Suthep challenged Chalerm to a fist fight not that long ago...

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I'd say he is a pretty bad spy if he couldn't plan his escape better than he did.  
While you are entitled to your opinion, silly as it may be, most people seem to feel Mr. Snowden was a brilliant spy. While working at/for both the CIA and NSA he was able to purloin an unprecedented trove of classified documents right under the very noses of our top spooks, made his way outside the U.S., saw to it that certain aspects of our government’s illegal activities were made public, effected a massive turnover in senior security services management, effected legislative changes and remains free – arguably Russia is better than Gitmo - to this day.
Even his critics acknowledge the success of his efforts.
I seriously doubt that you could come up with a more effective spying effort than that of Mr. Snowden. And to think he did this because of his love for country; I find it inspiring and am proud of Mr. Snowden. I suspect that as the years go by he will ultimately receive a full pardon, be honored for his efforts and possibly have a very successful future in business, politics or even the security services.
John Kerry went from anti-war activist and traitor to Senator, Presidential candidate and Secretary of State, although I fear he may never get that plum diplomatic job he desires: Ambassador to France, so clearly anyone can be redeemed.
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I agree with all you said, except John was never a traitor when he was VVAW trying to stop an illegal, immoral, unnecessary war. He spoke truth to the power back then and I am proud to have been a part of that. He is certainly a traitor to his ideals from back in those days now. Like Snowden, he revealed the truth. John sold out like many of us thought he would.
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except John was never a traitor when he was VVAW trying to stop an illegal, immoral, unnecessary war.


Understood. I never would have referred to Mr. Kerry as a traitor; I was simply trying to point out that, at the time, "the powers that be", felt the need to brand him as a traitor, not unlike when Mr. Kissinger labeled Daniel Ellsberg, "the most dangerous man in America".


Again, I voted for Mr. Kerry ~ seven times, although I wouldn't cast my vote for him now, were he to run for any elected office including "Dog Catcher".

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John Kerry tells fugitive Edward Snowden to 'man up'

Do people actually still talk like this in the 21st century, sounds vaguely sexist.....

what should he have said ,'"woman up''?  Oh you're on of these *****ts that thinks everyone should be called Ms,everything gender neutral

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