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She's pregnant, its not mine, but she wants/needs money


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Get DNA verification and if it is your child, financial support would be the right thing to do. Feel blessed you are not in the EU or USA. Abortion is illegal in Thailand but aside from that, abortion is a personal choice by the mother and should be respected.

OK, let's get a few things crystal clear for the benefit of the board:

1. I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago and the doctor assured me that only microsurgery could reverse it - not a single scare since

2. The last time I had sex with the lady in question was August 2010

3. Whether she is 8 weeks pregnant or 10 weeks pregnant, I was still in Australia - absolutely no need for any tests

skint raises the question re what gives me the right to pay to abort another man's child and its a good one. I have absolutely no right, and I'm playing God by even suggesting it to her, but if she wants to play hardball and ask me outright for 80k baht I believe I have the right to make a counter offer. I'm afraid the compassion meter has been replaced by something a lot harder and colder overnight, aided and abetted by a couple of my associates here in Pattaya who are convinced that she is simply working me over, baby or no baby. I've got a target on my forehead and ATM emblazoned across my chest - might be time to address that, non ?

Can I ask why 80k?

Seems a lot.

I assume she has a family farm somewhere she can go and stay.

Health care and birth are free, so why 80k?

Glad to see you appear to have come to your senses.

Claims its to start a business to support herself and the baby - not exactly the kind of stressfree activity I'd be recommending to a pregnant woman, but there you go. Appears to have no interest in the public health system - fine with me if she was paying her own way but clearly she has other sources of funding.

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@pattszero, it was good of you to join the board simply to slam me. I'd be interested to know if your IP address just happens to coincide with an existing board member's - seems odd that you would feel this much passion towards me in your very first post ......

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Claims its to start a business to support herself and the baby - not exactly the kind of stressfree activity I'd be recommending to a pregnant woman, but there you go. Appears to have no interest in the public health system - fine with me if she was paying her own way but clearly she has other sources of funding.

I've seen several babies born through the government hospitals.

Service was always first class, pre-birth, the birth itself and the after-care, way better than the USA.

All free too.

Really no need for private.

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Get DNA verification and if it is your child, financial support would be the right thing to do. Feel blessed you are not in the EU or USA. Abortion is illegal in Thailand but aside from that, abortion is a personal choice by the mother and should be respected.

OK, let's get a few things crystal clear for the benefit of the board:

1. I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago and the doctor assured me that only microsurgery could reverse it - not a single scare since

2. The last time I had sex with the lady in question was August 2010

3. Whether she is 8 weeks pregnant or 10 weeks pregnant, I was still in Australia - absolutely no need for any tests

skint raises the question re what gives me the right to pay to abort another man's child and its a good one. I have absolutely no right, and I'm playing God by even suggesting it to her, but if she wants to play hardball and ask me outright for 80k baht I believe I have the right to make a counter offer. I'm afraid the compassion meter has been replaced by something a lot harder and colder overnight, aided and abetted by a couple of my associates here in Pattaya who are convinced that she is simply working me over, baby or no baby. I've got a target on my forehead and ATM emblazoned across my chest - might be time to address that, non ?

Can I ask why 80k?

Seems a lot.

I assume she has a family farm somewhere she can go and stay.

Health care and birth are free, so why 80k?

Glad to see you appear to have come to your senses.

Claims its to start a business to support herself and the baby - not exactly the kind of stressfree activity I'd be recommending to a pregnant woman, but there you go. Appears to have no interest in the public health system - fine with me if she was paying her own way but clearly she has other sources of funding.

Hey Mr world wide

I'm currently pregnant

I need a chateau for 60m baht for my child

I need a Ferrari for 15m baht to take my child.places

I need a business for.60m baht to support my child

I need a personal nail artist to.do my nails to look good to her friends

Here is my account details, please transfer into my account as soon as possible because the chateau I want is pink and the only one available and I'm sure the kid likes pink

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@pattszero, it was good of you to join the board simply to slam me. I'd be interested to know if your IP address just happens to coincide with an existing board member's - seems odd that you would feel this much passion towards me in your very first post ......

It should be obvious to anyone that I know my way around this board. Unlike others, I won't hide it. Does that make you feel better?

It doesn't deflect from the message - you have made an idiot of yourself with this thread. Knowing you, as I predicted, you'll lash out - as it doesn't suit your sense of self-worth to realize that you have not only been played for a fool by some random tail you banged four years ago - you came here to tell us about it.

Hilarious -

Laugh it up, but you have no idea of the extent of the relationship I had with this woman over 3 very difficult years prior to ending it in 2010. If I've been an idiot it was in assuming that we could even remain on speaking terms without her wanting to extort me - I accept that - but 'random tail' she most certainly wasnt. Wouldnt matter what else I type - you've clearly come here with an agenda and it will only be the usual to-and-fro ballooning to fullpage posts - tedious.

As for posting under an alias, if you have something to say at least have the guts to post under your usual board name. Your comment re 'unlike others, I wont hide it' is completely nonsensical - hiding is exactly what you are doing.

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Laugh it up, but you have no idea of the extent of the relationship I had with this woman over 3 very difficult years prior to ending it in 2010. If I've been an idiot it was in assuming that we could even remain on speaking terms without her wanting to extort me - I accept that - but 'random tail' she most certainly wasnt.

Yeah, OK, but,

Women have a relationship with you while you are spending money on them.

I've always found they only keep in contact if they think you might spend a bit more money on them.

It's a bit like the online shops that keep spamming you, you've bought once, if only they make the right approach, you might buy again.

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@pattszero, it was good of you to join the board simply to slam me. I'd be interested to know if your IP address just happens to coincide with an existing board member's - seems odd that you would feel this much passion towards me in your very first post ......

It should be obvious to anyone that I know my way around this board. Unlike others, I won't hide it. Does that make you feel better?

It doesn't deflect from the message - you have made an idiot of yourself with this thread. Knowing you, as I predicted, you'll lash out - as it doesn't suit your sense of self-worth to realize that you have not only been played for a fool by some random tail you banged four years ago - you came here to tell us about it.

Hilarious -

Laugh it up, but you have no idea of the extent of the relationship I had with this woman over 3 very difficult years prior to ending it in 2010. If I've been an idiot it was in assuming that we could even remain on speaking terms without her wanting to extort me - I accept that - but 'random tail' she most certainly wasnt. Wouldnt matter what else I type - you've clearly come here with an agenda and it will only be the usual to-and-fro ballooning to fullpage posts - tedious.

As for posting under an alias, if you have something to say at least have the guts to post under your usual board name. Your comment re 'unlike others, I wont hide it' is completely nonsensical - hiding is exactly what you are doing.

Why would you want to have lunch with a lady that mentally tortured you for three years? You've just gone and proved my point again.

I'm going to give you some genuine advice - ignore it at your peril. Today - abandon this "relationship" you had with her four years ago to history. Dismiss her from your life entirely - get over it and move on. This thread has shown to what extent she has had a cancerous effect on your emotional health. Cut the cancer out - do not ever talk to her again - ever.

Then get on with rebuilding your life.

That is more advice than you deserve, Mr WW. You are known for being an obnoxious fool, and that goes within the PM system too. I won't call you out as it's against TV rules to mention PM content, but the bottom line is - you have outed yourself. In as much as I know you're an idiot, I do feel empathy for you - it can be hard to recover from deep emotional scarring.

So now you have a choice - resort to type and go on the attack - or thank me for my time and request the thread be locked.

Up to you.

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Claims its to start a business to support herself and the baby - not exactly the kind of stressfree activity I'd be recommending to a pregnant woman, but there you go. Appears to have no interest in the public health system - fine with me if she was paying her own way but clearly she has other sources of funding.

I've seen several babies born through the government hospitals.

Service was always first class, pre-birth, the birth itself and the after-care, way better than the USA.

All free too.

Really no need for private.

ive got to agree with this,

all we did was pay for a privat room for 2 or 3 nights, just so my wife could shower when she wanted ect,,

i think it cost 4000,

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I cannot fathom how this thread is even a fractional reflection of the expats/people living in Thailand. This is really unfortunate.

In what bizzARo world do you give money to help a girl out with another mans babie?

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Mr worldwide, I don't know you, but i have come across some of your posts from time to time, and you normally make sense.

This scenario, however, doesn't make any sense.

My advice, for what it's worth, is to bail out, never see this woman again, because if you do, the bite will be on for even more money. It won't be a loan, not even a gift, but taking you for a sucker.

If you don't bail out, she will, if she doesn't get the money requested, and B80K is LOT of loot, or after when she doesn't get more. Your call.

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Don't listen to these nay sayers. She has come to you in her hour of need and it would be evil to send her away or ignore her. It's not your baby, but so what? Talk to her, and send her some money. What ever you can afford. Make long term plans for her to move in with you, and explain to her that when she does move in, you can look after them both much better.

You, silly, silly man.

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80K ??

I would not have guessed it was that high a figure.

Nothing really more to say WW.. 7 long pages of hard brutal advice, but all on the money.

As I said early, they start with the easiest and most vulnerable targets [ATM's] and of course they would nearly all be 'falang', and by the sound of it, you rank quite high in this group.

Take the advice of the majority of folks here and get far away from this leech.

That's 80,000 reason to suggest she really is not your friend.

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80K ??

I would not have guessed it was that high a figure.

Nothing really more to say WW.. 7 long pages of hard brutal advice, but all on the money.

As I said early, they start with the easiest and most vulnerable targets [ATM's] and of course they would nearly all be 'falang', and by the sound of it, you rank quite high in this group.

Take the advice of the majority of folks here and get far away from this leech.

That's 80,000 reason to suggest she really is not your friend.

Agree with you 110% but for some reason, I think the op has already made up his mind to shaft himself but was unfortunately looking for others to support his.decision

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If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

Maybe the slag as you describe was just selling her body to try and eat.

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If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

Maybe the slag as you describe was just selling her body to try and eat.
I doubt it
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I understand the op has wound people up through his posting style in the past but can't see the point with the invective; he may end up having the thread closed. I personally am interested to see how it turns out so go easy, girls ;)

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If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

Well....looks to me like you've made your mind up already, so <deleted> was the point of asking on here and opening this can of worms, if not to wind everyone up? If you're fool enough to get sucked in by that "no one else to turn to" line, go ahead - knock yourself out mate. Remember - she was as much to blame, if not more so than your "lowlife" for her condition - there are other means of contraception widely available that don't rely on the male covering up. I guess you think you're doing the decent thing mate, and fair play to you for that, but don't mix Thailand up with where ever you come from, chances are all she'll see is a mug with a cash, and that's what she's after...not your empathy.

Don't be such a putz....

She is probably asking at least 10 other guys to support her. It is cash in time for the Thai boyfriend.

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Laugh it up, but you have no idea of the extent of the relationship I had with this woman over 3 very difficult years prior to ending it in 2010. If I've been an idiot it was in assuming that we could even remain on speaking terms without her wanting to extort me - I accept that - but 'random tail' she most certainly wasnt.

Yeah, OK, but,

Women have a relationship with you while you are spending money on them.

I've always found they only keep in contact if they think you might spend a bit more money on them.

It's a bit like the online shops that keep spamming you, you've bought once, if only they make the right approach, you might buy again.

Really funny how this works. Is it thai culture @ work..........................lol. Reminds me of pigeons-you feed them they come you dont feed them they dont!

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Most of the Bar Girls I ever met were in this position once. Now with Grandparents raising the child.

My advice is don't get involved at all as you may never get out of this. Giving a hungry person a meal doesn't stop them from being hungry again the next day. She needs to go home and get help from family.

If you want to give your money to a Child that is not yours, why not try a Thai Orphanage? They are the ones who really need your money.

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Most of the Bar Girls I ever met were in this position once. Now with Grandparents raising the child.

My advice is don't get involved at all as you may never get out of this. Giving a hungry person a meal doesn't stop them from being hungry again the next day. She needs to go home and get help from family.

If you want to give your money to a Child that is not yours, why not try a Thai Orphanage? They are the ones who really need your money.

There's an organization that cares for autistic children that you see ads for on one of the Pattaya channels. The adverts showing some of the kids with absolutely radiant smiles definitely pulls at the heartstrings. "Father <somebody's>" I think. Now there's a place that I expect will put your money to some real good use!!

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If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

I personally would not have anything to do with abortion as birth control. Not for religious reasons but more so for moral ones. Do you really want to be a part of this and contribute towards this?

If it were life threatening then one is forced to make a decision like that. But just for the sake to end a pregnancy that if left untouched would one day be a human being?

As I said I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

As someone pointed out already, "Helping a Friend is One thing". Supporting a Friend is another!" When you throw in the question of perhaps financing an abortion to end this pregnancy you are in fact opening up a whole lot of other issues as well. Religious ones as well as Moral ones!

Personally I would not get involved with supporting an Abortion unless it was life threatening. Not for religious reason but more so for moral ones. You are talking about terminating something that if left untouched would more than likely be a human being. A Child! Do you want to live with that because personally I wouldn't want to.

Give her Moral support if you feel like it. Help her get back with her family who are the ones that can and should help her. She is probably ashamed to bring this problem home with her, or fearful of what may be said, but it is the best course of action for her.

But if it comes to paying for an abortion I would just tell her truthfully that you morally can't do that.

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I hope for OP his sake that he thinks about the reason why he really started this thread. It will take some time for him to understand but he will get a better picture about himself for it.

Good luck with the journey towards yourself.

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