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Suspected illegal logging leads to timber confiscation from the home of a Thaksin sister


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This corruption argument has as much weight as vote buying!

Name one politician that isn't corrupt.

Corruption was alive and well long before Thaksin and will be around for a while more.


Cause it's accepted. It's endemic. Nearly everyone in Thailand is involved in it. Who hasn't paid an on the spot fine?!

Neither side is innocent.

But these one sided and entrenched views don't help anyone.

However, at least you had a choice at elections..... And even a voice.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The Shins really are something else. All that money and it's still not enough.

Which would logically lead you to believe that she probably purchased the wood legally.

Thanks Utley, I needed a good laugh. cheesy.gif

I guess they will be able to check the VAT records to confirm tax was paid. (or not)
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The Shins really are something else. All that money and it's still not enough.

Which would logically lead you to believe that she probably purchased the wood legally.

You would think so and they can certainly afford it. Then again Chief Shin could afford to pay his taxes, his wife could afford to buy goverrnment land honestly, his sister and her hubby didn't need to go insider trading........... so why would anyone be surprised if another family scally is on the rob again.

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No red supporters here to say it was a plant by Suthep

They can not respond, no freedom of speech anymore, they are living in your world now, enjoy it while it last!

We have lived in your world filled with lies in the media from the PTP for a long time. Now its your turn, funny though that not many Democrats were caught of corruption during the PTP time. Maybe they are cleaner (probably) but I doubt they are corrupt free too. I really don't care about the side of a corrupt official as long as they get caught.

Now that the PTP protection is gone its open season on them and I think most people will agree its not a bad thing when corrupt officials are punished and caught even if they are on their side. I know I would not shed a tear for any corrupt official on my side.

My turn I have never been a supporter of either side, you must live by the moto your either with us or against us eh! But since you do bring up the subject I do find it curious that only one side seems to be subject to scrutiny.

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The Shins really are something else. All that money and it's still not enough.

I agree with you Bigbamboo (some name!), it's mind boggling indeed, but come to think of it ... couldn't your phrase 'All that money and it's still not enough' apply to just about every billionaire in the world ? and doesn't the global economic system allow and encourage them all to think and act that way ? the more money you have and the more easily you can make more money... If you're also famous then it's even easier.

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No red supporters here to say it was a plant by Suthep

They can not respond, no freedom of speech anymore, they are living in your world now, enjoy it while it last!

We have lived in your world filled with lies in the media from the PTP for a long time. Now its your turn, funny though that not many Democrats were caught of corruption during the PTP time. Maybe they are cleaner (probably) but I doubt they are corrupt free too. I really don't care about the side of a corrupt official as long as they get caught.

Now that the PTP protection is gone its open season on them and I think most people will agree its not a bad thing when corrupt officials are punished and caught even if they are on their side. I know I would not shed a tear for any corrupt official on my side.

My turn I have never been a supporter of either side, you must live by the moto your either with us or against us eh! But since you do bring up the subject I do find it curious that only one side seems to be subject to scrutiny.

It seems to be the same the current government is always going after their enemies. Before no PTP was caught because they were protected. The protection is gone and now they are caught.

Reason that democrats are not caught is not that they are so clean (i do believe in general they are cleaner but certainly there are some crooks there too), but because they have not been in a position to abuse power for a long time.

But to be honest its great to see the PTP corruption being tackled because under the previous government it did not happen. They even gave the convicted criminal a passport and tried to whitewash 25.000 corruption cases with the amnesty.

It does show that they are quite a bit more corrupt as the democrats who are by no means squeaky clean.

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The Shins really are something else. All that money and it's still not enough.

Which would logically lead you to believe that she probably purchased the wood legally.

That will be proven one way or another. If she did purchase it legally from her nephew then he will have to prove he sourced it legally.

My oh my, the plot always thickens and always seem to contain a never ending bevvy from this one family.

Unfortunately, you logic is sophistry. Just because she has more than enough money to purchase the wood legally doesn't mean she would or did.

BB, that's how the Shins got their money, by not paying for "the wood". thumbsup.gif

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No red supporters here to say it was a plant by Suthep

They can not respond, no freedom of speech anymore, they are living in your world now, enjoy it while it last!

Don't fear. The pain to extract a rotten tooth is worth it, just as the pain some quite evidently feel on TVF when returning to true democracy.

See this as a baby teething. It is a painful experience, sleepless nights, worry and concern, but when you look at that million dollar smile on the babies face at the end it all it makes it all worth it. biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

Just wait and see….

On topic though - Seems these logs have the correct documentation according to BP.

Well done might be in order. They abuse power, corrupt the country, defile democracy……….BUT the logs are legal!!!

You mean false teeth right!cheesy.gif You have went from being a propaganda machine to a comedian now and its nice to see you have a sense of humor! But back on topic if they are guilty I hope they prosicute and I hope they go after both sides with equal enthusiasm. Oops now I am being a comedian! cheesy.gif

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The Shins really are something else. All that money and it's still not enough.

Which would logically lead you to believe that she probably purchased the wood legally.

That will be proven one way or another. If she did purchase it legally from her nephew then he will have to prove he sourced it legally.

My oh my, the plot always thickens and always seem to contain a never ending bevvy from this one family.

Unfortunately, you logic is sophistry. Just because she has more than enough money to purchase the wood legally doesn't mean she would or did.

BB, that's how the Shins got their money, by not paying for "the wood". thumbsup.gif

And Chalerm got his by people paying for it.

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Don't need to say Suthep planted it. Just say it is fake wood, or pretend it didn't happen. Maybe doubt the source or demand written unattainable proof in the form of police reports on TVF until they believe it. Maybe ignore this and google something Suthep or Ahbisit did to defend these actions. Maybe…….

Oh, they have a plethitude of excuses.

When people say the thaksins are criminals there is a "grain" of truth in that.

I am glad all of these Shin's crimes are coming out of the wood work though!

They should arrests Thaksins sister for Treezun.

I wonder if thaksins son, "Oak", needs to be investigated too?

I think the mighty "Oak" (not) has already been cut down to size...! Seriously though, now that politics is probably not on the cards for him, I wonder what his master plan is ...?! Probably already opened up a timber merchant business..!!

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hahahahaha, the shins are really copping it now, everything they have done will come back and bite them all on the ar*e, this is brilliant. Cant wait to see all the other corruption they are involved in coming out.clap2.gif

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hahahahaha, the shins are really copping it now, everything they have done will come back and bite them all on the ar*e, this is brilliant. Cant wait to see all the other corruption they are involved in coming out.clap2.gif

We need to wait see the results of the investigation but if there is wrong doing then proper punishments are needed. There's one Shin's ar*se that's not going to get bitten though.

"His" butt may not get bitten, but he might well need to rent out a room in his house to this Sister and who know, the other one might also need a room. Could get a bit crowded!

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No wonder the Shins wanted to hold power, as more things come to light they will all be moving to Dubai.And i thought politicians in Australia are bad they look like choir boys in comparison .

choir boys your on the wrong topic...w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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hahahahaha, the shins are really copping it now, everything they have done will come back and bite them all on the ar*e, this is brilliant. Cant wait to see all the other corruption they are involved in coming out.clap2.gif

We need to wait see the results of the investigation but if there is wrong doing then proper punishments are needed. There's one Shin's ar*se that's not going to get bitten though.

"His" butt may not get bitten, but he might well need to rent out a room in his house to this Sister and who know, the other one might also need a room. Could get a bit crowded!

he will need space theres a lot of inflated ego,s to accomodate..

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The same family party anyway :

CHIANG MAI, 30 May 2014 (NNT) - Soldiers confiscated a huge lot of 41 teak logs and 2,000 - 3,000 processed teak planks kept on a piece of land belonging to a former Chiang Mai MP, at the Chiang Mai Green Valley housing estate in Mae Rim District

And yesterday

RT @tulsathit: Illegal logs seized in Mae Hong Son and allegedly linked to ex-Pheu Thai head Jarupong. ASTV photohttp://t.co/Wcz5x53tYH

RT @tulsathit: MT @teamkorn: TR @NationTV22: illegal wood confiscated near Yaowapa's house (Thaksin's sister) in Chiang Maihttp://t.co/3AQ7zaJMW1

I'd never heard of Monthathip Kowitcharoenkulso I did a quick search which brought up a story about a house warming. As is often the case with internet searches you find something else. This time some deal to buy Russian jet fighters in return for chickens from what I could tell. I decided I'd found out enough then.

Illegal logging recipient and Thaksin's manly sister Monthathip Shinawatra and her husband were just done in last week for illegal insider stock trading.


  • monthatip-husband-wpcf_728x413.jpg

Some more crimes for Shincorporated apologists to overlook. Just waiting for some tosser to dig up a transparency international statistic and pronounce them clean.

If they do, they could see that Thaksin's and Monthathip's younger sister ran the most corrupt administration in 15 years of Transparency International statistics:


Also Thaksin's and Monthathip's other sister has a son (what a clan,eh?) that is also into illegal teak. His stockpile is even bigger than Monthathip's :105760.jpg

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No red supporters here to say it was a plant by Suthep

They can not respond, no freedom of speech anymore, they are living in your world now, enjoy it while it last!

Don't fear. The pain to extract a rotten tooth is worth it, just as the pain some quite evidently feel on TVF when returning to true democracy.

See this as a baby teething. It is a painful experience, sleepless nights, worry and concern, but when you look at that million dollar smile on the babies face at the end it all it makes it all worth it. biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

Just wait and see….

On topic though - Seems these logs have the correct documentation according to BP.

Well done might be in order. They abuse power, corrupt the country, defile democracy……….BUT the logs are legal!!!

You mean false teeth right!cheesy.gif You have went from being a propaganda machine to a comedian now and its nice to see you have a sense of humor! But back on topic if they are guilty I hope they prosicute and I hope they go after both sides with equal enthusiasm. Oops now I am being a comedian! cheesy.gif

Not at all. I meant teething. Like a baby that loses its first teeth. It is painful, but the end results are a million dollars.

I notice a trends here that when I present statements that really dig deep or are an inconvenient truth I am either demonized, belittled, condescended against or ignored (which is what I prefer).

I love it.

It means I am speaking a truth that you are uncomfortable with.

Unless your a time traveler like Fryslan Boppe ( who seems to have travelled back to 2006 since we don't hear from him now) you cannot tell how the good General Preyuth will do.

After seeing the violence cease and the farmers paid I am pretty confident things are looking up.

At the very least on average 2 people have died and 65 people injured a month in the past 6 months. So far the general has saved 1 life and 30 people from grenade injuries.

I will not condescend you. I left that in the play ground in grade 5.

Edited by djjamie
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Don't need to say Suthep planted it. Just say it is fake wood, or pretend it didn't happen. Maybe doubt the source or demand written unattainable proof in the form of police reports on TVF until they believe it. Maybe ignore this and google something Suthep or Ahbisit did to defend these actions. Maybe…….

Oh, they have a plethitude of excuses.

When people say the thaksins are criminals there is a "grain" of truth in that.

I am glad all of these Shin's crimes are coming out of the wood work though!

They should arrests Thaksins sister for Treezun.

I wonder if thaksins son, "Oak", needs to be investigated too?

I think the mighty "Oak" (not) has already been cut down to size...! Seriously though, now that politics is probably not on the cards for him, I wonder what his master plan is ...?! Probably already opened up a timber merchant business..!!

The tree might come back to contest the next election, but after reform there will be no incentive as all the undemocratic loop holes will be covered. Remember "What if". Yep, he followed in his dad's criminal footsteps real early.

Lets hope Oak can be eaten by terminates.

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lock all thieving Taksin clan up for good and well done Suphet without you they would still be bleeding country dry clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

At last get rid of all of them and fanatic red shirt as well - I hope at last poor can find a decent champion who really cares and then while some of hiso wont like it many Thias wont mind paying extra tax if they knew it was helping country and not going into Taksins pocket

Their are many here who pay no tax particularly forang owning condos and the only reason tax people dont tax is it would also hurt likes of Takin and other hisos

We earn a lot from renting out and wanted to pay tax but could not and even told by tax people why no one else does but if you have apartments and unlike us have a modest rental income (in fact legal allowances would mean very little tax in our case). SO we know many forang who get 100,000 or more rental income net after expenses and many who would be happy to pay but they can't believe it or not. Yes if they have apartment blocks or let to corporates they pay some voluntary tax.

I really hope (even though wed pay some) they just look at all condo blocks and anyone with more than 1 condo check and charge tax.

That applies to some here who openly ask questions regarding letting condos etc and work permits and hypocritically support Taksin and red 100% bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

theirs a small hope things can get better and fair for all not just people like us who are well off but for poor but if likes of Taksin win forget any change for poor

Cone on red shirt and Taksin hypocrites answer or hard luck go home if you dont like it Thialand does not need or want you or your crook heroes and cowardly bullies (red shirts)

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I have a senior police officer near by who has several large dried tree sections hidden under tarps, he has just finished building a new house and his mate is going to be building a new house on the block where these tree sections(about 2 to 3 mtrs long, 1+ mtr diameter) are stashed. Seems like there may well be a lot of ptp/police/reds that could be caught out if they keep following the tip offs.

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