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good friend cheated by lady-what should/could be done?


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If possible Find out the girls passwords to her FB accounts and send to her sponsors. Don't get into detail just tell them it is in their interest to view and leave the conclusions to them. Do this in such a way that they can not contact you in the future and they don't know who sent. You have then taken your revenge and stopped this woman from collecting from these guys.

But be aware that your revenge might come back to haunt you. Be careful as dishonest people know other dishonest people....

thank you, but as I said,the agency got all of her FB paswords, and everything else ( eg Sms's), they have now been downloaded along with all the photo's. I cannot help wondering if she has not thought that this would happen.

She has not been very careful.

That is how we knew 100%- they also were able to place her location's.

It was almost funny.

She sends one man to the airport posting on one account (she has many FB,etc, account's) how heart brocken she is that he is leaving-and then goes and see's another!

The other matter of those item's are what would cause the real trouble.

That is why the lawyer says " we have her by the balls" .That is 100%.The agency director say's the police will not care how this evidence was obtained and throw the book at her.

Thanks for warning about dishonest people.

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It's very unlikely he'll ever get his money back ... and it ain't worth the try. Just let that part go.

However, definitely inform any men you know that she's scamming and do anything else you can to publicly expose her evil deeds ... just don't hurt yourself in the process.

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Many people view this site. Not sure but it is possible that one or more of her sponsors is reading this right now. Without posting her picture, her exact Thai name or where she works perhaps you could post her nick name, age, where she from and perhaps some other identifying information that only those she knows would be aware of. Be careful not to post anything too personal, keep it kind of general. Might just help someone.....

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Hermes. The moneys gone so forget it. You did your best by warning your friend/cousin but like countless others wouldn't listen. You could have shown him the countless similar stories on this forum. Your post will be a good warning for others be content with that. I hope I don't meet her I'm always in Soi 11 when in BKK.

Chees ToneG

You do not have the police as an option. Rule that out. They will not help you unless you pay them big money. They are not involved in law enforcement. Always remember that. They barely help Thais. Do you really think they will help you? Never gonna happen. A pipe dream.

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I am struggling to find out where the scam is here.

A guy goes to a well know red light area, of his own free will.

Picks up (or is picked up by) a freelancer of his own free will.

Believes the BS she tells him of his own free will.

Gives her money of his own free will.

Where exactly is the scam in this?

All the rest is just window dressing.

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1,000s of unlovable western men come to Thailand and discover love.

I have a friend the same, 40+, bald, disabled, a bit boring, in short nothing a woman would ever want from a man.

"No, she really loves me, he claims"

"Look at yourself in a mirror, I tell him"

I have no problem with men who need to buy the pretence of love, but don't start believing your own fairy-tales, and don't try making your friends believe either.

IMHO not the woman's fault, she is providing him with a service he needs.

His problem for overpaying.

I liked and agree with your answer. I have GF 33 year old I am 67 I work and come monthly or one in two month to Thailand. I am paying via her the rent for condo 8500 in bangna have fitness and big swimming pool niece area that saves me on hotels. I have many plan with her but always I try to calculate my staps taking into account that I can be dampt. Now I am giving her monthly amount for living eating shopping and saving .

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"They have offered to pay back and more ..."

Her family want to pay the money back! What is the problem? No pleasing some.

the problem? The illegal dealing? The cheating of other good people? or is that okay with you? Is that not a 'problem" in your book?

He has lost a lot of money.Imagine if he was not a man of mean's and he took his life like the australian man apparently did.

Would you be okay with this.

Taking the money back does not stop her and her family causing others misery.

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You get so many advice to drop it and I'm not one of them.

If you want to pursue this, make sure your cousin is on the same track as you, it's really not your business to drive this you know.

Women like the this girl must be stopped, but maybe I personally only would expose her on forums and maybe to the new papers (if they are interested) and FB.

Another thing about women in Thailand, there are 10'thousand, most probably even more that have a healthy relationship with a woman.

Many have met a woman who actually cares and loves us as we do with them, but to fall in love at first with you schlong isn't the the best strategy to get into a serious relationship.

There's one rule and one rule alone who would prevent us getting scammed and that is, if we feel she would leave us if we don't pay for her kid (never told at first), her sick buffalos in short everything they can come up with,

It's absolutely not based on love or mutual respect.

To get love you have to give but never one sided, don't interpret attention as love.

Even if the woman work as a bargirl it could work out, it's probably much harder to make it work but I've got friends who's got success in their marriage with a former bargirl.

We all have to know that most of the women here are scouting for a better man than most Thai men are.

If they get respect, not money, they will show their true colors.

Don't try to buy her out of the bar by giving her money, you will get no respect from them.

Try to help her make the choice by being a supportive man without condemning her "profession".

It's a lot more than that, but women are in bars to make money, get away from their former Thai husband/boyfriend as most don't even have a degree from high school,

The only resort to make serious money is to spread their legs.

Some even make more, not from scamming, but from regular customers than a lawyer or accountant with a degree.

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Lady? Funny how some foreigners in Thailand use the habitual word for females used by Thais (in English) when it is in most cases inappropriate to use this term. This is a woman, not a lady. You can put various adjectives in front of "woman", of course, but woman she is.

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Sad story but not really surprising. I think a lesson for all of us is just this, use common sense. Compare to what would happen in your own country and it is not that much different to anywhere else in the world, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is that's it. When I come back to LOS one day, I am not in the market to find "Love" at all because I just know its not really probable. I am more content with the lovely food, take a kitty on the side for some fun with absolutely no strings and just enjoy man because it could all end suddenly one day you just never know, be careful, be good to others and be tolerant. I know easy to say harder to do. In this case I think karma will prevail for that woman, you just cant get away with that type of thing forever, the universe does't work that way.

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If possible Find out the girls passwords to her FB accounts and send to her sponsors. Don't get into detail just tell them it is in their interest to view and leave the conclusions to them. Do this in such a way that they can not contact you in the future and they don't know who sent. You have then taken your revenge and stopped this woman from collecting from these guys.

But be aware that your revenge might come back to haunt you. Be careful as dishonest people know other dishonest people....

thank you, but as I said,the agency got all of her FB paswords, and everything else ( eg Sms's), they have now been downloaded along with all the photo's. I cannot help wondering if she has not thought that this would happen.

She has not been very careful.

That is how we knew 100%- they also were able to place her location's.

It was almost funny.

She sends one man to the airport posting on one account (she has many FB,etc, account's) how heart brocken she is that he is leaving-and then goes and see's another!

The other matter of those item's are what would cause the real trouble.

That is why the lawyer says " we have her by the balls" .That is 100%.The agency director say's the police will not care how this evidence was obtained and throw the book at her.

Thanks for warning about dishonest people.

Or perhaps, more correctly "we have him by the balls". Another ladyboy scam perhaps??whistling.gif

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The money is gone , its sad there will be no happy ending to this all to familiar tale of woe. He will not listen until he is broke and alone again.

How unhelpful!! In my own country (Australia) a drug dealing swindler would be reported to the police, and one would let justice take it's course. Just walking away encourages her to keep being a criminal. Has anyone here heard of a deterrent?

I too was robbed by a Thai woman I tried to help. Gave her a laptop, scooter, jewellery and a trip to Australia etc.

When I tried to break up with her, she went berserk and stole everything she could get her hands on.

I went to the police, got some of the gold back she stole, and trashed her name on Facebook etc. She told people I would just "roll over" and take it, coz other stupid Farangs had. She may still be looking for the next victim, but I made it very unpleasant for her, and the threat of prosecution was the only thing that got my gold back and gave her a lesson in what happens when you steal.

This is a Thai thing, I have had girlfriends in Japan and Australia and none were criminals like here.

Do the right thing and get this criminal off the streets, and maybe protect the next benevolent man she will surely con.

How do you think sociopaths choose their victims? They have a 6th sense as to who is benevolent, and is why we have laws to protect them and punish the vultures.

Cheers and good luck to one and all!

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Rule number one....

NEVER give large amounts of money or gifts...no matter how sad the story.

This is Thailand....never forget.

Your first sentence I agree with, but your second?? Do you think this only happens in Thailand?

5555, in thailand you get to see your scammer 'hands on' so to speak but this crap happens every day on the interweb. im aware of quite a few dating sites where lonely 'ladies' will contact someone within hours of joining and tell them all about how they want to meet the new member and how theyre the 1 they have been looking for.............but they never have a profile photo.

maybe thats because the scammer isnt as photogenic as a thai?

ive played a few for a laugh, doesnt take too long to suss out where its going, "can you send me money?"........usually to a place in africa

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If she has offered to return the monies plus some, what is the problem, take it and run. I know you are probably going to say what about the next poor unfortunate guy that happens to come into contact with this so called Lady i.e. scumbag. but you are not everyones guardian angel. They will obviously learn the hard way like your friend has done. Take your friends advise "forget about it" it is not your problem.facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

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»So, simply,advise please. Ruin her trade,save others their money and feelings- or drop whole matter?«

IMHO you should “drop whole matter”. You have given your cousin information about possible fraud/scam, which if fine and the right thing to do; then let it be up to your cousin to decide – it’s his money and his life…

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This woman enjoys making easy money and she will not let you get in her way. If you live in Thailand, this what you will get a reaction from her......

2- send people to us -veiled threat.No worry's for us at all.

Edited by BrooklynNY
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Seems to me the best way to handle this is to put the case into the hands of a good lawyer. who will accept the case on a no win no fee basis!

Or the return of the money to the one who has been cheated,and the lawyers fee paid by the Thief!/fraudster.

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Was he forced at gun/knife point to hand over money? If not he gave it voluntarily.... (Being stupid and/or gullible does not make it a crime.) His lady has done nothing legally wrong as I see it from the info you've provided....

So why offer to refund the money - perhaps to stop you blowing open her scheme, and prevent her scoring from other stupid fools?

Will your lawyer work for a share of money recovered, or does he required payment up-front? (Perhaps he also sees you as even more gullible?)

So you want to do what's right (morally - in western eyes perhaps), and prevent others for falling "under her spell". Fine, but you/he will never be able to visit Thailand again (without carefully watching your back at all times).... And for every one of these "ladies" that get's taken out of the game at least 2 or 3 more will pop up to fill their place - and there's a never ending supply of gullible fools queuing up to get relieved.

Best simply to get on with your/his life and consider this a valuable lesson learned.

watching my back does not concern me in the least. Many year's here, many criminals including locals in jail.Still alive and well thank you.

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This woman enjoys making easy money and she will not let you get in her way. If you live in Thailand, this what you will get a reaction from her......

2- send people to us -veiled threat.No worry's for us at all.

wrong again, we have been offered way over the amount, her whole clan is very worried too.They all have record's. So do I-and very good one's dealing with these scum.

Now that they know we have 100% proof and we cannot be intimadated it's them who are worried.

But the punishment seems to harsh for her.

My cousin does not want this.

And thai prisons are just aweful.

She will basicly go to jail and come out old lady.

In all my year's I have never backed down from these sort's.They are coward's who prey of good people who fear them and if they ever do get me then okay. One point for them -100's for me.

But thanks advice.

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The money is gone , its sad there will be no happy ending to this all to familiar tale of woe. He will not listen until he is broke and alone again.

How unhelpful!! In my own country (Australia) a drug dealing swindler would be reported to the police, and one would let justice take it's course. Just walking away encourages her to keep being a criminal. Has anyone here heard of a deterrent?

I too was robbed by a Thai woman I tried to help. Gave her a laptop, scooter, jewellery and a trip to Australia etc.

When I tried to break up with her, she went berserk and stole everything she could get her hands on.

I went to the police, got some of the gold back she stole, and trashed her name on Facebook etc. She told people I would just "roll over" and take it, coz other stupid Farangs had. She may still be looking for the next victim, but I made it very unpleasant for her, and the threat of prosecution was the only thing that got my gold back and gave her a lesson in what happens when you steal.

This is a Thai thing, I have had girlfriends in Japan and Australia and none were criminals like here.

Do the right thing and get this criminal off the streets, and maybe protect the next benevolent man she will surely con.

How do you think sociopaths choose their victims? They have a 6th sense as to who is benevolent, and is why we have laws to protect them and punish the vultures.

Cheers and good luck to one and all!

sorry Sir, I cannot agree with that kind of racism.Not all thai girls like this.And even some working girls are far more honest and decent than " good girl's".Plus, as my cousin says.

The thai goverment in some way forces these women to do this because we all have to survive. Frankly, I do not know what to do. Her new beloved now know's and the poor man is in bit's.

It's horrible situation, but I assure you this does not only happen here.

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Hermes. The moneys gone so forget it. You did your best by warning your friend/cousin but like countless others wouldn't listen. You could have shown him the countless similar stories on this forum. Your post will be a good warning for others be content with that. I hope I don't meet her I'm always in Soi 11 when in BKK.

Chees ToneG

You do not have the police as an option. Rule that out. They will not help you unless you pay them big money. They are not involved in law enforcement. Always remember that. They barely help Thais. Do you really think they will help you? Never gonna happen. A pipe dream.

wrong again- so many mistakes here.I was awarded once for a service I preformed ( thaivisa reported it) and have made great connection's with some very good local police. They are honest and have never let me down.

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The only part at all which surprises me in the least is this

We took it upon ourselfs to employ a company who was able to access all her information ( facebook,line chat's,twitter, sms's,bank account detail's,etc,etc).Side note- shocking how easy it is to basicly access everything.

I have a fair bit of experience with keyloggers, installing trojans, phone scanning and tracking software etc.. and none of it is easy..

All done easily and with free software. Easiest free software is TightVnc. Just allow it the first time through the firewall/AntiVirus software of the computer you suspect. Have it start as a service. Another is TinCam... Free...and can make it hard to detect...take snapshots of the screen you want to monitor and send photos via email.

Used both and found what you would not believe. Made me leave the Philippines.

By your description, these software programs require direct access to the computer that one wishes to spy on. This becomes even more challenging if the computer is password protected.

Can the OP please tell us if/how this was the method used to gain the hustler's information?

If not, are there other methods which could have been used?

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