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Just renewed my Retirement Visa...


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Anyone know if you can hire a your own personal proxy to stand on line for you?

Perhaps a student who can speak enough English. You pay them 200 to 400B but only if they get a appointment number for you. They call you to tell you to come on down to immigration and you pay them then. It might be worth it to shave off 3 to 4 hours from the wait time.

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I'm wondering how it might go if I went in the afternoon a couple of days ahead of my ultimate day to file the one year retirement extension, to get an appointment, for the next day. Anybody use this strategy successfully?

Standing in that line from 6 AM is an ordeal that I can't face again. Shifting from foot to foot, feeling the heat rise, watching people use various little tricks to cut in...The worst part of all for me is to have to listen to some loudmouth blabbing away (usually one of my US compatriots, alas) before a captive audience about their various fascinating experiences here in the Mystic East. They are always the hero in their own narrative. Like listening to Joseph Conrad, come back to life. (Well, not quite.)

I must say, using an agent is an appealing idea.

The prospect of having to pay 4 or perhaps 5 times more than I pay now to obtain my yearly visa extension does not sound appealing to me, but as I mentioned previously this is the way the situation is going.

I am not making accusations against anyone, but I am highly suspect of the reasons as to why some are promoting these agencies although how you describe your experiences is reasonable enough. With the steady influx of Westerners and other foreigners flooding into Chiang Mai it will not be long before the queues are stretching from Immigration to the Airport Plaza and right back to the airport, it will become a nightmare scenario, or in other words, the option of actually visiting Immigration in person will also become non-practical. So in fact the present 3 options for applying for visas and visa extensions, the online lottery, in person or agency will eventually be dwindled down to using agencies, that once have gained being the only viable option for dealing with Immigration as intermediaries will later be able to set their own fees and besides that, we do not know who is behind or running these outfits.

It is not only having to pay the extra fees that concern me, but I resent being placed in a situation where I may have to appease and deal with private companies that will become a self appointed authority in their own right and able to set their own rules, conditions and prices, it becoming a take it or leave it situation. I would prefer to pay extra fees directly at Immigration to pay for the increasing of facilities rather than to the unknowns that will eventually have us all by the short and curlys, jobs for the lads, but as I said, it appears soon we will not have the choice and our visa applications will become totally under the controls of these private companies that operate on favours and influences rather than being official bodies registered by the authorities as visa agents with the powers to vet applicants and not falling under any regulations that govern how much they can charge and not having to archive certain performance levels so as to remain in business.

Again, having to soon possibly face this prospect does not sound appealing and whether some do or don`t consider this an issue or not, this is the way it is.

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I'm wondering how it might go if I went in the afternoon a couple of days ahead of my ultimate day to file the one year retirement extension, to get an appointment, for the next day. Anybody use this strategy successfully?

Standing in that line from 6 AM is an ordeal that I can't face again. Shifting from foot to foot, feeling the heat rise, watching people use various little tricks to cut in...The worst part of all for me is to have to listen to some loudmouth blabbing away (usually one of my US compatriots, alas) before a captive audience about their various fascinating experiences here in the Mystic East. They are always the hero in their own narrative. Like listening to Joseph Conrad, come back to life. (Well, not quite.)

I must say, using an agent is an appealing idea.

You can try but I doubt it.

Online booking, last Sunday morning around 7am I booked 2 slots for me and er indoors for early September, at the time I was the first to book, all other slots were free.Having secured the slots I hit the PDF button on the computer and printed out everything I required apart from the bank letter and filed them with the appointment printouts ready to go in 3 months.

If I had failed to secure the slots that day I still had 29 more tries as an option as you can apply for your retirement "visa" up to 30 days before it is due.

Edited by Thailand
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I thank Folk Guitar for his post. I like to hear about all the options available.

I use a Visa Service in Los Angeles to renew my US passport as well as my CDN passport. Yes it costs me money but I get it in 2 days and don't have to go through the rigamarole - they do everything. I have recommended them to friends who are stressed because they discovered their passport has expired and they have a trip booked in a week.

It sounds like this visa agency in Chiang Mai is up my alley.

Thanks for the info.

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Why, when I made a similar post about being happy because I possess a type 'O' Visa and won't have to worry about the new rules for Visa renewals, I was shot down by numerous people for being just another arrogant American?

This guy is happy about securing a retirement Visa for another year; shouldn't the TV haters be out in full-force declaring their undying hatred for the guy?

Come on keyboard warriors, no one in Thailand is supposed to be happy while YOU'RE miserable, you're slipping!

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I thank Folk Guitar for his post. I like to hear about all the options available.

I use a Visa Service in Los Angeles to renew my US passport as well as my CDN passport. Yes it costs me money but I get it in 2 days and don't have to go through the rigamarole - they do everything. I have recommended them to friends who are stressed because they discovered their passport has expired and they have a trip booked in a week.

It sounds like this visa agency in Chiang Mai is up my alley.

Thanks for the info.

And what alley is that?

I have no doubts that the agencies in Los Angeles are regulated and fall under Government controls, but can the same be said for these Chiang Mai agencies?

All I am wondering is; if I will soon be placed in a situation where I have to pay large amounts in fees to an intermediary to remain in Thailand year by year, than what laws are governing these Chiang Mai agencies and what come backs do we have in the event of any negligence, such as mislaying our passports or giving them a free hand to play the game at their discretion?

The situation cannot be equated with that in the States, because visa applicants in America still have viable other means and choices at their disposal whereas soon in Chiang Mai, by the sound of it, we will not, meaning that the unregulated agencies answerable to no one will gain a monopoly on the visa rackets. I really want to know who is running these outfits and what rights we will have to complain or question the practices of these agencies, if they fail to live up to expectations or become incompetent if imposed to use them by having all the other options becoming non-viable.

My comments are not paranoid and are probably concerns that are no doubt shared by many, only these are reasonable concerns and questions I am not afraid to ask.

In my opinion this whole situation stinks to high heaven, it`s just a case of the system becoming manipulated or being taken advantage of for the introduction of middlemen to come in and grab their slice of the cake, but eventually will have to go along with the flow. Extremely annoying, but seems their is no choice.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I'm wondering how it might go if I went in the afternoon a couple of days ahead of my ultimate day to file the one year retirement extension, to get an appointment, for the next day. Anybody use this strategy successfully?

Standing in that line from 6 AM is an ordeal that I can't face again. Shifting from foot to foot, feeling the heat rise, watching people use various little tricks to cut in...The worst part of all for me is to have to listen to some loudmouth blabbing away (usually one of my US compatriots, alas) before a captive audience about their various fascinating experiences here in the Mystic East. They are always the hero in their own narrative. Like listening to Joseph Conrad, come back to life. (Well, not quite.)

I must say, using an agent is an appealing idea.

You can't get an appointment (or a queue number) for the next day. They'll simply tell you to come back the next day to get your queue number then.

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Anyone know if you can hire a your own personal proxy to stand on line for you?

Perhaps a student who can speak enough English. You pay them 200 to 400B but only if they get a appointment number for you. They call you to tell you to come on down to immigration and you pay them then. It might be worth it to shave off 3 to 4 hours from the wait time.

I don't know if this is possible for someone who fairly healthy. I've done with for someone with a medical extension -- waited in the morning herd, got the queue number and called the person to tell him the appropriate time to show so the I/O could come out the parking lot and talk with him while he sat in the tuk tuk. I suppose you could do it for someone with a retirement extension if the third party had a Power of Attorney. But normally, once they open the doors, they go thru a pre-queue process before 8:30 am where they look at people's passports and documents to see that they're in order and assign the ticket for the correct queue then. I doubt they'd give the queue ticket to a third party without a POA or a really good story -- like you're helping that person with a medical extension or helping someone who is very elderly with a retirement extension.

Edited by NancyL
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I have no doubts that the agencies in Los Angeles are regulated and fall under Government controls, but can the same be said for these Chiang Mai agencies?

Perhaps it can be. Do you have any proof to the contrary? If not, what you are doing may be actionable.

It seems you are defaming a Thai-registered company without a single shred of evidence to support your comments.

If you do have some valid basis for your comments, why not present it here and now.

I really want to know who is running these outfits

Have you thought to ask them? They aren't hidden, you know. The people who run them are right there in the office if you'd like to speak with them.

But I'd guess you won't do that.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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I have no doubts that the agencies in Los Angeles are regulated and fall under Government controls, but can the same be said for these Chiang Mai agencies?

Perhaps it can be. Do you have any proof to the contrary? If not, what you are doing may be actionable.

It seems you are defaming a Thai-registered company without a single shred of evidence to support your comments.

If you do have some valid basis for your comments, why not present it here and now.

I really want to know who is running these outfits

Have you thought to ask them? They aren't hidden, you know. The people who run them are right there in the office if you'd like to speak with them.

But I'd guess you won't do that.

I am simply asking questions and wondering why you are so defensive of these agencies? Plus your threats will not deter me from asking such questions.

And as you seem to have used these companies, then perhaps you can put us all in the picture? Considering this is your thread and the one promoting these agencies the most.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I'm wondering how it might go if I went in the afternoon a couple of days ahead of my ultimate day to file the one year retirement extension, to get an appointment, for the next day. Anybody use this strategy successfully?

Standing in that line from 6 AM is an ordeal that I can't face again. Shifting from foot to foot, feeling the heat rise, watching people use various little tricks to cut in...The worst part of all for me is to have to listen to some loudmouth blabbing away (usually one of my US compatriots, alas) before a captive audience about their various fascinating experiences here in the Mystic East. They are always the hero in their own narrative. Like listening to Joseph Conrad, come back to life. (Well, not quite.)

I must say, using an agent is an appealing idea.

Would that be Conrad's..". Secret Agent" then?

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Why, when I made a similar post about being happy because I possess a type 'O' Visa and won't have to worry about the new rules for Visa renewals, I was shot down by numerous people for being just another arrogant American?

This guy is happy about securing a retirement Visa for another year; shouldn't the TV haters be out in full-force declaring their undying hatred for the guy?

Come on keyboard warriors, no one in Thailand is supposed to be happy while YOU'RE miserable, you're slipping!

Scene from any number of movies:

Walter Brennan: "I tell ya, Duke, somethin's up out there. My bum leg's talkin' to me. It's awful quiet, but..."

Duke Wayne: (Stares into the darkness, cocks the hammer on his Colt Dragoon, spits tobacco juice.) "Yeah Smiley...too damn quiet!"

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I object to paying a visa agency - principle! B5k-10k - it is not the $$$. Would rather "invest" the $$$ in other ways - the wife can have it - clothes, face treatments etc.

My wife does the 90 day checkups. We do the online "play" - again my wife coordinates - no problems to date.

Last time (annual extension), we were all prepared as usual - very simple procedure. Arrived 10-15 mins early - a full house! Went to the inquiry counter - polite, polite. We were out 5 minutes after the scheduled time!

Another 12 months of bliss.

I even researched PR! Forget it - my advice.

BTW - I am surprised. CNX residents are renowned for their - "I have no $$$"; "how do you live on B15k/mth"; "super-tight"; "visa runs". Now, B5k-10k is petty cash? Maybe times, they are a changin!

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Like wise.

OP appears to be an ad for a visa company

Rubbish he is just reporting how easy it was for him to renew his visa using his chosen visa company.

I'm currently looking at various visa options and value his positive post.

Wasn't much need to give the name then, never mind the address.

It worked as an ad for you didn't it?

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I have no doubts that the agencies in Los Angeles are regulated and fall under Government controls, but can the same be said for these Chiang Mai agencies?

Perhaps it can be. Do you have any proof to the contrary? If not, what you are doing may be actionable.

It seems you are defaming a Thai-registered company without a single shred of evidence to support your comments.

If you do have some valid basis for your comments, why not present it here and now.

I really want to know who is running these outfits

Have you thought to ask them? They aren't hidden, you know. The people who run them are right there in the office if you'd like to speak with them.

But I'd guess you won't do that.

I am simply asking questions and wondering why you are so defensive of these agencies? Plus your threats will not deter me from asking such questions.

And as you seem to have used these companies, then perhaps you can put us all in the picture? Considering this is your thread and the one promoting these agencies the most.

I must have missed your questions to posts about other positive experiences with service providers and interactions by TV members where you had the same issues of who is "running these outfits" Dukes, Chiang Mai Ram. Wat Chedi Luang, BIB, Bangkok Bank, Festival Mall, the Pun Pun, CityNews, mechanics, bike shops.......

Can't seem to recall where posters were queried by you to provide company ownership details, company registration, licensing etc .

Perhaps Op is not being defensive as much as your post is seemingly offensive.

Should we question everything to the nth degree ....do we look at all posts now with absence of evidence as being evidence of absence (as far as licensing/registration/certification/etc)?

Be cautious by all means...wait for more reviews, wait for an opinion from someone you trust or have confidence in...but pure conspiracy theories do not diminish experience of Op.

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been a spruikers agency deal since the opening post,what has any one learnt????, I.M.O.blooming nuffin,

either u engage a agency( at a cost) or do D.I.Y. assignment at the sewer immgr dept

two choices to choose from, very simple me thinks, one or the other

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I have no doubts that the agencies in Los Angeles are regulated and fall under Government controls, but can the same be said for these Chiang Mai agencies?

Perhaps it can be. Do you have any proof to the contrary? If not, what you are doing may be actionable.

It seems you are defaming a Thai-registered company without a single shred of evidence to support your comments.

If you do have some valid basis for your comments, why not present it here and now.

I really want to know who is running these outfits

Have you thought to ask them? They aren't hidden, you know. The people who run them are right there in the office if you'd like to speak with them.

But I'd guess you won't do that.

I am simply asking questions and wondering why you are so defensive of these agencies? Plus your threats will not deter me from asking such questions.

And as you seem to have used these companies, then perhaps you can put us all in the picture? Considering this is your thread and the one promoting these agencies the most.

By all means, do ask questions. But why not ask them in the venue where the information is to be found, as I suggested?

I made my original post because I had a very positive experience. That wasn't a supposition. It was a fact.

All you have done in your posts is defame a service without any basis in fact, only assumptions.

Yes, DO ask for facts. Go to the agencies and ask for facts. The only facts I have is that I had a very positive experience. And that's good enough for me.

As another poster said, your conspiracy theories don't diminish my experience. They only make you appear paranoid.

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You could have also made an appointment 100 days before you want to

renew your retirement extension,on the immigrations website,simple and

easy,just mark on the calender 100 day before so you can get an appointment,

Its your choice to pay for a service you can easily do yourself,like you i am

retired so time is not a factor.

regards worgeordie


Can you give more details - link?



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I used Assist Thaivisa and my experience was the same as FolkGuitar's.

I signed many forms and I do believe a Power of Attorney was one.

Cost between 5500 and 6500 THB to ATV, plus Immigration's fees, less that the cost of dinner for two in LA.

In my case I received a multiple re-entry permit as well. I have left and entered Thailand twice since getting this extension, with Immigration doing their thing at BKK and DMK, so I am sure it is a valid visa extension and reentry permit and never doubted that.

The forms I signed were in Thai and I did not read them, just like everyone who gets the visa extension at Immigration, with or without appointment.

We could all be signing confessions to kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. We would never know.

if u only paid 5,550-6,500 sounds like a great deal IF you got a multi reentry as well

Extension 1,900

re entry 3,800


and u dont need to do the 90- day reports

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Couldn't we all just shake hands and get on with life ?! facepalm.gif

Well, that doesn't seem to work. if not that, perhaps kiss and make up? Or should we call in the army for crowd control ?! rolleyes.gif Not only is this topic old, it is positively rancid.

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Like wise.

OP appears to be an ad for a visa company

Rubbish he is just reporting how easy it was for him to renew his visa using his chosen visa company.

I'm currently looking at various visa options and value his positive post.

Wasn't much need to give the name then, never mind the address.

It worked as an ad for you didn't it?

When you give a critique of a restaurant, do you leave out the name and address?

Are you afraid someone might think you're advertising?

But somehow you think this doesn't apply to other areas?


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I just wonder what happens if there is a real problem. In Hua Hin sits a friendly young lady who can tell you exactly what you need. If you want to stay you already know about the fixed bankbook or statement from your ambassy that your yearly income fulfils the requirements, or a combination income, amount of money on the bank.

nothing difficult, I would say. After the forms are filled in, go into the office, draw a number and wait for your turn. Then the officer might ask for one or two more copies, which you can get outside and 30 minutes later it is done. So easy. Next time they see me in august...

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It is exactly 90 days from now that i must renew my one year retirement visa. The online Q is full up from here to eternity. That means I'll just show up a day or so ahead and take my chances, OR...do as Mr. Folk Guitar did and use a service. I must say, it is tempting, but I'll probably just go in like I always have, and get it over with. It has become an annual pilgrimage.

I just want to say I appreciate FG giving us this information. I certainly didn't know that one could do this, although I did know about the yearly signup for having a service do your 90 day reports. That doesn't seem all that worthwhile, since you still have to drop off and pick up your passport at the agency. That would take more time than showing up on an afternoon, where the in and out has never taken me more than one hour.

Personally, I would rather have a hot poker shoved in an eye than to deal with any government bureaucracy. I will gladly pay an agent to check my paperwork and to grease the works at immigration to assure there are no surprises during the renewal. After visiting and/or working in dozens of countries, I have always found it helpful to have a local native "fixer" to handle this stuff like this.

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