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Muslim insurgents bomb civilian target

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Some anonymous informed geezer provided you with facts.

LOL. There are no "facts" showing that "Saudi Arabia is funding, educating (read: radicalising) and promoting the violence in the south", which was the claim made.

Have you ever set foot in Pattani, Yala or Narathiwat?

Yes I have set foot in south Thaialand.

I am not responsible for your ignorance and your apparent inability to manipulate Google. Were you to bother to learn and then spend an hour of your life doing some research, you would then be able to construct a few relevant queries. You would then be able to read a large body of investigative journalism that points explicitly to named institutions in the south directly funded by the Saudis as well as quite explicit first hand reports of Thai citizens being trained in Saudi religious schools. You could even go buy a few books on the subject.

This is not secret information.

Denial is one of the most potent lies

Edited by DrDweeb
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"In the mid 1980's I was asked by an american legal institution known as the Christic Legal Institute to compile a comic book that would detail the murky history of the C.I.A., from the end of the second world war, to the present day. Covering such things as the heroin smuggling during the Vietnam war, the cocaine smuggling during the war in Central America, the Kennedy assasination and other highlights.

What I learned during the frankly horrifying research that I had to slog through in order to accomplish this, was that yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists, and ham fisted clowns. If you are on a list targeted by the C.I.A., you really have nothing to worry about. If however you have a name similar to someone on a list targeted by the C.I.A., then you are dead?

The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening.

Nobody is in control.

The world is rudderless..."

Alan Moore

I think he would include Saudi conspiracy theories in this as well.

I know I do.

Edited by Bluespunk
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One of the worlds' most respected and influencial counter insurgency / conflict analyist organisations, Rand Corporation, has the following to say concerning the deep South conflict.

Although many of the attacks currently being perpetrated in the three Malay provinces have a definite religious element, it is not apparent that this has altered the essential localized and nationalistic aspect of the conflict. While the scale and sophistication of violence have increased, nothing links this change in tempo to the input of punitive, absolutist external jihadist imperatives.


Edited by simple1
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"In the mid 1980's I was asked by an american legal institution known as the Christic Legal Institute to compile a comic book that would detail the murky history of the C.I.A., from the end of the second world war, to the present day. Covering such things as the heroin smuggling during the Vietnam war, the cocaine smuggling during the war in Central America, the Kennedy assasination and other highlights.

What I learned during the frankly horrifying research that I had to slog through in order to accomplish this, was that yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists, and ham fisted clowns. If you are on a list targeted by the C.I.A., you really have nothing to worry about. If however you have a name similar to someone on a list targeted by the C.I.A., then you are dead?

The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening.

Nobody is in control.

The world is rudderless..."

Alan Moore

I think he would include Saudi conspiracy theories in this as well.

I know I do.

It hardly matters what you think. Or what I think. But it matters what he says and thinks.

Vali Reza Nasr is an American academic and author specializing in the Middle East and the Islamic world. He is currently Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. and a Senior Fellow in foreign policy at Brookings Institution.[1]


Further reference to numerous beheadings and killings. As far as I'm concerned, you can continue living in denial. The fact remains the same, there are radical Sunni Muslims in the deep south of Thailand who killed, kill and will continue to kill and terrorize innocent people, both Buddhists and Muslims who cooperate with Thai authorities in the name of their wicked radical Islamic ideology.

Thailand: Islamist Insurgency with No End, Part 1

by Adrian Morgan

19 May, 2007


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"In the mid 1980's I was asked by an american legal institution known as the Christic Legal Institute to compile a comic book that would detail the murky history of the C.I.A., from the end of the second world war, to the present day. Covering such things as the heroin smuggling during the Vietnam war, the cocaine smuggling during the war in Central America, the Kennedy assasination and other highlights.

What I learned during the frankly horrifying research that I had to slog through in order to accomplish this, was that yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists, and ham fisted clowns. If you are on a list targeted by the C.I.A., you really have nothing to worry about. If however you have a name similar to someone on a list targeted by the C.I.A., then you are dead?

The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening.

Nobody is in control.

The world is rudderless..."

Alan Moore

I think he would include Saudi conspiracy theories in this as well.

I know I do.

It hardly matters what you think. Or what I think. But it matters what he says and thinks.

Vali Reza Nasr is an American academic and author specializing in the Middle East and the Islamic world. He is currently Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. and a Senior Fellow in foreign policy at Brookings Institution.[1]


Further reference to numerous beheadings and killings. As far as I'm concerned, you can continue living in denial. The fact remains the same, there are radical Sunni Muslims in the deep south of Thailand who killed, kill and will continue to kill and terrorize innocent people, both Buddhists and Muslims who cooperate with Thai authorities in the name of their wicked radical Islamic ideology. Thailand: Islamist Insurgency with No End, Part 1

by Adrian Morgan

19 May, 2007


Wow!! It hardly matters what I think, is it? I disagree, thinking is one of the few real freedoms we have. I will and do read/listen to academics on a subject and take in their thinking, they may influence me but they can't tell me what to think.

My post was in response to "it's the Saudis" conspiracy theories. I am well aware that there are terrorist scum who abuse religious teachings for their own agenda and have never said otherwise. I just don't blame a whole faith for the actions of a minority of murdering bigots.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Where does it end ? After almost a decade in Afghanistan I get to look forward to living in Thailandistan. As we used to say in the army, same sh(i)t, different pile.

Fanatics come in all types. Different nationalities, ages, genders, races, religions, backgrounds. All do have some things in common though. They have a "cause" and the belief that their "cause" is the right one and the willingness to do almost anything to further that cause.

Be they anti-abortionists, anti-whalers, anti-capitalists, environmental crusaders or religious fanatics, they often believe that anyone who isn't with them, is against them. Most of the fanatics are brainwashed to some degree by the people that need others to do their dirty work for them. Despite all the pictures of Osama with AKs and RPGs, he wasn't the one leading the attacks, planting the bombs or otherwise "getting his hands dirty". He had lieutenants and underlings to do those things, and die for his "cause". Same for Mullah Omar, al-Zawahiri and the rest of their ilk. The puppet-masters try to keep their own butts safe while sending others out to commit crimes (and die) in their place.

(Note - the "Green Peace'rs" aren't generally "fanatics". Motivated activists perhaps, but not likely to try and torture/murder other people for their cause.)

The worst part is, there is simply no pleasing most of those fanatics (or their "masters"). If you give in to their various demands, they'll come up with new ones. If you try to compromise, they'll take that as a sign of weakness and press harder. If you bring down the heavy-handed hammer on them, you risk creating more of the same.

There are learned people that spend years researching such matters and trying to find solutions, just as there are others who have little.......patience...... for such problems and try for faster, harsher methods. As we can see from the world around us, none have found viable solution yet.

Your post is one of the most intelligent I have ever read online anywhere. You should be a journalist!

Damn -- you're my hero.


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Yes I have set foot in south Thaialand.

LOL. As Gerrie Nel would say, "You're not answering the question, Mr Pistorius".

I am not responsible for your ignorance and your apparent inability to manipulate Google.

Maybe that accounts for our different perceptions. I'm down here experiencing things first hand, whilst you are searching Google in an effort, albeit not very successfully, to justify your prejudices. Nowt wrong with that - there appears to be a few of your ilk doing the rounds.

Edited by rajyindee
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"Maybe that accounts for our different perceptions. I'm down here experiencing things first hand, whilst you are searching Google in an effort, albeit not very successfully, to justify your prejudices. Nowt wrong with that - there appears to be a few of your ilk doing the rounds."

If you are exploring down there with an open mind I bet you'll find that religious fanatics ARE behind this movement. Check out this article about Malay-Muslims and the Perfect Religion Syndrome:

This applies equally well to the Malay-Muslims of S Thailand, IME. They can have (Malay-Muslim) bigots murdering Buddhist Thais ("kafirs") right in their backyard without saying a word, but when Muslim extremists faced a brutal crackdown in Syria, they held a hundreds-plus rally in Yala protesting this.

Only a few of them are violent in practice, but there is a sense of racial-ethnic superiority embedded in their mindsets. You can also see this reflected in the BRN's demands, which include freeing all captives in the Thai authorities' hands (which are very few because it is difficult to capture them, this is the nature of asymmetrical warfare). don't consider what they are doing (which amounts to ethnic and religious cleansing) wrong.

Also I do not think that prejudice is the reason that a growing number of people have a problem Sunni Muslim terrorists, any more than it is the reason people have a problem with RCC priest sex abuse scandals. Both have a dysfunction that is not being recognized internal and will need to be decisively dealt with by external (military and judicial) authorities.

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"Maybe that accounts for our different perceptions. I'm down here experiencing things first hand, whilst you are searching Google in an effort, albeit not very successfully, to justify your prejudices. Nowt wrong with that - there appears to be a few of your ilk doing the rounds."

As I said. ^

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"Maybe that accounts for our different perceptions. I'm down here experiencing things first hand, whilst you are searching Google in an effort, albeit not very successfully, to justify your prejudices. Nowt wrong with that - there appears to be a few of your ilk doing the rounds."

As I said. ^

Well maybe u can figure out for yourself who is behind it. Seems that there is more than ignorant prejudice behind the alarm over jihadi terrorists.

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Where does it end ? After almost a decade in Afghanistan I get to look forward to living in Thailandistan. As we used to say in the army, same sh(i)t, different pile.

Fanatics come in all types. Different nationalities, ages, genders, races, religions, backgrounds. All do have some things in common though. They have a "cause" and the belief that their "cause" is the right one and the willingness to do almost anything to further that cause.

Be they anti-abortionists, anti-whalers, anti-capitalists, environmental crusaders or religious fanatics, they often believe that anyone who isn't with them, is against them. Most of the fanatics are brainwashed to some degree by the people that need others to do their dirty work for them. Despite all the pictures of Osama with AKs and RPGs, he wasn't the one leading the attacks, planting the bombs or otherwise "getting his hands dirty". He had lieutenants and underlings to do those things, and die for his "cause". Same for Mullah Omar, al-Zawahiri and the rest of their ilk. The puppet-masters try to keep their own butts safe while sending others out to commit crimes (and die) in their place.

(Note - the "Green Peace'rs" aren't generally "fanatics". Motivated activists perhaps, but not likely to try and torture/murder other people for their cause.)

The worst part is, there is simply no pleasing most of those fanatics (or their "masters"). If you give in to their various demands, they'll come up with new ones. If you try to compromise, they'll take that as a sign of weakness and press harder. If you bring down the heavy-handed hammer on them, you risk creating more of the same.

There are learned people that spend years researching such matters and trying to find solutions, just as there are others who have little.......patience...... for such problems and try for faster, harsher methods. As we can see from the world around us, none have found viable solution yet.

Funny you should mention a decade in Afghanistan and the phrase "that anyone who isn't with them is against them". The idiot George W Bush used that same phrase to coerce half the Western world into Afghanistan.

The Pentagon and Whitehouse were/are just as deceptive and fanatical in their beliefs. Worse, some of their "beliefs" they didn't believe but had political and financial motives to urge the public to believe...WOMD in Iraq being the most obvious.

More phrases from your post could be used on this subject too; Puppet masters, sending others to commit crime (and die)......If you bring down the heavy-handed hammer...risk creating more of the same.....

Funny that, innit?

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