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Old men, where in the world did all your money go

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Interesting article, and well done with what you are doing.

Fortunately for me I have done financially well, made most my Capital with Property in Europe, now enjoying my Golden Years here, suits me and my life style..

Yes, it is sad when I see less fortunate farangs, but a lot of it is self induced.

All the best and Good Luck.

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rent = 2000b bills=300b (internet free) food=5000b a month

city hanoi, baht for ur convenience

ur calculator, im not sure if u can get it up ur anus

No transport fees.

No housekeeping fees. (Soap etc)

No medical fees.

Etc, etc.

Living in a dream world if you think 2MB will last 20 years.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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when reality hits it will hit hard, I knew a guy that developed the perfect betting system, he was early 30's, saved up for a few years then tossed in his job, abused anyone that told him he was a fool and started his big career. In 6 months he was lining up for govt handouts, like most of those who think they have it all worked out so they never have to work for others again, he got it wrong. Instead of dreaming and using very farsicle figures(that leave out a lot of other expenses) maybe you should be asking those old guys what you need to do to be able to survive here, remember. if you get sick your savings will be gone in a flash, same if you enjoy a beer and screwing round, if you want to save money, water and your hand are your best friends. As a really great mate of mine says, "wank wank money in the bank, root root no loot"

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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thank you for the advice so far, some very good advice!

Inflation and health i have taken care of, im not planning on travelling much and i DONT want a gold digging whore of a gf... sry for the sterotype...

and way i have a sex friend who always insists on paying half, she is so sweet, we went to the movies, and she fed me popcorm the whole way through the movie, she strokes my face and lips all the time, idk why its kind of a fetish for her or something lol, if any one want to know about the yala girl, ;_; ill write an update, but u mean ppl were right, i didn't right an update because it the rude comments are so foul to the eyes. I dont mind a bit or sarcasim and scorn but rubbing people faces in the dirt is sickening, that leads me to why i dont wanna a go back to the west, i cant deal with western people any more. The place is unbearable. I will learn phython, html and write a few website designs that ive had in my mind for a few years, one similar to redit but much much better!! and another that is a dating website with a really special algorithm that im quite proud of!!!a

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Here's a piece of advice for the OP, if your primary concern is building and sustaining wealth, then don't get married. YMMV. thumbsup.gif

He can marry a wealthy hi-so Thai girl.

I am sure he will regale us with his stories soon enough, here's one of his previous


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This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips.

Be assured, this isn't a 'talent' restricted to farangs. Every nation on the planet has people in exactly the same situation. Have you tried talking to old people of the same ethnicity as yourself about why they have no savings, no plan for inflation, etc?

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

Perhaps your next book could be your interpretation of 'how to win friends and influence people'.

You seem to have a lot of pent up energy inside ( or is it just anger?). You need to focus and use it positively or in 30 years time, you may find you've become what you currently despise.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I will learn phython, html and write a few website designs that ive had in my mind for a few years, one similar to redit but much much better!! and another that is a dating website with a really special algorithm that im quite proud of!!!a

Jesus wept

mrtoad, don't be so cynical!

If I had the skill set to program and create algorithms, I wouldn't waste time and energy creating google, ebay, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

I can see the Dragons' Den millionaires climbing over each other to try and get his dating website and special algorithm.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

my 22 year old sex friend

Your 22 year old sex friend will help you depart from your money and quickly.

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

my 22 year old sex friend

Your 22 year old sex friend will help you depart from your money and quickly.

What does said 22 year old sex friend do for a living ?.....coyote dancer ?....have you checked "her" ID yet ?

BTW with the princely some of THB 2.0 million in bank, one suspects soon you will not be able to afford water to drink, so don't think you will pissing on any ones graves

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I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

You are so incompetent, you probably wouldn't be able to manage a simple task like that, without help.

most likely he will end up peeing on his own shoes, if can afford shoes that is...

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

"And then the world will be mine...All mine...hahaha"

Narcissist unraveling...


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I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

leosuntime, ScotBKK,whereyoustay,

TVF, is clearly on its way down allowing someone like you to be so nasty, for little or no reason.

When you go on talking about Gravestone urination, you really go to showing what a nasty, vile, insignificant and unintelligent human being that you are.

Your thread is absolute nonsense, your posts within the thread are ridiculous and you are not surprising anyone with any of it because everyone here has seen it all before.

There are places you can go to get professional help, so run along, be a good boy now !

Those places that he needs cost a lot of money, and he doesn't have that. There is something quite alarming about his posting history - and one thread which got deleted on Friday was quite bizarre.

The OP appears to have some serious mental health and anger issues, and I hope he gets the appropriate help. Trolling on this forum, isn't really of any benefit to him.

He's also PM ed me and from my communications with him I would suggest you are right.


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thank you for the advice so far, some very good advice!

Inflation and health i have taken care of, im not planning on travelling much and i DONT want a gold digging whore of a gf... sry for the sterotype...

and way i have a sex friend who always insists on paying half, she is so sweet, we went to the movies, and she fed me popcorm the whole way through the movie, she strokes my face and lips all the time, idk why its kind of a fetish for her or something lol, if any one want to know about the yala girl, ;_; ill write an update, but u mean ppl were right, i didn't right an update because it the rude comments are so foul to the eyes. I dont mind a bit or sarcasim and scorn but rubbing people faces in the dirt is sickening, that leads me to why i dont wanna a go back to the west, i cant deal with western people any more. The place is unbearable. I will learn phython, html and write a few website designs that ive had in my mind for a few years, one similar to redit but much much better!! and another that is a dating website with a really special algorithm that im quite proud of!!!a

I pray to god you arent English, how i would hate you tarnishing the english expats here. Obviously you are a silly troll

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In the words of many of the authorities within this pleasant land he is and forever will be "an Alien" only in his case it is quite literal.

He is surely a legend in his own mind, a half-wit gave him a piece of his mind and he held on to it. As an outsider I am sure he is in awe of the human race.

Judging by the old saying, "What you don't know can't hurt you," he's practically invulnerable.

Edited by CharlieH
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I don't think he is English - I believe he may be Australian, not that they'll be wanting to claim him.

Not a chance. I would say South American or Eastern European.

Sorry to offend people from those regions putting a person like this on you, but clearly English is not his native language.

No trolling but this blokes mind only works in algorithms he can understand.

Sitting with his "sex friend" living in luxury for 6k-10k a month was where I gave up hope. Either isn't in Thailand or as most of us do in country, has too much time on his hands and this is up for a crack.

Made me giggle...

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