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Bowe Bergdahl release: US parties clash on Afghan deal


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Bowe Bergdahl release: US parties clash on Afghan deal
Beth McLeod reports on Afghan government anger over the release

WASHINGTON: -- The main US political parties have clashed over the deal to swap five Guantanamo Bay detainees for a Taliban-held soldier, with Republicans warning it could put American lives at risk.

Senator John McCain said the detainees, who were transferred to Qatar, were some of the "highest high-risk people".

Afghanistan also attacked the deal, saying handing prisoners to a third country was against international law.

Sgt Bowe Bergdahl, 28, was handed to US forces in Afghanistan on Saturday.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27658821

-- BBC 2014-06-02

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John McCain aka the canary, because he sang so much and so sweetly to his captors.

He was tortured mercilessly. He also turned down the chance to return home to America without his men. Not many people would do that. He was a hero.

You need to read more, and stay away from the "political fiction" section.

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You need to read more, and stay away from the "political fiction" section.

Pot. Kettle.

You have made two posts to now, neither of which provided even a tiny whiff of backing to your absurd, lying claim. And of course no future post you make will contain any, either, since no such information exists.

That said, your post is a neat warning to everyone that there are some internet posts that aren't true. 555. You've just seen two of them.


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Bowe Bergdahl was drunk on duty went AWOL from his post and went outside of the compound and got captured. Those who are now serving or retired from the US Army know this. He is no hero and should face charges and be locked up. This isn't about some old US Senator.

Edited by pmarlin
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Bowe Bergdahl was drunk on duty went AWOL from his post and went outside of the compound and got captured. Those who are now serving or retired from the US Army know this. He is no hero and should face charges and be locked up. This isn't about some old US Senator.

Whatever happened to that American Value of Presumption of Innocence?

"presumption of innocence n. a fundamental protection for a person accused of a crime, which requires the prosecution to prove its case against the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This is opposite from the criminal law in many countries, where the accused is considered guilty until he/she proves his/her innocence or the government completely fails to prove its case. " the free legal dictionary.

In the case of Sgt. bergdahl, there is not even any accusation of a crime by the military authorities.

But don't let that get in your way.

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So do Repubs want Obama to call off the deal, send him back to Taliban? Maybe embed Sean Hannity with him to set example of tough guy? I look at it this way: this is part one, releasing the big bad guys. Would not be sporting to hit with drone strike while at Gitmo in a cage. Get them back on the street where can wipe out with impunity. If bad boys stay in Qatar, maybe they can help with World Cup planning. See who visits them, and boom more targets. If they leave, then it is open season. Being away from Gitmo doesn't mean they are set free, just set up.

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I supported this at first, but the more that I read about it, the more skeptical I become. For me, it hinges on whether Bowe Bergdahl was a Taliban sympathizer before he was imprisoned, or not.

Not sure how anyone could support this, all this will do is put bigger targets on soldiers from every country. The facts are Bergdahl is a deserter, and possible sympathizer, Obama released high value terrorists with at least 3 of them with blood on their hands, it was obviously another Obama sympathizing tactic for his Muslim terrorist brothers. If any negotiations were done they should have been done for the Marine in Mexico.

Hopefully this most recent scandal rids the world of Obama and his traitorous ways and epic failures.

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They have a God named Aton of Light and their ancestors came from "starships".

Maybe the should have named their God, A Ton of BS.
Thanks for the effort. thumbsup.gif

Yes indeed, sometimes Google is clearly not our friend.

But then again, I did say "Make of it what you will" for a reason.


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Bowe Bergdahl was drunk on duty went AWOL from his post and went outside of the compound and got captured. Those who are now serving or retired from the US Army know this. He is no hero and should face charges and be locked up. This isn't about some old US Senator.

Whatever happened to that American Value of Presumption of Innocence?

"presumption of innocence n. a fundamental protection for a person accused of a crime, which requires the prosecution to prove its case against the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This is opposite from the criminal law in many countries, where the accused is considered guilty until he/she proves his/her innocence or the government completely fails to prove its case. " the free legal dictionary.

In the case of Sgt. bergdahl, there is not even any accusation of a crime by the military authorities.

But don't let that get in your way.

The 15-6 investigation has been done and this is the account form several eyewitness.

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The best is to ignore what the Afghani cons say. The fact is that they are unable to run the own country, corruption at highest level and an corrupt ignorant as president. The west should stop immediately all civil and military support to this country.

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I fear this young man is going to have very rough sledding when he returns to America. His case is already being used as a political football both in the US and in Afghanistan. The Repubs will whip up another hysteria over this as they have done repeatedly with Syrian policy and Benghazi-Benghazi-BENGHAZI!

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This was nothing but a calculated move by Obama to cover his butt on the VA mess. Bergdahl is a deserter and should be on trial. #BergdahlTraitor

Bull crap! How on earth does getting a captured member of the US military freed after 5 years in Taliban captivity cover Obama's but concerning the VA scandal? It can't! This was about freeing an American from a terrorist organization and has been in the works for a long time. And what proof is there that this young man is a traitor? I've not heard one word that would even suggest such a thing. Shame on you.

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The truly sad thing is that Bowe has now become a political football to be dragged through the ordeal of trial by agenda-driven media.

From what we are learning so far, I still feel that, if he was an unwilling captive, he has suffered enough and should not be prosecuted, However, I really have to wonder why the Obama administration would violate our rule against negotiating with terrorists and illegally trade 5 high-level terrorists for a deserter who left his post willingly.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This was nothing but a calculated move by Obama to cover his butt on the VA mess. Bergdahl is a deserter and should be on trial. #BergdahlTraitor

Bull crap! How on earth does getting a captured member of the US military freed after 5 years in Taliban captivity cover Obama's but concerning the VA scandal? It can't! This was about freeing an American from a terrorist organization and has been in the works for a long time. And what proof is there that this young man is a traitor? I've not heard one word that would even suggest such a thing. Shame on you.

Try reading this series of tweets from someone who was there.


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Obama ran on a campaign promise of closing Gitmo. Obama was elected by a majority of voters. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest a majority of Americans wanted to see Gitmo closed.

Bob Bergdahl just had his only son held captive for 5 years without any form of trial. His son was not treated by the Geneva Conventions due all soldiers. Is it that surprising that he feels compassion for other families of Gitmo "detainees" treated in a similar fashion?

Politically speaking,, Obama "handlers" should have recognized the father holds radical views and made more of an effort to quiet this guy down so that it didn't backfire so quickly against Obama.

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