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Man, I feel soooooo sorry for you.

I could never imagine, there are, hard women like her around.

Doesn't want to play pool with you?

Fire her

You have to smoke in the balcony.

She is an oppressor.

And the worst thing, spends her money on her family?

This is a crime.

Run man run away.

May be she will see better days in the future.

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Be grateful it was her £4000 she spent on her Family,you know darn well this is the price you pay for marrying a brain washed Thai,i.e they are tought from an early age that they owe their parents until they die...............get used to it,it's not their fault,just a poor non benevelent social system, which has fed corruption for countless decades!

As for 1-1 at pool,obviously you are not too good at it!

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How to get rid of a troll on TV ?

Most posts on TV are a little bit Troll...

mine are a little bit country.

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Cancelling her visa is kinda cruel way to end a relationship. No matter how boring she is, she should deserve some respect. Have the decency to tell her personally you want an end to the relationship. Btw, do not make haste decision when angry, upset or drunk.

Sometimes, true words come out when one is drunk. I am not saying about the OP whom I think is not drunk. I am talking about myself!

For a girl of 24 who could amass £4000 to give to her family is one who needed not a British Visa to climb up the ladder.

This may be a troll post, but I do not like the message implying girls are taken to a heaven, such as the UK! You can't force a horse to drink if the horse doesn't want to comes to mind!


You say you are 45, if that is 45 stone, then i would imagine anything that moves would be fit, i'm also drunk

Starting a thread as well is an option.


"she's quite fit, 24 and I'm 45..."

Count your blessings. Many here envy you. Try to get that in your home country. If it's so bad, do the mia noi Thai style. But why would you?


Be unpredictable and obnoxious. Push her around a bit, like a brisk shove into a wall for being wrong again about something most people would not consider important. Smash a plate really loudly on the floor and after she's got back into the skin she jumped out of and looks at you in astonishment (later this should change to fright), give her a weird look and keep on using the eff word.

When she makes you something to eat throw it up the wall with a laugh. Leave regular turds in the bathtub/shower and deny all knowledge. Be caught giving her strange looks.

I could go on and on. Stuff like this is easy. It never ceases to amaze me how people are unable to get rid of stalkers.

Not that I'm saying your wife is a stalker. Accuse her of being a stalker, amongst other things. Allow her to find her knickers strewn outside the front door.

See how easy it is, if you barely even try?



is there a thread opened for bids to be cast?

and, a picture is required, even thai friendly gives a picture before the bidding starts.

how is her house cleaning skills?

my house is a wreck at the moment, and my bed empty


I could have spent that £4000 much more wisely, on beer, clothes, dj equipment and other things, what a waste of money!

Is she a bargirl?

She plays pool so im thining MUST BE...............lol.

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