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Try being a Thai and getting into some of the western countries. As for 'owning land' issues, I believe the Thais have it right. Foreign ownership of land, especially in a country as small as Thailand is NOT a good thing. Perfect example would be Australia. They have allowed foreign investment to swoop in and make large land purchases and that country has significant problems with the cost of housing, locals have been well and truely priced out of the market by wealth foreign investors. I'm not complaining though as I am a land owner that made serious profit by selling land for multiple amounts of what it was really worth, so three cheers to me wink.png

Please leave Thailand and take your miserable money with you, it won't be noticed.

I'm with you on the land issue. Whilst I feel it would be fair to at least allow a foreigner with a Thai wife and family to own a house there could be limits set in terms of how much and where. Thailand is their country after all.

So I can fully understand why Thailand doesn't want the rich elite swanning over and buying up huge chunks of premium land as happened in London with the Arabs and forcing out the locals. A large number of houses in the most exclusive road in the UK are owned by members of seriously wealthy muslim families and most are either vacant or derelict having been bought purely as investments. But even the rich Thais are at it now, no doubt following the example of the people's champion who owns properties in London and Surrey conservatively valued at close to one billion baht.

And he didn't even need an English golfing partner. wink.png

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With all due respect to the OP statements, Questions, and requests for what I can only guess would be called diplomatic reciprocity...

I think what is needed here, is not for Thailand to change, but for a more Thai style patriotism to be acceptable in our own Western Countries - since that would be fair, wouldn't it? thumbsup.gif

Consider the pride Thai's have for their own country, traditions and way of doing things, and also the ease of which they say "if you don't like it here go home" without fear of being labelled a fascist or racist by other Thais. That would simply never happen, since to do so would be unpatriotic! wai2.gif

As a 'for instance' My visits to the UK are now very few and far between, and i spend a lot of time biting my tongue. It starts with some guy in turban checking my British Passport at Heathrow airport and heads on downhill from there. Many cities in the UK 'Bradistan' (Bradford) for example, remind me of my many years spent in the Middle East.

How strange that refugees move to a new host country in distressed circumstances claiming political asylum, and then want to change their new host country to be just like the sh#t hole they've fled from - in at the heart of things, this is what the OP is requesting, and thus his requests just don't make any sense at all - simply go back home mate to where things are all sweet and rosey.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

So No - I don't want to change Thailand. Its fair to Thai's and that's how it should be.

But I would sure like to encourage more Thai style patriotism in the UK.

Pat Condell says it as it is here:-

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well said mikephuket1970 big round of applause

just look at the state of ENGLAND because people from other countries do, have and can change things to there way of life, its just not the British Isles anymore

Thailand is perfect the way it is no body has to stay and live here if they do not like it

once again well said mikephulet1970 xx


brilliant steve 2 I am with you I agree with every word you have written, British people should take a look at the patriotism and respect they have for there country then may be England would not be going to the dogs. xx

  • Like 1

the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

kicking him on his way out the door, is part of that unwelcome feeling he has, as, the willingness of members to do that to him,

is precisely the example of Thainess, that you all have absorbed,

it is not ok,

to treat people this way,

the fact that you all enjoy it,

is pathetic

OP, get your money out of Thai banks while you can,

there are a host of unknowns about to hit Thailand,

do not get caught in the sweeps

If they are "unknowns" how do you know about them ?

Is the sky going to fall in too ?

Quick everyone, abandon ship ! ?........yeah right.

if you feel unwelcome and lower than low class in Thail-la-land now,

wait until the military dictatorship is unable to keep control of inflation and scarcity,

the first targets will be anyone with a white face

What a load of codswallop.


the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

kicking him on his way out the door, is part of that unwelcome feeling he has, as, the willingness of members to do that to him,

is precisely the example of Thainess, that you all have absorbed,

it is not ok,

to treat people this way,

the fact that you all enjoy it,

is pathetic

OP, get your money out of Thai banks while you can,

there are a host of unknowns about to hit Thailand,

do not get caught in the sweeps

If they are "unknowns" how do you know about them ?

Is the sky going to fall in too ?

Quick everyone, abandon ship ! ?........yeah right.

if you feel unwelcome and lower than low class in Thail-la-land now,

wait until the military dictatorship is unable to keep control of inflation and scarcity,

the first targets will be anyone with a white face

I never said I felt unwelcome? What are going on about, do know how absurd your ramblings are, give us a break and spare us from your pearls of wisdom, you can get help for paranoia you know.

Not everyone can Charlie.


I don't know where the OP gets the idea that Americans get any special consideration here. If so, could he tell me where to sign up?

I enjoy being a farang. Think I will stay.


30 years in Thailand, and I love my house in the jungle, what Thai do I give a shitt, I keep distance.

I have my life, and Thai don't visit our home, an I am happy. !!


wow u have lived your whole and still dont understand what investing is.

its so convenient for farang not question the mechanics behind the 'farang price'.

what company did u help build? peasant.

do governments invest?

farang are basically a parasite along with the enabler, the thai central bank.

I would say that most people simply have a low IQ

u r spending money that has been freshly printed

u r stealing and consuming with out producing any thing

did your spending increase infrastructure? does thailand now produce more by giving there products away for free?

u took an apple out of another thai person's hand


im gonna point this out, to every thai person I meet!

I will say, see that fat farang, he stole from you!

I suppose thai ppl r pretty dumb not too, as the cant figure this out either...

Your rambling so get more and more pathetic.

When are you going to head off and live on a mountain?

When they were dishing out IQ, you clearly were last in line.

BIACK, on 03 Jun 2014 - 18:25, said:

30 years in Thailand, and I love my house in the jungle, what Thai do I give a shitt, I keep distance.

I have my life, and Thai don't visit our home, an I am happy. !!

You're repeating yourself, not that anyone cares.


Happy travel whereever you are heading OP, and I hope you find your Shangri-La somewhere like I have found mine in Thailand.


...there is a short balcony waiting for you in Pattaya...

Life is hard especially in Thailand...

More things in life than money.

More ways to buy property, or business - if you follow their rules.

The first Thais I ever met, told me to change my country and the way I think -

and they had come to my country for a "better" life (money)...

sound famiiar?


I feel your pain...although I can not identify with your frustrations...This is Thailand...not England...either accept their thinly veiled hostility towards foreigners...or do as I did...last Nov...and find another more appealing piece of paradise...many places are more accommodating than Thailand...especially true with the political strife, curfew, and unknown future of this country...don't rant and whine...take action...or be quiet...


Throwing a tantrum online won't make it so. Move somewhere where you can do all the things that you say you want to do.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

kicking him on his way out the door, is part of that unwelcome feeling he has, as, the willingness of members to do that to him,

is precisely the example of Thainess, that you all have absorbed,

it is not ok,

to treat people this way,

the fact that you all enjoy it,

is pathetic

OP, get your money out of Thai banks while you can,

there are a host of unknowns about to hit Thailand,

do not get caught in the sweeps

Ah! Fear mongering a nice addition to the "people who Hate people club. Members are starting to stack up.bah.gif


well you can start a company here - maybe not drive a taxi for a living tho... you can own a condo outright - i have been paying 10,000 bt a month mortgage for 10 years now - house is in the wife;s best's friend's name with her name on the title as well so the friend can't sell it without her ok... yah a little spooky but no sweat...i met a UK guy in Hua Hin years ago who said it good "every time I come here i try to see how I can stay longer" - in my case it was with a thai company doing hydraulic cylinder repair and chroming and I am a cylinder seals/gasket/etc expert guy - started off on low pay but now am pretty close to the old salary in Canada... but it took a while yes...I made it happen - had the experience and the knowhow and where to buy stuff... now the cylinder shop has 50+ employee's and the seal co. has 18 people...but yah - hard if you a plumber back home to get a plumbing job here - but you never know.... have to get a work permit or start your own company - you would even do good considering the quality of some of the plumbing and electrical work - as long as it isn't on the list of jobs falungs can't do - but not if you own the company and train the guys in the proper way on doing stuff.... anyway - nuff said - I agree with no thainess for 4 - things may get worse before they get better with visas/WP's etc over the next 15 months ... who knows ...


30 years in Thailand, and I love my house in the jungle, what Thai do I give a shitt, I keep distance.

I have my life, and Thai don't visit our home, and I am happy. As and ex army they think I vil kill, and I vil if they step on my land.

I can see why Thais and probably everybody else give you a wide berth...!


The reason the Thais do not allow Farang to own land or majority company or have a fare immigration rules is because they cannot play on a level playing field. In general they do not think out of the box like in the west. As such they must make rules that will hinder foreigners from being Equal . If that was ever to happen they would loose out very fast and this is fact.

Consider if all the foreign investment was to dry up There would be very serious problems here and the current problems would pale by comparison The current Coup leaders have a great opportunity here with Real reform. This means reform from the bottom up and that includes reforming Immigration as well.

Thailand needs to be very aware of the needs of people that come here for many reasons, But as it stands the system is silly and draconian . This is 2014 Thailand needs to catch up the the rest of the world with all aspects of society here in Thailand

I hope you are not bored with my rand but its easy to criticize and hard to suggest reforms. This is one area that needs real reform. In every aspect from a working Visa to Retirement to Education visas as well as all the other visas too.

But as with most things that are in dire need of repair Thais tend to not do what is the good thing for every one


I think over time, I've found something (often many things) I didn't like about every place I've ever lived, including my home

country. However, the more I traveled, and the more I learned about myself, I started to see that a lot of my problem adjusting

to places and things was my attitude. I must say, I agree wholeheartedly with earlier commenters who said they are quite happy

here. Sure, there are things here that, if I let them, would drive me bonkers. I chose to "turn down the volume" on that shit and turn up the volume on the stuff that makes me feel good. It's not denial. It's a conscious choice to be happy.

I think I have finally found a place I can call home, not only in Thailand, but in myself as well.


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I think one of the biggest problems with the racism here, towards Westerners is that we Westerners ourselves not only accept being called the "whitey" (farang), but actually enjoy being called "farang".

If I got 1 thai baht every time I see and hear a foreigner proudly calling himself "whitey" (farang), I would be very rich by now.

Just take a look at this forum. Every other foreigner calls himself the Whitey. Why should Thais stop discriminating and objectifying us, when we,even do it to ourselves??

We even have a "whitey" forum here on Thaivisa, created by other whiteys.

So how can we expect Thais to not behave racists towards us??


Thailand is a nationalistic country. A foraying concept for most western countries that have been brain washed for 30 years ”multi cultural” and immigration.

In Farang countries they have a project making the countries multi cultural (the idea: if all countries have all nationalists = why have countries?)

East asian cultures don’t have the same brainwashing media. They still believe in their own culture, country and way of living.

We should respect that.

We have 210 countries and territories because people have different beliefs, religion, culture and genetic makeup. Its an insane idea to try to create one-world culture.

Talibans have right to their culture -in their country. Its an insane idea that USA should bomb them to think like US. That is true racism.

Being nationalistic and thinking about its own citizen in their own country is not racist.

That is why nationalists are the real anti racist:

We believe in a multi ethnic world. Every culture have their right to live how they want. Thailand for thais. Somalia for Somalies and so on.

This leads to the real racists that is conducting the biggest genocide in history: the multi cultural powers. Political correctness.

(and this is not meant to be ”racist”. Just stating a fact: there is not one single country for white people in the world today. Every other ethnicity have their own country. Only the 20 countries of 210 that have managed to create a ”good” society are killing them selves of by multi cultural. My country Sweden: In just 30 years they have killed of over 20% of the ethic population and replaced them with 30% more immigrants. From nr1 country in the world to nr 35 in 40 years. Ethic Swedes will be minority in less than 20 years. Over 1000 year history killed off in less then 50 years with a socialistic dream that every single human been wants the same, have the same belief, that everyone wants the same culture and way of living. Its a sick way of thinking).

We should adopt Thai policies in our home countries.

Thats sounds very similar to what Hitler believed.


Once you realise and understand that the Thais love your money,but are not that interested in you,makes life more bearable.I couldn't give a shit what they call me as long as the exchange rate keeps moving in my favour and the sun keeps shining. I once thought about getting out,but when I looked at house prices in other South Eastern countries,decided to grin and bear it.


Once you realise and understand that the Thais love your money,but are not that interested in you,makes life more bearable.

HARSH, and when the apologists, and the forum members with Thai wifes read your reply there will be blood.


the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

kicking him on his way out the door, is part of that unwelcome feeling he has, as, the willingness of members to do that to him,

is precisely the example of Thainess, that you all have absorbed,

it is not ok,

to treat people this way,

the fact that you all enjoy it,

is pathetic

OP, get your money out of Thai banks while you can,

there are a host of unknowns about to hit Thailand,

do not get caught in the sweeps

Its not about absorbing anything its about being mature enough to except the fact people are different and there culture will be different and to think they should change there culture to accommodate a few visitors or just you is a good indicator of your maturity and your ability to accept differences.My response to any who are not happy here is to leave.

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