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Important Notice! Are You A Blood Donor?


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Our american friend architect Kenneth Matazzoni, US citizen, but living in Bangkok is in URGENT need for blodtype “O negative” donors. Ken is currently at Bumrungraad Hospital in Bangkok where he is on the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) with a instant kidney failure and abnorm lever size. This blod type is very rare espcially among Asian people and so far no blod of this type is on stock. If you have this blodtype or know one who has, please contact one of us on 24/7:

Claus Boman, pho 069 88 00 11 (speaks English and Scandinavian languages)

Supreeya Premthong pho 01 33 01 565 (speaks English and Thai).

The donation will take place in Bumrungrad Hospital at Sukhumvit Soi 3. Ken will hold all you cost for transportation and hospital fees.

Again – this is a VERY URGENT request, please spread the word – it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Dear All

Thank you very much for the positive response we got concerning Ken’s urgent need of blood type “O negative” in Bangkok. We got 4 donors today which means that we are not any longer in urgent need - however the doctors at Bumrungrad has advised us to take all phone numbers and contact addresses in the future as Ken WILL be in need for more blood over the next two three weeks.

Donations will take place at Bumrungrad Hospital, Sukhumvit Soi 3 and all transportation and hospital fees will be taken care of. You will be guided and assisted all way, so please don’t stop calling us – we are reachable at the following numbers 24/7:

Claus Boman, pho 069 88 00 11 (speaks English and Scandinavian languages)

Supreeya Premthong pho 01 33 01 565 (speaks English and Thai).

Ken is still in the Intensive Care Unit at Bumrungrad, but the help received sure makes things look a bit brighter. We are all VERY grateful for peoples care and help and I’m sure Ken will be thanking you all when he (hopefully soon) is up running again. It can’t be said enough but we really thank everybody for their help today and over the next few weeks.

A special thanks to mouse, which however did not yield any blood!

kandt :o

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Important notice! Are you a blood donor?

A US citizen living in Bangkok is in URGENT need for blood type “O negative” donors. He is currently at Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok where he is on the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) with kidney failure and an abnormal sized liver. This blood type is very rare especially among Asian

people and so far no blood of this type is in stock. If you have this blood type or know anyone who does, please contact one of us. We can be reached 24/7:

Claus Boman, phone 069 88 00 11 (speaks English and Scandinavian languages)

Supreeya Premthong phone 01 33 01 565 (speaks English and Thai).

The donation will take place in Bumrungrad Hospital at Sukhumvit Soi 3. All transportation and hospital fees will be taken care of.

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We got this in the email from Claus:



Dear All

Thank you very much for the positive respons we got today concerning our

American friend Ken¹s urgent need of bloodtype "O negative" in Bangkok. We

got 4 donors today which means that we are not any longer in urgent need -

however the doctors at Bunrungrad has adviced us to take all phonenumbers

and contact addresses in the future as Ken WILL be in need for more blood

over the next two three weeks.

Donations will take place at Bunrungrad Hospital, Sukhumvit Soi 3 and all

transportation and hospital fees will be taken care of. You will be guided

and assisted all way, so please don¹t stop calling us ­ we are reachable at

the following numbers 24/7:

Claus Boman, pho 069 88 00 11 (speaks English and Scandinavian languages)

Supreeya Premthong pho 01 33 01 565 (speaks English and Thai).

Ken is stil in the Intensive Care Unit at Bunrungrad, but the good news and

help today sure makes things look a bit brighter. We are all VERY greatfull

for peoples care and help and I¹m sure Ken will be thanking you all when he

(hopefully soon) is up running again. It can¹t be said enough but we really

thank everybody for their help today and over the next few weeks...

Best regards

Claus Boman & Supreeya Premthong

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Follow-up, another email from Claus:

Just to let you know we had about 20 people calling us and another 10

mailing last two days. 4 people gave blood so far, a lot of contact on the

waiting list to give blood the next time needed ­ though we are not sure for

how long a period he will need it.

Of the about 20 people calling, most have

been recidence living here with the same bloodtype willing to give and help.

Besides that we had BNH hospital, The American Citizen Service (under the US

Embassy calling) and Central Blood Registrer.

A guy from England mailed his father in Thailand that he saw the need for help so the word really has been around.

We submitted the message to the Scandnavian/Thai messageboard,

stickmanbangkok.com, thaivisa.com (via other peoples help and care), and we

must say that we are amased by the respons we got. The "jungle drums" works

among falang here when it's really is needed. Nice to know!

Ken is still at the ICU (intensive care unit) ­ for those who don't know it,

our friend is 52 year old, one of these type who don't drink, don't smoke,

healthy eating and go to bed every night at 9 o'clock. So as I say ­ could

it happen to him, it could happen to everybody...

Again thanks for your concern. I will keep you posted next week for

what the status is. Thank you.



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Sorry, I have O positive.

But in general, it's a great idea to give blood in Thailand. I've done it on six occasions in the past two years and have been treated royally (literally and figuratively, since I was even given some sort of thank you amulet with a picture of the King). The Thai staff at the CM Red Cross knows me by name already, which probably shows how rare it is that farangs give blood. We can create enormous good feeling by regularly donating blood in Thailand.

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This lack of Blood Type O negative in Thailand is an ongoing problem. It is even more acute outside of Bangkok. The same problem definately exists in China.

There is a definative need for some network throughout Asia that will make Hospitals aware of locations of O negative donors. A worthy project for an O negative person with the time and will to coordinate.

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Its amazing you got that many people in bangkok with type O neg. even in america its only 5 percent of the population. I'm a Type O neg and it scares me that I may have a problem here. aren't most folks a B type in asia?


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This lack of Blood Type O negative in Thailand is an ongoing problem. It is even more acute outside of Bangkok. The same problem definately exists in China.

There is a definative need for some network throughout Asia that will make Hospitals aware of locations of O negative donors. A worthy project for an O negative person with the time and will to coordinate.

Good idea indeed! Could the thaivisa community do something in order to help?

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I am O Rh + and travel to Thailand 2-3 times a year.  I have given blood 27 times in England and would be very happy to give it in Thailand instead if it were needed.

  Where can I find out ?


Please contact Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok!

Bumrungrad Contact page

Here is some general information regarding blood groups etc:


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Follow up from Claus:

This is the update as promised about our friend need for blood donors ­

please call or mail if you need anymore.

Anyway, the story goes that our American friend was send from his doctor in

Phuket to Bunrungrad hospital as he had been complaining about being

fatique, out of power etc. At Bunrungrad they waited at the result of a

biopsy and when that came he was taken to ICU immediately. His condition was

weak, the kidney didn¹t work, his lever was oversized and his blod was out

of mix so to say. The doctors at Bunrundgrad was in urgent need of the

bloodtype O negative as they where ³out of stock² including their regular

suppliers. As one doctor told they only have about 2000 registrated

Thaidonors around the country and that our friend was on the list but not

number 1.

After trying witin our own friends it all turned out that the Thaifriends we

had were all O positive, not negative and we decided to submit our request

to you and to the Scandinavian message board as well.

The reactions where amasing. From 11 o¹clock Monday morning people start

calling, either as donors or idears where to get the blood. Within the next

three days my girlfriend and I got about 25 calls directly from donors,

mostly from Bangkok, but also Phuket, Koh Samet and Changmai. Most of them

falangs, 4 ­ 5 thais. We got sms from Germany from a guy who was comming on

holiday soon carrying this blood type. A ³son² from England mailed his

father in Thailand to let the father give blood and even a friend of us in

England saw the message and mailed instantly. Besides that we got about 10 ­

15 mails from possible donors, also turist on the way to Thailand. The US

Embassy came to us, BNH hospital, The Central Blood registrer and many more.

Besides that a Scandinavian brought the message to thaivisa.com who both

submitted the message to their website and called us as well to tell that

they would be glad to help, now or if it should be nessesary for other

people in those needs in the future.

The doctors announced that they would keep taking names and contact

information for possible donors but we now reach a limit where our friend

can be refilled from now to Christmas! His condition is better althoug to

weak to get out of bed at all. Two days ago they took him away from ICU but

he still faces many weeks at the hospital. They are still not sure wether he

got a tumor or not but he is facing kemotheraphy in a weeks time if present

medication don¹t help or react. He had blood tranfusion 3 times so far but

is likely to be in need for more. A word about him is that he is a guy, 52

years old, never drink, don¹t smoke and goes to bed before 9 o¹clock PM. If

thats the problem of his ilness I don¹t know but he is a healthy guy in

general. He lived in Asia for many years with a good physic and is a fit


Supreeya (my girlfriend) and I told most of the callers to keep our number

as we now have an extended list of possible donors in Thailand ­ one might

need it some day. At the same time we were positive suprised of the amount

of reaction we got and how positive and helpfull people has been. We didn¹t

expect that at all and the message channels it has been through has been

very powerfull thanks to everybodys help. We can¹t thank you enough!

Our friend situiation is still not stable, but it does seem that he is

recovering. He might be facing a huge hospital bill if the insurance don¹t

cover, but after that he migt face a big phone bill too, to thank all. I¹m

sure he will when the power comes back but it will take time.

For others who can come in a situation like this we guess that the ³tools²

we got here to help get the message out did work VERY well. We never saw

something alike. It¹s good to know when you are abroad, saying this comming

from a country (Denmark) were public health is way above standard and

carrying a regular bloodtype A.

Again ­ Thank you very much...

Best regards

Claus & Supreeya

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  • 1 month later...

I got this sad email today, and are publishing it here:


Hi George

Sad news ­ our friend Ken who was in urgent need of the O-negative donor

blood passed away Monday last week. I know he would have liked to express

his thanks for all the people who both gave donor blod and who were willing

to do. He appreciated the help that you at Thaivisa and Stickman Bangkok,

the Scandinavian message board and the American Citizen Service did to

spread the word. Unfortuanately he never got the chance although he from

time to time recovered very good. The cancer finally got him. He sleeped in

peacefullly, and due to help from many people who submitted donor blood he

got the chance to bare the sickness a little longer and have some of his

family from America visiting him.

So ­ all for now, you and the readers help was amazing.


Claus & Supreeya

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