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Thai water scheme firms accept NCPO delay


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Cambodia is as close to a military dictatorship as you can get. There is no need for a coup the one who is in control is already close to the army.

oh Cambodian never had the treat of a military coup read below. You lost all credibility.

I'm sorry, but there is only one award per day. Are you SURE you can't get closer to a military dictatorship than Cambodia. Absolutely certain? I'm pretty sure you can get one heck of a lot closer. Here's a small clue:


I didn't see the word "military" in your news of the Cambodian coup. Any reason you took it out? Or did you?

I know exactly how the cretinous Hun Sen gained, kept and enhanced his power. Exactly. For the latter, he used the heck out of his army. And not once, not for a Phnom Penh millisecond did his loyal army threaten a military coup to oust him.


Edited by wandasloan
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A significant number of these projects have been in the planning stages since the early 1990's, as a result of efforts by the Royal Irrigation Department begun at the behest of the Monarch back in the 1950's. There was overwhelming demand from all quarters: citizens, bureaucrats, foreign investors, industry, politicians of all ilks, water management experts, Dr. Water, here re: proactively addressing future flooding situations, during/after the great flood of 2011. But, easier to demand that everyone just "be happy", and also learn to swim.

Is every project perfect? (No)

Are there potential civilian displacements? (Yes)

Will graft/corruption instantly disappear? (Up to you)

Is it easy to sit back and do nothing? (Yes)

We have been hearing all the problems relating to floods and droughts for decades. The same frustrations are heard on poor infrastructure. Governments after government talks about this but do not have the fortitude to face the challenges and rather kick the can down the road except for Taksin and Yingluck. They have faults but in terms of vision, courage and determination, they are the only governments that get things down. Oppositions and political opportunists will obviously take aimed and will try to discredit the projects and these are the people who are holding the potential of the nation down. Yes, review the projects but for the future of Thailand, these water and infrastructures are needed to just play catch up with our peers.

Thaksin and Yingluck were indeed great in terms of vision, courage and determination, alas only to fill their own pockets (and opportunistically throw crumbs at uneducated empoverished masses to elect them). When you would be a private entrepreneur (busy with your own money...) confronted to a water management problem on your property, would it ever cross your mind to call a Mr Plodprasop to run the project for you (you know, the guy pushing water to the sea with thug boat propellers...)?

Question for you. What do you know about using boats to quicken the flow of water and do you know whose idea was it? Careful with your answer as I don't want to put you into trouble.

It was Plod's. I suspect you are (deliberately?) confusing using aerators to add some oxygen to stagnant water - HM's idea - with altering the flow of water. Aerators are widely used in klongs, small lakes, and the like all around Thailand.

That is proven to work unlike the buffoon's hare-brained scheme which was a complete waste of money (not his of course).

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Cambodia is as close to a military dictatorship as you can get. There is no need for a coup the one who is in control is already close to the army.

oh Cambodian never had the treat of a military coup read below. You lost all credibility.

I'm sorry, but there is only one award per day. Are you SURE you can't get closer to a military dictatorship than Cambodia. Absolutely certain? I'm pretty sure you can get one heck of a lot closer. Here's a small clue:


I didn't see the word "military" in your news of the Cambodian coup. Any reason you took it out? Or did you?

I know exactly how the cretinous Hun Sen gained, kept and enhanced his power. Exactly. For the latter, he used the heck out of his army. And not once, not for a Phnom Penh millisecond did his loyal army threaten a military coup to oust him.


Ok here we had a military coup.. no casualties

There you don't call it a military coup.. 40 casualties.

Guess what is worse.

Anyway the point was that even hun sen has abandoned Taksin. They were big friends but he wont help him with a government outside of Thailand. Taksin does have good friends cheesy.gif

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Cambodia is as close to a military dictatorship as you can get. There is no need for a coup the one who is in control is already close to the army.

oh Cambodian never had the treat of a military coup read below. You lost all credibility.

I'm sorry, but there is only one award per day. Are you SURE you can't get closer to a military dictatorship than Cambodia. Absolutely certain? I'm pretty sure you can get one heck of a lot closer. Here's a small clue:


I didn't see the word "military" in your news of the Cambodian coup. Any reason you took it out? Or did you?

I know exactly how the cretinous Hun Sen gained, kept and enhanced his power. Exactly. For the latter, he used the heck out of his army. And not once, not for a Phnom Penh millisecond did his loyal army threaten a military coup to oust him.


Ok here we had a military coup.. no casualties

There you don't call it a military coup.. 40 casualties.

Guess what is worse.

Anyway the point was that even hun sen has abandoned Taksin. They were big friends but he wont help him with a government outside of Thailand. Taksin does have good friends cheesy.gif

Hun Sen knows which side his bread is buttered on when it comes to allowing a Thai Govt in exile in Cambodia.

What do you think the armys reaction would be ?

That's right they would close the border and cut off all diplomatic relations.

That would leave Cambodia isolated except for the border with Vietnam.

They have one small port in the south which can not handle much exports and only one road into Lao in the north which until recently was cut off on the Cambodia side. The cant use the Mekong as the falls at the border with Lao are impassable to boats.

It would also mean virtually the end of the ASEAN alliance before it even got started.

As for the topic at hand, the scheme does need to be gone over and looked at seriously for there has really been no detailed plans announced other than an advertising poster.

It needs to be looked at by real experts and real environmental and health assessments done.

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We have been hearing all the problems relating to floods and droughts for decades. The same frustrations are heard on poor infrastructure. Governments after government talks about this but do not have the fortitude to face the challenges and rather kick the can down the road except for Taksin and Yingluck. They have faults but in terms of vision, courage and determination, they are the only governments that get things down. Oppositions and political opportunists will obviously take aimed and will try to discredit the projects and these are the people who are holding the potential of the nation down. Yes, review the projects but for the future of Thailand, these water and infrastructures are needed to just play catch up with our peers.

This isn't to pick on your post, on the contrary, it's excellent. But your last sentence: How many times is it to be reviewed? And is the economic department at the Royal Thai Army headquarters really the perfect final review board? Really? Because?

Yes, I agree, it is really cute how many posters find the RTA competent and pure. But come on, how naive do you have to be to think that the army bean-counters are the most competent judges of water-management in Thai history? Even in techniques of skimming the non-liquid assets of such projects, there are better people. So how many reviews, by how many different offices?

Unfortunately the way Thaksin and Yingluck got things done leads to issues - ignoring the law, ignoring EIA requirements, avoiding transparency, not following budget rules, not selecting qualified suppliers, etc etc etc.

Their record is more like launching projects and awarding contracts to contractors based on top secret criteria and then being found out for not doing anything correctly. Decisions taken by political cronies rather than experts.

It seems to have escaped your notice that Dr Thaksin and Ms Thaksinsister are not in the loop any longer. Yes, yes Satan and Satan's spawn were really, really bad and horrible and stuff, we know they were terrible yadda yadda.

It's June, 2014. What's to be done about water management? In your opinion of course. Are the old plans any good? If so, why review them? Are there new plans? Good, let's see them.

But what is this stuff about the 147th review, to be done by army bean-counters? Today. Not involving the Voldemort twins? What do you think about that? I think it's not even credible.



Well Einstein, I was responding to Eric's comments that a certain brother and sister act got things done. But thanks for your valueless input on that. They may be no longer in the loop in your opinion but they motives behind the decisions taken regarding projects are.

Now is the time to let experts, including making full use of international expertise like the Dutch, really work on things and even include EIA's and public hearings, something some politicians don't like, some even calling people garbage.

So, I don't think you can assume any PTP project was decided on the actual merits of the project. That's why they all have to be re-appraised. Some projects may contain sound ideas, some not. The selection criteria for suppliers would be a concern.

It needs a robust and rigorous plan in place now to deliver all of this. Something that has been missing for the last 3 years has bugger all has been delivered whilst large amounts have been spent.

You might like dismissing the piss poor management of the last 3 years but it ain't gonna be put right overnight.

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