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American resident of Pattaya facing charges of sexually assaulting minors


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There was a time, about ten years ago, when a lot of American religious NGOs in Cambodia were hunting for Paedophiles. Problem was, about 87% of all paedophiles in Camboland were locals, according to some research. So in order to deliver the quota to be eligible to stay on in P.P., many resorted to "helping" the detection of paedophiles by sending young boys to places like the Capitol restaurant and pester the tourists there. The kids would approach the tourist and the NGO staff was waiting with a camera in place around the next corner. Showing empathy for the poor kid? Click did the camera. Give the kid some money to buy some food? Also click. Not being touched or getting any money, these kids would demand 10 US$ or else they would say, they were touched indecently. The only way to get rid of them was to offer them a beating, which wasn't in the NGOs interest. Finally the local police cleared out the place of these young buggers.

Why I tell this? because it sounds very similar to what is happening in Pattaya and what happened to Chris. Young Cambodian street urchins? They think they can go free due to their young age. And at the same time, if anybody knows their handler, it is easy to order and pay for an "incident".

Of course the local police in Pattaya knows this, but they don't stop it, as it provides them with lots of under-the-table-money! And as they know their public image is lower than that of any other living creature, they don't care about their image any more.

Now I have met Chris a few times and I can tell you, that he has - wonder, over wonder - an official dual citizenship, being both US and Canadian citizen. So don't continue on that nonsense lead.

Chris is spearheading legal action against an European, who will probably be deported and declared persona-non-grata, and that guy has not really many friends left in Switzerland either, if I read the web messages correctly about this guy. So I would guess, that this guy, in his desperation, has turned to the Cambo-Boys handler to set up Chris and hoping, that would de-rail legal proceedings against him. A guess of mine, but I dare to say, an educated guess, nevertheless!

Sounds more likely than the story in the press!

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