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No double standards, NCPO tells police, courts and lawyers


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This is just for starters today, with a host of other things, I do not care what politics your from you cannot knock this guy.

I kinda think he should be prime minister.

He doesn't need to be a prime minister.

He is laying the foundations now for a better Thailand, and a return to the parliamentary system.

I just hope when they come back, they don't put Thailand in the same s$it as before.

That what's probably going to happen. Again and again and.

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That is correct and when one side committed over 90% of the deaths and injuries over the last 6 months, 100% committed voter fraud over the last 12 months and over 90% committed corruption over the last 3 years then one can be guaranteed that the 90% and over will say without a doubt they are being picked on.

I say to them….Don't break they law then.

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So you think that the proclamation is the end of it????

Reforms don't start for 3 months... He has already cited that the judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal.

I don't know if it's the beginning or the end, of it?

I didn't realize that reforms wouldn't start for another three months.

I was simply inquiring if there were any details, maybe some ideas about how the "judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal"?

Clearly you seem to be aware of this reform/initiative, can you share any detail/links? Or should I check back in three months?

Perhaps you have been here too long and have lost the ability to hope, and think, that Thailand can indeed change for the better.

Give the General a chance, or at least, the benefit of the doubt.

Personally, I am starting to believe that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.

Me, too. Then I found it and realized it was just a firefly.

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Do you not think someone should at least try?

Of course I do.

But surely you understand the difference between making a proclamation, and offering up specific, concrete changes to the Thai judicial system?

I guess my definition of "trying to do something" involves a tad more that issuing a proclamation, and hoping that's good enough.

Of course they should try, they have tried 18 odd times already and also been in power for probably the longest amount of any entity since 1932, but sure this time unlike all the other 17 times will be different.

Look they have managed to work out a 3 trillion infrastructure plan in 3 weeks.

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Well proclamations are nice, clearly I am in the minority when it comes to understanding the difference between reality and a press release but the Thai judicial system is based on hundreds of years of precedence with a foundation based on Sakdina and one's position in the hierarchy. The legal codifcation of 1805 (Three Seals) is basically made up thousands of scenario, examples on which outcomes could be adjudicated, whereby one's validity was a function of their position in society.

So while proclamation 63/2014 is interesting, it remains challenging to undrstand how a single, simple proclamation can re-jigger a legal system which has existed for a long time, and is tightly knitted into the societal hierarchy.

I remember of a great man who succeeded in doing it as advisor H.M. King Rama V, he was Farang, from Belgium, his name was Gustave Rolin-Jacquemyns (and he was made Chow Phya Abhai Raja by H.M. the King)... Difficult, yes, impossible, no! When there is a will, there is a way! So, the question is...

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So you think that the proclamation is the end of it????

Reforms don't start for 3 months... He has already cited that the judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal.

I don't know if it's the beginning or the end, of it?

I didn't realize that reforms wouldn't start for another three months.

I was simply inquiring if there were any details, maybe some ideas about how the "judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal"?

Clearly you seem to be aware of this reform/initiative, can you share any detail/links? Or should I check back in three months?

Perhaps never comes to mind...

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So you think that the proclamation is the end of it????

Reforms don't start for 3 months... He has already cited that the judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal.

I don't know if it's the beginning or the end, of it?

I didn't realize that reforms wouldn't start for another three months.

I was simply inquiring if there were any details, maybe some ideas about how the "judiciary is to be overhauled to make it more equal"?

Clearly you seem to be aware of this reform/initiative, can you share any detail/links? Or should I check back in three months?

Yours is a good idea--go and check back in 3 months.cheesy.gif for gods sake stop bashing the bloke.

Making a law does not change anything, nor issuing a proclamation, nor flaming someone... reasonable doubt is an indication of both history and the general conditions -- no pun intended. Many would like to see a change in the way the judiciary judges cases (red bull heirs, killers off scot-free because of family, and the list is quite long). Few expect any real result. Right now, this instant, if you have money or access to money you walk, if you are poor no one cares if you talk -- and welcome to your chain gang.

Many would like to see that change. Especially the Thais. But none expect it.

Every coup has failed in its goals. The current leader was part of the last failed coup, as well as Suthep and Abhisit. Note the word failed, and previous so as not to believe the current junta is being criticized.

Unfortunately, there is already one precedent. Abhisit "warned" the general about any amnesty. There was no reply from the junta whatsoever. Who is Abhisit to warn the military, when they are so obviously in control? It makes many people wonder...many who do not hate the general or adore Thaksin...and they wonder 'who is controlling the military'?

The problem is that many basic questions are being raised that have no answers at all.

The sound of silence is not reassuring, as Giman and Sarfunfunkel once said.

I really hope we are looking at change, the Thai people deserve that and need it, some desperately. If history is any indicator, we are only seeing cosmetic reforms and empty words.

I hope I am wrong. I really, sincerely hope I am wrong. The history books suggest my hopes are unfounded.

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No double standards, horizontally through the whole spectrum of colours, from white over yellow and red, to black, but also vertically from the 'prai' up to the highest of elites, old and new! To get there, you also need an 'evaluation system' scrutinizing the judges, the public officers, the state attorneys, their actions, their rulings, the execution of the rulings, a big job indeed, but when one truly wants a real Democracy... Oh, and review the ridiculous fines, just keep the numbers, but in Baht of gold, simple. Anyways, first on the list to change (reforms can't go deep and be hard enough there, I'm afraid) remains the R T Police, can that step be taken? Future will tell...

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In times of yore, there were 'the King's Marshalls', the Highest Authority could call in, to correct very grave situations, where Justice had not been able to be served. I'm not speaking of vigilante, or death squad here, it was a very select small team of very respected men of high honour and skills, some even say they still exist.

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