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Farang marrying prostitues?

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Another way to look at it. Do good thai men marry thai prostitutes.................................lol.

What's a 'good' Thai man?

Of course Thai men don't marry them, nor do foreign men who have lived here for a long time. Only the guys off the boat , or on Thai love sites marry them as they know no better.

You both need to out more!

Ever seen a Thai guy drop his wife off at a bar to work, kiss her on the cheek and say goodbye? Plenty!

That's because these guys are living off their bargirl GFs, they get their drugs, beer money and motorbike payments off them.

Precisely. Those thai bf's would drop the girls in a heartbeat if they ever had to pay for romance/sex or stopped getting benefits. the guys may have little education but sure dont seem to be stupid in that area, not stupid enough to give the girls money.

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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.

I've known some stunning prostitutes in my time in Thailand and also in Scotland. None of them would have married me sad.png

Believe it or not, but after over a decade living full time in Thailand and spending countless nights in bars and gogo bars, i am still not married, never had one wanting to marry me.

Now its even gotten worse, i can hardly pick one up from the bar.

They all tell me, they love me like a brother because i know too much.

I have tried to tell them i come for holiday, i act like an idiot, i do not speak a word of Thai, but somehow they know i am lying.

I must have some kind of stamp on my forehead that gives me up.facepalm.gif

Why am I not surprised...? LoL

Pattaya... Paedo city

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You don't marry a prostitute, you marry a woman. The job she does is less important than the sort of person she is. The oldest profession (which, in my albeit fairly limited experience, most women in Thailand take up out of necessity rather than choice)has its share of bad apples - but so do all the seemingly more "respectable" professions.

There are plenty of bent politicians, police, doctors and lawyers, not to mention journalists. On ThaiVisa we tend only to hear bad stuff about sex workers. Maybe it is time to open a new topic on the "tart with the most golden heart" - if that isn't too trite and derisory a title (of course, it is!).

Let me start the ball rolling with my true story of a Pattaya bar where I rolled up at nearly five in the morning out of my brain. The lights which drew me to the little roadside shack were only on because the girl owner was cleaning the place; but seeing I was in no condition to be reasoned with she eventually consented to my drunken demands for a beer and sat with me until I fell off the stool, knocking myself out in the process.

I woke up next morning with no recollection of the previous night's events, to find the very attractive young bar girl from the previous night lying next to me. When I asked what had happened, she told me she had discovered the hotel's card in my shirt breast pocket and taken me there in a taxi. As I was pretty sick and semi-conscious, she had managed to persuade the hotel to let her stay with me to "take care". I asked if we had "done anything" together and she giggled. "You too mow," she said.

I felt so ashamed and grateful that I gave her a big hug - which led to me ultimately enjoying something considerably more fulfilling. When the girl got up to go, I looked in my wallet (which had not been touched) and discovered only 600 baht left from my night's carousing. I handed her the money with an apology and explained I would give her more as soon as I was able to get to a cash point.

"No ploblem," she said, with one of those smiles that breaks a man's heart. "You come my bar next time you come Pattaya". I knew that could be months if not years and said so. She just laughed and said "No ploblem" again. I made her write her name and phone number on a bit of paper and promised I would be back to see her. She laughed, kissed me and, with a cheery wave, walked out, leaving behind just her fragrance and a wonderful memory.

In my hungover state, I somehow stupidly mislaid that scrap of paper and never did manage to find the girl on my subsequent visit to Pattaya. The problem was I had no idea where her bar was and her name - which I managed to remember - was one of the most common nicknames in Thailand. Thai bar owners and staff I asked would often say, "Ah, yes - I know her", but the girl in question could inevitably turn out to be a complete stranger, not my unforgettable Good Samaritan.

I still bitterly regret never finding her again, not just to reward her with more money, but to let her know how much I appreciated what she did for a drunken falang twice her age, clearly out of compassion rather than a pecuniary motive.

This experience and others in a similar vein changed my one-dimensional, stereotypical view of Thai sex workers for ever. Hopefully, it might help change those of others, too.

I can appreciate your feelings of gratitude in that situation.

From what you describe (blackouts and forgetting things/ memory lapses, fall down drunkenness it may be alcohol is the enemy? Perhaps if it weren't for alcohol you could have found her again and/or stayed in touch?

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Why do farang marry prostitutes then when the mans money runs out the prostitute leaves her husband.

Why does the silly farang be confused and upset ???

"no money, no honey!"

Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

Have money ! Have honey !


+1...well said...
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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.

it depend how clever you are to build your house and how good you are in making your life.

girls from bar are not a problem, the problem comes with stupid foreigner who are ready to pay for everything.

also the girls in thailand do not think they are prostitute at all...... they think they are working like a person who goes to his factory every day....dont think they like sex with us...most of them do not atb all......they learn from mafias and bar owners who teach them to be smart enough to get as much money as they can in a short time.....exactly like a western casino does with his croupiers.

now up to you to see why, what facepalm.gif and who crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif you can handle when you marry such a cat girl.wai2.gif

don't cry and blame the girl in case of problem, blame yourself for foolish and stupidity....the spider never run after the fly ...it is the fly who goes into the red


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Its not just whores that walk away when times get tough.."good upstanding" women also do the same. Money talk in all circumstances and walks of life the character and quality of a person is seen when you have it all and when you have none at all. Why does it matter anyway?? Maybe the man feels in the same class and has found a companion and friend in the whore and feels life forever together is possible.. who are you to say otherwise.

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A woman is a woman, they have feelings and whether its a BG or not and many a time, the gullible farang gets those boundaries confused, he is lonely and makes up his own fantasy land that its real, but as we all know it all comes crushing down in the end when you just apply common sense to it all and be honest with yourself and your situation in life.

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The only positive thing I can say about the them is that the government should just say "what the hell, let's make prostitution legal and make them all pay tax"

Thailand would be a few billion dollars better off of a year that's for sure!

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You don't marry a prostitute, you marry a woman. The job she does is less important than the sort of person she is. The oldest profession (which, in my albeit fairly limited experience, most women in Thailand take up out of necessity rather than choice)has its share of bad apples - but so do all the seemingly more "respectable" professions.

There are plenty of bent politicians, police, doctors and lawyers, not to mention journalists. On ThaiVisa we tend only to hear bad stuff about sex workers. Maybe it is time to open a new topic on the "tart with the most golden heart" - if that isn't too trite and derisory a title (of course, it is!).

Let me start the ball rolling with my true story of a Pattaya bar where I rolled up at nearly five in the morning out of my brain. The lights which drew me to the little roadside shack were only on because the girl owner was cleaning the place; but seeing I was in no condition to be reasoned with she eventually consented to my drunken demands for a beer and sat with me until I fell off the stool, knocking myself out in the process.

I woke up next morning with no recollection of the previous night's events, to find the very attractive young bar girl from the previous night lying next to me. When I asked what had happened, she told me she had discovered the hotel's card in my shirt breast pocket and taken me there in a taxi. As I was pretty sick and semi-conscious, she had managed to persuade the hotel to let her stay with me to "take care". I asked if we had "done anything" together and she giggled. "You too mow," she said.

I felt so ashamed and grateful that I gave her a big hug - which led to me ultimately enjoying something considerably more fulfilling. When the girl got up to go, I looked in my wallet (which had not been touched) and discovered only 600 baht left from my night's carousing. I handed her the money with an apology and explained I would give her more as soon as I was able to get to a cash point.

"No ploblem," she said, with one of those smiles that breaks a man's heart. "You come my bar next time you come Pattaya". I knew that could be months if not years and said so. She just laughed and said "No ploblem" again. I made her write her name and phone number on a bit of paper and promised I would be back to see her. She laughed, kissed me and, with a cheery wave, walked out, leaving behind just her fragrance and a wonderful memory.

In my hungover state, I somehow stupidly mislaid that scrap of paper and never did manage to find the girl on my subsequent visit to Pattaya. The problem was I had no idea where her bar was and her name - which I managed to remember - was one of the most common nicknames in Thailand. Thai bar owners and staff I asked would often say, "Ah, yes - I know her", but the girl in question could inevitably turn out to be a complete stranger, not my unforgettable Good Samaritan.

I still bitterly regret never finding her again, not just to reward her with more money, but to let her know how much I appreciated what she did for a drunken falang twice her age, clearly out of compassion rather than a pecuniary motive.

This experience and others in a similar vein changed my one-dimensional, stereotypical view of Thai sex workers for ever. Hopefully, it might help change those of others, too.

I can appreciate your feelings of gratitude in that situation.

From what you describe (blackouts and forgetting things/ memory lapses, fall down drunkenness it may be alcohol is the enemy? Perhaps if it weren't for alcohol you could have found her again and/or stayed in touch?

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So no prostitute in a western country has ever got married ?

They usually don't marry their customers.

That is true they marry men that do not know what they were. I have family members in America that married rich white that have no idea what the women did before they met them.

Many woman in Jail in America learn how to lie very good. They marry very rich white man too.

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"They all tell me, they love me like a brother because i know too much." many tales of so called "brothers" visiting and getting in honey jar. And some girls friends and I have known play an advanced game where they refuse money (so you think not hooker) but actually just setting the hook in your cheek a bit deeper, going for bigger payoff, freebies are like an investment in the future.

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"They all tell me, they love me like a brother because i know too much." many tales of so called "brothers" visiting and getting in honey jar. And some girls friends and I have known play an advanced game where they refuse money (so you think not hooker) but actually just setting the hook in your cheek a bit deeper, going for bigger payoff, freebies are like an investment in the future.

Very true

This is the oldest trick and million fall for this

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»Why do farang marry prostitutes then when the mans money runs out the prostitute leaves her husband.

Why does the silly farang be confused and upset ???«

Some of the worst horror-stories I’ve heard about farangs getting ripped off or cheated at, are not from those marrying bargirls or the like, but from those marrying so-called “normal” ladies, including the worst of all I know about, she was a very hi-so Chinese from an important family…

Not saying, that “normal” ladies are bad, or the girls from nightlife are angels, just make me think that the more hi-so types may be cleverer when it comes to “farang rip-off”…

On the other hand, I know many farangs who found their partner in the nightlife – may not all admit it – and live happily together. Perhaps the “hard working girl” appreciate it more, when she (finally) meet a “good man” who cares for her, likes or love her, provides her a good life, and she will stay with him and take good care of him…?

Thailand seems to be more “old fashioned” like old time in the Western countries, when the man was the provider for the family. The ladies here seems to expect that marrying a farang means to marry social level up and the husband takes care of all – both most normal ladies and the girls from nightlife. If husband’s money runs out and he cannot provide anymore, there’s a problem – and that problem also appears in contemporary Western countries; you ever heard stories about couples splitting up due to financial troubles…?

And yes, if you are a “stupid farang” you may end up in a Gold Digger’s web, however you can end up with Gold Diggers everywhere in the world – I would think the older the gentleman is when looking for not that old company, the more he is expected to be a “good man” and “take good care”. A man at 50-60 years or more dating a girl in her 20’ies at “home”, is expected to be either famous or loaded, preferably both.

If you keep your brain working at some level, you may find the right balance and be happy with either a normal lady or a nightlife girl. But if you deposit your brain at the airport, which many books states some farangs are doing, you can get into all kind of troubles with both normal ladies and girls from nightlife – silly, you can end up “confused and upset”…

I don’t regret my choice…


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Another way to look at it. Do good thai men marry thai prostitutes.................................lol.

No way, they buy them a car and a condo and have them as mia noi's....thumbsup.gif

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never meet a thai lady that did not ask for money or car house ,what does that make them all , for sure i am old got nice young lady in Bed and its cost me ,but its better than a OAP home and i can't take the money with me when i go ,thats the wives words

how would she react if you asked her to give her money to you citing "you cant take it with you"

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for me it is very simple. I am 67 and find a bar girl 33 . every one gives is part in the deal no money no honey and no honey no money. we are together 3 years and I enjoy my life . she is good to me and I give her money that make her able to save give 3000 the parents and stop working at the bar. we are renting a condo in Bangna near Mega and have a swimming pool and fitness room. the only think that you need is to be carful with money . there is an amount that I give her monthly and she can do what she wants with her money. when I am in Thailand I pay all the living expenses and when I am out for work she buys food from her money.

I would call it great arrangement for an old guy like me. at least better from what I can get at home.

congratulations, you are one of the very few men on here or in thailand that can see reality,

if it works for you and her then good for you,

Most of the others have a wild imagination , whether its gained in Thailand or they had it before they arrived, I do not know

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