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Farang marrying prostitues?

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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.


People who fall or think they are in love, marry prostitutes.

You have to be a fool to give all your money away!

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Why do Farang that have been shafted as above then come on TV and ask the same question a million times ?

What about those times when unlike you the Farang doesn't run out of money as he isn't stupid and they live happily ever after

BUT, how can he be anything other than stupid to marry a prostitute ? Surely only fools marry prostitues.

I've known some stunning prostitutes in my time in Thailand and also in Scotland. None of them would have married me sad.png

Believe it or not, but after over a decade living full time in Thailand and spending countless nights in bars and gogo bars, i am still not married, never had one wanting to marry me.

Now its even gotten worse, i can hardly pick one up from the bar.

They all tell me, they love me like a brother because i know too much.

I have tried to tell them i come for holiday, i act like an idiot, i do not speak a word of Thai, but somehow they know i am lying.

I must have some kind of stamp on my forehead that gives me up.facepalm.gif

When I go out to 'play' I say I've only been here 2 weeks and I've just got rid of the UK wife and come here to live.

Never fails!

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One way or the other you end up paying.

Women dont go out with broke homeless men.

i've slept with massage girls

Most of them are very nice and lovely

I feel like she's my wife of girlfriend because the vibe is so nice.

Only one or two of these massage girls are so money grabbing you know she only wants your money.

She'll do the massage and before the hour is over she is demanding money and wants to leave early.

Most of the massage girls are lovely and charming

So I can see how a man could fall in love with her and marry her?!

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Wrong forum OP.

On this forum, ALL are married to hi-so, half Chinese, hard working, educated smart women, who my chance happen to fall in love with older foreign man double their weight and double their agethumbsup.gif

Not just educated but university at least and uses 5 tubs of face whitener a day

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Wrong forum OP.

On this forum, ALL are married to hi-so, half Chinese, hard working, educated smart women, who my chance happen to fall in love with older foreign man double their weight and double their agethumbsup.gif

Not just educated but university at least and uses 5 tubs of face whitener a day

Thailand is graduating about 500,000 from university every year. It's not like uni grads are in short supply.

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Wrong forum OP.

On this forum, ALL are married to hi-so, half Chinese, hard working, educated smart women, who my chance happen to fall in love with older foreign man double their weight and double their agethumbsup.gif

Not just educated but university at least and uses 5 tubs of face whitener a day

Thailand is graduating about 500,000 from university every year. It's not like uni grads are in short supply.

Thats good business for the companies selling....face whiteners.....

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@ thailiketoo


In the uk and western europe and america

They will soon legalize "prostitution" massage

Under the n.w.o its all about making money at all costs. Money comes first now!!

Soon in the next 10 years prostitution will just be a regular job that women, transexuals and men do

The governents of every country will get taxes from prostitution and the stigma and bad image will disappear over night

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Not really steal; more like trick and con

The man doesnt really know she's a scheming horrible witch, that only wants money.

Everytime he turns around she's smiling acting nice.

But you will never know what is really in her heart.

Til its time for her to cash in her casino chips

Like the beatle sir paul mcCartney

He married an ex prostitute called heather mills

She was an ex call girl who made £10.000 some nights sleeping with rich arabs

Paul didnt know

She had an accident and became an amputee

She had one leg.

Paul still married her; she divorced him getting

25 million pounds plus other benefits

Now what tricks did this woman play to trick sir paul?

She must be a very good actress to dupe him so well?

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Not really steal; more like trick and con

The man doesnt really know she's a scheming horrible witch, that only wants money.

Everytime he turns around she's smiling acting nice.

But you will never know what is really in her heart.

Til its time for her to cash in her casino chips

Like the beatle sir paul mcCartney

He married an ex prostitute called heather mills

She was an ex call girl who made £10.000 some nights sleeping with rich arabs

Paul didnt know

She had an accident and became an amputee

She had one leg.

Paul still married her; she divorced him getting

25 million pounds plus other benefits

Now what tricks did this woman play to trick sir paul?

She must be a very good actress to dupe him so well?

Or like so many 'resting' prostitutes a great lay?

I'm convinced, if I picked up a girl on an old Honda dream as against my car, the effort and professionalism might be less enthusiastic.

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You are probably right!

10 years ago, when I thought it mattered if she came from a bar.

I would park my car outside a University and without to much effort I'd pick up a date.

Now I'm to old to be hanging around outside University's and I really don't care, as I'm not looking to get married.

But I'm sure I would not of got so 'lucky' If I'd of pulled up on my Honda Dream.

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

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I dont have too much luck

So like you say its better to prepare and plan

Sounds like you had a lot of fun

Thats what really matters in the end

Like all this talk of hi-so educated women

To me the most useless women are the educated one's she's of no real use to you

Other than looking good on your arm and the image she portraits.

Will she get down on her hands and knees and scrub the kitchen floor? Probably not!

She'll expect you to employ a maid.

Will she raise her own children and take care of them like a loving mother the way nature intended? Probably not!

You'll have to employ a nanny.

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@ thailiketoo


In the uk and western europe and america

They will soon legalize "prostitution" massage

Under the n.w.o its all about making money at all costs. Money comes first now!!

Soon in the next 10 years prostitution will just be a regular job that women, transexuals and men do

The governents of every country will get taxes from prostitution and the stigma and bad image will disappear over night

Since it is the oldest profession and we have at least 4000 years of written records I doubt the stigma will disappear overnight. I mean, like; if it's not gone in 4000 years what makes you think it will ever go away?

Epic of Gilgamesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh
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You are probably right!

10 years ago, when I thought it mattered if she came from a bar.

I would park my car outside a University and without to much effort I'd pick up a date.

Now I'm to old to be hanging around outside University's and I really don't care, as I'm not looking to get married.

But I'm sure I would not of got so 'lucky' If I'd of pulled up on my Honda Dream.

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

Check out Pattaya the weekend before tuition is due.

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Fantastic question

Its a matter of social engineering and behaviour and propaganda placement in movies.and tv shows

The kids are being taught porno in school now from age 9

Not sex ecucation but porno

I listen to a talk in radio show from the uk called lbc radio

2 days ago they were talking about pole dancing classes at school.

Everyone rang up, some agreed some didnt.

But when under "austerity" which is engulfing europe right now.

Pride will soon be forgotten and survival instincts

Will set in.

Propaganda and behaviour placement

"they" will start portraiting in movies and tv showz

Prostitutes/lap dancers/escort girls in a positive light

So the next generation in 20/30 years will not have any idea of morality

Our generation will be old or dead.

Angelina jolie

Did you know she has an incestuous relationship with her brother?

Its not even hidden!

At some movie awards they were photographed together kissing and smouching up sexily together!

Apparently when she was 12/13 years old her dad was having intercourse with her and passing her around to hollywood chums.

Google it read for yourself

Angelina was made/knighted a dame by the queen last week.

For her work in stopping sexual violence against women in war torn countries???

Its all a facade they profit from wars.

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Even if you are not good in bed,they will make you feel you are,and while there are lying cheating bitches,there are also a lot who just want to get a decent man and live a normal life,to say a bar girl cannot get bar work out of her head is like saying a plumber cannot ever change to be something else ,like a builder,which a friend of mine did in Australia,depends on the person.

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Even if you are not good in bed,they will make you feel you are,and while there are lying cheating bitches,there are also a lot who just want to get a decent man and live a normal life,to say a bar girl cannot get bar work out of her head is like saying a plumber cannot ever change to be something else ,like a builder,which a friend of mine did in Australia,depends on the person.

Getting the girl out of the bar but not getting the bar out of the girl, has nothing to do with the actual performance she has to deliver in the bed as a prostitute with a customer. Its more meant of what is associated with being a bargirl. Lying, dishonesty, money for nothing, lazy etc etc. At least this is how i always perceived it. You are correct that not all of them are like that.

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@marko kok prong

Good reply!

These girls provide a great service

I'm sure some of them hope to find a good man

That doesnt drink too much, doesnt smoke and will not remove their head from their shoulders with a muay thai kick.

Someone asked me: grateful farang, how do you stand on prostitution? I replied: I dont stand on prostitution, I lay on it and at least 2 times per week!

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