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How to bring bad cholesterol down?


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Hello friends!

Have the doctor paper at home

I will send it when I check blood again!

I eat nearly everything what Thai kitchen offers, only the pork I not like !

Proberbly 3 ice creams a week and sometime a snickers could be the reason..

Easiest solution on the planet - take Simvastatins end of story !!!

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So, I see it is the old argument between vegetarians and carnivores. Each individual digests, or doesn't digest, different foods differently. If you are not getting your poop/pee contents checked, then you don't know which foods you are digesting properly.

Cholesterol tests are as unreliable as a grifter. I am not a real doctor, I just play one on TV.

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I come from a family of Doctors one small piece of dark chocolate 85 to 99% cocoa and hand full of wall nuts believe it or not will bring it down also Beststin 40 mg I have been taking for yrs walking30 mins a day after a short time you should see it go down

Thanks for that, Fish-----Thanks for that ,Fish-----Thanks for that, Fish cheesy.gif

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Hello friends!

Have the doctor paper at home

I will send it when I check blood again!

I eat nearly everything what Thai kitchen offers, only the pork I not like !

Proberbly 3 ice creams a week and sometime a snickers could be the reason..

The ice cream and snickers are not a good idea, but I suspect you are also consuming a lot of white rice, animal fat and palm oil (which is the oil most Thai food is fried in, and very bad for you) as well as a fair amount of processed sugar added to every dish.

There are healthy versions of Thai food that can be made if you cook at home. Key points being: brown rice instead of white, trim the fat off all meat and keep the meats lean and in small amount, increase the portions of vegetables , use only healthy oils for frying (olive, canola, safflower etc) and do not add sugar.

If you are eating food from a Thai market, this is a problem.

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Improving your choleterol profile includes lowering your overall cholesterol to below 150-250 mg/dl, depending on who interprets your tests and increasing the proportion of high density lipids (HDLs).

some approaches include:

Adding omega 3 fatty acids to your diet (avocado, wild salmon or many wild caught fish, nuts) or taking a suplement like fish oil, flaxseed oil or some others. This increases your good cholesterol. When using suplements usually you want to consume 5-15 grams a day of these fats for a noticeable effect.

Exercise is the single best approach for many, especially cardio, this will lower your overall cholesterol and increase you good cholestrol.

Decreasing your calory intake and losing weight. This will decrease your overall cholesterol. Years ago docotrs were recommending avoiding cholestrol in your diet like eating less eggs, but this was never proven and doesn;t take into account that you cannot abosorb cholesterol from your diet. Generally the idea of avoiding cholesterol in your diet has been dropped, but its's stll worth remembering meat and fat in general is high in calories. Oat meal and high fiber diets have extra benefits in that they help leach cholestrol out of your body.

Supplements like red yeast rice has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, but sometimes have some significant side effects.

Drugs like lipitor and newer versions of those drugs, they need to be proscribed by a doctor monitored because they can adversely affect your liver.

The best is usually a combination lifestyle change, diet and exercise, supplements and weight loss, if that doesn't do it look for a doctor for some drugs, but don't neglect the diet and exercise, you will live longer and feel better if you attend to them no matter what.

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You are what you eat. One man's meat is another man's poison. All things in moderation. Our DNA is the final arbiter of the kinds of foods we should be eating, and those which are taboo.

Read a book called "Dying for a Hamburger", and you will start to get an idea about the kind of damage we can inadvertently be doing to our body's system.

As far as I know, the question mark about cholesterol came after autopsies were performed on American G.I.'s in Vietnam, young men in their late teens and early 20's and whose cholesterol was relatively high, given their ages. The problem was then put down to their diet. However, research since then seems to indicate that the biggest factor with cholesterol would appear to be the amount the body itself produces; one is only exacerbating this factor with poor diet (too much carbohydrate) and lack of exercise.

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As much as people will say eat this and eat that to lower your cholesterol or take medications.

My cholesterol was over 200, I made a commitment to jog everyday at the park for about 15-30 minutes. 2-3 months later. Cholesterol dropped to 150ish, and is normal now. And I was a guy who didn't regularly do check ups before, a lot of sitting office time and barely any good exercise.

No meds, no specific eating style, just pure exercise.

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'There are to diffrent. !' Low density/high density - plus 3 variations.

As well, different countries use different measurements. If you haven't had it checked here, do so. The figures might then mean more to some of us. And you will have another medical viewpoint.

But you are going to need to cut down on the dairy products - substantially. Especially egg yolks. And milk here has less fat than Europe? Guernsey or Jersey apart, it depends on whether you drink full fat, low fat (semi-skimmed) or non-fat (skimmed).

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As much as people will say eat this and eat that to lower your cholesterol or take medications.

My cholesterol was over 200, I made a commitment to jog everyday at the park for about 15-30 minutes. 2-3 months later. Cholesterol dropped to 150ish, and is normal now. And I was a guy who didn't regularly do check ups before, a lot of sitting office time and barely any good exercise.

No meds, no specific eating style, just pure exercise.

Which dropped to 150ish? The LDL? Still too high. They look for sub 130 but prefer sub 100.

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You must get up and go for at least 2 hours long walk and drink lots of water, do the same in the evening or head to the gym and work out. Stop having all milk product they are all animal fat, eat lots of vegetables and none sweet fruits. Buy Flax Seed, make a powder out of it and have two tea spoon full of it on empty stomach in the morning.

The key to reduce your cholesterol is exercise, gym, no animal fat, some walnuts everyday, flax seed powder in the morning, no junk food, no milk product (don't be a baby your life depend on it), lots of vegetables, drink lots of water (sip water the whole day), have chicken fillet (grilled or cook), white boiled egg (these are good protein if you do lots of gym and exercise, you may have to consider having medicine it is not a joke it can block you artery,

Best of luck

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Iam a diabetic as well and have found that the best thing is

no meat, little alcholol an occasional beer is ok.


Lots of veggies i am a salad man lol

and lipitor.

not sure where you live but I have been seeing a doctor for the past 2 years and getting a monthly check up.

The cost is minimal and it does not take long I get in the hospital at 8 give blood get a coffee, read the post and see the doctor.

This gives me a little peace of mind also allows me to take a look at how i am doing as far as the numbers are concerned.

If I try something different it usually shows up in the numbers.

lipitor has not affected me at all and is not that expensive here.

Hope this helps

where is here ? Re cost lipitor pm me.ta
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Iam a diabetic as well and have found that the best thing is

no meat, little alcholol an occasional beer is ok.


Lots of veggies i am a salad man lol

and lipitor.

not sure where you live but I have been seeing a doctor for the past 2 years and getting a monthly check up.

The cost is minimal and it does not take long I get in the hospital at 8 give blood get a coffee, read the post and see the doctor.

This gives me a little peace of mind also allows me to take a look at how i am doing as far as the numbers are concerned.

If I try something different it usually shows up in the numbers.

lipitor has not affected me at all and is not that expensive here.

Hope this helps

Mine was over 300..

If taking a statin drug, like lipitor, you should take a well made??, CoQ-10.

Vit. Q.. It works with the mitochondria to make energy. We have 4 trillion c3lls, so every one gets affected by the good..energy..might be hard to find in LOS.

Red bean from China has been tested to contain statin drugs. Check your source.

Drink a lot of water..that saved me for many years, until I gave up the dairy thiw month. One yogurt, maybe..Sugar is said to b3 bad for vascular inflammation, as Turmeric is really good, I eat it in everything, and can be found fresh in Thailand.

Meat can be drained of fat..

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Firstly, understand that size, weight or shape has little to do with cholesterol HDL or LDH.

A lot of it is hereditary.Some people can eat a pig a day & never have. Others smell it & readings go sky high

Diet & exercise can help a lot. Watch out for those animal fats (milk, cheese, chocolate, prawns, pork fat etc in moderation)

Yes, it does matter as build up on your arteries can dislodge & give you a stroke possibly fatal.

Plenty of advice from Doctors on the net, suggest you read.

I managed to bring mine under control with a bit more exercise, diet change (there is no cholesterol in beer, thank god)

& a 10 mg Lipitor daily.Now down to 5mg daily

A fellow writer taking 80mg should test every 3months as this is a very high dose & can give you very stiff joints as a side affect.

Good Luck, but is managable with a bit of thought & correct action

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There are a lot of alternative things you can try. Red roobios tea. Green teas. Many herbal compounds. How about trying cooking only with low cholesterol oils? Try sunflower or rice bran oil. Both are delicious, inexpensive here, and have very high flash points, which means fried food creates a lot less harmful saturated fats. Makes a huge difference. Eliminate all the very toxic oils like soybean, palm. and canola oil. Read the ingredients of everything you buy. Cut down on sugars. Exercise more. Much can be done before resorting to drastic measures, like taking drugs to regulate the cholesterol levels.

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There are a lot of alternative things you can try. Red roobios tea. Green teas. Many herbal compounds. How about trying cooking only with low cholesterol oils? Try sunflower or rice bran oil. Both are delicious, inexpensive here, and have very high flash points, which means fried food creates a lot less harmful saturated fats. Makes a huge difference. Eliminate all the very toxic oils like soybean, palm. and canola oil. Read the ingredients of everything you buy. Cut down on sugars. Exercise more. Much can be done before resorting to drastic measures, like taking drugs to regulate the cholesterol levels.

I agree with you that canola oil is bad but Sheryl suggests it is a good oil?


I thought that canola was developed as a bio fuel.

A plant with the unfortunate name of "rape" produces a seed that, when crushed, makes an excellent vegetable oil. Unfortunately, the oil contains lots of something called erucic acid, which, in high doses, is toxic to humans. So back the late 1960s, Canadian agriculturalists used traditional breeding techniques to come up with a new version of the rape plant that had only trace amounts of that nasty acid. In honor of the country of its birth, they called this new edition "Canola" which is an acronym that stands for, "Canada oil, low acid."

The manufacturers decided we should eat it to increase their sales and profit?

Would someone like to clear up this conflict please?

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There are a lot of alternative things you can try. Red roobios tea. Green teas. Many herbal compounds. How about trying cooking only with low cholesterol oils? Try sunflower or rice bran oil. Both are delicious, inexpensive here, and have very high flash points, which means fried food creates a lot less harmful saturated fats. Makes a huge difference. Eliminate all the very toxic oils like soybean, palm. and canola oil. Read the ingredients of everything you buy. Cut down on sugars. Exercise more. Much can be done before resorting to drastic measures, like taking drugs to regulate the cholesterol levels.

I agree with you that canola oil is bad but Sheryl suggests it is a good oil?


I thought that canola was developed as a bio fuel.

A plant with the unfortunate name of "rape" produces a seed that, when crushed, makes an excellent vegetable oil. Unfortunately, the oil contains lots of something called erucic acid, which, in high doses, is toxic to humans. So back the late 1960s, Canadian agriculturalists used traditional breeding techniques to come up with a new version of the rape plant that had only trace amounts of that nasty acid. In honor of the country of its birth, they called this new edition "Canola" which is an acronym that stands for, "Canada oil, low acid."

The manufacturers decided we should eat it to increase their sales and profit?

Would someone like to clear up this conflict please?

The canola oil for human consumption is low in erucic acid. The internet sites claiming otherwise are wrong, as such sites often are, and are thinking of the oil originally obtained from rapeseed (and/of trying to sell more expensive oils).

It has the least saturated fat of the commonly used oils - 7% vs. Canola oil has 7% saturated fat, 12% in sunflower oil, 13% in corn oil, and 15% in olive oil. It is also high in omega-3s, the only oil I know of which is higher is flaxseed oil which is much harder to source.

All in all one of the healthiest oils around, and very versatile - you can fry, saute, or use it uncooked as part of salad dressing.

It also has a pretty high smoke point, which is important as once oils start to smoke they release harmful substances. Not something to obsess about if you happen to consume it on rare occasion but not something you want to regularly ingest.

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The best oils for food preparation and human consumption are those which are high in monounsaturated fats (good), as opposed to those high in polyunsaturated fats (not so good), saturated fats (poor) and trans-fats (bad).

Those oils which are high in monounsaturated fats include olive, canola (which is getting a bad rap on TV it seems), avocado, peanut, macadamia, and then others to a lesser degree.

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The best oils for food preparation and human consumption are those which are high in monounsaturated fats (good), as opposed to those high in polyunsaturated fats (not so good), saturated fats (poor) and trans-fats (bad).

Those oils which are high in monounsaturated fats include olive, canola (which is getting a bad rap on TV it seems), avocado, peanut, macadamia, and then others to a lesser degree.

You left out rice bran oil. It is widely available in Thailand, and is outstanding on every level. Blows away canola, which I think is crap. Olive oil colors the taste of food way too much.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Rice bran oil is pretty far down the totem pole in the rankings. It was purposely omitted from my list, because its monounsaturated fat content is much like peanut oil, but its saturated fat content is much higher than either olive oil or canola oil. Subjectively, one may prefer it, but objectively one cannot get away from the fact that it is lesser in quality, than olive oil and canola oil. And try telling millions of Europeans, among others in the world, that olive oil adversely affects the taste of food! smile.png

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I had a minor stoke in 2009 (mostly recovered), at the time my total cholesterol was 198 with a good ratio of LDL to HDL. My doctor said that because of the stroke the goal was to reduce total cholesterol to less than 120. I was originally on zocor, but have been switched over to lipotor and my total cholesterol has been less than 120 since I started taking the meds.

I have not seen any side effects from the meds, but everyone is different. The important thing is to get you cholestrol and blood pressure under control. If meds are needed, I would recommend seeing a doctor and getting on the meds to reduce your risk factors.

Just my opinion.

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I think the main thing to come from this thread - putting aside argumentsof diet and cooking oils - is exercise. Everybody seems to agree on this. A good brisk walk for 30 minutes every morning would benefit everyone.

As the advert used to say, don't just sit there.........

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likely you have to choose between the dairy products or using a statin and maybe later viagra/cialis , esp if your taking a prostate shrinker :) ; start before you don't have choices IMHO

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