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Complex conflence of problems

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Complex confluence of problems...

I have a tough problem that is made of a series of interrelated problems. The main issues are:

1. Passport is so old and tatty (and I would like a new one, but it’s British so there are the now well-known delays and problems with this)

2. A change of work permit and visa for a new job ( I currently am on a Non-B visa (private higher education institute) and I wish to switch to a job with a similar designation ( state higher education institute))

3. All in a tight timeframe

I want to be able to switch jobs without leaving the country (as I expect would happen if the visa is not changed appropriately).

My new employers want me to start on August 1st, but the new contract will not be signed until that very same day (they will be flexible if you say it is necessary). I need to give one month’s notice to my current employer (making it July 1st). I want to avoid travel abroad to resolve the visa because of the danger of actually needing to obtain an emergency passport if my old and tatty passport is refused by immigration (a foreign country immigration for about 10 minutes refused travel for me last month but thankfully changed their mind). I understand Thai immigration is very strict and once you quit your job there are no extra days to hang around; you must leave the country or else apply for a 7day extension.

So with all this in mind, should I give my notice on July 1st or delay in order to create an overlap? What should my future employer do (do the documents need pre-arranging before the actual start date of work)? Can I switch to a new Non-B immigrant visa from the current one(or will I need to re-enter Thailand on a tourist visa with at least 15 days remaining)? Can all this be done after I start work or must the visa switch be done on the start date or before the start date? If there are days in-between on what basis can I remain in the country without messing up the visa process?

If I need to leave the country and re-enter because the visa change is not allowed/botched etc. then can an emergency visa be used for all the necessary visa/work permit and other issues arising? How long can an emergency visa last?

If I was to apply for a new passport now, this would seem to mean that I will need an emergency visa for all the visa changes. Would I first have to transfer stamps to the emergency passport and then later add to the new passport or is a visa transfer etc. not necessary for an emergency passport.

I am not sure whether there are any issues or whether there are multiple issues. (I am presuming my current visa (that I have only just renewed) cannot be used for a different job.)

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Gaccha
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As long as everything is still legible on the photo page of your passport and it still is in one piece it should not be a problem.

Changing employers can be complicated. The work permit is the biggest problem because you need that to get a new extension of stay (it is not a visa) after the one with you current employer is canceled.

If you current employer will cooperate with your new employer by giving permission for the new employer to apply for your new work permit it can be done without going out for a new visa.

Is your new employer in the same province as your current one?

You would have to cancel your current extension using a letter from your current employer stating the date you will no longer working for them and apply for a 7 day extension and then within those 7 days apply for a new extension showing your new work permit and paperwork from your new employer.

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