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If instead of being aggressive you tried chilling out, relaxing and smiling you may find you get somewhere and could easily resolve your issue. I was (notice the past tense) only trying to help!

I find it most interesting that you connect a 3G Aircard to your router, set to 3G using USB!

USB 2 is a digital data connection of 480Mb/sec and 3G is a RF voice / data over the airwaves with carrier frequencies from 850MHz to the latest Thai 2.1 GHz.

More importantly, as I said, I was only trying to help and you have just dismissed an ex-electronics design engineering consultant that worked for the likes of Texas Instruments, Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson, Sony Ericcson, and many others. My expertise was in the analogue/digital interface specialising in base-band design for both base stations and mobile handsets. Tasks included sorting various design issues of noise, high speed signal propagation and many many other seemingly intractable problems. It would seem you do not realise you do not get to work as a design consultant to the telecoms industry unless you have very good expertise and knowledge. A camera issue took me between 2 & 3 months because the camera manufacturer lied to us. They had made a design change having categorically told us it had to be our sw or board layout as nothing they had done could affect the camera functionality.

Tis a pity you have pissed off one of the few experts on TV that is more than qualified to resolve your trivial problem.

Why do I say your problem is trivial because? Simple, as a design engineer, even the smallest problem, i.e. the camera mentioned above, was not defined and took many people to asses the problem and resolve issues. It was called team work. You do not and cannot manufacture a handset only to find there are a million units in the field with design issues. I threw ideas into your melting pot and you retaliated by hitting me.

Tough mate, you will obviously get everything you deserve.................

or to put into plain English: good luck with your problem because you ai'nt getting any more assistance from me EVER.

C'est la vie

p.s. I was a very successful design consultant, charged the earth (in other words named my own price) and now I am happily retired.

p.p.s. A few months ago I successfully helped resolve a TV op's router signal strength problem...............

p.p.p.s. Maybe Pib will help as he seems to know what he is about but then again, maybe everyone will abandon a sinking ship.

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or to put into plain English: good luck with your problem because you ai'nt getting any more assistance from me EVER.

C'est la vie

p.s. I was a very successful design consultant, charged the earth (in other words named my own price) and now I am happily retired.

p.p.s. A few months ago I successfully helped resolve a TV op's router signal strength problem...............

p.p.p.s. Maybe Pib will help as he seems to know what he is about but then again, maybe everyone will abandon a sinking ship.

Oh, I feel so sad now that the most successful design consultant in the world, who just happen to be a member of an anonymous forum, doesn't want to solve my problem.

If your reading skills had been as good as you claim your other qualifications are, you would have noticed that I wasn't aggressive but just answered your silly suggestions.

You don't have any issues with a swelled head by any chance ?

Oh by the way, I'm one of the richest men in the world.


No doubt there is differences in speed between the Wifi chips in devices such as Aircards, tablets/smartphones, computers. For example I have a True DOCSIS 15Mb/1.5Mb internet plan and I beam it around the house with my Wifi router. With my Lenovo & Toshiba laptops, my Samsung Note 10.1 tablet, and my Samsung S4 smartphone I can get that full 15Mb download speed pretty much through-out my house...in fact I get much more than 15Mb on those devices due to the True DOCSIS "bursting" capability.

However, but, on my cheap Onda 10" tablet I can't get the 15Mb speed even standing right next to the Wifi router...I can get around 13Mb best case. And I only have to take a few steps away from the router to get a significantly lower throughput. There are no Wifi settings to play with on the Onda and I've tried various Wifi router settings with no avail. Now I can get a connection throughout the house with the Onda tablet but distance from the router makes a BIG difference in the speed....distance makes much, much more of a difference on the Onda than on my laptops and Samsung devices. I figure it's just a lower quality Wifi chip in the Onda...some googling shows plenty of other people have the same problem also...maybe the lower strength level with greater distance is not the core problem with the Onda but instead its driver settings which are not adjustable...hard telling...but the Wifi chip in the Onda could be a lot better...but for what I use the Onda tablet for it's really don't create much of an impact.


Oh, I feel so sad now that the most successful design consultant in the world, who just happen to be a member of an anonymous forum, doesn't want to solve my problem.

If your reading skills had been as good as you claim your other qualifications are, you would have noticed that I wasn't aggressive but just answered your silly suggestions.

You don't have any issues with a swelled head by any chance ?

Oh by the way, I'm one of the richest men in the world.

Our friend Jesse wrote:-

"Oh, I feel so sad now that the most successful design consultant in the world"

I am a design consultant and certainly, by no stretch of anyones imagination, am I the most successful in the world.

"who just happen to be a member of an anonymous forum"

I did not set the forum rules so cannot do anything about the anonymity.

"doesn't want to solve my problem."

I tried to assist you with my two posts. The first post, #13, answered your speed test question and my second post, #31, attempted to open a dialogue to provide a solution to your real problem which is with the Dtac Aircard

If your reading skills had been as good as you claim your other qualifications are.............

The title of the op's post is, and I quote, "Reliable speedtest" which I replied to in detail in my post #13.

However, reading further into the forum it turns out the op really wants assistance with a Dtac Aircard. I tried again with my post #31.

A definite hmmm in my books as the op infers I lack reading skills though I suspect the op lacks a little more than reading skills sad.png

I wasn't aggressive

I think we can let others decide that issue

I just answered your silly suggestions.

I am a fully qualified electronics design engineer/consultant and I have spent many years solving intricate and specialised problems in the telecoms industry. I think that entitles me to make suggestions to find a successful route forward. As it is your opinion my suggestions are silly, not knowing where or how I have come to those suggestions and, given my many years of experience in this field, I feel it is better I rest my case.

C'est la vie.

but, just for the hell of it, let's see if we can get to the bottom of my silly suggestions. I wrote:-

There are many fake Aircards in Thailand so I would take your SIMs, Phones and Aircard to Dtac.

and this got a response of....

The aircard is from Dtac, has Dtac written all over it.

and I also have many Rolex watches. The watches are from Rolex and I know they are genuine because they have Dtac written all over them............

hmmm, I seem to have lost the plot a little here. Now where was I?

Asking Dtac to solve the issue ?

Nope, not ask Dtac to solve the issue but politely discuss the issue with Dtac with a nice friendly smile on your face biggrin.png

When there are issues afoot there really is nothing like an A/B comparison for gleaning a most valuable insight into the potential root cause of the problem.

Readers please; just think about this last statement for a moment...... and everyone should realise an A/B test will give an absolute wealth of information.

What you think I'm doing for the past 3 weeks.

Not a lot

By the way Dtac doesn't have a office anymore

thank you for assuming I am also gifted with psychic powers. 'tis a pity but it is not one of the traits I have normally associated with me..................

and you missed my gem of:-

Thinking about it I suspect it is a router setup problem and so I would suggest a first step of testing the Aircard on multiple computers.

That got no response so it is obvious you just do not understand the basics of fault diagnosis which really is a simple two stage process:-

1) diagnose the root cause

2) devise a plan to provide a solution

It should be obvious to all and sundry there is nothing too complicated about this strategy so let me try to explain in a little more detail:-

The procedure should have been:-

i) a visit to a Dtac shop for an A/B comparison

ii) a test with the Dtac aircard in multiple computers

iii) a test with multiple Aircards in your computer and/or wireless router followed by

a simple report back to this forum of your findings.

The above would have produced a wealth of information and I would have been only too willing to help solve your issue but alas, you have well and truly shut that door.

You don't have any issues with a swelled head by any chance ?

Oh indeed I do and justifiably so. I have been classed, by many, as an expert in my field. (by the way that is expert and not ex-spert)

When I worked at Sony Ericsson I had a conversation with a fellow 'expert' that lasted many hours.

At the end of the discussion I commented that I did not think there were a handful of people in the building that could have understood the solution we devised to the current problem.

He, very politely, corrected me and stated there were only two people in the WHOLE Sony Ericsson company that could understand our conversation. This was of course myself and my fellow expert.

Yep Jesse; as I said, my head is indeed swelled. Not many doors can accommodate me an' me head facepalm.gif

but that certainly does not detract from my technical ability to assist with your trivial problem.

Oh by the way, I'm one of the richest men in the world.

then why waste my, and everyone elses, time?

Jesse, thank you so sincerely for your time and patience and now, hopefully, we can consider this issue closed from my/our point of view.

by the way Jesse, if you were to read this post carefully and, without getting too annoyed, apply just a modicum of common sense you will see that I have provided you with enough information on how to proceed to a solution of your current Aircard issue.

Enjoy smile.png


However, but, on my cheap Onda 10" tablet I can't get the 15Mb speed even standing right next to the Wifi router...I can get around 13Mb best case.

I have seen posts on forums that poor WiFi performance is a known issue with some of the cheap tablets.

I have also seen some people post mod's they have carried out to the WiFi antenna with claimed significant improvements however, this is definitely a risky procedure and not to be undertaken lightly. If the Onda WiFi meets your current requirements I would leave well alone smile.png


No doubt there is differences in speed between the Wifi chips in devices such as Aircards, tablets/smartphones, computers.

That was also my suspicion, that's why I have been looking for the ZTE aircard to which you can connect an external antenna, and which had very good reviews last year. However you will read in another thread on this forum that I have been to at least 5 shops, including True move and AIS, and none of them had an idea what an external antenna was. facepalm.gif

Last year that particular aircard was available at many locations in Pattaya, even at Big C extra they sold it, but now it's unfindable.

You have any suggestions for an aircard that has proven to have good reception >


You have any suggestions for an aircard that has proven to have good reception >

Sorry...sure don't. Good luck.

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