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ultrasonic rodent repeller


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Don't know where to post this, so putting this here for now.

Thread Rules: If you've nothing to add, please move along (mods please feel free to delete cruft).

So, I'm interested at keeping our little friends at bay, and without laying poison or netting came across these ultrasonic things. I'd be interested in hearing from people who have tried them and what results they have had, what affects if any they have on dogs/house pets etc.

They apparently repel cockroaches, mossies - rats and mice. What have your experiences been ? Poison is out of the question as we've lost dogs before (thanks pest control) and we still like to keep our butterfly garden.

For reference, you can put the topic into amazon for a range of devices.



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We bought one specifically designed (it stated) for rodents and the like - and not causing annoyance to household pets.

Just put it in a socket (outside) and leave it there for the night.

Okay - so we tried it out. The dogs slept quite normally and didn't appear to be affected in any way at all.

The mice/rats playing football in the roof didn't turn up for that night's match - or any of the following nights, either.

We used the device every evening until the cool season set in - no more rodents at that time of year, anyway.

The neighbours still had rodents kicking up a row in their roof - they probably got "our lot" as well.

Our opinion : slightly expensive, perhaps (well over 500 baht) - but for us it worked fantastically!


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I'll be following this thread because I have long wanted to hear feedback on these things because the theory behind them is plausible, but.... gadgets come and go.

Interesting so far, 3 people say they do nothing, 1 endorses it 100%. Perhaps brand names need to be mentioned, or at least the successful names. Those that did not get satisfaction might just say, no, I didn't use that brand.

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I bought one in Australia as I lived in sugar cane country and we had rats and mice galore. After using it for a few weeks I noticed that the rodents were definitely disappearing and raved about how good it was. Then I found the 2 metre carpet snake under my place and realized I had a free rodent stopper and it had nothing to do with the electronic crap, that was proved when my mate tried it in his place and still had them all.

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I just took a look at our one - it's called Techno Home Pest Repeller and is about 3 inches square.

We bought it in Big C (last year) and I believe it cost 550 baht.

Like other posters, we didn't really believe it would help, but we reckoned it was at least worth a try...thumbsup.gif

As I said previously, it worked for us!


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Soi dogs kill rats. In my experience Thai cats coexist with Thai rats. I had a home with large rats in front of the house. The cats just sat on the wall and watched the rats get food. Now I have a soi dog who has killed 6 rats so far. She kills them at night and leaves them by the gate for me to throw away in the morning. We also have two of the electronic things. I don't know if they or the dog is doing the job but the rats are gone.

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Whatever the brand is, it seems these are BS.

If ANY worked, the poison stuff would have been history long time ago.

Yes the theory is plausible - but the gadget is BS.

I wish some one would perfect this product.

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Thai cats ONLY?

Just let me know which nationality of cats catch mice today, really.

Just a random creature, if ever.

I have had cats in four countries and they all liked to kill mice and rats; not here. My Siamese cats in America loved to kill Norwegian rats. Maybe they learned critical rat killing in America.

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I bought one here in LOS, plugged it up and it was so loud, I couldn't stand it for more than a few minutes, and unplugged the damn thing. Admittedly, it was one of those cheaper models at Home Pro.

My rat problem in Thailand, a troupe living in the rafters of my covered car park, was, I think, finally solved by a good sized snake that had been hanging around our garden. Came out one day and snake was laying under a tree, swallowing a rat - could still see the hind legs and tail hanging out of its mouth. I didn't see or hear the rats again. It's been 7 months.

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I live in a very rural environment. Believe me the ultrasonic/electro repellants work very well (I hope you don't mind my laziness to get up and check which brand). Roaches and mosquitoes require different solutions as they are not rodents.

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As a ex proffesional Pest manager for over 20 years,i can tell you these thing's may work for a week or so,then the pest's get used to it,they can put up with a lot if there is a food source,so 1; deny them a food source 2 deny them harbourage,3 introduce a threat to them,this is basic pest management,if the problem is very bad then you introduce pesticides,of course every case is different,and has to be judged on it's il.[infestation level].

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Glue pad's are effective,though can be some what horrific for animal lovers,i once had a woman in Aus,set one free,minus it's feet when she pulled it off the glue board,she was hysterical when i arrived,i put it out of it's misery,then she attacked me,raining blow's on me ,even though i had rid her of her of the problem,refusing to pay the bill,as she was a 'greenie', i had to write it off as it would have cost me more in legal action,than the bill was worth,a year later i read in the local paper she had died of Wiel's disease.

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The only time something "acoustic" has worked well in the past was when the old Israelites blew down the walls of Jericho. Not suggesting you hire 100 local bugle blowers. Might work, but will be hard to get a good nights sleep while they are performing.

Seriously: Animals, ranging from Elephants all the way down to Rodents and Ants are attracted by food. A not properly cleaned dining table can turn into a source of food for a thousand Ants in no time at all. To be sure, Rodents don't come to visit a Farangs home because he is "a sexy man" or is in the possession of a functioning ATM card. It's strictly for the food.

Remedy: Food scraps don't belong on top of the garbage pile (to be burned once a month at best) in front of the house, If I were a rodent, I would settle there. Ants, etc: Every unwashed plate and other kitchen utensils go into the refrigerator until ready to be washed. It works, but to convince the Thai-Entourage near the house is the real challenge.

To expand on the subject: No food in the house and the refrigerator only filled with unwashed dishes instead of beer might not only keep away rodents, ants etc but also unwanted freeloading relatives .

Possibly a win-win situation.


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They are not functional for any period of time. Someone bought one for the lab and wasn't long before they were back. The issue is that the rats themselves use ultrasonic sounds to communicate and after a while they just consider it one of the family. biggrin.png

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The only time something "acoustic" has worked well in the past was when the old Israelites blew down the walls of Jericho. Not suggesting you hire 100 local bugle blowers. Might work, but will be hard to get a good nights sleep while they are performing.

Not so, if I may contradict.

In NZ, local councils and mall proprietors are playing Barry Manilow over the public address systems to scare away unruly teenagers. It works. Play Barry Manilow, and the teenagers stop hanging around. True story.

As for myself, shops and tuktuks that play loud music do not get my custom.

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