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Summary of my dilemna:

1. I had sex with a Uni girl.

2. I started to show mild symptoms of chlam/gono. She has no symptoms - did not know anything was wrong.

3. I start to self-medicate (Cefspan / Doxyc). I told her to go to a clinic. She will not go, out of embarrassment!!!

4. The symptoms will not go away (but are extremely mild) - I go to a well-known clinic in BK. I take the swab test - I test negative. The employee tells me, if I stop taking Doxycline, I could return, and presumably test positive. I find this a bit silly (the idea of letting an infection fester on my genitals, just for the sake of testing positive on a swab test...). The employee gives me Azithro.

5. Again, the symptoms will not go away. I return to the clinic, and take the piss text. I now must wait a week for my result.

Presumably, I have a resistant form, and need the Ceftriaxone Injection. The clinic told me that they do not perform the Injection, but that any hospital can perform it - and that they would refer me to one if I test positive.

So, the questions I am throwing out there...

* Should I just go to a hospital and ask for the Injection? Or should I wait for my (presumably) positive result? My understanding, is that, say... in America, if you go to a clinic and complain of these symptoms - they will treat you on the spot... they do not wait a week for a positive test result.

* Does anyone have a recommendation of a hospital/clinic I could have this Injection performed at in BK (preferably near a major BTS)? And does anyone know the approximate cost?

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My idea was to treat myself - verify everything was OK - and then get medicine for her.

The employee at the clinic recommended that I add in an additional medication to treat the girl.

But now I am stuck waiting and waiting, after medication that did not work, and negative test results.


I know what I'd do. Go to Pattaya; a clinic on Soi Buakhow or Memorial Hospital. Show them your mild symptoms. They will give you a shot and some pills and make you sit down so you don't feint. After a half hour you can go home. Don't drink for a couple of weeks.


If you've had a diagnostic test you should wait for the result rather than pump more medicine into you. That didn't work the first time round did it?

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Wait for the results then go to the Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic, they are the best place for any type of STD treatment and very current on the latest patterns of drug resistance.

Thai Red Cross · Anonymous Clinic
104 Ratchadamri Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.
Tel. 02-252-2568-9

It is located between the Sala Daeng and Radchadamri Road

Do not continue to try to treat empirically, it will only add to your problems with resistance.

Chlamydia is only one of a number of possible causes of non-gonoccoal urethritis, so identifying the causative organism is an essential first step.

Not unusual for the female partner to be asymptomatic.

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Thanks Sheryl - but the Thai Red Cross does *not* perform injections. They only give pills. They will refer you to a hospital to get an injection. (hence the motivation for this thread)

As for self-medicating - most people that are experiencing these symptoms... do self-medicate. The clinic is just going to give you the same medication, and any clinic will treat for both problems (chlam/gono) at the same time, anyway.


Thanks Sheryl - but the Thai Red Cross does *not* perform injections. They only give pills. They will refer you to a hospital to get an injection. (hence the motivation for this thread)

As for self-medicating - most people that are experiencing these symptoms... do self-medicate. The clinic is just going to give you the same medication, and any clinic will treat for both problems (chlam/gono) at the same time, anyway.

So you made your own diagnosis and prescribed your own medication? Or the clinic you went to did this?

Are your "mild" symptoms a discharge at the penis? How many hours prior to your swab test did you last urinate?

Perhaps Cheryl can weigh in but why would the swab test return negative if patient is still showing symptoms of a discharge? Wouldn't this be the result of a poorly performed test? Or possibly not having an infection?

Apparently the OP did not use of a condom as is recommended to prevent disease?


^ You got me, I did not use a condom.

As I explained in the first post - I took some medication, then went to the clinic when my symptoms did not cease. My symptoms were... reddish/irritated look at the tip - and slight fluid... which I would not describe as pus.. more like a transparent/reflective sticky fluid.

At the moment I did the swab test, I had zero visible symptoms (no irritation, no fluid) - but when I had woke up that morning, I did have both symptoms. They gave me a different medication (Azithromax) - despite the negative test. The employee did mention that, while I tested negative for everything, my white blood count was elevated. I do not remember how many hours were between my urination and my swab test... maybe 2 hours?

I suppose it is possible that my friend just gave me some weird urinary tract infection, but I believe the treatment is the same, regardless? (ie -> cefspan/doxycycline/azithromax -> then injection if the medicine does not work)


^ You got me, I did not use a condom.

As I explained in the first post - I took some medication, then went to the clinic when my symptoms did not cease. My symptoms were... reddish/irritated look at the tip - and slight fluid... which I would not describe as pus.. more like a transparent/reflective sticky fluid.

At the moment I did the swab test, I had zero visible symptoms (no irritation, no fluid) - but when I had woke up that morning, I did have both symptoms. They gave me a different medication (Azithromax) - despite the negative test. The employee did mention that, while I tested negative for everything, my white blood count was elevated. I do not remember how many hours were between my urination and my swab test... maybe 2 hours?

I suppose it is possible that my friend just gave me some weird urinary tract infection, but I believe the treatment is the same, regardless? (ie -> cefspan/doxycycline/azithromax -> then injection if the medicine does not work)

It happens.

Main reason I asked is that a male can have an allergy to latex that results in a clear, mild discharge that does not show up positive in a culture or swab test. If no condom was used then this can be ruled out.

Perhaps Cheryl can provide insight, but Thai healthcare professionals do not seem to think its important to refrain from urinating several hours prior to a swab. In the US, it is recommended to take swab in morning and not pee since night before. The theory is that urine flushes the bacteria out of the uretha where the swab is sampled.

But I am NOT a physician, I am only trained as an EMT Basic and thats expired. Please defer to a real physician and to Cheryl.

Good luck in getting it sorted out.


First I have to say having unprotected sex in this country is like russian Roulette.

Now to your question about treatment

personally i would go to a hospital and get it checked.

they will be able to tellyou what is wrong.

Stop dicking around (pun intended) trying to think you know.

She may be right and not have an STD and you picked up something.

A clinic for STD will not be able to tell you. A hospital will and usually fairly quickly.

If you want tell her you are going to a hospital to get checked and ask her to come along to support you.

Promise that under no circumstance you will refer to her as the possible donor. AND KEEP THE PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well first you can consider yourself lucky.....It could have been HIV....

For this: "reddish/irritated look at the tip - and slight fluid" could that be some other "harmless" bacterial infection?


By your description, it sounds like you may have NSU (non-specific urethritis). However, it could be something more serious, as NSU usually clears up within a week or so with antibiotics. The problem is nsu and many other sexually transmitted infections are becoming resistant and increasingly difficult to get rid of.

If the infection turns out to be gonorrhea, it is even more important for you to encourage your partner to seek early treatment, as a delay could cause complications which might result in the spread of the infection into the pelvic area and affect her child-bearing capacity.

A lot of men visiting Thailand tend to think that uni girls and other non-sex workers are relatively safe compared with bar girls and masseuses. This is not the case, as sexual activity at schools and colleges mirrors that in some of the tourist haunts and the kids tend to be less clued up and careful about protecting themselves than their big sisters - who know their lives as well as their livelihoods may be at risk if they become infected.

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Which Uni did she go to ? 5555555

Trying to big note yourself when in actual fact you slammed a Cowboy long termer without a glove and now you got the itch.

You wanna hope you don't get the dreaded 3-month symptoms.

Welcome to Thailand.


I don't see where you mentioned the symptoms and you didn't wear protection, but why not just go and get loaded up on everything? Shot, azithro, cipro...It could just be prostatitis. Also, make sure to get checked for HIV in a couple months. Chok dee!


So, lucky me - my piss test came back negative. It looks like I am the host for a yet-to-be-named disease. I am positive I had an irritated-look when I took the piss test, although I am not sure I had any fluid.

I am going to go to Samitivej on Suk Soi 47 (close to me) - unless I get some other recommendation in the next 30 minutes.


Stop dicking around (pun intended) trying to think you know.

...by the time I made this thread, I had already taken a swab test, and a piss test. I am not "trying to think I know" anything...

"Trying to big note yourself when in actual fact you slammed a Cowboy long termer without a glove and now you got the itch."


why not just go and get loaded up on everything? Shot, azithro, cipro

That is essentially what I was asking when I made this thread... asking if I should just go get the shot, and not wait for my test result.


Well now, before anyone thinks about self medicating with powerful antibiotics it might be a good idea to investigate the possible side effects.

Some of the cipro's can damage eyesight over the long term.

Also, back in the 60's American soldiers in Vietnam self medicated as a prophylactic and in a short time had developed a brand new species of STD that was resistant to every known antibiotic.

OK, sucking a sweet with the wrapper still on is not 100% fun

But for everyone's sake, be responsible and rubber up!

Hope you get the all clear soon and your gal does the right thing and gets checked up too.


Thanks Sheryl - but the Thai Red Cross does *not* perform injections. They only give pills. They will refer you to a hospital to get an injection. (hence the motivation for this thread)

As for self-medicating - most people that are experiencing these symptoms... do self-medicate. The clinic is just going to give you the same medication, and any clinic will treat for both problems (chlam/gono) at the same time, anyway.

Yes, they will refer you at which point you will readily get the injection on demand. Trying to get one without a referral, which they will give only if the test results indicate it, is likely to be difficult.

I still advise that you wait for the culture results.


Well now, before anyone thinks about self medicating with powerful antibiotics it might be a good idea to investigate the possible side effects.

Some of the cipro's can damage eyesight over the long term.

Also, back in the 60's American soldiers in Vietnam self medicated as a prophylactic and in a short time had developed a brand new species of STD that was resistant to every known antibiotic.

OK, sucking a sweet with the wrapper still on is not 100% fun

But for everyone's sake, be responsible and rubber up!

Hope you get the all clear soon and your gal does the right thing and gets checked up too.

The Vietnam story is not true. Urban legend Black Syphilis



Unfortunately for one of my platoon members the rumor was quite true. He had the drip, drip, drip of gonorrhea and no matter what it didn't seem to cure. Admittedly we didn't have the antibiotics available today. He had had for a couple of months, was being treated to no avail. He was married and due to rotate in a matter of weeks when I left. The word back then was if you had STD you didn't rotate. I was discharged soon after leaving and never heard whether he finally got a cure of not, hope so. Back in those days if you came down with an STD and turned yourself in you faced at the least office hours. It paid to know corpsmen in another area. Best of luck to the OP, it could well be something other than STD. I had similar symptoms some months back and it turned out to be prostrate problem. Thank you Buddha! Else my wife would have been feeding a very important body part to the ducks.

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Unfortunately for one of my platoon members the rumor was quite true. He had the drip, drip, drip of gonorrhea and no matter what it didn't seem to cure. Admittedly we didn't have the antibiotics available today. He had had for a couple of months, was being treated to no avail. He was married and due to rotate in a matter of weeks when I left. The word back then was if you had STD you didn't rotate. I was discharged soon after leaving and never heard whether he finally got a cure of not, hope so. Back in those days if you came down with an STD and turned yourself in you faced at the least office hours. It paid to know corpsmen in another area. Best of luck to the OP, it could well be something other than STD. I had similar symptoms some months back and it turned out to be prostrate problem. Thank you Buddha! Else my wife would have been feeding a very important body part to the ducks.

That's how urban legends stay alive. Did you know what treatment the fellow received and for how long and by a doctor? My roommate in Vietnam was a doctor. Two years, thousands of cases 100% cure rate.


Well now, before anyone thinks about self medicating with powerful antibiotics it might be a good idea to investigate the possible side effects.

Some of the cipro's can damage eyesight over the long term.

Also, back in the 60's American soldiers in Vietnam self medicated as a prophylactic and in a short time had developed a brand new species of STD that was resistant to every known antibiotic.

OK, sucking a sweet with the wrapper still on is not 100% fun

But for everyone's sake, be responsible and rubber up!

Hope you get the all clear soon and your gal does the right thing and gets checked up too.

The Vietnam story is not true. Urban legend Black Syphilis


I was working in the south of Taiwan in 69.

An American from Vietnam came to visit.

In the evening, before we "went out on the town", he offered us a dose of powerful antibiotic - tetracycline - in case we caught something, he said everyone did it".....

Some months later, in a hotel in Kaohsiung I met a married guy who said he had caught "a permanent drip" from a lady in Saigon. He called it "The Black Rose of Saigon" and I had no reason to disbelieve him. He refused to drink any alcohol, said it might interfere with with his treatment!.He was distraught, he dare not return to the US in case he passed it on to his wife. His doctor was now trying combinations of antibiotics in the hope of curing him. He said that at the time, any returning solders were detained in Vietnam and not allowed back. He was working for a scrap metal company who bought up broken army stuff and exported it to Japan cos they wanted the good quality metals.

Although the story in your link sounds similar, it was said to be 1942 not 1969.

Urban myth or not, at 27 years of age, that knowledge kept me on the straight and narrow for life!


even if you are positive, the "self-medication" that you administered to yourself can mask the resistant infection for some time that is why they told you to wait before retesting


Did you read the instructions in the box for the Azithro??? It says for a suspected STD take all five pills at once, refrain from drinking alcohol for five days, if symptoms continue seek immediate medical assistance - I have not seen anything minor a Z-Pak can't kill.......from Gonoreha to Chlamydia and URI's - Many of us in the Vietnam era thought we had the "Clap" clap2.gif and went for the two shots in the butt - only to find it wasn't positive.............I "thought" I had it about seven times - lucky for me I still pee easily, have read where it scars the uretheal tubes and the scars build up and can block them - not a fun day at the Hospital if that happens.w00t.gif

Since you have self medicated with everything under the sun, go to the Hospital and take the girl with you.

Are my eyes failing me or did Spell Check disappear from the toolbar above???facepalm.gif

  • Like 1

Well now, before anyone thinks about self medicating with powerful antibiotics it might be a good idea to investigate the possible side effects.

Some of the cipro's can damage eyesight over the long term.

Also, back in the 60's American soldiers in Vietnam self medicated as a prophylactic and in a short time had developed a brand new species of STD that was resistant to every known antibiotic.

OK, sucking a sweet with the wrapper still on is not 100% fun

But for everyone's sake, be responsible and rubber up!

Hope you get the all clear soon and your gal does the right thing and gets checked up too.

The Vietnam story is not true. Urban legend Black Syphilis


I was working in the south of Taiwan in 69.

An American from Vietnam came to visit.

In the evening, before we "went out on the town", he offered us a dose of powerful antibiotic - tetracycline - in case we caught something, he said everyone did it".....

Some months later, in a hotel in Kaohsiung I met a married guy who said he had caught "a permanent drip" from a lady in Saigon. He called it "The Black Rose of Saigon" and I had no reason to disbelieve him. He refused to drink any alcohol, said it might interfere with with his treatment!.He was distraught, he dare not return to the US in case he passed it on to his wife. His doctor was now trying combinations of antibiotics in the hope of curing him. He said that at the time, any returning solders were detained in Vietnam and not allowed back. He was working for a scrap metal company who bought up broken army stuff and exported it to Japan cos they wanted the good quality metals.

Although the story in your link sounds similar, it was said to be 1942 not 1969.

Urban myth or not, at 27 years of age, that knowledge kept me on the straight and narrow for life!

Tetracycline is a normal (not powerful) antibiotic given to people who are allergic to penicillin among other things. No soldiers were detained in Vietnam that was an old wives tale he was pulling your leg.

Tetracycline is a normal (not powerful) antibiotic given to people who are allergic to penicillin among other things. No soldiers were detained in Vietnam that was an old wives tale he was pulling your leg.

A common tale told to newbies in Vietnam along with practicing to remove coral snakes. You had two seconds to get it off or you were dead.

1. In the case of the "Black Clap," the shard of fact that must be present in order to qualify the tale as a true legend happens to be fairly easy to verify. Venereal disease was as common in Vietnam as in other wars. http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Texts/Scholarly/Baky_White_Cong_01.html

Now on Thai Visa there are actually two urban legends running. The organ steelers and the black clap.

You can find out what the bar flys are talking about by googling black clap or organ theft urban legends.

Anyway, congrats TV two urban legends at the same time. Might be a first.


Well now, before anyone thinks about self medicating with powerful antibiotics it might be a good idea to investigate the possible side effects.

Some of the cipro's can damage eyesight over the long term.

Also, back in the 60's American soldiers in Vietnam self medicated as a prophylactic and in a short time had developed a brand new species of STD that was resistant to every known antibiotic.

OK, sucking a sweet with the wrapper still on is not 100% fun

But for everyone's sake, be responsible and rubber up!

Hope you get the all clear soon and your gal does the right thing and gets checked up too.

The Vietnam story is not true. Urban legend Black Syphilis


I was working in the south of Taiwan in 69.

An American from Vietnam came to visit.

In the evening, before we "went out on the town", he offered us a dose of powerful antibiotic - tetracycline - in case we caught something, he said everyone did it".....

Some months later, in a hotel in Kaohsiung I met a married guy who said he had caught "a permanent drip" from a lady in Saigon. He called it "The Black Rose of Saigon" and I had no reason to disbelieve him. He refused to drink any alcohol, said it might interfere with with his treatment!.He was distraught, he dare not return to the US in case he passed it on to his wife. His doctor was now trying combinations of antibiotics in the hope of curing him. He said that at the time, any returning solders were detained in Vietnam and not allowed back. He was working for a scrap metal company who bought up broken army stuff and exported it to Japan cos they wanted the good quality metals.

Although the story in your link sounds similar, it was said to be 1942 not 1969.

Urban myth or not, at 27 years of age, that knowledge kept me on the straight and narrow for life!

Tetracycline is a normal (not powerful) antibiotic given to people who are allergic to penicillin among other things. No soldiers were detained in Vietnam that was an old wives tale he was pulling your leg.

Tetracycline is a normal (not powerful) antibiotic given to people who are allergic to penicillin among other things. No soldiers were detained in Vietnam that was an old wives tale he was pulling your leg.

A common tale told to newbies in Vietnam along with practicing to remove coral snakes. You had two seconds to get it off or you were dead.

1. In the case of the "Black Clap," the shard of fact that must be present in order to qualify the tale as a true legend happens to be fairly easy to verify. Venereal disease was as common in Vietnam as in other wars. http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Texts/Scholarly/Baky_White_Cong_01.html

Now on Thai Visa there are actually two urban legends running. The organ steelers and the black clap.

You can find out what the bar flys are talking about by googling black clap or organ theft urban legends.

Anyway, congrats TV two urban legends at the same time. Might be a first.

OK, so being there and witnessing stuff is not interesting to you.

Fair enough but in 1969, tetrawatsit was the latest stuff available, only the myasins left.....

But I'm past the biblical sell by date so perhaps I'm believing what I want to believe (rather than something found by Google?).

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