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Thai food the best in the world?

Grateful farang

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Same thing happened to me

I bit the shrimp and it was crunchy cos of the shell

Also I was shocked to see the legs on too, like an insect.

But I thought if the thai people can eat it, I can eat it too.

They were absolutely delicious!

In the west we are sheltered from farming, fishing and natural life.

We mostly only know the supermarket.

I've heard on some radio shows that some children nowadays actually believe food is just kinda born into plastic packaging and appears on supermarket shelves

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Thai food only caters to the main gustatory stimuli: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, hot(spicy).There is only little finesse when it comes to skillful seasoning... but then, there is Thai food and Thai food... you can have a Tom Yum prepared with vinegar or with all the necessary ingredients - same dish, but worlds apart.

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Thai food only caters to the main gustatory stimuli: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, hot(spicy).There is only little finesse when it comes to skillful seasoning... but then, there is Thai food and Thai food... you can have a Tom Yum prepared with vinegar or with all the necessary ingredients - same dish, but worlds apart.

little finesse? try better chefs

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Speaking of Food.

Please don't feed the Bridge Dweller.

17 Posts

10 one line OP's

Make it stop now.

... coffee1.gif

For a moment I thought Maigo6 was back.......

I think "Maigo6" was kicked off the forum, but "Berkshire" filled the vacancy

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Thanks for your reply

What kind of dishes do aussies create?

Oz , like Canada and NZ are nations of recent immigrants and therefore have dishes from all the immigrant groups as well as the foods used by the indigeneous inhabitants.

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Thanks for the reply

I figured as much

italian, thai, arabic, english, all have some influence on aussie cuisine

But can you name any particular dishes and ingrediants used in making the dish?


i didnt say they have some influence on aussia cuisine. I said they, as well as indigenous dishes, ARE aussie cuisine. the ingredients are the same as the dishes cooked in the countries where the immigrants came from.

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Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

Japanese seem to like raw food

I prefer cooked food!

Also with some of the japanese dishez too many hands touching and proding and fingering the food.

"sorry too many cooks spoil the broth"

fair enough, I can see your view,

I agree the japanese do like their food raw, as a general rule to appreciaet the quality of the ingredients you need to eat it as natural or untouched as possible, imagine getting the best live fish or beef, and mincing it, putting spices in it, flouring it, crumbing it, deep frying it and smothering it in sauce! that is truly a waste as you wouldnt get a true understanindg of the original ingredient ie you could use some mouldy gutter fish and it still taste the same,

that being said, the japanese have a very sophisticated palate, their flavours are very delicate and subtle, a lot of the japanese find other asian foods to be simply too strong, heavy and ruins the appreciation of the true flavours of the origianl ingredients,

btw. I like thai food a lot, and asian food

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@ marko kok prong

Good joke!

Even prince philip queen elisabeth 2 husband

Said the english are not good cooks

They are only good at garnishing food.

I've never heard of an english restaurant?

I know the uk has cafes but not restaurants

The english breakfast is their speciality:-

Fried bread, tomatoes, bacon, eggs, sausages, baked beans and mushrooms.

Exquisite nosh!!

This is London's oldest restaurant been in biz since 1798 http://www.rules.co.uk/restaurant/ Next time you're in London check it out. The prices are reasonable.

Brits in general do have insensitive taste buds that's why Indian Curry is so popular in the UK.

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@ marko kok prong

Good joke!

Even prince philip queen elisabeth 2 husband

Said the english are not good cooks

They are only good at garnishing food.

I've never heard of an english restaurant?

I know the uk has cafes but not restaurants

The english breakfast is their speciality:-

Fried bread, tomatoes, bacon, eggs, sausages, baked beans and mushrooms.

Exquisite nosh!!

This is London's oldest restaurant been in biz since 1798 http://www.rules.co.uk/restaurant/ Next time you're in London check it out. The prices are reasonable.

Brits in general do have insensitive taste buds that's why Indian Curry is so popular in the UK.

could you please direct me to the studies showing the relative tastebud sensitivities ranked by country?

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Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

Japanese seem to like raw food

I prefer cooked food!

Tastes are subjective, but the Japanese eat lots of cooked foods and Thais eat some raw ones. My favorites are probably tempura and the teriyaki dishes, but Japanese noodle dishes are nice too. Thais also eat raw food. Larb is probably the most famous one.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Despite the fact that I like Japanese and Italian and Chinese and burgers far better than Thai dishes, at some unfortunate juncture during the eight years I've been here, I became addicted.

I find that after three days straight of any other beloved foods, I need a fish sauce, chili, and rice fix.

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Most "gourmet" people in the world agreed that the best food in the planet is found in Argentina. Why? First, its have the best meat in the world, one of the best wines, one of the best breads, cheese, ham and salamies, and because its population is a big mix of Italians, Polish, Russians, Germans, Spaniards, English and Asian people, bringing the best of their culture and cooking.
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Most "gourmet" people in the world agreed that the best food in the planet is found in Argentina. Why? First, its have the best meat in the world, one of the best wines, one of the best breads, cheese, ham and salamies, and because its population is a big mix of Italians, Polish, Russians, Germans, Spaniards, English and Asian people, bringing the best of their culture and cooking.

Sounds interesting. Time to head down to Argentina.

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I love all sorts of food but I do think that Thai food is way up there. I see some people saying it is all MSG, fried, and full of sugar. I could say the same about Western food (Mickey Dee's anyone?) but if you go to a top-notch restaurant, it is heaven.

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Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

Japanese seem to like raw food

I prefer cooked food!

Tastes are subjective, but the Japanese eat lots of cooked foods and Thais eat some raw ones. My favorites are probably tempura and the teriyaki dishes, but their noodle dishes are nice too. Thais also eat raw food. Larb is probably the most famous one.

you eat RAW larb??

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Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

Japanese seem to like raw food

I prefer cooked food!

Tastes are subjective, but the Japanese eat lots of cooked foods and Thais eat some raw ones. My favorites are probably tempura and the teriyaki dishes, but their noodle dishes are nice too. Thais also eat raw food. Larb is probably the most famous one.

you eat RAW larb??

Isaan larb is often eaten uncooked - especially by the males.

Had it once at a wedding (I didn't know it was uncooked) - the missus went loopy and made me get some worm tablets smile.png

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Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

Japanese seem to like raw food

I prefer cooked food!

Tastes are subjective, but the Japanese eat lots of cooked foods and Thais eat some raw ones. My favorites are probably tempura and the teriyaki dishes, but their noodle dishes are nice too. Thais also eat raw food. Larb is probably the most famous one.

you eat RAW larb??

Isaan larb is often eaten uncooked - especially by the males.

Had it once at a wedding (I didn't know it was uncooked) - the missus went loopy and made me get some worm tablets smile.png

wow! my family doesnt do that!

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When I first came to SE Asia 20 years ago, a Belgian Doctor told me not to worry about Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, or Dengue but to take a worm tabled every six months. Done it ever since.

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OK, I think everyone's been waiting for me to lay down the law, so here goes:

1. French

2. Chinese

3. Thai

4. Indian

5. Mexican

6. Cheeseburgers

OK? Discussion may as well wind up now. Mod, please close this thread. Famous last words have been uttered.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Most "gourmet" people in the world agreed that the best food in the planet is found in Argentina. Why? First, its have the best meat in the world, one of the best wines, one of the best breads, cheese, ham and salamies, and because its population is a big mix of Italians, Polish, Russians, Germans, Spaniards, English and Asian people, bringing the best of their culture and cooking.

sorry to say, I am quite active in the food indsutry and ive never ever heard the word Argentinean and "best food in teh world" out in the same sentence


Yes, they have great steaks but best breads, cheese and salamis? Me think not.

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Japanese delicate palate

There food is very delicious and quaint

Beautiful colours, shapes and techniques in preparing their food

Pure culinary genius

But for me thai and indian food is the best i've ever tasted, arabic food is delicious too.

I read an article once malaysia and thailands cuisines were compared as being the same

The article claimed thailand copied malaysian dishes and credited malaysia as being the originators of that cooking style.

I am now eager to eat malaysian food to judge for myself

Previously i've only eaten malaysian prawn crackers

Which were exquisitely delicious!

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No i've never eaten larb

What is it?

I know japanese eat cooked food too!

But everytime someone has said to me: " you must try this japanese food its delicious!"

Its always been some kinda cold novelty thing

That I personally would only eat at a party or for breakfast.

I wouldnt eat it for dinner

Thats just me being a very physical person thats always training jogging muay thai etc etc

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