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Assange claims he was tortured in UK prison - media


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Maybe the only torture to this traitor is he would have been made into a mans man inside UK prisons, and he would have probably enjoyed that. He is lieing, and what else has he lied about,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Assange has just dropped off the world radar, he was as lost as the Malaysian Airliner. He's decided he needs attention, so first was the 'translation' problem that was presented. By the way, accusing the UK prison system of torture is a pretty inflammatory accusation. Since his original remarks were in English it would be nice to see exactly what he said that was 'mistranslated'.

Now he's going to be in a fashion show.

Attention seeking behavior. Pure and simple.

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Maybe the only torture to this traitor is he would have been made into a mans man inside UK prisons, and he would have probably enjoyed that. He is lieing, and what else has he lied about,

So you must approve of your government lying to you and doing despicable things?

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Inflammatory posts and replies deleted. You might want to check the proper spelling of proper names.

Continued posting in such fashion will result in suspensions. It is trolling and it is inflammatory.

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Maybe the only torture to this traitor is he would have been made into a mans man inside UK prisons, and he would have probably enjoyed that. He is lieing, and what else has he lied about,

So you must approve of your government lying to you and doing despicable things?

So who is lying who do we believe, some one who bigs himself up

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You people are beating a dead horse. Wikileaks has said it was a translation problem, he never claimed he was tortured. That was posted long ago. Be thankful for Wikileaks, Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Glen Greenwald, Donald Drake and other that have the courage to speak the truth. Or just continue to be sheeple believing all the lies from the government.

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  • 1 month later...

hes ready to give himself up now



Video: Julian Assange: 'My Rights Are Being Abused'


Julian Assange has told a news conference he will leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London "soon" after more than two years holed up inside the building.

The Australian spelled out his plans for his next moves alongside the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino at the embassy in Knightsbridge.

Widespread reports have suggested the WikiLeaks website founder needs hospital treatment for heart and lung problems.

But the 43-year-old denied he was leaving the embassy for health reasons.

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So lets see how long he manages to stay in Sweden for 'questioning' before some kind of secret US investigation is unsealed and he's prompty arrested and shipped off to a supermax prison to get the Manning treatment.

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