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PDRC spokesman enters monkhood

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Excuse me while I vomit in my mouth

No one has looked as smug as this bloke in the last six months

Its a punchable face. If you are a gambling man get down to the bookmakers and get a price on Akanat being in Septembers interim government. Whatever price you get snatch the bookies hand off. Check out Porntips reward for nightly appearances at Sutheps garden parties.

I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

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Excuse me while I vomit in my mouth

No one has looked as smug as this bloke in the last six months

Its a punchable face. If you are a gambling man get down to the bookmakers and get a price on Akanat being in Septembers interim government. Whatever price you get snatch the bookies hand off. Check out Porntips reward for nightly appearances at Sutheps garden parties.

I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

Probably not. Red shades filter out unpalatable truths.

And yes other shades do the same thing.

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Akanat six degrees

Young Akanat fresh out of university already has assets declared of 101 million baht!

Sure pays well to be the Democrat MP of Bangkok.

I don't suppose their was any influence from his Step dad, Mum and blood father in getting that position, otherwise it would reek of nepotism, which we know is the reserve of the PTP.

Upto you to dig up the asset declaration from 2011 when young Akanat started as MP.

BTW k. Akanat was "constituency" MP, elected by people in a district in Bangkok.

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I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

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Lucky they are Thai, naa?
Here, Thai people can always make a good bad choice.
Psychiatry, prison or temple. Which one would "you" chose? facepalm.gif

I'm sure we would have a lot less "quality farang" here in the LOS,
if only we would have those choices in the western world giggle.gif

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I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

Bad as each other in that both made sure the press knew when and where they would be.

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A publicity stand.

Why the corrupted regime and thaksin were not mentioned?

on another thread, Yingluk is making merit also

Yingluck, like so many Thais, made merit on her birthday.

My merits bigger than yours!

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I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

Bad as each other in that both made sure the press knew when and where they would be.

I would imagine that it would be pretty near impossible for Yingluck to go anywhere unnoticed by the press (she does have guards with her, though surely she is safe now under military rule whistling.gif ).

A spokesman for the PDRC, not so much, I feel. However you're welcome to your view of things.

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I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

Bad as each other in that both made sure the press knew when and where they would be.

I would imagine that it would be pretty near impossible for Yingluck to go anywhere unnoticed by the press (she does have guards with her, though surely she is safe now under military rule whistling.gif ).

A spokesman for the PDRC, not so much, I feel. However you're welcome to your view of things.

yes I know I am, as are you.

And one of my views is yingluck let the press know all about this PR opportunity.

Not as venal as inviting them to your house for a private ceremony but still stage managed for the cameras I'm sure.

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yes I know I am, as are you.

And one of my views is yingluck let the press know all about this PR opportunity.

Not as venal as inviting them to your house for a private ceremony but still stage managed for the cameras I'm sure.

I thought you had already made your point once, but never mind.

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Excuse me while I vomit in my mouth

No one has looked as smug as this bloke in the last six months

Its a punchable face. If you are a gambling man get down to the bookmakers and get a price on Akanat being in Septembers interim government. Whatever price you get snatch the bookies hand off. Check out Porntips reward for nightly appearances at Sutheps garden parties.

I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

Not contesting the honesty and integrity attributed to most of the PTP, but do wonder why you deem Akanat as fundamentally

morally superior to them? Or otherwise more qualified for...whatever post?

Just another version of the same which plagues Thai politics.

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Akanat six degrees

Young Akanat fresh out of university already has assets declared of 101 million baht!

Sure pays well to be the Democrat MP of Bangkok.

I don't suppose their was any influence from his Step dad, Mum and blood father in getting that position, otherwise it would reek of nepotism, which we know is the reserve of the PTP.

Upto you to dig up the asset declaration from 2011 when young Akanat started as MP.

BTW k. Akanat was "constituency" MP, elected by people in a district in Bangkok.

I think re ran on his Mom's and dad's (ex-democrat party as well) turf. A wonder he won, eh?

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Young Akanat fresh out of university already has assets declared of 101 million baht!

Sure pays well to be the Democrat MP of Bangkok.

I don't suppose their was any influence from his Step dad, Mum and blood father in getting that position, otherwise it would reek of nepotism, which we know is the reserve of the PTP.

Upto you to dig up the asset declaration from 2011 when young Akanat started as MP.

BTW k. Akanat was "constituency" MP, elected by people in a district in Bangkok.

I think re ran on his Mom's and dad's (ex-democrat party as well) turf. A wonder he won, eh?

You 'think' and therefor you suggest something nasty. Mind you, if that particular district in Bangkok voted in a Democrat party candidate as MP in December 2007, April 2005, 2004, 2001 then it may indeed be no real wonder. In that case even Thaksin's telephone pole wouldn't stand a chance.

'mom and dad's turf' ? k. Akanat was a constituency candidate, so people must actually vote for him rather than for the party he's a candidate for.

Now waiting for the name of the Bangkok district which voted for k. Akanat as their MP. Plus the name of the constituency MP who was voted in December 2007.

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The ones who actually did the killing don't seem to have any regrets.

Until they are caught that is, like the ones who gunned down the children.

Why are you always so sour?

Have you ever thought of trying buddhism?

If you want to see sour look at post No 7.

I spent 3 years in NZ.

Great country.

Great people.

Great food.

I liked the Kiwi sense of humour, and the no nonsense style of the Kiwis.

Never met you, obviously.

Oh, and just to avoid misunderstandings: I eqally dislike red and yellow monks.

That is maybe because i am not a political zealot.

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I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

Bad as each other in that both made sure the press knew when and where they would be.
My wife also makes merit on her birthday. I don't understand why expats trash and condemn those who do this. Many of you expat Christians who hate thais making merit may go to church or ask for forgiveness on your dying bed. Don't be hypocrites and condemn others for thier religion
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I would rather see him in the government than any of the last lot of crooks that you tried to defend so much in their robbing of a trillion baht from the country in under 3 years.

Oh and what about YOUR glorious Yingluck and her 'publicized' merit making?..... Oh yeah... in true traditional Shin style, making merit for her own birthday, in contrast to someone making merit for those who died at the hands of her supporters.

Spot the difference?????

I presume you live here. If you do, surely you would recognise that making merit on one's birthday is hardly a practice that is constrained to the Shinawatra family. But no merit to be gained in pointing that out to someone like yourself, I feel.

Bad as each other in that both made sure the press knew when and where they would be.
My wife also makes merit on her birthday. I don't understand why expats trash and condemn those who do this. Many of you expat Christians who hate thais making merit may go to church or ask for forgiveness on your dying bed. Don't be hypocrites and condemn others for thier religion

Expats that go to church etc are hypocrites indeed.

How many expats are we talking about? And make sure your statistics don't go back to a couple of centuries ago.

PS. Looking down on christian hypocrites gives me the right to look down on any religion's hypocrites.

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Why are you always so sour?

Have you ever thought of trying buddhism?

If you want to see sour look at post No 7.

I spent 3 years in NZ.

Great country.

Great people.

Great food.

I liked the Kiwi sense of humour, and the no nonsense style of the Kiwis.

Never met you, obviously.

Oh, and just to avoid misunderstandings: I eqally dislike red and yellow monks.

That is maybe because i am not a political zealot.

Another good afternoon?

Can't say I've seen a red or yellow monk, although they may exist in appearance in certain countries. Any pointers?

Glad you like Kiwis. Did you see one fly?

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Why are you always so sour?

Have you ever thought of trying buddhism?

If you want to see sour look at post No 7.

I spent 3 years in NZ.

Great country.

Great people.

Great food.

I liked the Kiwi sense of humour, and the no nonsense style of the Kiwis.

Never met you, obviously.

Oh, and just to avoid misunderstandings: I eqally dislike red and yellow monks.

That is maybe because i am not a political zealot.

Another good afternoon?

Can't say I've seen a red or yellow monk, although they may exist in appearance in certain countries. Any pointers?

Glad you like Kiwis. Did you see one fly?

1/ I do not quite understand your post, but Rubi likes your post, so I am tempted to say I disagree.

2/ If you want to see yellow or red monks, just look at the pics posted in this thread.

3/ I did indeed see a Kiwi fly. I was hitchhiking, got a ride with a Kiwi on his way to the airstrip of Taranaki.

PS. I suspect you of sarcasm. Good on you mate!

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Isnt it wonderful.

When Yingluck goes to the temple on her birthday to make merit for herself, her supporters on here think its a great thing.

Yet when Sutheps step son enters the monkhood for 2 weeks to make merit for the deaths caused to the protesters by someone else its so terrible, disgusting, pathetic, insincere ETC.

It would seem the red blinkers will never come off.

This will come as a shock for you.

Some people have NO BLINKERS, no red blinkers, no yellow blinkers.

Some people have A LIFE, they do not have the urge to be extremists.

Of course, extremism makes life simple - for the simple minded, but unfortunately extremists bugger it up for the normal people.

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