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NCPO pushes for energy price restructuring

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NCPO pushes for energy price restructuring

BANGKOK, 22 June 2014 (NNT) - Deputy Chief of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) ACM Prachin Chantong on Sunday presided over a meeting on national energy prices. After the meeting, the NCPO is expected to start adjusting the price structure of energies in Thailand.

ACM Prachin, who is responsible for economic affairs, was the chairman of the meeting attended by important people in the energy sector, including Permanent Secretary for Energy Suthep Liamsiricharoen, PTT President Pairin Chochottaworn, leader of the Thai Energy Reform Watch Rossana Tositrakul as well as academics.

It was the second informal meeting after the first one on 15 June which did not reach conclusions. The meetings had the objective to acknowledge facts concerning national energy prices and listen to opinions of the meeting attendants. The meetings were part of the NCPO’s restructuring of energy price scheduled to be finished in June this year.

The National Energy Reform Council will meet early next week on downsizing the Oil Fund to benefit the general public in terms of the cost of living.

-- NNT 2014-06-22 footer_n.gif

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I hope someone is keeping tabs on all these things that they say they are "going to do". Some kind of "end of term report" perhaps or, perish the thought, follow up articles by a non-obsequious press maybe?

Considering 'transparency' is their number one goal in being able to fight corruption. Then the fact that the press are only going to be reporting the 'facts' then I can't see how there will be a problem.

Unless of course you are taking to predicting possibilities of negative things 'maybe' occurring in the future as a basis for 'possible' problems.

Then I would say you have come to the point where you have nothing negaive to apply against the power seizure and have to speculate on possibilities.

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I hope someone is keeping tabs on all these things that they say they are "going to do". Some kind of "end of term report" perhaps or, perish the thought, follow up articles by a non-obsequious press maybe?

Well, I look forward to your monitored reports

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saw diesel at 30.49

Here in western Bangkok and the places I roam in nearby Nakhon Pathom its 29.85 to 29.95...mostly 29.85.

fuel is always priced 50 satang or more a litre higher in the provinces, depending how far you are from Bangkok.

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Here's the key phrase:
"The National Energy Reform Council will meet early next week on downsizing the Oil Fund to benefit the general public in terms of the cost of living"
In other words the price of energy is going to rise for the rural poor so the elites can save a bit on their taxes.

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I hope someone is keeping tabs on all these things that they say they are "going to do". Some kind of "end of term report" perhaps or, perish the thought, follow up articles by a non-obsequious press maybe?

Funny you should mention that Fab4. Just like my list of weapons finds that I have been tabulating on a nearly daily basis I am also keeping a list of the DRT promises.

Stop Phuket taxi mafia. Check.

Pay farmers. Check.

Adress illegally parked cars in Bangkok. Check.

Address the illegal labour issues in Thailand. Check.

Arrest people involved in terrorist attacks in Trat. Check.

Stop excessive perks of Thai Airways board members. Check.

I can understand the hesitation to believe those in power though after the 3 years of broken promises that we have witnessed and I promise to behead myself if I'm not speaking the truth.

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I hope someone is keeping tabs on all these things that they say they are "going to do". Some kind of "end of term report" perhaps or, perish the thought, follow up articles by a non-obsequious press maybe?

Funny you should mention that Fab4. Just like my list of weapons finds that I have been tabulating on a nearly daily basis I am also keeping a list of the DRT promises.

Stop Phuket taxi mafia. Check.

Pay farmers. Check.

Adress illegally parked cars in Bangkok. Check.

Address the illegal labour issues in Thailand. Check.

Arrest people involved in terrorist attacks in Trat. Check.

Stop excessive perks of Thai Airways board members. Check.

I can understand the hesitation to believe those in power though after the 3 years of broken promises that we have witnessed and I promise to behead myself if I'm not speaking the truth.

let me put this too you oh learned friend...only for your consideration. There will be an interim government in September and there will also be a retirement that then allows an individual to be part of that interim government. If said individual was in a position, prior to the announcement, to become popular therefore smoothing his week long retirement into active politics would he be seen as nothing more than another populist MP or dare I say PM. Its simple if you take your blinkers off

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I hope someone is keeping tabs on all these things that they say they are "going to do". Some kind of "end of term report" perhaps or, perish the thought, follow up articles by a non-obsequious press maybe?

Funny you should mention that Fab4. Just like my list of weapons finds that I have been tabulating on a nearly daily basis I am also keeping a list of the DRT promises.

Stop Phuket taxi mafia. Check.

Pay farmers. Check.

Adress illegally parked cars in Bangkok. Check.

Address the illegal labour issues in Thailand. Check.

Arrest people involved in terrorist attacks in Trat. Check.

Stop excessive perks of Thai Airways board members. Check.

I can understand the hesitation to believe those in power though after the 3 years of broken promises that we have witnessed and I promise to behead myself if I'm not speaking the truth.

let me put this too you oh learned friend...only for your consideration. There will be an interim government in September and there will also be a retirement that then allows an individual to be part of that interim government. If said individual was in a position, prior to the announcement, to become popular therefore smoothing his week long retirement into active politics would he be seen as nothing more than another populist MP or dare I say PM. Its simple if you take your blinkers off

Sounds like Thailand

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Here's a radical idea: let marketplace decide the price! Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.... did they learn nothing from fooling with rice price?

As far as rail goes, there are pluses and minuses. Minuses might include that since would be subsidized by government, would be unfair advantage over private trucking. And enormous construction cost, again borne by taxpayers. Plenty of opportunity for tea money. Would tend to favor elite investors versus one truck owning family business. Philosophy of private business vs government owned. Look how well other quasi private firms like THAI AIR have done.... Pluses: fewer trucks to run hapless car drivers off the road.

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The subsidies of liquid fuels should end in Thailand, gas should continue to be subsidised for cooking, IMHO, due to the massive poverty issues.

Globally - for what it is and how long it takes to make (not 'produce' and refine) - oil is sill too cheap. It should go up, that way will force folks to make different choices. The speed at which it is increased should be paced to allow for the change.

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Rome wasn't built in a day as they say. I must say that the army top brass have, and are trying very hard, to make this country less corrupt and help out the common man instead of the already rich. Even the most cynical of TVF members should see that this is good for the country and people.

I'm sure they've already shown some die hard PT supporters that they've achieved more than the PT and Democrats have promised over the years. People with the old mindset that a non-elected government must be bad as it's not so called democratically elected one are living in cloud cuckoo land. Sometimes a country needs an iron fist in a velvet glove for the good of all.

I just hope they live up to their early promise and carry on cracking down on the parasites preying on the less fortunate citizens of this country.

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End subsidies, price controls and influence with regard to diesel, ngv prices because the government resources are betterr spent on infrastructure. If they want to tamper with electricity prices then at least do it in a way that makes sense, ie credits for seniors, low income customers.

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I may be the only one here, but I did NOT find this article all that informative.........other then they are speaking about energy prices. It would have been nice, by this reporter to have written what HAD been said at these meetings. In brief form of course. Folks are writing about petro. What about the electric bills? I would like to see some governance on condos, landlords etc raising the electric rate on their own on top of what the company charges. I am aware of a couple of incidents on that.

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I read a report in the BP that Yinluck had it that electricity would be at the same price as Singapore within 8 months under her planned resucture of pricing. OK with me, but how will Thais get Singapore wages in 8 months time ?

I hope the Junta kills the planned price rise to be honest :)

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I find it amusing that when people hear " energy price restructuring", they immediately think that the price will go down. No one has said which way yet.

Indeed, all of these subsidies that they have on various types of fuels, then the massive payments they are putting out for things like solar, all just serve to distort the market completely.

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