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Girlfriend don't want to sleep with me

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Maybe she just has occasional needs and is a bit behind the door in this department. My advice is to keep her there and get ya self out for a few sherberts with the lads instead of trying to fix something that isn't broken !

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troll. inconsistent and intentional grammatical errors.

OP find another way to amuse yourself. yawn.

Have no fear! Columbo's here!

What are you like???

Colombo, according to you

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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She's afraid her social circle will find out she's having sex with you.

What the beer garden on Soi 7?
Hey Snotty,

Do you still go there?

A no bar fine pub if I remember? Freelancers only... Right?

Haven't been there in over 10 years... Is there a place almost opposite the beer garden called the Eden Club? [emoji7]

Porkie, back in the day i certainly did. Not been there for at least 6 years. Since Mrs Snott put her foot down.

As far as I know its still open.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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She's afraid her social circle will find out she's having sex with you.

What the beer garden on Soi 7?
Hey Snotty,

Do you still go there?

A no bar fine pub if I remember? Freelancers only... Right?

Haven't been there in over 10 years... Is there a place almost opposite the beer garden called the Eden Club? [emoji7]

Porkie, back in the day i certainly did. Not been there for at least 6 years. Since Mrs Snott put her foot down.

As far as I know its still open.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I wonder if they still have all them strap ons?

First time I watched 2 girls do each other with a strap on was in that place [emoji7]... ONLY time come to think of it!

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Here's a question for you - have any of you guys experienced this before? Or is it beyond your knowledge so therefore must be trolling crap?

Just be honest with yourself, and there's no point posting protests otherwise - have you ever been with a Thai woman that wasn't a prostitute?

If the answer is no - well, maybe there's a whole other society out there you know nothing about.

If the answer is yes - and I can see some guys here that are indicating so through their cautious replies - this is not unusual. In fact, it's closer to being the norm.

The condescension would be farcical if you weren't blind to reality. But as you are blind to reality, I don't even know what to make of your patronising except to shake my head because some mothers do 'ave 'em.

A prostitute sells sex for a fixed price.

A woman who wants MORE is called a _____?


Every society is a Polite Society, where lies are 'nice', truth is 'rude' and deceit is 'diplomatic'. If you're confused, you're a good BOY. You were made that way, but if you don't want to be their BOY, you should try to feel less and think more. Look in the mirror. Think. Do you see anything unnatural or peculiar?

Think. Do you impress when you undress or would you induce screams from mothers traumatising their children, covering their eyes? "Won't somebody think of the children?" The natural male body will hurt them!

Nothing is as it seems which is to say, everything is exactly as it appears to be. If things appear "normal" to you, that should tell you that everyone and everything is fake. I wouldn't be so cavalier about my 'fortunes' in _______ Society. They are polite for a reason; truth is offensive to frauds. If you can't spot the frauds in Polite Society, you're the mark.



Misogynistic much?

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Misogynistic much?

Aren't you a good BOY.

Misogyny is the hatred of women for being women. It is not the accurate and honest criticism of fake women who hate women for being women. I hate misogynists. You're a misogynist and you don't even realise it because you're a good BOY.

Real women can take care of themselves and they don't use lies, shame and violence to raise children to be loving dependent slaves. They don't induce artificial desire with the sole intent of manipulating the inflicted suffering for 'advantage'.

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Misogynistic much?

Aren't you a good BOY.

Misogyny is the hatred of women for being women. It is not the accurate and honest criticism of fake women who hate women for being women. I hate misogynists. You're a misogynist and you don't even realise it because you're a good BOY.

Real women can take care of themselves and they don't use lies, shame and violence to raise children to be loving dependent slaves. They don't induce artificial desire with the sole intent of manipulating the inflicted suffering for 'advantage'.

Ah, you bring your entire wit to bear upon me.

I shudder.

Not at your intelligence.

At your lack of self-awareness.

Typical of a sort that can't self-edit.

Convinced of your righteousness.

Blind to the reality.

Please continue with your diatribe.

It is you that is being shamed.

Not I.

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Not I.

I'm moved by the strength of your argument, which appears to be limited to kindergarten comebacks, "No, you. Not me."

Compelling stuff.

I'm delighted that you are moved by the strength of my arguments.

I realized a long time ago that there's no point trying to change an idiots view.

Feel free to have the last word.

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For those that haven't realised.

The OP had enough of the negative responses he was getting within 30 minutes of starting this tread, he hasn't been online for over 20 hours and after having a PM chat with him he made it clear to me what his plans are...

I don't think he'll be back on here...

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For those that haven't realised.

The OP had enough of the negative responses he was getting within 30 minutes of starting this tread, he hasn't been online for over 20 hours and after having a PM chat with him he made it clear to me what his plans are...

I don't think he'll be back on here...

Taking to ones self is the first sign of madness

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I met two girls long time ago who made their conservatism very clear. One said though she is not a virgin now she is a "christian" and would not do it again until marriage. Another told me she never wants to have sex. So I asked her if we got married could l take a girlfriend. "No that would be cheating".


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I met two girls long time ago who made their conservatism very clear. One said though she is not a virgin now she is a "christian" and would not do it again until marriage. Another told me she never wants to have sex. So I asked her if we got married could l take a girlfriend. "No that would be cheating".


I respect peoples religious views but I cannot stand the high and almighty view and that their view is almighty

Maybe say that in your religion involves having four mistresses

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Fella, she has just done you a big favor, you should thank her and move on to greener pastures. It is amazing how green the fields are here in Thailand. You sound like a kid who has just left mama's apron strings. Keep the big head in charge and the little head for fun.

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