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What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.

I dunno. Gay pride flag ? :P


Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! 👍
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never flew the aussie flag in Australia, dont see why I should do it here. I served under it and it takes a special place in me but thats it, I dont need to advertise it or commercialize it. Thais are different, they revere  the king and so they fly the flag with a lot of respect, I can follow that and agree with it. When aussies win something, yes its great for the flag to be acknowledged, patriotism isnt misplaced at these events but everyday is a different matter entirely, its what you carry with/inside you that is important.

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If there were, and I emphasise IF there were any type of civil unrest, and ferangs were being targetted in your area, how long would yuu leave that flag up ?

Just a thought.

Charlie, if farangs were being targeted during a civil unrest, believe me, the flag will have no part in getting me.

Where I live and many others live in rural areas, people make it their business to know, not only where you live, but every minute detail of your life.

This flag, will never come down, as long as I live.

The flag is sacred for me and is connected to my national identity.

My forefathers died for this flag and what it represents, as in other countries all over the world.

I detest, all these "blasé" answers from various posters, as to the flag being just a cloth.

It's not, it is your country, it is your national Identity.



Each has their own opinion.


I wear my country in my heart. I don't need to show my flag off to prove it to me or anyone else.


But if you want to that's fine. each to their own. 


However, my post about it being a little bit lower than the Thai Flag still stands. To not have yours a tiny bit lower shows disrespect IMO... for what it's worth. 


Have a nice evening. Don't forget to lower your flags smile.png

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What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.

I dunno. Gay pride flag ? :P

Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! 👍

There is one but unfortunately you can't see it yet. ;)

A little disappointed here.

Lot's of answers about my flag being lower or higher than the Thai flag and if the pole is short enough or long enough.

My original question was, are you proud of your own country as to display your national flag or you have just forgotten everything living the good life in Thailand?


The only flags I have, have Benjamin Franklin on them. What Country? I've been Globalized.

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Flags and symbols of nationalism are dangerous sometimes, especially when you are an outsider in a foreign country.

Perhaps if you discussed it with your neighbours first and explained that you weren't annexing a part of their country, on behalf of your country of origin, there won't be any problems but it just seems unnecessary to me.


I wouldn't imagine it'd be a problem on a short term basis during the World Cup or similar events but a permanent reminder of a foreign presence can interpreted in different ways by different people, and not always as a benevolent sysmbol.


I'm in the UK right now and it's dangerous to fly the national flag in some areas, even if you are not an outsider!


I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it one way or the other.  Anybody ever driven through the deep south rural areas of the US 150 years after the US Civil War?



There are riots every year around 12 July in Northern Ireland due to flags and parades...


A little disappointed here.
Lot's of answers about my flag being lower or higher than the Thai flag and if the pole is short enough or long enough.
My original question was, are you proud of your own country as to display your national flag or you have just forgotten everything living the good life in Thailand?

I come from a generation where it is felt that being openly patriotic is "not British". It's ok for other nations to wave their flags if they wish; no problem.

Also it's ok for the Scots, Welsh and Irish to paint their faces and to let off steam on international occasions. Of course, if the English try to do the same then we are accused of being racist and arrogant towards our Celtic and Gaelic cousins! All part of the fun of being English/British I guess.

My late father was born in 1920. In 1939, like most men of his generation, he knew where his duty lay and volunteered; he did not wait to be conscripted. He spent the next six years risking his life almost on a daily basis because Britain was in danger.

My late mother lived through the London Blitz (although she didn't volunteer for this). On her deathbed, she raised herself up, and said, shaking her fist: "I'm glad I was born English and I don't believe in God." The next day she was dead.

I was lucky to have been born in the post war period. By the time I was a teenager, compulsory national service in the armed forces had been abolished. I have enjoyed all the benefits without having to make any of the sacrifices of previous generations. I would feel uncomfortable flying the flag in such circumstances. My parents never felt the need to do so, they just got on with things, so why should I?

Indeed, I am aware that the British flag is not a happy sight for everyone. For instance, I often visit the Shamrock Bar, which is an Irish themed pub. You can buy Guinness on tap, although I believe it's shipped in from Singapore.

At the front of the pub, to show how welcoming and friendly the Irish are, they hang the national flags of other countries. I sit at my table and count them off: Sweden, Russia, Greece, Scotland, Ireland (Eire), Norway, Australia, England (red and white Cross of St George) .... but no Union Jack! And then one of the owner's best mates, who's also Irish, comes in and he's wearing a T Shirt saying: "County Cork - The Rebel County". So, no need to ask why you won't be seeing the British flag flying in an Irish pub. But no problem; I understand. Sadly, we are all prisoners of history.

Anyway, living on Koh Samui, I don't need to worry, because the Union Jack and British culture is everywhere. It's not in your face, but it's there if you look. In the Thai owned shops you can buy Union Jack crash helmets, purses, bags, trousers and shirts.


The Thais, both men and women, are happy to go around wearing English Premier League football shirts. The Thai owner of a small restaurant I go to, proudly wears his Liverpool shirt. This last week he has been wearing the England Three Lions shirt. It was crisp and clean, presumably brand new. I guess he knows by now that watching England play is like the Chinese Water Torture - sheer agony! I gave up watching them years ago. It's just too painful.

Thais also wear T Shirts celebrating their love of The Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I even saw one young fellow with Black Sabbath on the back of his shirt (although, strangely, the letters were in deep purple!)

To make money here on Samui, the Thais have to speak some English. Those Farangs, who are not native English speakers, have to speak basic English to have any success with the local girls. One Austrian told me that when he first came to Thailand, the only English he kew was 'yes' and 'no'. When he got one of the bar girls back to his room she started telling him something in English but he didn't understand a word. So he had to pull out his mobile and phone a friend who could speak English. "Have a shower" and "Don't forget your towel" were the first English phrases he learned.

And of course we all drive on the left here ...

I have a large Scottish flag hanging on my wall - no Thai flag. I am waiting for the day Scotland gets independence and then I'll fly it from my  banana tree at the same height as my dirty washing.


I have a large Scottish flag hanging on my wall - no Thai flag. I am waiting for the day Scotland gets independence and then I'll fly it from my  banana tree at the same height as my dirty washing.


To signify a banana republic no doubt. laugh.png

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What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.

I dunno. Gay pride flag ? tongue.png

Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! ????

There is one but unfortunately you can't see it yet. wink.png


Trouble is the only person posting there these days is neverdie.  It must be so lonely at the topsmile.png


[quote name="harrry" post="8010764" timestamp="1403530066"]

[quote name="neverdie" post="8010156" timestamp="1403520771"]

 [quote name="MichaelJackson" post="8010070" timestamp="1403519671"]
 [quote name="neverdie" post="8010038" timestamp="1403519127"]
 [quote name="hanno" post="8010023" timestamp="1403518892"]
What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.[/quote]I dunno. Gay pride flag ? tongue.png[/quote]????????????

Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! ????[/quote]

There is one but unfortunately you can't see it yet. wink.png
Trouble is the only person posting there these days is neverdie.  It must be so lonely at the topsmile.png[/quote]

listen here old mate.

so e of the best conversations I have are with myself or the dog. Make no mistake about it ;)

  • Like 1



I think it is inappropriate.....

I would be very angry to see the Turkish immigrants fly their flags in my home country. And everyone was upset with Erdogan making speeches in Germany and Austria.



I've seen many Greek immigrants flying their flags in the USA, and Germany.

Haven't been to Australia, but I believe they do the same.


Never noticed Greek flags, but have seen many houses with ostentatious Greek style columns and statues.. You can easily spot them..



Usually refered to as a "farang mansion"


[quote name="neverdie" post="8010156" timestamp="1403520771"]

 [quote name="MichaelJackson" post="8010070" timestamp="1403519671"]
 [quote name="neverdie" post="8010038" timestamp="1403519127"]
 [quote name="hanno" post="8010023" timestamp="1403518892"]
What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.[/quote]I dunno. Gay pride flag ? tongue.png[/quote]????????????

Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! ????[/quote]

There is one but unfortunately you can't see it yet. wink.png
Trouble is the only person posting there these days is neverdie.  It must be so lonely at the topsmile.png

listen here old mate.

so e of the best conversations I have are with myself or the dog. Make no mistake about it wink.png


Sorry if my life history so annoys you, not everybody spent most of their life in some shit town only to use their meager pensions to live the exiting stuff in some sexpat bar.

The OP has gone quiet on this thread. He has the Greek flag as his avatar and he says that he flies the flag outside his house. It would be helpful to know what he hopes other people think when they see his Greek flag? Presumably he expects a positive response, even from the Turks!

What do Thais know about Greece? lla regguB, I would have thought. If Thais ask you, what does Greece mean to you, what do you tell them?

The OP has gone quiet on this thread. He has the Greek flag as his avatar and he says that he flies the flag outside his house. It would be helpful to know what he hopes other people think when they see his Greek flag? Presumably he expects a positive response, even from the Turks!

What do Thais know about Greece? lla regguB, I would have thought. If Thais ask you, what does Greece mean to you, what do you tell them?


The OP, has other things, also to do.......clean the house.........drink his Café Yen.........

The OP, also is not very much interested as to what other people think when they see the Greek flag.

The OP, is very proud of being Greek and loves his country.

The OP, thinks the Turks also love their country and they are good friends of the Greeks.

The OP, has established that Thais, know a lot about Greece, and sometimes he is very pleasantly surprised of that.

The OP, will answer, if he is asked from Thais what Greece means to him.........EVERYTHING.

The OP, will also tell the Thais that he loves Thailand and Thai people.


The OP.

  • Like 1


The OP has gone quiet on this thread. He has the Greek flag as his avatar and he says that he flies the flag outside his house. It would be helpful to know what he hopes other people think when they see his Greek flag? Presumably he expects a positive response, even from the Turks!

What do Thais know about Greece? lla regguB, I would have thought. If Thais ask you, what does Greece mean to you, what do you tell them?


The OP, has other things, also to do.......clean the house.........drink his Café Yen.........

The OP, also is not very much interested as to what other people think when they see the Greek flag.

The OP, is very proud of being Greek and loves his country.

The OP, thinks the Turks also love their country and they are good friends of the Greeks.

The OP, has established that Thais, know a lot about Greece, and sometimes he is very pleasantly surprised of that.

The OP, will answer, if he is asked from Thais what Greece means to him.........EVERYTHING.

The OP, will also tell the Thais that he loves Thailand and Thai people.


The OP.


proud of an accident of birth??


Loves it soooooo much, he abandoned it, and lives across the otherside of the world!

Gone but not forgotten eh ?


Please do not deviate from the original question.

It's not about me or the Greek flag, but why people do not display the flags of their own country.

Thank you.


I grew up where Brunswick in Melbourne had just a slightly smaller population of Greek speakers than Thesalonika did.  I  learnt early how good a real moussaka tastes (even better washed down with some nice Ouzo....though do not tell anyone that because I was too young to drink.

I also learnt quickly in Carlton  that Italians have great food and washed down with some nice wine or even grappa it was even better,,

Some years later I went to turkey and found their great food like İmambayıldı which was pretty good washed down with some nice Yeni Raki which tasted surprisingly like oozo.  I was able to compare the two when I did my border runs,, Three months in Greece, three in Turkey and three in Kibris (which Costas2008... will think should still be greek.)

Turkish and Greek people are some of thI am not Greek or Turkish, I am Australian of AngloSaxon origin not that that matters.e nicest people I have met, both are intensly proud of their flags and some of the problems between them may come from this rivalry but it is great to see Costas2008recognise this. I never felt the urge to fly a flag though at the time many US citizens did seem to have an urge to put a maple eaf on their rucksacks.

I do think Costas2008 should fly his flag if he wants to but it would be nice if the conventions of it being sligntly smaller and lower than the national country it is flown in were observed



edited to correct my calling Costas2008 by the wrong name..

  • Like 1

I grew up where Brunswick in Melbourne had just a slightly smaller population of Greek speakers than Thesalonika did.  I  learnt early how good a real moussaka tastes (even better washed down with some nice Ouzo....though do not tell anyone that because I was too young to drink.

I also learnt quickly in Carlton  that Italians have great food and washed down with some nice wine or even grappa it was even better,,

Some years later I went to turkey and found their great food like İmambayıldı which was pretty good washed down with some nice Yeni Raki which tasted surprisingly like oozo.  I was able to compare the two when I did my border runs,, Three months in Greece, three in Turkey and three in Kibris (which Cosmo will think should still be greek.

Turkish and Greek people are some of thI am not Greek or Turkish, I am Australian of AngloSaxon origin not that that matters.e nicest people I have met, both are intensly proud of their flags and some of the problems between them may come from this rivalry but it is great to see Cosmo recognise this. I never felt the urge to fly a flag though at the time many US citizens did seem to have an urge to put a maple eaf on their rucksacks.

I do think Cosmo should fly his flag if he wants to but it would be nice if the conventions of it being sligntly smaller and lower than the national country it is flown in were observed.


Who is Cosmo??????



I grew up where Brunswick in Melbourne had just a slightly smaller population of Greek speakers than Thesalonika did.  I  learnt early how good a real moussaka tastes (even better washed down with some nice Ouzo....though do not tell anyone that because I was too young to drink.

I also learnt quickly in Carlton  that Italians have great food and washed down with some nice wine or even grappa it was even better,,

Some years later I went to turkey and found their great food like İmambayıldı which was pretty good washed down with some nice Yeni Raki which tasted surprisingly like oozo.  I was able to compare the two when I did my border runs,, Three months in Greece, three in Turkey and three in Kibris (which Cosmo will think should still be greek.

Turkish and Greek people are some of thI am not Greek or Turkish, I am Australian of AngloSaxon origin not that that matters.e nicest people I have met, both are intensly proud of their flags and some of the problems between them may come from this rivalry but it is great to see Cosmo recognise this. I never felt the urge to fly a flag though at the time many US citizens did seem to have an urge to put a maple eaf on their rucksacks.

I do think Cosmo should fly his flag if he wants to but it would be nice if the conventions of it being sligntly smaller and lower than the national country it is flown in were observed.


Who is Cosmo??????


Sorry Costas2008....must have had to much alcohol in my youth...

I guess this means i do not get to have those beers with you if I turn up in your town.sad.png


[quote name="hanno" post="8011666" timestamp="1403562468"]

[quote name="neverdie" post="8010785" timestamp="1403530482"]
[quote name="harrry" post="8010764" timestamp="1403530066"]

[quote name="neverdie" post="8010156" timestamp="1403520771"]
 [quote name="MichaelJackson" post="8010070" timestamp="1403519671"]

 [quote name="neverdie" post="8010038" timestamp="1403519127"]

 [quote name="hanno" post="8010023" timestamp="1403518892"]

What flag should I fly, even if I was so inclined?
I grew up abroad (Kenya) but kept my German passport as it was continued. I have lived 20 years in Asia and SE Asia so these countries are a lot dearer to me than either Kenya or Germany. But I am certainly not going to fly a Vietnamese or Cambodian flag.[/quote]I dunno. Gay pride flag ? tongue.png[/quote]????????????

Dont know about Australian forum but we need a Neverdie forum ! ????[/quote]

There is one but unfortunately you can't see it yet. wink.png
Trouble is the only person posting there these days is neverdie.  It must be so lonely at the topsmile.png[/quote]

listen here old mate.

so e of the best conversations I have are with myself or the dog. Make no mistake about it wink.png[/quote]
Sorry if my life history so annoys you, not everybody spent most of their life in some shit town only to use their meager pensions to live the exiting stuff in some sexpat bar.[/quote]

I don't understand anything ur talking about. I'm not annoyed old chap and I'm not sure about crap towns and pensions either. Post away, I enjoy reading.

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