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Crisis Meeting To Discuss Acute Surplus Of Pineapples In Banglamung District.

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Crisis meeting to discuss acute surplus of Pineapples in Banglamung District.

Khun Supagit, the Chief of Banglamung District convened this meeting at Banglamung City Hall to discuss Pineapples and the problems associated with them in Banglamung and Thailand which is now suffering from a chronic surplus of the fruit. He mentioned that Pineapples are grown in 13 Provinces around Thailand and here in Banglamung District 9,340 Rai of land was being used for this purpose.

Central Government has allocated a national budget of 80 Million Baht to assist farms who are being left with piles of rotting pineapples; however Banglamung District has yet to receive their share of the money and cannot wait because of farmers who are in urgent need of assistance.

Khun Supagit has ordered local sub-districts to begin financial assistance and to buy Pineapples from the farms and distribute them as they wish in an attempt to reduce the local surplus of the fruit.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 22nd June 2006

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This is a very prickly question. :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

...not with those prickles on mate!! post-15964-1151055457.gif

:D:o they would need to be de-prickled before stuffing them into any man holes...

But seriously couldn't they be used to make some bio diesel or something ???

Crisis meeting to discuss acute surplus of Pineapples in Banglamung District.

Khun Supagit, the Chief of Banglamung District convened this meeting at Banglamung City Hall to discuss Pineapples and the problems associated with them in Banglamung and Thailand which is now suffering from a chronic surplus of the fruit. He mentioned that Pineapples are grown in 13 Provinces around Thailand and here in Banglamung District 9,340 Rai of land was being used for this purpose.


-Pattaya City News

Thursday 22nd June 2006

It seems telling that no mention is made of why there is an 'acute' and 'chronic' surplus of pineapples.

Has the supply increased year on year? Has the demand dropped? If so, why? :D

Perhaps they should be addressing the fundamental reasons behind the surplus, once of course they find out what they are... :o


The pineapple surplus in Thailand is nothing new.

Thailand used to ship a massive amount of tinned pineapple to the U S A.

In 1993 an American company complained of Thailand `dumping` large volumes of pineapple products on the American market which resulted in losses for the American pineapple producer.

Subsequently an anti-dumping levy of up to 51% was applied against Thai producers.

I believe that these anti-dumping duties have been levied by Canada and Australia as well.

One would have thought that the Thai farmers would have reduced the quantity produced but it is not as simple as that. For example in 2002 there was a very bad pineapple harvest due to adverse weather conditions and infact it is said that there was no surplus at all that year.

So the problem is :- do the farmers plant as much as usual and hope that the weather will produce an average crop, or do they plant more just in case there is bad weather and thus will be able to make up the shortfall?

It seems that this year the weather must have been very favourable for the crop and thus a surplus has once again occurred.

It also seems that the government will compensate farmers for crops which have to be destroyed due to the surplus.

The pineapple surplus in Thailand is nothing new.

Thailand used to ship a massive amount of tinned pineapple to the U S A.

In 1993 an American company complained of Thailand `dumping` large volumes of pineapple products on the American market which resulted in losses for the American pineapple producer.

Subsequently an anti-dumping levy of up to 51% was applied against Thai producers.

I believe that these anti-dumping duties have been levied by Canada and Australia as well.

One would have thought that the Thai farmers would have reduced the quantity produced but it is not as simple as that. For example in 2002 there was a very bad pineapple harvest due to adverse weather conditions and infact it is said that there was no surplus at all that year.

So the problem is :- do the farmers plant as much as usual and hope that the weather will produce an average crop, or do they plant more just in case there is bad weather and thus will be able to make up the shortfall?

It seems that this year the weather must have been very favourable for the crop and thus a surplus has once again occurred.

It also seems that the government will compensate farmers for crops which have to be destroyed due to the surplus.

What an veritable mine of information you are on Thai agro economics, Fox. :o

Does your knowledge know no bounds?

Latin? - no don't start that one again :D


The pineapple surplus in Thailand is nothing new.

Thailand used to ship a massive amount of tinned pineapple to the U S A.

In 1993 an American company complained of Thailand `dumping` large volumes of pineapple products on the American market which resulted in losses for the American pineapple producer.

Subsequently an anti-dumping levy of up to 51% was applied against Thai producers.

I believe that these anti-dumping duties have been levied by Canada and Australia as well.

One would have thought that the Thai farmers would have reduced the quantity produced but it is not as simple as that. For example in 2002 there was a very bad pineapple harvest due to adverse weather conditions and infact it is said that there was no surplus at all that year.

So the problem is :- do the farmers plant as much as usual and hope that the weather will produce an average crop, or do they plant more just in case there is bad weather and thus will be able to make up the shortfall?

It seems that this year the weather must have been very favourable for the crop and thus a surplus has once again occurred.

It also seems that the government will compensate farmers for crops which have to be destroyed due to the surplus.

What an veritable mine of information you are on Thai agro economics, Fox. :o

Does your knowledge know no bounds?

Latin? - no don't start that one again :D

Mobi I only got 5% on pineapples : :D

Perhaps they could be used to fill the man-holes on a temporary basis

:o Just read that one.

And I used to pay 6$ for a &lt;deleted&gt; pineapple in Canada.


Perhaps they could be used to fill the man-holes on a temporary basis

:D Just read that one.

And I used to pay 6$ for a &lt;deleted&gt; pineapple in Canada.

picked up 2 of them today... 10 baht each.... (29 cents Canadian)



picked up 2 of them today... 10 baht each.... (29 cents Canadian)


You was robbed :D 20 baht for 4 just outsid Tak this afternoon. 5 Baht each.....we didn't even haggle :D



picked up 2 of them today... 10 baht each.... (29 cents Canadian)


You was robbed :D 20 baht for 4 just outsid Tak this afternoon. 5 Baht each.....we didn't even haggle :D


Some pay 10 baht and some pay 5 baht....reminds me of something.. :D


picked up 2 of them today... 10 baht each.... (29 cents Canadian)


You was robbed :D 20 baht for 4 just outsid Tak this afternoon. 5 Baht each.....we didn't even haggle :D


Some pay 10 baht and some pay 5 baht....reminds me of something.. :D

Ahhh... but the difference with the "other" 5 baht/10 baht situation is that it's not the same product. The 10 baht ones in Sriracha are of far superior quality than anywhere else in Thailand.

In the same vein....it would be like riding in a Rolls-Royce for your 10 baht fare or riding in the back of an old Isuzu pick-up for your 5 baht fee. :D


picked up 2 of them today... 10 baht each.... (29 cents Canadian)


You was robbed :D 20 baht for 4 just outsid Tak this afternoon. 5 Baht each.....we didn't even haggle :D


Some pay 10 baht and some pay 5 baht....reminds me of something.. :D

Ahhh... but the difference with the "other" 5 baht/10 baht situation is that it's not the same product. The 10 baht ones in Sriracha are of far superior quality than anywhere else in Thailand.

In the same vein....it would be like riding in a Rolls-Royce for your 10 baht fare or riding in the back of an old Isuzu pick-up for your 5 baht fee. :D

I'll let you know in about 30 mins :D

You can run behind a bus to save money. if you run behind a taxi, you'll save even more. :D:D


[quote name='Pattaya_Fox' post='792341' date='2006-06-24 The 10 baht ones in Sriracha are of far superior quality than anywhere else in Thailand.

In the same vein....it would be like riding in a Rolls-Royce for your 10 baht fare or riding in the back of an old Isuzu pick-up for your 5 baht fee. :o

So Ok yours are fitted with ice boxes, TV`s and offer complimentary champagne....whilst on the other side of the coin ours are being modernised........ . .. post-15964-1151231607.gif


[quote name='Pattaya_Fox' post='792341' date='2006-06-24 The 10 baht ones in Sriracha are of far superior quality than anywhere else in Thailand.

In the same vein....it would be like riding in a Rolls-Royce for your 10 baht fare or riding in the back of an old Isuzu pick-up for your 5 baht fee. :D

So Ok yours are fitted with ice boxes, TV`s and offer complimentary champagne....whilst on the other side of the coin ours are being modernised........ . .. post-15964-1151231607.gif

nice smiley gif ya added there... :D

Actually, on the modernizing front, up there there's a new, honest-to-God, aircon'd, all-enclosed, white tuk tuk. :D :D :D First I've seen anywhere in Thailand....

lah de dahhhhhh :o

((pictures forthcoming when I encounter it again, or if any of the other new Sriracha residents can verify as well.))

*I'm gobsmacked (luv that Brit-ism) when I read of all the members that are now posting with Sriracha status as a work/home place for them*

((anyway, the tuk tuk is quite an eye-catcher))

I want to find out if its driver's name is Somchai OR Jeeves.


[quote name='Pattaya_Fox' post='792341' date='2006-06-24 The 10 baht ones in Sriracha are of far superior quality than anywhere else in Thailand.

In the same vein....it would be like riding in a Rolls-Royce for your 10 baht fare or riding in the back of an old Isuzu pick-up for your 5 baht fee. :D

So Ok yours are fitted with ice boxes, TV`s and offer complimentary champagne....whilst on the other side of the coin ours are being modernised........ . .. post-15964-1151231607.gif

nice smiley gif ya added there... :D

Actually, on the modernizing front, up there there's a new, honest-to-God, aircon'd, all-enclosed, white tuk tuk. :D :D :D First I've seen anywhere in Thailand....

lah de dahhhhhh :o

((pictures forthcoming when I encounter it again, or if any of the other new Sriracha residents can verify as well.))

*I'm gobsmacked (luv that Brit-ism) when I read of all the members that are now posting with Sriracha status as a work/home place for them*

((anyway, the tuk tuk is quite an eye-catcher))

I want to find out if its driver's name is Somchai OR Jeeves.

:D ...This isn`t one of yours is it?....found lurking on the beach the other day post-15964-1151242794_thumb.jpg

You was robbed :D 20 baht for 4 just outsid Tak this afternoon. 5 Baht each.....we didn't even haggle :o


as a side note, will be travelling all throughout Tak province next week. Any recommendations on where to judge these pineapples against some of Sriracha's produce?

or other helpful Tak suggestions?

.....and there`s nothing like a refreshing Chang when the Tuk Tuk fails to turn up :opost-15964-1151243433_thumb.jpg

If you consider having an elephant's trunk rammed up between your legs, crushing your nuts, and smashing your manhood as he lifts you up off the ground with it as, "refreshing"....

well then, all the more power to ya... :D

I'll give it a pass personally...



On the other planet that I live on from time to time ( Chang & HK San Mig induced) The nice folk who run it would wish to make a gesture to the rest of this beer made heaven, who rushed to donate millions of grimlets ( local currency ) in an outpouring of sympathy for an FFin big wave that stalled the profits of the ruling classes for a week or two. They would spend a fraction of their own personal wealth ( less than a weeks bank interest for the planets President I would guess ? ) In distributing the fruit surpluss to the children of other areas of the planet , who have had their home destroyed by famine, war, natural disasters, etc etc. The type of kids who have never seen a slice of fruit never mind the whole big apple. Ah well, another case of beer, and I'll drift back and smile at the alien way of doing things.


The wife just bought 3 large Sri Racha Pineapples for 10 Baht from the local market. :o

But there again, we are citizens of Pong, where everything is cooler. fresher and cheaper :D


I have a thing for the business end of pineapples, perhaps these surplus's should be sent to my place ? I'm sure I could make good use of them. :o


Me thinks chap from the UAE may have been trying to use the business end of a pineapple, hence the smack on the noggin with a soda bottle.

I have a thing for the business end of pineapples, perhaps these surplus's should be sent to my place ? I'm sure I could make good use of them. :o



terrific piece of editing .... the power of fisherman-eating shark moderator...

Email notification :D :

sriracha john,

Kerryd has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to

titled "Crisis Meeting To Discuss Acute Surplus Of Pineapples In

Banglamung District.".


Jai Dee seems to have a thing for the business end of pineapples,

perhaps these surplus's should be sent to his place ? I'm sure he could make

good use of them. :D



Three man who were lost in the forest were captured by nasty canibals. The canibal chief told the prisoners that they could live if they could pass a trial.

The first step of the trial was to go into the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit..So all three men went their separate ways into the forest to gather fruit.

The first one came back and said to the chief canibal, "I have brought ten apples." The chief then explained the trial to him. "You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any expression on your face or you`ll be eaten."

The first apple went in.....but on the second one he winced out in pain...so he was killed and eaten.

The second one arrived and showed the chief ten berries. When the chief explained the trial to him he thought to himself that this should be easy...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8....and then on the ninth berry he burst out laughing and was killed and eaten.

The first guy and the second guy met in Heaven.

The first one asked, "Why did you laugh?..you almost got away with it."

The second one replied, "I just couldn`t help it......I saw the third guy coming with pineapples."

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