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Get off your high horse, America, we do not need a ride: Thai opinion


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What everyone appears to be missing is that its the American consumer that is speaking through the government.

It isn't so much that Americans are defending their Country, its that they are defending their own values surrounding their food "supply".

This is not a "uniquely" American thing, all humans want to know the history of the food items they are feeding their family.

Simple enough, eh?

American consumer & it's food supply?...ok that's maybe not a good argument since most of the crops in America are GMO..

Now Europe knows about food. They are slimmer too lol

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I wonder where the op was educated?

Good question, and the link below says Stanford (an elite university in the US for those who may not know).

It also says, "Kanchanalak’s political contributions apparently provided her almost unquestioned access to the White House. Kanchanalak was invited to the White House approximately thirty-three times between January 1993 and November 1996."

She would have been in her early 40's, probably not bad looking to the western eye, so I wouldn't be surprised if old Bill Clinton nailed her more than once, just sayin'.


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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

There fore sure other reasons for the long queues, I'll try contribute one of them.... whistling.gif


3,805,943 km2

~320,000,000 Pop

1 Embassy

Schengen countries

4,312,099 km2

419,392,429 Pop

26 Embassies

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I also find it amusing. The greatest so called democracy calls on its nemesis the greatest communist nation, to bail them out and yet USA foes business with china.

So why the Korean war? Why bring down communist Russia? Its all a monetary ploy and we the subordinate people are the joke

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Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


Reading this reminds me how thankful I am not to live in America anymore. I used to endure hearing this "Americans invented everything" for hours until I would literally puke.

You didn't invent anything "NeverSure". You are not that interesting. You are not Edison or Bell. You are mediocre. Get over it. Americans are way too brainwashed by that "we invented everything" to know that no one gives a damn.

Nothing gives you the right to take credit for the work of others, be they Merucuns or anybody else. You remind me well why I can't stand that place. Hearing "Americans invented everything" makes me grab a barf bag. No one owes you dirt for inventing anything. Grow up. Stay home.

Are you Iranian? Come on! Tell us. alt=tongue.png>

It must be hard on you having lost WWII and accomplished nothing ever since. Get used to being way behind.

Every American has a right to feel good about America and what Americans have done to make the world a better place for people everywhere. I feel good about being an American. You can not feel good throwing up all the time. See a psychiatrist he/she can help you with your head problem. You may need an optorectomy. Cut that cord from the back of your eye balls to your a*hole to get rid of that shitty outlook on life.

I believe your irrational words above, black on white for all to see, in combination with these videos basically say everything about the psychological state the US and its people are in at this moment...

Edited by catweazle
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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

darn farangs and their ways!

Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.
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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

darn farangs and their ways!

Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

it's a fact. You'll see most Thai-Chinese counting rice-grains (literally) before cooking, but are limitless in perversity and in their spendings in whore-houses.

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Yeah, it is quite funny all the "USA, USA, USA!" cheerleaders.

One thing I need to pull you up on though; Katrina occurred during the tenure of George The Idiot Bush.

He's the one who shortly after Katrina struck was asked his opinion on Rowe Vs Wade and replied "Hell, I don't care how they get out of New Orleans, they just gotta get out".

It is one thing to blame the turkey in charge. Another one to find the courage to re-elect him. Now it is the electorate that carries the blame - yes? Remember this is democracy western division! It is also the same club that invades Afghanistan (undeclared war) only a generation after the Russians got their fingers burnt on the same menace. How stupid can one be to embark on yet another unwinnable war within such a short time after Vietnam? After the politicians have come up with their version of recent history you might rightfully believe you are in N/Korea! One may further get the impression that Guttenberg invented the book printing for record keeping of historic events some 20 generations ago for no use whatsoever.

It is extremely short-sighted to support penalising Thailand for trying to find their own solution of governing vs the West stuffing xx... (self edited after short attack of good upbringing memory flash). How many people in North America have actually looked at a map and tried to judge the distance of Thailand from China rather than from Washington. If more voices from the turkey farm are allowed to give advice to key SE Asian nations then China will have no problem in gaining support from its geographical backyard than most subscribers here can wish for. That is not just economical, military and strategic advantage but primarily political support from people that were hitherto neutral wai2.gif A dangerous road to take.

Bon voyage


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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

darn farangs and their ways!

Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.

Rrrright! And those repute houses initially were meant to serve who? The local population! What's your point here?

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America and Americans used to be walking tall around the globe. America and the West should really stop trying to institutionalize the globe to be like what they are today politically, socially, and morally...They are no longer like what they WERE a few decades ago!

Yes, time to dismount instead of forcing their values onto others! Only people with blinkers are not able, or willing, to see that such practice has been wreaking havoc abroad and within!

Ohhh BTW, its not the AMERICANS or AMERICA.... its the USAmericans and USAmerica.... since my friends in Brazil complained that I always wrote only AMERICA, I try to remember it and change it in USAmerica.... Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and even Canada are AMERICA too...BUT with totally different behaviour ;)

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WOW gazzasore and THANKS for this vid, best I saw for a very long time and the perfect truth!!!

made me goosebumps from min 4 to the end

wish more people over there starting to THINK... I know there are some but they dont have the power to be heard (yet)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Frankly I'm surprised at so many USA, USA, USA people here. Came out of the woodwork did you? Amerika is a failing empire and the whole world knows it, all except the sheeple in the Corporate Police State of Amerika. Freedom in Amerika, yea if you are rich and powerful. Ask a person of color, an American Indian how free they feel? Cheney/Bush et al began the destruction of the Constitution, Obama has all but completed it. Amerika is not and has not been a Democracy for some time. It is a plutocracy bordering on a Police State and it's politicians are bought and sold. While the writer could have done a better job, what was written was basically correct. Amerika not only does not understand other cultures it doesn't care. It has the highest prison population in the world, supporting private prisons. I do not deny the government helps others when disaster strikes. But I look at Katrina, New Orleans is only a few hours drive from where I grew up, the callousness of the regime at the time is unbelievable. No, the US is the one that should not cast stones from a glass house. It is stupid to talk about canceling Cobra Gold, it seems if the US can't control they will make an enemy. Not exactly the way to make the "pivot to Asia" work. To those of you that condemn Thailand so much I'll say to you what a little 'ol lady once said to me at an anti-Vietnam war rally in Beaumont, Texas "Love it or Leave it". In my case I had to explain to her that I had already left it, to fight in Vietnam and that little insignia on the collar of my jungle jacket were USMC Sgt. stripes.

Yeah, it is quite funny all the "USA, USA, USA!" cheerleaders.

One thing I need to pull you up on though; Katrina occurred during the tenure of George The Idiot Bush.

He's the one who shortly after Katrina struck was asked his opinion on Rowe Vs Wade and replied "Hell, I don't care how they get out of New Orleans, they just gotta get out".

Yes it is funny, but what is even more funny is all the fanatics that want to bash the USA, even there own citizens! I know this article is about USA, but the rest of the civilized world has taken the same approach/attitude towards the coup as the USA. Most all these other civilized countries have a much seedier past than the USA, but its always easier to bash the current number 1 country.

I didn't see anyone bashing Australia. blink.png

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The academic they quoted is well known to be an often acerbic critic of Western politics and policies. He made an obvious observation and his observation was never addressed.

The quote was never subjected to a counter-point, the quote stating that Thias have "made a mess of their politics" (sic), instead the academic critic and his country were criticized. What a load of obfuscation ice cream served with a dollop of sweet face-saving sauce. What proud rubbish.

Thais have made a mess of their democracy.

I hope they can change that, but no odds setter will give them even odds to do it simply because all sides want the ability to have a feeding frenzy at the trough if they are in power. All sides actually insist.

This is yellow journalism at its best (a term that predates the color issue here, and means news that is closer to advertorial and sensationalism than any interpretation of reality). If the ports in Thailand were shut down because Western shipping firms pulled out, if all foreign investment withdrew from Thailand, if all oil firms with platforms in the gulf of Thailand shut down and disassembled, and if the manufacturing firms withdrew, taking those jobs with them -- if all those things happened, the Thai baht would collapse.


The Thais were warned by His Majesty to master a self-sufficient economy, and all sides -- the blues and reds and greens and yellows all jumped on the gravy train with their hands out for foreign investors, foreign tourists and foreign trade..

Now some eighth rate mouthpiece for nationalism and her clones in the echo chamber are all saying -- "We do not need anyone!"

This is not only provincial and parochial grandstanding. It is blatantly ignorant and incorrect, and fallacious at best -- perhaps the worst written piece I have read in Thai news from any source.

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Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

The USA lost the war in Vietnam

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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

darn farangs and their ways!

Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.

Rrrright! And those repute houses initially were meant to serve who? The local population! What's your point here?

Nothing to do with America ,it's been happening since the beginning of mankind........all over the world.
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to Americans that feel they are being bashed by other nationalities ... take heart..I think most Thai like America...despite the belittling comments you make against them.

for the other western nationalities we are probably tired of being dragged into your wars, see the US "bulls**t" in government for what it is,your talk of freedom when your own government has curtailed your own freedom to the point that the American Constitution is basically no more & probably tired of your constant bragging & arrogance of how you won WW2 or we'd be speaking German or Chinese now & other ridiculous comments...

Just because you believe the American "bullsh*t" doesn't mean we have to.

I love Thailand..yeah it's not a economic or world super power..and yeah many things wrong here...but so are problems back home.

If you want freedom...my advice is go home & make changes there.

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Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

The USA lost the war in Vietnam

I think they walked away..................coffee1.gif

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Getting back to the article anyone know what was the author's objective? It's very poorly written as it tires to cover everything bad American. Is she upset b/c America criticized that a military gov replaced a dem one? That democracy is no good? That America has bad foreign policy? That criticism isn't allowed? That military doctor ship is a good thing?

Her organization of ideas and thought presents itself the same as my three year old's play toom...

I think she is having a temper tantrum...was is sad is not that she wrote this but there exists no one on the staff to review and critique this..it would never have been published in its current state of anger had proper peer review been present...

Where's the kitchen sink?

Final grade: D-


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Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

The USA lost the war in Vietnam

I think they walked away..................coffee1.gif

Yupp, that's what they always do after <deleted> up... what actually is the next best thing they can do...

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....... tired of your constant bragging & arrogance of how you won WW2 or we'd be speaking German or Chinese now & other ridiculous comments...

You'd be speaking Russian is the correct answer.

Yes true the Russians had already defeated the Germans before the allies arrived on the shores of Normandy on D day.

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Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

The USA lost the war in Vietnam

I think they walked away..................coffee1.gif

Yupp, that's what they always do after f#$&ing up... what actually is the next best thing they can do...

Weeeeeeell, they could of fixed it in a big way, but they didn't..........

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At least the US can take criticism. We can slag the place off all we want on here with no fear of vanishing during the night.

You could make it public you hate Bush/Obama and still be granted a visa... Important differences, I think.

Can take criticism? You mean like the with us or against us mentality when the war monger Bush invaded Iraq?

Which Bush are you talking about?

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