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Street dogs chasing me when I ride on my bicycle


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I have waited patiently for some one to suggest the method tried, tested and works that I have used for the last couple of years around Mabrachan and district, those who occasionally ride out with me will verify my words.

Most of the time it is the habit of dogs to chase anything new or different in their territory and this can become a game or habit that they seemingly enjoy even after two years of 5 times a week on the same route.

I remember when I first was attractive to these many dogs I was sensibly scared and I am sure that my adrenaline was flowing to the extent that it made the problem worse.

Now I just speak with a pleasant and reassuring tone and presto they just seem to lose interest, the occasional newbie dog sometimes shows more aggression but I slow down and look him straight in the eye continue to speak in a calm and quiet manner, it seems the slower I go the less he wants to be aggressive.

I dont think that I have come up against a rabid, crazy dog yet and accept that in that case my tactics may not work but for the normal sort of Soi dogs and there are hundreds in the Mabrachan and Pong areas, I have never had a serious problem.

When in company of other friends whilst out riding on their first outings around Mabrachan, they have reacted in a scared, loud and aggressive manner hoping to frighten these dogs, it just doesn't and didn't work but calmly talking to them in a friendly way does seem to work, my co bikers have been converted and now employ a calm and controlled way of talking to these dogs who soon lose interest.

Dogs that chase cars bikes walkers will always do this IMO and need to be understood perhaps and responded to in the least menacing manner

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1. Water gun...water mixed with white pepper...aim for face...will sting for a few moments...will leave a lasting impression...

2. Invest in a golf club...do not be afraid to T-off...good luck...

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=Muggi 1968=

When i bycicle around here the dogs get more and more aggressive.

and many times chase me on bicycle and try to bit me....

(when the thai famelies forget to close their gates)

What can i do ???


Drive with a car around. thumbsup.gif

and learn to spell

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=Muggi 1968=

When i bycicle around here the dogs get more and more aggressive.

and many times chase me on bicycle and try to bit me....

(when the thai famelies forget to close their gates)

What can i do ???


Drive with a car around. thumbsup.gif

and learn to spell

Do you have a badge?

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I need an advice...

...I have access to guns (glock 19) and poison so it would be easy for me to kill the dogs...

crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif You might be beyond advice, some other kind of help maybe...

I was gonna suggest pepper spray, but since you've got it, just turn it around 180 degrees and squeeze a good 10 seconds with eyes wide open. it will help see the light... biggrin.png

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

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Street dogs are terrortorial, see someone new they make a fuss, when you home this a good thing but when you are out its maybe not so good, esp when I am on my bike, usually they are coming at me when I have passed, I turn around and give chase, sent one dog over 2 kms from its home and it had endure places it was not welcome. I also carry a few stones in my pocket, works a treat, worst thing you do is to try and run, you turn and face them, make them back off, might take time but it works, I also find a club and/or cane usual defencive weapons.

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

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Easy solution for this. Just do what I used to do. Get a spray bottle that will fit into the water

bottle holder. Buy some ammonia and put it inside. When the dogs attack you, just hit

them with a narrow stream of ammonia, not a spray. I guarantee they will never ever go

near you again, and it will not hurt the dog. I used to use that for bicycle riding in
rural America that had farm dogs that were more than happy to attack you....

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Mace, pepper spray, insect spray, a water spray bottle with chili pepper oil or ammonia mixed with water, sprayed at them. All are effective. All will be remembered by these pests. If the owner has no interest in discipline, bring down the hammer baby!


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I rollerblade on rural sois and if you think BKK dogs have attitude, skate a km in my boots. I have four lines of defense.

1. The Thai way, nice and friendly, dog kibble, in a plastic bag tied to my hip. This will usually keep all but the most aggressive mutts busy checking it out for long enough to make it more work to chase me than they deem it's worth, then they go back to licking what they lick.

2. Ammonia and water in a spray bottle on stream adjustment. It takes one bad puppy to want any more of that.

3. For that one bad puppy, industrial strengh pepper spray with 20 foot stream, like used by hikers for grizzly bears in U.S. national parks. It usually backs off grizzlies if you have decent aim, the eyes and nose the best targets. If it's you or them, let 'em have it. Do NOT end up on the ground with dogs. You will definitely get hurt.

4. A hockey stick. Used to carrying it any way. Also helps as brake on hills and support when I have to walk on my skates though rought stretches. I haven't had to go beyond the ammonia so far.

Also, I have had rabies prohylaxis at a local hospital, same as vets and high risk animal handlers get, $15, a bargain. And I only foamed at the mouth for a few days. Friends didin't even notice the difference.

Don't really think the loc al constabulary would appreciate my skating around with a glock on my hip, so will stick to 1-4 above unless I get taken down. On the ground, on skates, with snapping dogs, no fun. So a no. 5 may have to be added. But so far, so good.

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I have taught all the dogs in my moobaan that I am more dangerous than they. I did it by growling and barking as I run directly at them. They run away at my attack. Now, they run away when they see me coming.

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I have taught all the dogs in my moobaan that I am more dangerous than they. I did it by growling and barking as I run directly at them. They run away at my attack. Now, they run away when they see me coming.

Makes you look dignified at the same time.

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

Mother Nature Network article on the internet, the most likely animals to kill you, are 1) mosquitoes, 2) hippos, 3) deer, 4) bees, 5) dogs, 6) ants, 7) jellyfish, 8) cows, 9) horses, 10) spiders, and 11) rattlesnakes.

Edited by thailiketoo
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3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

I don't know, several in America ( one from his own dogs ) and several in Europe, i remember a case where a woman was kill by her own dog at home in England

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

I don't know, several in America ( one from his own dogs ) and several in Europe, i remember a case where a woman was kill by her own dog at home in England

I have heard of a lot of bites but never of a grown man being killed by dogs in Thailand. I think you exaggerate.

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You from the US by any chance ?

Easy solution stop riding your bike and buy a car

There is rabies all around Asia, and last year 100 people died of this infection in Bali alone.

So maybe the dogs chasing you just want a quiet nip and their task is done!

It can be bites or licks.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rabies-free countries as of 2010

Almost all human deaths caused by rabies occur in Asia and Africa. There are an estimated 55,000 human deaths annually from rabies worldwide.[1]

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3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

Then we would never hear from the sandman because his headlines are always letter/catch phrase perfecto......

Then we have to connect the dots with several of the numbers missing.......facepalm.gif

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I have taught all the dogs in my moobaan that I am more dangerous than they. I did it by growling and barking as I run directly at them. They run away at my attack. Now, they run away when they see me coming.

I bet the locals are more worried about you than the soi dogs. w00t.gif

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I agree with this friendly approach. My dogs bark at people and I expect to be barked at by other dogs, but if stop and call them over in a calm pleasant tone of voice they seem to look on that favorably. They either come over for a sniff and a tail wag or act stuckup and walk away. I interperet aggression on the part of other riders as a sign of fear and weakness, and I am guessing the dogs do too.

I have waited patiently for some one to suggest the method tried, tested and works that I have used for the last couple of years around Mabrachan and district, those who occasionally ride out with me will verify my words.

Most of the time it is the habit of dogs to chase anything new or different in their territory and this can become a game or habit that they seemingly enjoy even after two years of 5 times a week on the same route.

I remember when I first was attractive to these many dogs I was sensibly scared and I am sure that my adrenaline was flowing to the extent that it made the problem worse.

Now I just speak with a pleasant and reassuring tone and presto they just seem to lose interest, the occasional newbie dog sometimes shows more aggression but I slow down and look him straight in the eye continue to speak in a calm and quiet manner, it seems the slower I go the less he wants to be aggressive.

I dont think that I have come up against a rabid, crazy dog yet and accept that in that case my tactics may not work but for the normal sort of Soi dogs and there are hundreds in the Mabrachan and Pong areas, I have never had a serious problem.

When in company of other friends whilst out riding on their first outings around Mabrachan, they have reacted in a scared, loud and aggressive manner hoping to frighten these dogs, it just doesn't and didn't work but calmly talking to them in a friendly way does seem to work, my co bikers have been converted and now employ a calm and controlled way of talking to these dogs who soon lose interest.

Dogs that chase cars bikes walkers will always do this IMO and need to be understood perhaps and responded to in the least menacing manner

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You from the US by any chance ?

Easy solution stop riding your bike and buy a car

Spray bottle with vinegar should do the trick and no long lasting affects.... then pepper spray wears off too. Sounds like you would prefer the bite over the use of anything though!!!!!

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

Mother Nature Network article on the internet, the most likely animals to kill you, are 1) mosquitoes, 2) hippos, 3) deer, 4) bees, 5) dogs, 6) ants, 7) jellyfish, 8) cows, 9) horses, 10) spiders, and 11) rattlesnakes.

Thailand doesn't have rattle snakes.

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