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maximum back to back tourist visa allowed

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Hi everyone,

I'm in Thailand since December 2011 then:

- 8 months on educational visa

- 18 months on business visa with work permit

- 3 months tourist visa

- 1 month visa run

- 1 month visa run

- 1 month visa run

My passport is full, there is only 3 pages left.

My questions are:

- how many tourist visa can I get after a long stay in Thailand? (almost 3 years now)

- Is 3 pages enough to make a tourist visa

- If ever they don't deliver another tourist visa, is there a way to come back in Thailand to take care of my stuff?


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After six months in Thailand as a tourist, on your next arrival the immigration officer may wonder if the purposes of your trip is really for tourism. What will you be able to show to convince him that you are not working illegally in Thailand?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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After six months in Thailand as a tourist, on your next arrival the immigration officer may wonder if the purposes of your trip is really for tourism. What will you be able to show to convince him that you are not working illegally in Thailand?

Would having a business visa/ work permit previously be a negative?

I'm buggering off to the UK very soon for 2 months. When I get another triple entry will it be considered back to back?

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You should not have a problem getting a tourist visa. You could get a 2 entry in Vientiane.

The 3 pages would be enough. One page for Lao visa and 1 page for the Thai visa.

Cutting it fine - what if:

1) Thai immigration stamps aa fresh page on exit

2) Lao visa takes the second fresh page

3) Lao immigration stamps the third fresh page

4) No fourth fresh page for the Thai visa

I say this because some of the less cooperative immigration officers the word over seem to take pleasure in plonking stamps in the middle of fresh pages, even when there is space on used ones .....

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Not to hijack the thread, but would getting a new passport erase all previous history and start a clean slate?

It might for visas.

But not for immigration because the have their records in their database and can check for all previous entries by doing a name and date of birth search.

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I have been in Thailand for coming on 4 yrs doing just TR Visa and going back to Australia every 6 mths to see family and redo visa, up to now never been asked any thing at Immigration. Due to go again next mth , am a bit concerned with the crack down but we will see what happens

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Thanks for all your answers.

so if ever they don't give me a tourist visa, what could be my options to come back here and take care of my stuff? motorbike, house, computer etc etc

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Thanks for all your answers.

so if ever they don't give me a tourist visa, what could be my options to come back here and take care of my stuff? motorbike, house, computer etc etc

I don't think you will have a problem getting another tourist visa because you have only had one single entry since you stopped working.

if by the off chance they did deny it you would probably be able to get a exempt entry or at least a 7 day entry.

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That's a good idea, I tried to ask some school if I could take course by internet but they don't have this service.

I live in Ratchaburi now, my budget is limited, I have enough to pay a school but the trip to BKK every week could be costly, unless by motorbike, I should open another topic about the chance to survive a trip by motorbike from Ratchaburi to BKK.

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Likely you would be 7 days to get out of Dodge.

Only if he were permitted to enter. I thought the 7 days comes when you apply for an extension, it is denied and you're given 7 days to clear out. If you are refused entry, none of the above would be available.

Edited by Suradit69
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You should not have a problem getting a tourist visa. You could get a 2 entry in Vientiane.

The 3 pages would be enough. One page for Lao visa and 1 page for the Thai visa.

Similar scenario as the poster. Non B visa for several years in a row.

Then I got twice a tourist visa in Vientiane as I just changed domicile.

Then, my next 1 year Non B got refused in Savannaket as (suposently)

I had those two tourist visas in a row in my passport but they gave me

a 3 months Non B in with a note written by hand on the visa saying:

"Please extend your stay in Thailand with authorities concerned"

I must say, until then I always used to do all the paperwork by myself,

travelling with my bags full of all kind of documents.

So, after that, I used my accountant. She gave me just a few papers

(OK, cost a bit of money but not the world) and send me to Kota Bahru.

Was absolute no problem getting my new Non O and Work permit.

Me too, only just have a couple of pages left in my passport but when

I cross the border, I keep asking, very, very polite and humble, if they

could stamp on a page where there is space for an other two stamps.

Wish you best of luck

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Likely you would be 7 days to get out of Dodge.

Only if he were permitted to enter. I thought the 7 days comes when you apply for an extension, it is denied and you're given 7 days to clear out. If you are refused entry, none of the above would be available.

They have been giving 7 day entries instead of denying entry at border crossings.

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If ever I was denied tourist visa, 30 days visa exempt and even 7 days to clear out, would it be possible to apply to an ED visa without being in Thailand, to apply while in Laos?

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If ever I was denied tourist visa, 30 days visa exempt and even 7 days to clear out, would it be possible to apply to an ED visa without being in Thailand, to apply while in Laos?

You have to pay a deposit for a course of study to a school and have them send the documents to you. It now takes 2 or 3 weeks to get those documents so it would be a long wait.

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ouch, 2 or 3 weeks in laos would cost me, for the deposit no problem I suppose I can make a transfert by bank.

So I guess I can only pray that they give the TR visa then renew my passport and apply for an ED visa.

Thanks again for the information

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Even if you do get a fresh new tourist visa, that's not really any guarantee the officer at immigration will actually let you in, is it? If he has suspicions, rightly or wrongly, about your actual work or residence status in Thailand, he can deny entry, can't he?

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Even if you do get a fresh new tourist visa, that's not really any guarantee the officer at immigration will actually let you in, is it? If he has suspicions, rightly or wrongly, about your actual work or residence status in Thailand, he can deny entry, can't he?

Yep. Wait until August 12 when they will crack down on entries by air. Airlines check to see if you have a visa (for longer than 30 day trips) because they will be liable for the return journey if the passenger is refused entry. Now, if you board a plane in London with a tourist visa obtained from a Thai Embassy and are refused entry in BKK, who is liable for the cost of a return flight? I suspect this is why enforcing the rules at air entry points was not imposed at the same time as land entries. I read yesterday (or day before) that a French Thai Embassy had started asking for financial details to prove funds. I expect this will become more common as time goes by. I understand Bali issues triple entries but you need to show 3 flights out within 90 days of each other. I can also see this becoming the norm.

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Tomorrow I'm going to get the answer, I have to prepare myself for the worst and know what to do after.

I'm wondering if I could reapply for a tourist visa few days later and this time include a letter in my application.

I could explain what exactly I'm doing in Thailand.

I'm working in oil and gas as a coating inspector, between 2 jobs I stay in Thailand with my gf, I found job in Thailand last time that's why I'm here since 3 years.

So my question is, could I reapply? and is it a good idea to explain those things in a letter?

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I say this because some of the less cooperative immigration officers the word over seem to take pleasure in plonking stamps in the middle of fresh pages, even when there is space on used ones .....

Brasil used to do this for every entry on a UK passport.

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I say this because some of the less cooperative immigration officers the word over seem to take pleasure in plonking stamps in the middle of fresh pages, even when there is space on used ones .....

Brasil used to do this for every entry on a UK passport.

This used to happen to me, but several years ago I took to making sure I put my arrival card at the first page in my passport with blank space. Since then the officer has always put the stamp there.

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everything is ok, I got my visa and I passed the border, what a relief, my passport is full, they stamped the last page but that's ok because I couldn't use it with one page left, have to renew it. Thanks for your messages

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