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The West might regret forcing Thailand into a corner


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Thailand will never understand how sacred Western countries hold freedom of speech, freedom from political prosecution and freedom of the press. Only when Thailand finally establishes a stable and truly democratic government with a rock-solid constitution will Thailand begin to understand.

On the other hand, the Western world can not seem to come to grips with where this country was headed and though the military is stepping on some freedoms for now, the military does seem to be doing a good job of returning stability to Thailand and hopefully preparing it for a newly elected democratic government. The West also cannot understand that a "coup" in Thailand is not the same as a "coup" in South America or Cuba or Africa or any number of other countries taken over by a power hungry mad General. This is not happening in Thailand and the West just can't understand this.

Edited by oneday
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The West should watch this

Who put together this video: Goebbels?

One sided and disingenuous. Oh, I forgot! Omission of the truth to many is not a lie.

suppose its not the same view as you get in the red village if thats what you mean!! Maybe next time your allowed out you could explain "why"?

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Unfortunately this article is true that the West has started putting pressure on Thailand..

I mentioned the other day in a post with he US's report on Human Trafficking & downgrading Thailand to Tier 3 then EU saying sanctions it was obvious that these were connected.

Of course there will be posters here that will say Thailand is a crybaby,more Thainess,out of touch that the West couldn't care less about insignificant Thailand....but one wonders who the real crybabies are? [snip] [snip]...

And what about the Skull and Crossbones and Trilateral Commission? Not involved? Well, that's what they would say, wouldn't they?

This is quite nonsensical. The US annual human trafficking report is issued every ~June 20, without fail or deviance. It had nothing to do with the coup whatsoever. It is a report, with an April cutoff date for included information and covering the entire world. What you claim is that the US issued the report because of the coup. And that is arrant nonsense. Totally false.

As for the EU, it took action BECAUSE of the coup. What the action was connected to was the RTA putting the country under a state of martial law. You are entitled to your silly opinion about crybabies,but you are NOT entitled to back it up with false material.

This is Thailand's business and the rest of the world should mind theirs! WPFflags.gif

And the USA government is hardly an example, when most of their government is run by Monsanto, and numerous big food, and pharmaceutical corporations. Leaving the American people to sign petitions to get their government to do its job, and obay the Constitution for the United States of America.


Irony du jour. The rest of the world should mind their business about other countries, except you. heh. I like it!


Edited by wandasloan
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Unfortunately this article is true that the West has started putting pressure on Thailand..

I mentioned the other day in a post with he US's report on Human Trafficking & downgrading Thailand to Tier 3 then EU saying sanctions it was obvious that these were connected.

Of course there will be posters here that will say Thailand is a crybaby,more Thainess,out of touch that the West couldn't care less about insignificant Thailand....but one wonders who the real crybabies are? [snip] [snip]...

And what about the Skull and Crossbones and Trilateral Commission? Not involved? Well, that's what they would say, wouldn't they?

This is quite nonsensical. The US annual human trafficking report is issued every ~June 20, without fail or deviance. It had nothing to do with the coup whatsoever. It is a report, with an April cutoff date for included information and covering the entire world. What you claim is that the US issued the report because of the coup. And that is arrant nonsense. Totally false.

As for the EU, it took action BECAUSE of the coup. What the action was connected to was the RTA putting the country under a state of martial law. You are entitled to your silly opinion about crybabies,but you are NOT entitled to back it up with false material.

This is Thailand's business and the rest of the world should mind theirs! WPFflags.gif

And the USA government is hardly an example, when most of their government is run by Monsanto, and numerous big food, and pharmaceutical corporations. Leaving the American people to sign petitions to get their government to do its job, and obay the Constitution for the United States of America.


Irony du jour. The rest of the world should mind their business about other countries, except you. heh. I like it!


And you didn't know that he was telling this to the politicians in charge?

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any sanction on Thailand will leave many empty plates elsewhere. Thailand has a great deal of self sufficiency - FOOD! Self sufficiency will even become now more attractive than ever before. This os the arch enemy of the corporate globalists.

Here some light at the end of the tunnel. The global role model below ... Obama on the verge of impeachment now?

Highest Court: Obama Violated Constitution with Recess Appointments

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/supreme-court-limits-president-recess-appointments-power-article-1.1844781 -- from June 27th

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pigs arse. They need us more than we need them if fact we dont need them at all.

Indeed, with the opening up of Myanmar and Vietnam, and the ongoing modernisation plans in Indonesia - I think a few large manufacturers will be looking around. Actually with one of the Indo candidates hinting at raising technical barriers to foreign investment it was a great time - but people need to calm down.

It's a time to encourage and welcome investment, not scare it away with rhetoric. But it was like this in 2006 too after the coup - as soon as the post-coup party is over and people wake up to the headache, things will start going back to normal.

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No need to cry, just send the Thai military to the next country to fix 'em up. Most western countries qualify for a cleanup.

What Thailand needs is a brand wizard who can market the "Thai Democracy" model as the newest new in government models. One of the best available, although the frequency of the coups should be higher. Every 2-3 years or so to keep it clean.

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If the naysayers on this forum...( who I consider anti Thailand ) think Thailand should adhere to the West's superior wisdom I presume they mean that the Military should step down & elections should go ahead.

That's a brilliant idea .... I wonder who will get elected & everything will be better & back to normal?

Since the West is so wise .... what country have they interfered with...military direct or replacing the current government with a west leaning agenda through their many shadow terrorist groups have the support of it's people & not the support of the rich elite that can be bought?

I'm sure there is at least one but I can't think of one at the moment.wink.png

So would you say you broadly agree with the principle of the Army usurping a civilian government?

I do not broadly agree with that principle ...and when the coup happened I wasn't in agreement...probably mostly because I didn't have my TV channels for a couple days..

But I also thought for the last couple years Thailand was headed for civil war.

As I try to have an open mind..& many times change it because I become more knowledgeable on the subject ..

I did slowly change my mind & believed with a good military leader...it's the best solution in this instance.

Unfortunately in democracy it is mostly focused on short term goals...to get re-elected & influenced by campaign contributions.

Thailand needs long term goals..to fix the many problems.

So far I see the military has done a great improvement for Thailand...I am not so naive to think that maybe behind the scenes it's not all rosey.

Each day I am more convinced it's real...& hope for Thailand...it continues.

and Yes I am pro Thailand..I live here..I love Thailand even with it's problems..I love the Thai people...not all but many...

I want Thailand to be independent..and has to balance it's position in the world against the super powers be it the US, China or anyone else.

I thought the same when Sonthi did the same thing in the last coup.

BTW naysayers aren't anti-thailand, some maybe just more pragmatic enough to realize that the successes that are being presented are carefully managed to show the junta in the best possible light as they censor and screen what we see.

So what we are provided is with is sugar coated nationalism of them (the west / USA) bullying this proud little country based on western principles. It is that which i find offensive. The west - like Thailand - is free to make any comment it feels is right based on its principles. The junta dislikes that as it can't control of influence those messages.

So we are fed a daily diet of 'you'll regret bullying us' by the junta controlled media. I see no bullying, just independent countries making independent decisions based on their own independent set of principles.

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The West should watch this

Who put together this video: Goebbels?

One sided and disingenuous. Oh, I forgot! Omission of the truth to many is not a lie.

I stopped watching this as soon as the narrator said: "they even passed a law granting him amnesty". Oh, really? And here I was thinking they TRIED to do that, and it got shot down and lead to all the street protests.

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This article is totally dillusional. The writer has no concept of Democracy and the normal workings of a Democracy. To say that the Western nations (And others) should not speak negatively towards a Coup tells me that the author does not understand the basic concepts of Democracy. Still, with this being said, understand that the West also recognizes that Thailand is a different subset of nations. We know that Thailand will go full circle and return to Democracy. Why? Coups are so common in Thailand, we know its coming, and more importantly, we know that it will end. So smile, relax, and the West will applaud you when Thailand returns to Democracy.. Why not, its happened so many times in the past!

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I think Prayuth and his team are smart enough to maintain good relations with the EU and US for economic purposes such that the Thai economy doesn't suffer. I don't think Thailand is cornered or under pressure as the article may suggest. However the US should be smarter than stopping military exercises with Thailand. Thailand is a strategic important partner for the US from a geopolitical point of view. Now with the action from the US army to stop joint exercises, they have opened the door for the Chinese to closer cooperate with Thailand from a military point of view. Clearly not something the US want. Hope the US foreign policy has more foresight in future.

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I agree with this article. Not about the regret part, because if SEA ceased to exist

it would make little difference to America or Europe. From an outside perspective,

a coup looks bad. Probably conjuring up images of some tin pot dictator taking

over a country and immediately ordering a private jet. But that is far from what

has happened here. Through vote buying, it was fairly easy to simply take control

of Thailand and start looting it .Prayuth has brought that to a halt. So what he has

now is a communication issue. He needs to fully expose the cancer of Thaksin

to the public eye, prosecute those involved ,and show the western world the

enemy he is fighting. Then and only then will the western world understand what

is going on here.

Excellent, very well said indeed.

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Looking through the countries on the list, it's just the usual suspects, USA and it's main allies, which is comical and what one would usually expect.

Seriously, how can the USA lecture anyone on the issue of fair elections. This is a country that laughs in the face of true democracy by allowing their whole election process to be manipulated by money, powerful

co-operations and hidden secrets.

The arrogance of certain western nations is overwhelming.

Your post is the perect hommage to a perfect article, thus deserves in my opinion to be quotetd throughout this thread. Nothing more I could or would want to add to what you wrote, perfect! thumbsup.gif

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Actually, I would read Into this further.

Many Politicians around the world have seen the writing on the wall. The Thai military can do a better job of fixing it's own internal problems than what the Politicians can. Actually, a mess created by the politicians is being cleaned up by non politicians. Must be alarming for those fools as many of them could end up facing similar situations, one day In the future.

It's so amusing that half the countries on the list have more internal problems than you can point a stick at but their moronic leaders like to huff and puff their chests out and point in a different direction.

Really, the article should read, "Western douchebag Politicians get nervous".

Superb post by Thai Visas number two best poster

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I agree with this article. Not about the regret part, because if SEA ceased to exist

it would make little difference to America or Europe. From an outside perspective,

a coup looks bad. Probably conjuring up images of some tin pot dictator taking

over a country and immediately ordering a private jet. But that is far from what

has happened here. Through vote buying, it was fairly easy to simply take control

of Thailand and start looting it .Prayuth has brought that to a halt. So what he has

now is a communication issue. He needs to fully expose the cancer of Thaksin

to the public eye, prosecute those involved ,and show the western world the

enemy he is fighting. Then and only then will the western world understand what

is going on here.

Excellent, very well said indeed.

I'd sign that - great post, EyesWideOpen!!! Your's and Neverdie's posts sum it all up nicely.

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Looking through the countries on the list, it's just the usual suspects, USA and it's main allies, which is comical and what one would usually expect.

Seriously, how can the USA lecture anyone on the issue of fair elections. This is a country that laughs in the face of true democracy by allowing their whole election process to be manipulated by money, powerful

co-operations and hidden secrets.

The arrogance of certain western nations is overwhelming.

Your post is the perect hommage to a perfect article, thus deserves in my opinion to be quotetd throughout this thread. Nothing more I could or would want to add to what you wrote, perfect! thumbsup.gif

The usual suspects now include the USA, EU, Australia and Japan. That's almost all our trading partners and FDI. I summise that due to their arrogance they don't deserve democracy and citizens participation in an election and should be clean-up with a coup and that is a solution.

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This article is totally dillusional. The writer has no concept of Democracy and the normal workings of a Democracy. To say that the Western nations (And others) should not speak negatively towards a Coup tells me that the author does not understand the basic concepts of Democracy. Still, with this being said, understand that the West also recognizes that Thailand is a different subset of nations. We know that Thailand will go full circle and return to Democracy. Why? Coups are so common in Thailand, we know its coming, and more importantly, we know that it will end. So smile, relax, and the West will applaud you when Thailand returns to Democracy.. Why not, its happened so many times in the past!

Dillusional is if a person who has no idea what he or she is talking about. Democracy in the western world is dead, my friend!!! It has been buried long time ago and is rotting in a shallow grave. Dunno where you come from, but if you'd manage to at least try to think outside the box and google a bit to find out what for example the gay string puppet Obama has done to the constitution of the US of A, you would be surprised. Same goes for the majority of all other western nations, especially in Europe, where human rights and souvereignty of all member countries of the EU have voluntarily (and without asking the people) been handed over to the uncontrollable and untouchable control monster in Brussels. Do you truly believe, nations that have destroyed "the concept of Democracy" (as you put it) in their own country have the right to tell Thailand off for a coup that brings change to the better and is fully supported by the majority of Thai people?

Here is your Democracy:

Edited by catweazle
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I agree with this article. Not about the regret part, because if SEA ceased to exist

it would make little difference to America or Europe. From an outside perspective,

a coup looks bad. Probably conjuring up images of some tin pot dictator taking

over a country and immediately ordering a private jet. But that is far from what

has happened here. Through vote buying, it was fairly easy to simply take control

of Thailand and start looting it .Prayuth has brought that to a halt. So what he has

now is a communication issue. He needs to fully expose the cancer of Thaksin

to the public eye, prosecute those involved ,and show the western world the

enemy he is fighting. Then and only then will the western world understand what

is going on here.

Excellent, very well said indeed.

Yes it is. But the cancer is not thaksin, it's politcal. Corruption did not start with thaksin, it was around way before that.

However, since the turn of the century much more foreign money has been coming into thailand through vastly increased tourism and western corporation business deals with thai companies (usually owned by thai politiicians). And with this huge increase in money moving about comes a huge increase in corruption. Hence thaksin, in his time of pmship, could make a lot more. He must also have made things easier for western corporations to rob the resources off thailand. Perkins describes the process brilliantly, and it was amazing to see him pop up in this thread in that youtube video of the coup.

The problem with politicians is they love money, and lots of it. They will sell the resources and soul of the nation, and the aspirations of its citizens, to western corporations who bribe them with their dollars and euros and pounds. It's a disgusting affront to all citizens in all nations, especially developing ones.

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I think Prayuth and his team are smart enough to maintain good relations with the EU and US for economic purposes such that the Thai economy doesn't suffer. I don't think Thailand is cornered or under pressure as the article may suggest. However the US should be smarter than stopping military exercises with Thailand. Thailand is a strategic important partner for the US from a geopolitical point of view. Now with the action from the US army to stop joint exercises, they have opened the door for the Chinese to closer cooperate with Thailand from a military point of view. Clearly not something the US want. Hope the US foreign policy has more foresight in future.

Of course the US know exactly what's going on in Thailand, and probably approve too. What is it, the 18th coup in 80 years? It's just more of the same. Here we go again in the LOS. Have you not read the MacGregor Marshall book? They know more than we do. But the bastion of democracy can't be seen to be approving of a military coup. Not in front of the populace. A few pro-democracy anti-coup declarations for good measure and a few cancelled military exercises for a good look and then it's back to business as usual.

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Looking through the countries on the list, it's just the usual suspects, USA and it's main allies, which is comical and what one would usually expect.

Seriously, how can the USA lecture anyone on the issue of fair elections. This is a country that laughs in the face of true democracy by allowing their whole election process to be manipulated by money, powerful

co-operations and hidden secrets.

The arrogance of certain western nations is overwhelming.

Your post is the perect hommage to a perfect article, thus deserves in my opinion to be quotetd throughout this thread. Nothing more I could or would want to add to what you wrote, perfect! thumbsup.gif

Normally people throw things at me and hiss. I am not use to compliments and You are being too kind..... the cheque is in the mail (don't get too excited, it's a small cheque) ;)

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