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Obama seeks $500m for Syria rebels


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Syria crisis: Obama asks Congress for $500m for rebels

WASHINGTON: -- President Barack Obama has asked the US Congress to approve $500m (£294m) to train and equip what he described as "moderate" Syrian opposition forces.

The funds would help Syrians defend against forces aligned with President Bashar al-Assad, the White House said.

The aid would also counter Islamist militants such as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it added.

Isis's advance in neighbouring Iraq has led some in Congress to press Mr Obama to take action.

Tens of thousands of people have died and millions more have been displaced in three years of civil war in Syria, as rebels fight troops loyal to Mr Assad.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28042309

-- BBC 2014-06-27

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Yet ... Syrian Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki acknowledged on Thursday that the Syrian air force carried out air strikes against militants along the Iraq-Syria border this week.

Maliki told the BBC that he "welcomed" any such strike against militants led by ISIS, but noted Baghdad did not request the aerial raids which took place on Tuesday.

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Yet ... Syrian Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki acknowledged on Thursday that the Syrian air force carried out air strikes against militants along the Iraq-Syria border this week. Maliki told the BBC that he "welcomed" any such strike against militants led by ISIS, but noted Baghdad did not request the aerial raids which took place on Tuesday.

You mean Iraq's PM?

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The non-radical elements in opposition to Assad seem to be losing ground against both the regime and

the competition. Not sure that a late injection of funds and arms could turn the tide, or if the lot would be

found later in the radical's hands.

Wonder if a safer bet would be to back the Kurds (both in Syria and Iraq), as they seem to be a bit more

able in standing their ground. While such a move would have to take into account pissing off Turkey and

the nominal Iraqi government, it may represent a more solid investment for the future. The Kurds do have

their own divisions, but perhaps the prospect of finally getting what they were always after would help in

overcoming some of the inner conflicts.

Won't help that much for the rest of Syria, but could perhaps serve as a buffer zone for further exteremist

Islamic expansion northwards.

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my enemy is your enemy is my friend ...this warmonger should be removed from office

"this warmonger should be removed from office"

Only will happen if Governor Jan Brewer allows people in Arizona to launch a recall vote for their senile senator.


Edited by Suradit69
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It still looks like a multi-pronged plan to goad Putin into a fight. The international community imposes many more sanctions, Russia defaults on its EU debts and has to sell his gas and oil to China and India under terms of the sanctions. Not that big of a problem because Putin knows what is going on and will not bite. An early loser in all this is the EU, they will be faced with a huge gas shortage and will have to buy expensive and logistically more difficult US gas. Pay attention to Putin, he is totally aware of this plan.

The sixth BRICS conference is scheduled for next month and the plan is to be fully operational by next year. China is starting a world bank as I type. Soon, the BRICS countries and their 75 country alliance will be free of the IMF and World Bank. With a gold backed currency, and no interest owed to a private central bank, the US goose is cooked. I hate it because my pension is paid in dollars. If we are going to do something, we have to do it now. We can't let him get financially secure, it will be too late and we are done. We have to make a preemptive strike if we are going to survive this. Perhaps maintain would be a better word than survive but, it will be ugly.

Germany, France, and Japan are looking to jump ship as they watch their gas supply face a huge cut off. Even Israel is doing some fence sitting. This is an ugly time and I feel that many are not taking this seriously enough by not seeing it for what it really is.

Sincerely, Chicken Little

Edited by Pakboong
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Stay the <deleted> out of it.

Moderate will quickly turn fanatical, not to mention same rebels are fighting in Iraq.

Let then fight each other, less of "the rest of the world " get hurt.

Since they started to fight each other , much less terror threats or attacks around the world .

Clearly my opinion does not count or makes any difference, I can only hope American citizens can make the change.

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It still looks like a multi-pronged plan to goad Putin into a fight. The international community imposes many more sanctions, Russia defaults on its EU debts and has to sell his gas and oil to China and India under terms of the sanctions. Not that big of a problem because Putin knows what is going on and will not bite. An early loser in all this is the EU, they will be faced with a huge gas shortage and will have to buy expensive and logistically more difficult US gas. Pay attention to Putin, he is totally aware of this plan.

The sixth BRICS conference is scheduled for next month and the plan is to be fully operational by next year. China is starting a world bank as I type. Soon, the BRICS countries and their 75 country alliance will be free of the IMF and World Bank. With a gold backed currency, and no interest owed to a private central bank, the US goose is cooked. I hate it because my pension is paid in dollars. If we are going to do something, we have to do it now. We can't let him get financially secure, it will be too late and we are done. We have to make a preemptive strike if we are going to survive this. Perhaps maintain would be a better word than survive but, it will be ugly.

Germany, France, and Japan are looking to jump ship as they watch their gas supply face a huge cut off. Even Israel is doing some fence sitting. This is an ugly time and I feel that many are not taking this seriously enough by not seeing it for what it really is.

Sincerely, Chicken Little

What you are saying is that once again the US should attack someone to protect the dollar.

As they attacked Saddam when he wanted Euros for his oil and Gaddafi when he wanted gold for his.

If that is what you are suggesting then it would mean that the US Dollar cant stand on its own merits as a currency without being the reserve and oil trading currency.

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Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

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wait, aren't the rebels the muslim extremists ????

Syrian rebels = ISIS

ISIS is one of the groups opposing Assad. They are sometimes at odds and fight vs. the other groups as well.

Of the others, some are almost as extreme as ISIS, some are more about ethnic affiliation.

Unless mistaken, the OP refers to the non-radical-Islamic forces fighting the Syrian regime - but as said, not

a sure bet they will be a more meaningful factor at this stage, even with USA support. A more likely scenario

is that funds will make their way to offshore bank accounts and arms will end up in the wrong hands.

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Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

Not all of the Syrian rebels are affiliated with AQ/ISIS or subscribe to their ideology. This is evident from the in-fighting among rebel groups. Quite a few groups roaming around, a lot of splits and mergers, names can get a bit confusing at times (even for Syrians).

While the USA certainly does not mean to arm groups connected with AQ/ISIS, as is made explicit in the article linked, there is no good indication as to why this is deemed to be an especially good move at this time, nor any clear strategy as to how this would bring about a positive change in the situation.

Here's a list of anti-Syrian-regime outfits, getting into the thick of who split from which group, who betrayed whom etc. is a bit like Game of Thrones on steroids:


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The general consensus seems to be that it is too late to arm "moderate" Syrian opposition forces. This is another empty gesture like sending over 300 advisors to turn the tide of war.

Agreed, this discussion began 3 years ago when it may have done some good, if done properly. But as usual, Obama is a day late and a dollar short.

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The general consensus seems to be that it is too late to arm "moderate" Syrian opposition forces. This is another empty gesture like sending over 300 advisors to turn the tide of war.

Late, but they are going to have to keep them fighting, even if Assad falls. The fanatics that are on the same side against Assad aren't going to tolerate a rival force once they are in a position to take power for themselves.

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Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

Not all of the Syrian rebels are affiliated with AQ/ISIS or subscribe to their ideology. This is evident from the in-fighting

among rebel groups. Quite a few groups roaming around, a lot of splits and mergers, names can get a bit confusing at

times (even for Syrians).

While the USA certainly does not mean to arm groups connected with AQ/ISIS, as is made explicit in the article linked,

there is no good indication as to why this is deemed to be an especially good move at this time, nor any clear strategy

as to how this would bring about a positive change in the situation.

Here's a list of anti-Syrian-regime outfits, getting into the thick of who split from which group, who betrayed whom etc.

is a bit like Game of Thrones on steroids:


What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

Edited by simple1
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WTH !! Is he daft??? US arms and training has already made it's way to ISIS troops. The U.S. does not have a handle enough on the situation to provide arms to a so called moderate wing. Time for the U.S. to moderate it's support for Syrian anti-govt forces in favour of getting a handle on ISIS in Northern Iraq.

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Syrian Rebels = Al Qaeda / ISIS

I guess ISIS needs their supply lines replenished after the push to Bagdad...

This is the most insane thing the US has ever done, which is funding both sides of this disaster...

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Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

Maybe it is his solution to the Israeli problem.

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Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

Not all of the Syrian rebels are affiliated with AQ/ISIS or subscribe to their ideology. This is evident from the in-fighting

among rebel groups. Quite a few groups roaming around, a lot of splits and mergers, names can get a bit confusing at

times (even for Syrians).

While the USA certainly does not mean to arm groups connected with AQ/ISIS, as is made explicit in the article linked,

there is no good indication as to why this is deemed to be an especially good move at this time, nor any clear strategy

as to how this would bring about a positive change in the situation.

Here's a list of anti-Syrian-regime outfits, getting into the thick of who split from which group, who betrayed whom etc.

is a bit like Game of Thrones on steroids:


What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Other quotes removed to permit a response.

Other than conjecture, can you provide links to support your claim that Syrian moderates trained by the US (note not using quotation) are joining ISIS/attacking Iraqi forces? Don't truly understand the plan to only provide an additional $500 million, if approved, for arms, you would think it's a drop in the ocean for sustained war fighting capability.

A few links below that provide a bit of detail of traning provided for FSA moderates.



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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It still looks like a multi-pronged plan to goad Putin into a fight. The international community imposes many more sanctions, Russia defaults on its EU debts and has to sell his gas and oil to China and India under terms of the sanctions. Not that big of a problem because Putin knows what is going on and will not bite. An early loser in all this is the EU, they will be faced with a huge gas shortage and will have to buy expensive and logistically more difficult US gas. Pay attention to Putin, he is totally aware of this plan.

The sixth BRICS conference is scheduled for next month and the plan is to be fully operational by next year. China is starting a world bank as I type. Soon, the BRICS countries and their 75 country alliance will be free of the IMF and World Bank. With a gold backed currency, and no interest owed to a private central bank, the US goose is cooked. I hate it because my pension is paid in dollars. If we are going to do something, we have to do it now. We can't let him get financially secure, it will be too late and we are done. We have to make a preemptive strike if we are going to survive this. Perhaps maintain would be a better word than survive but, it will be ugly.

Germany, France, and Japan are looking to jump ship as they watch their gas supply face a huge cut off. Even Israel is doing some fence sitting. This is an ugly time and I feel that many are not taking this seriously enough by not seeing it for what it really is.

Sincerely, Chicken Little

What you are saying is that once again the US should attack someone to protect the dollar.

As they attacked Saddam when he wanted Euros for his oil and Gaddafi when he wanted gold for his.

If that is what you are suggesting then it would mean that the US Dollar cant stand on its own merits as a currency without being the reserve and oil trading currency.

The dollar can stand alone but not provide the wealth to the IMF and the World Bank as it has done since 1946. With BRICS in full operation and a gold backed currency the dollar will struggle to survive. This is mostly about BRICS and the IMF in a snit and Putin is going to be vilified as long as he keeps plugging away at his own world of banking. I don't want anything to happen but I need protection for my income and way of life as an American passport holder. If we must enter a war with Putin, we should do it when we are the strongest which is now.

Under BRICS, there are today, 80 countries who would not have a privately owned central bank based upon the Rothschild model. The number today stands at less than 10

Imagine what happens if the Mafia learns that a rival is going to take over half their income. Are they going to just sit back and take it as just one of those things.

Something that has been in place for 70 years (IMF) is not going to sit back and take Putin getting half of their income. Overly simplified of course. Putin is just one of the players but the guy who is running the show. The controlling shareholders of the IMF have more money than the total of the world GDP and will spend freely to keep control.

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What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Other quotes removed to permit a response.

Other than conjecture, can you provide links to support your claim that Syrian moderates trained by the US (note not using quotation) are joining ISIS/attacking Iraqi forces? Don't truly understand the plan to only provide an additional $500 million, if approved, for arms, you would think it's a drop in the ocean for sustained war fighting capability.

A few links below that provide a bit of detail of traning provided for FSA moderates.



No one claims all go over and join Islamic groups. Some undoubtedly do. Its a calculated risk, no matter how many

security checks one runs.

500 mil. is a lot, considering a lot of the relevant gear isn't top notch, and the number of relevant warriors.

For reference, compare this figure to the panic reaction when headlines claimed ISIS got their hands on 400+ mil.

Not much of an issue providing logistic support, training, arms and funding - question is what's the point? Where is

this supposed to go from here? I don't think there are any good answers, and that it looks more like improvising.

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