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What to do when you see a farang who seems like a nice guy with a girl you don't think is nice?


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I guess I must lead a sheltered and introverted life because this is my first experience after a decade of being involved with Thailand that I have encountered this situation. I met a Farang-Thai couple recently who are just married but without children. The farang is showing all the signs of being a really nice chap and the Thai woman is showing obvious signs of not being a good person.

I know that most of Thai Visa takes great pleasure in ridiculing/demeaning these types of farang who are destroyed for their naivety by these types of women but I am already feeling bad for this guy because I have read and seen enough stories to know where this is headed and it makes me angry.

Have any of you been in this situation. How did you handle it?

Edited by farang000999
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Unfortunately I have known too many farangs like the one you write about OP. If fact one even said to me behind the farangs back that if he didn't spend enough money on her she would just go fishing for another farang even though they were married! (She was a stunner ....but black of heart!)

Best to just stay out of it!

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Not your place to say a word to him. He is responsible for his own life and his own mistakes....if he is making any. You don't know what sort of 'agreement' they have about their relationship. If he can't figure out if she is a bad one or a good one then he will find out in his own way and in his own time.

In short......keep your nose out of his business !

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I agree its a lose-lose situation,

write him a short letter, outline all the problems,

and say at the end, keep this list of all the danger signs, and read it everytime something happens,

do not throw this letter out and thank me when you have woken up to yourself

and then just let him be, if he wants to screw himself over there is also this thread


if he wants to lose more money

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to each his own, what you see and what he sees are obviously 2 different things. Everyone sees things differently, they may well have a great relationship and you would have no idea because it doesnt suit you. Leave them alone and mind your own business, it has nothing to do with you at all.

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The problem the OP is having is the 'seems like a nice guy bit'.

The guy might be nice, but there is a reason why all of us choose to be with the person we are with.

And if you want to understand how deeply ingrained that is into who and what we are consider this.

Look around the people you know who make really bad choices about the people they form relationships with, let's for example consider guys who repeatedly date highly strung women (there's enough of that going on in Thailand).

Now consider that it takes less than 30 seconds for an individual to fall for another person.

Now consider this happens in both directions.

So a man (or woman) who repeatedly forms relationships with damaged people is able to recognise and be attracted to the signs of damage in a matter of seconds.

Its not intellect that is causing this to happen, which is why trying to convince people of their mistake in relationship at the intellectual level seldom, if ever works.

If you meet an individual with a flawed partner, and are thinking what is this nice person doing dating/marrying some like that.... Its because you have not seen the flaw on the other side of the equation.. Be assured, its there.

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I met guy at a party a few weeks ago. He has been to Thailand 3 times in 3 years. He now has a Thai gf who last year had another bf. The guy was telling me how he is thinking of starting a chicken farm. I in all my wisdom told I thought it was a very bad idea and explained the reasons I thought this. A little while later my wife was telling about others we were sitting with that were friends of the farangs gf. My wife told me that one women there owned the largest egg and chicken producing farm in the area. I never said another word to the guy about chicken farming. I just minded my own business. The wife felt he had lots of money and probably the Thai women were setting him up to build the farm and then simply take it away from him and he would have no right of ownership.A guy can get caught up easily so minding your own business from the start is the best policy. I am sorry I even expressed an opinion to the guy now.

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I met a guy like this.

I met him, then met his GF and immediately "knew" what she was like.

I felt I couldn't say anything, and didn't,,,,,until he came to me and started asking questions because she was treating him really odd.

I said, why don't we (me and my SO and he and his GF) go out for dinner. Wifey took an immediate dislike to her, just from her attitude and choice of words.

Long story short, I did talk to him about her, but only because he was reaching out.

A few days later he caught her out "in flagrante delicto" (or just about....he went to her room unannounced and found all his photos (that were displayed the day before when he visited her) were put away and photos of her and a Thai guy were displayed everywhere).

He thanked me very much for advising caution, and we are still in touch now.

But the point is I wouldn't have said anything unless he had asked for advice.

If it really bothers you (and I can see why it would), plant seeds of doubt. Perhaps direct him to Thai Visa Forum.

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Funny to read all these responses of staying out of it. I wonder if it would happen to them and somebody, friend f.i., knew their girl was bad news, and they would keep quiet, how they would react when later it all went sour.

A little sincere help from friends/acquintances CAN be reciprocal.

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Funny to read all these responses of staying out of it. I wonder if it would happen to them and somebody, friend f.i., knew their girl was bad news, and they would keep quiet, how they would react when later it all went sour.

A little sincere help from friends/acquintances CAN be reciprocal.

It did happen to me!

I was walking down the road with a mate, and there was my gf, arm in arm with some white guy.

My mate said, isn't that your misses, I said shhhh, we'll not notice.

As they passed she gave me a sneaky sideways smile, I didn't say a word.

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