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Car Insurance

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I had a car accident accepted blame. Party had insurance adjuster come to scene, he also demanded 30,000 Bhat in lost work wages re his truck. All parties were paid cash, all signed off at the police station that they were ok with everything. Now one year later this party's insurance company is demanding over 100,000 Bhat, which they are not going to get. What is their game?

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Sorry but your explanation is not totally clear.

From what you said you had an accident, that you caused, so the other party called their insurance company and they sent out their engineer.

Question, did you call your insurance company and did they send out an engineer on your behalf ?

No I called the lady who sold me the car who explained that the car being 15 years old was not insured against damage to other vehicles only if the parties required hospital services, none did, when I bought the car she transferred the insurance to my name or she said she did and told me that it was insured. It is not unexpected to be lied to in Thailand. So no insurance adjuster was sent to see my car.

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.... when I bought the car she transferred the insurance to my name or she said she did and told me that it was insured.

Wow. And you drove it around based on that?

Yes I did and I have a license believe it or not, I doubt most Thais do, or insurance for that matter. T.I.T.

You know it is perfectly ok to lie in Thailand.

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You appear to attract a lot of bad luck.

Live here for 5 years mai mee chock dee. With women or cars or motorcycles.

I was at the airport when my ship came in.

I looked at your posting history, should it not be women, ladyboys, car and motorcycles?

BTW I think you can help a lot of people with your experience.

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.... when I bought the car she transferred the insurance to my name or she said she did and told me that it was insured.

Wow. And you drove it around based on that?

Yes I did and I have a license believe it or not, I doubt most Thais do, or insurance for that matter. T.I.T.

You know it is perfectly ok to lie in Thailand.

Lying and having a licence are neither here nor there.

I make sure I have proper insurance because I dont want any hassle if I have an accident. It's as simple as that. For this reason, and this reason alone, I would not drive a vehicle anywhere if I suspected that it had anything other than full first-class insurance.

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All parties were paid cash, all signed off at the police station that they were ok with everything. Now one year later this party's insurance company is demanding over 100,000 Bhat, which they are not going to get.

All parties signed off? Possibly that someone who claimed to have been from the insurers and accepting the cash on behalf of the insurers didn't actually give your money to the insurers?

As for accepting the sellers word about not being eligible for full coverage and that minimum (mandatory government) coverage was 'transferred' along with the blue book...?

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If i read correctly the parties who signed off was the other car.

The same party who wanted 30 000 for lost wages.

So it is safe to assume he signed off on getting the money for the lost wage and then lodged the claim with insurance for the damaged car,

Why on earth you would call the previous owner is beyond me, just as why you would leave it with the previous owner to transfer non existing insurance, just as why you would not take out at least 3rd party insurance, just as you not having any paperwork, policy or anything to contact in case of accident

Edited by Pralaad
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