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Craziest Guy Is A Sucker Stories


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First of all this is just a bit of fun but true stories only please. Before I am accused of bashing please do bear in mind these kinds of stories are part of the fun of being here and if we told a story along the lines of "I knew a guy who met a girl and is happily married" then it just wouldnt be fun or interesting at all :)

So here is the craziest story I have ever heard in my 10 plus years here:

A wealthy and reasonably decent looking guy I know (aged about 50) wanted to have children after being in a long term relationship with a katoey. He put out the word among bargirls that he wanted a wife that could bear him children and that he would pay her handsomely every month. So he meets a bar girl who already has a kid and they get together and get married and try together for a kid. He pays her a salary of 150,000THB per month. Well all is good and before long she falls pregnant and he is very happy. Kid pops out a few months later and very clearly there is not a hint of European genes to be seen and so after ordering a DNA test he confirms the blindingly obvious...the kid is not his and belongs to a Thai guy.

Anyway he forgives her and continues to pay her 150,000THB and employs a nanny to care for the kid. Finally she gets pregnant again and this time it really is his kid. So now he employs 2 nannies (one for each kid) and also pays for the first kid (from a different Thai guy from before they met!) to attend private school in Bangkok (one of the best too).

So now she has 2 nannies looking after the 2 kids, she is out most nights in Spasso, Sheraton, QBar and sleeps all day while the nannies raise the kids and she picks up her 150,000THB per month salary. Recently she met a Gik and has posted pictures of the Gik at their condo playing with the kids while the husband is away. Husband knows about the new Gik and seems fine with it!!

To be fair the guy seems not bothered by the situation and is happy with his lot....i just shake my head and think..WHY!! Why oh Why oh WHY would you do that..

After 10 years here I feel no resentment to the girl but I do for the guy for being so stupid...if he is really that stupid then good on the girl.

Anyone else got any good stories?? This one is true by the way as I am watching it all unfold on facebook andhave seen the pics and heard it from the horses mouth.

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Hard to imagine he'd pay that much, but never mind, lets go with the story.... he actually fancies katoeys, so his wife's infidelities do not bother him; He did not marry her for love, he married her for her ovaries. He has kids, and that's what he wanted.

As long as he's happy.

I imagine the wife is quite happy too! And her gik! And the kids!

Happy all around. I'm happy for them.

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Lets make fun of _________ who live in Thailand. Facebook that's a good source. If I just type in a couple of names here........biggrin.png Who would be nutty enough to use the same name of TV as facebook?whistling.gif

Edited by thailiketoo
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Hard to imagine he'd pay that much, but never mind, lets go with the story.... he actually fancies katoeys, so his wife's infidelities do not bother him; He did not marry her for love, he married her for her ovaries. He has kids, and that's what he wanted.

As long as he's happy.

I imagine the wife is quite happy too! And her gik! And the kids!

Happy all around. I'm happy for them.

Yep, I agree, paying way too much.

I could find 10 girls that would do that for 5k a month plus room and board in a decent home.

OK, they wouldn't be lookers, but would be young, fertile and probably stick to the deal.

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Must be one of pp mcready's 'friends'.

If it was one of PPs friends it would be even more of a disaster. It's the Mark of death to be his friend.

I am thinking that this is about whereustay

Mate,i can just see it;

"the name's Mcready,pp,mcready"

'oh hello ,nice to meet you"

"yes,by this time next week you will be a pussy wipped doormat,but rest assured ,you will be my friend,and i will post on tv all about you"

"thank's pp,but it was all okay until you came along"

Mcready; "ha,haaa,haaa,haaa,ha".

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Must be one of pp mcready's 'friends'.

If it was one of PPs friends it would be even more of a disaster. It's the Mark of death to be his friend.

I am thinking that this is about whereustay

We would need info on how much the Katoey weighed.

And sweated?

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Mate, the sweat index? How does that work?

Not sure ,i am sure it involves vials and tubing of some kind,maybe like paper to test the ph,or salt levels, collection bottles at the foot of the bed,etc,we need where u stay to give some input on this,pp's expertise is more on doormats,i fear,and we cannot gain anything from that in this matter.

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Even harder to imagine he would pay that much if I told you who the guy was and what his background is (I wont though)...you would think he would know better

So where is the katoey at this stage? Gone?

It could have been more fun if the first child born was the offspring of his ex-lover, the Katoey he dumped.

Now that would have been interesting ...

Thailand ... the HUB of Stranger then Fiction ... rolleyes.gif


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Met a bloke a few years ago at the swimming pool at Pullman Khon Kaen who was drowning his sorrows and regaled me with the tale that his fiance had gone off in strop because he was going to buy a Toyota pick up but she wanted a Fortuner. Later I saw her clip clopping through the lobby on stiletto heels with a tramp stamp on her arm and a micro denim skirt. Discretion stopped me from enquiring if she was a neurosurgeon or possibly on the board of CP

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Can't remember where I heard this story (maybe read it somewhere????)...but ....the story goes somewhat as follows:

An Englishman meets his "dream" Thai girl on holiday....they stay in touch ....correspond...he sends money...finally they make the commitment to get married and do so. They move to England where over 10 years they have 2 children. Also over the 10 year period they send regular payments (monthly) to the family to help out.

AND after 10 years of living as Husband and Wife and having two children ....the Wife informs her husband she is leaving him....he asks "why?", having no idea the marriage was in trouble or had problems.

She, matter of factly, says that she is going back to Thailand to be with her husband (YES! she had a husband in Thailand) as the money they had be sending back to the supposed family...in fact was used to buy a house for her and her Thai husband and it was now paid off in full.

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