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My thinking is that if you have to monitor your gf then it is time to move on. Why go through life worrying if your gf is screwing around, nothing but heartache.

If a girl sleeps with you on the first date then she more than likely has done and will do that again with any guy she meets. This girl is a player or has a high sex drive and thus hard to trust. Some girls are for good time only... They use you so you use them... Just keep the love out of it and no one gets hurt.

Not a topic where i ask for dating advice but i give advice how you could find out if she is faithful or not


Those Android family trackers.....they work both ways, so your GF will know where YOU are too.

I know. But im not cheating so i dont have anything to hide smile.png

Your GF cheats on you because she can. You would be cheating on her if you could, but you can't. That's why you have to fly half way across the world to get laid. But why are you going through all this tracking business? If you're dating a BG, I can already tell you that she'll be spreading her legs for another guy as soon as you board your plane. Are you seriously unsure about this?

No i dont fly half way across the world to get laid. I moved to Thailand because 1. I can. 2. I like the weather. 3. I like thai food. 4. And i get even more from the money i earn.


The reason i say i earn good. look ok and are well equipped is so people wouldn flame as they like it here. Like youre probably a cheap charlie etc. But im used to what people like to answer. Insecure because i find out that they are cheating? No i call that smart. And i never told any girl how i know what they do. I always tell its some friend of theirs and they get crazy trying to find out who it is. And read the whole story please. I stated I had normal girlfriends as Receptionists, Restaurant managers and a girl that had her own massage studio with several employes.

Pattaya Lous .. I agree with you there.

WoW64 you just keep on chasing girls playing World of Warcraft. Thats probably why you dont have this problems.

Well equipped? Are you a handyman of some type?

No silly, it means he is a 'tool'


I certainly feel like a ATM haha. But thats still not the problem. Not a topic where i ask for dating advice but i give advice how you could find out if she is faithful or not


Now, this works whether you are in Thailand, Australia, or anywhere a Thai etc bargirl can be found:

If you are not sure about you're girl's where abouts and doings, but suspect she's back at work - somewhere...

... simply start flogging yourself at a number of Bars again...

Bar talk amongst the girlies, about butterflies, will get back to her though the daisy chain of command, pert damn qwik.

...and, If one day in the near future she bites your head off, then she is still an active Player in the Game.

You may be dead or bleeding - but at least you (or your ghost) can say what thai girls say:

"Now I know"

Yes. and thats a fun thing 2 lol. Shes in a bar in central Pattaya. I go out in a bar close to my condo in Jomtien. She calls me after 5 min and ask what i am doing there :P


The reason i say i earn good. look ok and are well equipped is so people wouldn flame as they like it here. Like youre probably a cheap charlie etc. But im used to what people like to answer. Insecure because i find out that they are cheating? No i call that smart. And i never told any girl how i know what they do. I always tell its some friend of theirs and they get crazy trying to find out who it is. And read the whole story please. I stated I had normal girlfriends as Receptionists, Restaurant managers and a girl that had her own massage studio with several employes.

Pattaya Lous .. I agree with you there.

WoW64 you just keep on chasing girls playing World of Warcraft. Thats probably why you dont have this problems.

Well equipped? Are you a handyman of some type?

No silly, it means he is a 'tool'


I certainly feel like a ATM haha. But thats still not the problem. Not a topic where i ask for dating advice but i give advice how you could find out if she is faithful or not

I've got no idea. why do you care, life's too short to worry.

farang think too mutt.


might just be better to shain her in the room and pay some one to feed and water her,,

lock.gif.pagespeed.ce.HUpoQX69cx.gif why not go all out and chain her in the Kitchen, and continue pay her to feed and water you

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My thinking is that if you have to monitor your gf then it is time to move on. Why go through life worrying if your gf is screwing around, nothing but heartache.

If a girl sleeps with you on the first date then she more than likely has done and will do that again with any guy she meets. This girl is a player or has a high sex drive and thus hard to trust. Some girls are for good time only... They use you so you use them... Just keep the love out of it and no one gets hurt.

Not a topic where i ask for dating advice but i give advice how you could find out if she is faithful or not

IMO your advice is completey irrelevant, because when you "date" a bargirl, you know that she will be "dating" another guy the minute you leave the city. Throwing money after her is just a sign of stupidity, which it seems you are when you do that.

People who think they can "safe" a bargirl by sending her 10K or 20K a month should just do the math and calculate what THEY paid per night, multiply by 30 and then ask themselves why the bargirl should be willing to forgoe that money... tracking a bargirl is waisting your time, because you KNOW what the result will be.

People who don't know either of above are most obviously not members of ThaiVisa, therefore will not read your "advice", therefore your "advice" is irrelevant

Edit: BTW: installing malware and tracking devices on somebody's phone without their explicit approval is illegal in all European countries as well as in Thailand, therefore you are committing a crime.

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Nothing wrong with dating bargirls if you meet one you like enough. Plenty of successful relationships have started in a bar. But if you choose this, make sure you find one you can trust, or let her continue working if you can't support her (the Thai way). Don't mess around with silly tracking devices.

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i know of some One in the UK who has a tracker on her phone so he knows where she is all the time. Even when he is In Pattaya when she is back home in the UK.


Nothing wrong with dating bargirls if you meet one you like enough. Plenty of successful relationships have started in a bar.

Actually, I reckon we diss these Lassies to easily.

Maybe a lady in her mid-thirties with a mind to the future might, indeed, be a good option.

Not one that I've taken.

Love is what and where it is.

Heck, who am I to diss other's choices in life?


Sad bar stool springs to mind, stalking your own 'girlfriend' would you do that to your girlfriend back home? Start treating women like women and not like objects you might one day be in a proper relationship.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


op is well equipped? he have big genitalia?

just what every bargirl dreams of. who tracks what a bargirld does? we all know what they do......................lol.

If girl is from pattaya and is ok with you not being there she is probably a prostitute. Intelligent men dont refer to them as girlfriend.

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i must admit, although not normally is stupid as this guy, I do see alot of guys on this forum asking questions about thai women like all thai women are the same and they seem almost an object... I guess prior to coming to Thailand they had little experience with females. Women are women anywhere in the world, they should be treated with respect regardless... sure some are bad and some are good but its the same with guys. Show your women love and respect youll generally get it back regardless of where you are in the world, obviously with exceptions. Also if you dont trust your partner, you likely wont last long, a bit of jealousy is healthy but too much and it will turn you into a wierdo... what will happen will happen, time will tell. Ive been to pattaya/phuket and sat with bar girls all night as a friend to chat with and get a bit pissed but, I know I wouldnt dream of cheating on my girl, and I give her the same trust, it goes along way with any girl. Once you blow that trust, and you do not come clean, your not a man.

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A good post. I am sure a lot of guys will benefit from knowing how to track them. Apologies for all the keyboard warriors and you really need to think long and hard before posting something on TV. The regulars are like a pack of wolves ... show the slightest sign of fear and they will rip your throat out!!!!

Welcome to TV anyhow.

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What happened to trust?

Trust a bar girl??

Trust is the last thing you want to bring to LOS...............

Notice I said bar girl, as there is some trust here, but it took me a long time to realize that you can't rent trust as you rent a bar girl.

I found a non bar girl out in Issan [the BG factory] and we're still together after 12 years and we have nurtured mutual trust over the years to the point that she is my most trusted friend and wife.

simply put 'easy come/easy go'


Sad thread.

A pro will never be your wife or girlfriend you are just someone daft enough to pay her more money then the other customers because you gulliably think you can buy exclusive rights to her.

Why would you do that ?

A pro isn't going to stop as she wants all the money she can get, it's her job and she isn't going to get sexual satisfaction from some guy who has to pay a girl to get sex. She will either go and get it from a young Thai guy or one of her customers or regular freebies (yes that young guy who drinks in the bar) that does the job for her or that 'brother'.

She may even stop for a few months until she is bored or may even stop for a while if she is shipped back to the old/ugly/fat/boring guys country before she realises she can get all the nookie she needs from guys she finds attractive in the local bars and clubs or just walking out the door and smiling at young lads.

Do what the Thais do and marry the best woman you can not the best bimbo as you can just go and rent one for a 1000Baht when you fancy one and it don't end in heart break or financial loss.


I think it is very sad that you have to do all this. There is no trust. Once bitten I suppose. I do agree with you on your comments though.


If you dont trust her, then why would u even bother.. Its hard keeping track of them 24/7 Even with their legs in the air.. giggle.gif


Can I make a suggestion? Get a new GF. Maybe one who ISN'T A BAR GIRL?

If you trust her so little then you should dump her.

Lots of fish in the ocean, especially THIS ocean.


A good post. I am sure a lot of guys will benefit from knowing how to track them. Apologies for all the keyboard warriors and you really need to think long and hard before posting something on TV. The regulars are like a pack of wolves ... show the slightest sign of fear and they will rip your throat out!!!!

Welcome to TV anyhow.

A good post, you say?

It's a post by a sex tourist with trust issues.

The regulars are correct to rip his throat out.

It's guys like this that go back to the US and Europe and spread the lie.

That all Thai women are whores.

That's because the only Thai women they ever meet are whores.

Because decent Thai women avoid them like the plague.

So let's look at the OP's contention.

He distrusts his lady to the extent he is effectively using spy technology to track her.

He's sitting in Europe watching her movements.

Where I'm from that's called stalking.

And yet you say it's a good post.

I suggest you take some time to reconnect with your basic morality.

Stalkers are not to be lauded.

And now for a musical interlude. The stalker anthem.

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I'll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I'll be watching you

O can't you see

You belong to me

How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace

I dream at night I can only see your face

I look around but it's you I can't replace

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Good post, indeed.

Read the topic first. Understand whats there. Im dating normal girls also. Learn what a stalker is before using that word constant. I have my condo in Pattaya and from august ive been there 7 months.

The only spy technology im using is family360, its to keep track of your kids. Why would anyone have something against it. if a lady have anything against it she have something to hide and i wouldnt be with her. All the ways i explain how to know if she is faithful takes 1 minute. If you after you know shes lying to you continue to be with her, then that up to you. I never said i stalked anyone. For me when she says she go sleep now but i see her 600km away in another town makes me forget her instant. But you guys like to make it as if i sitting home, stalking her and constant monitoring. Well if that makes you feel better then you can do that lol. Im having a good time here and dont cry because i know how it is. This was just a little info for the guys that doesnt know.


I honestly don't understand why anyone would want a relationship with zero trust. To have to track your girlfriend! Quite sad really.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The calibre of guys (and, i guess their partners, if they feel the need to keep an eye on them) on this forum never fails to suprise me..

*i really shouldnt be surpised..but i still am

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Hmmm - well,

I think not having a girlfriend if she brings up all that Homeland security in your mind is the easy fix !

No worries no cost, no app needed.....

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