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Study examines growing trend of Thai women staying single


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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

Wow! Don't tell me your wife married one of those, too! And let me guess - he was killed in a motorbike accident?

Seriously, though, an awful lot of Thai women I know who have tried one indigenous husband are vehement that they would never wed another - often for the reasons you have listed. The patriarchal nature of Thai society and the Buddhist religion, which blatantly discriminates against women, are obviously partly to blame.

But Thai mothers also bear some responsibility through the different ways they bring up their male and female offspring. Generally, boy children are spoiled rotten and allowed to get away with murder. Girls, on the other hand, are subject to greater discipline and often end up a combination of Cinderella and Barbie - decorative and obedient little skivvies ripe for exploitation by the first over-indulged local Prince Charming who happens along.

In the circumstances, it is not surprising so many Thai women see us falangs through rose-coloured glasses as chivalrous white knights riding to their rescue.

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''lower marriage rate has led to a lower birth rate''..hahahah are f#$%ing kidding me.....i wish that were true,but the truth is all these low life taxi drivers we see sleeping all day,have 3 kids with 3 different girls,most of which they have never even met.....

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The story fails to mention the sharp rise in the "tomboy happiness index"

wow i totally agree with you i have noticed a huge spike in that gender ....and they hate male falangs more than the thai men hate male falangs..if that is even possible...mabey they just hate all men equally.. i have one who just hates me,cause her fem and i are freinds,,i call her MR MAN...

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

Wow, here we go again, the obligatory Thai male bashing from Thaivisas high class expat forum users.

I have seen many many similar threads from you Kurnell, where you seem to have a specific need to express your need for putting down Thai people, and Thai males in particular.

It is clear that you got your ego hurt during your childhood and now feel the need to stay here in Thailand so you can somehow repair it.

I recommend you see a psychiatrist.


Hmmm. Though exceptions do exist (all of your Thai male 'friends', for example), I'll have to side with kurnell on this one. Vast majority of regular Thai guys (as harmless as they might otherwise be) are worthless when it comes to relationships.

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Got a Thai female friend, 28, Master's Degree from Thammasat in Law, total knockout, and she put it quite blunt to me in perfect English when we were talking about this a few months back: "Between the fags and deadbeats who want me to support them and their bad habits, there's not much to choose from.". cheesy.gif

Funny.rolleyes.gif Do they teach English hate speech at Thammasat? coffee1.gif

I doubt it, but she spent 2 years living in L.A., so that probably accounts for it. lol

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's all a bit of "alai gadai"...

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's all a bit of "alai gadai"...

A person solidly self identified as an exclusive "gay man" is not the same thing as men having sex with men at some stages in their lives. Some people fit well into well defined labels, and many do not. And there is nothing wrong with THAT either.

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

Yes, and that's just the farangs.

Yes but the Thai Man wont buy a house and car and put it solely in her name, fork out a fortune to replace the dying Water Buffalo, operation for Grandma, take care of someone else's kids and pay for all of the living expenses and walk away with less than airfare when he gets his arse kicked out the door.

Edited by Paulzed
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This story comes as no real surprise. I am currently unavailable after all, so why would they bother?

And your statement also comes as no surprise- considering your name clap2.gif

Be very careful. I was in the SAS, you know...?

Lancelot won't care...he was in the RASC. (Run Away Someone's Coming) smile.png

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....... and where, please, does the "woman of the second gender" fit into this statistic, giving the variation on gay being between 3% - 17%.

I might suggest to do an "under the skirt check"; similar to the virginity test which Yolande of Aragon did 700 years ago with Joan d'Arc.

This might explain partly the gender imbalance in the marriage market (whatever that means). To be exact, there were 782,716 more females than males between the ages of 15 and 49 in 2010. Honestly, I wonder who counted all those wifeless poor Somsaks and Sakchais in the Land w00t.gif

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

China will increasingly offer another alternative as they have a surplus of males looking for wives.

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Got a Thai female friend, 28, Master's Degree from Thammasat in Law, total knockout, and she put it quite blunt to me in perfect English when we were talking about this a few months back: "Between the fags and deadbeats who want me to support them and their bad habits, there's not much to choose from.". cheesy.gif

I take it she was referring to Thai men, but I think there are Farangs like that too, especially after they have been here a while. A lot Of Farangs come over here initially with a lot of money, get a Thai wife, then turn into deadbeats with bad habits. Just look around you, the overweight, facial haired, tattoed species. How many Thai men have that description?

When it comes to deadbeats with bad habits, the Thai men are not as bad as the Farangs, the thing is, the Farangs living here have plenty of money by Thai standards, and in most cases, that's the only appeal they have.

May I also point out that I have met quite a lot of TV members, and not one of them is of the facial haired tattooed type, and none of the guys I have known for years who live near me are TV members.

While I think I know what type of person you are trying to illustrate, simply using facial hairs and tattoos is a little ignorant and a bit of a generalisation wouldn't you say?

Someone with a thinner skin than my own might feel offended.

Also I have seen a few deadbeats where I live and they didn't have facial hair or tattoos. What species are they?


That checks out, I'll let you off this time. 55

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When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

Some Thais, a small percentage. Don't tar an entire nation with the same brush.

well i guess then it has nothing to do with thai girls getting comfortably looked after by one or more farangs

Again, some kinds of Thai girls.

...I have yet to meet a Thai woman who has been a victim.....

....maybe because they go 'all out' on the foreigners knowing they have no rights in this land...???

Maybe you should spend time with better quality people. I know many more Thai girls who have been "victims" if that's how you can term it, not one of my male friends have been cheated on or had money taken from them but almost every Thai girl I'm friends with has been messed around or cheated on by a Western guy.

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And what about a large number of Thai men. Who want to be women! I see this every where now. Disturbing.

Why disturbing, what happened to live and let live? Or is it disturbing that you're struggling to control your "urges".

Yes but the Thai Man wont buy a house and car and put it solely in her name, fork out a fortune to replace the dying Water Buffalo, operation for Grandma, take care of someone else's kids and pay for all of the living expenses and walk away with less than airfare when he gets his arse kicked out the door.

Neither will most Westerners.

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How about the expanding cost of living, anyone?

Agree. Seems to me we're living in times where it's never been so hard to make a living.

Back in the 60s and early 70s (in the UK at least), it was possible to walk out of a job, and straight into another. Fall out with your boss, and there was employment waiting elsewhere.

Nowadays it's not unusual to have both partners needing to work all hours just to make ends meet for themselves and their kids.

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How about the expanding cost of living, anyone?

Agree. Seems to me we're living in times where it's never been so hard to make a living.

Back in the 60s and early 70s (in the UK at least), it was possible to walk out of a job, and straight into another. Fall out with your boss, and there was employment waiting elsewhere.

Nowadays it's not unusual to have both partners needing to work all hours just to make ends meet for themselves and their kids.

But if you tell the young people today that they won't believe you.

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

What bull shit, how many farangs do you know who paid millions in Sin Sod ( dowry ). Talk sense or shut up.

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

What bull shit, how many farangs do you know who paid millions in Sin Sod ( dowry ). Talk sense or shut up.
I don't personally know any one that payed millions. But I myself got problem last year because the news (newspapers and internet) about some business man that got married and payed over B 100 millions in dowry. All of a sudden the family of the lady I was engaged to asked for a total of 5million Baht to allow me to marry their daughter from previously agreed 100k + 10 baht gold! We are not together today....

But of course you might prefer the bar girl that you are not expected to pay a dowry for instead if the educated girl working in an office or similar?!

Do you know that even ThaI men sometimes must pay up to around 4-5 millions in dowry or an educated, young and beautiful girl?'

Edited by Kasset Tak
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How about the expanding cost of living, anyone?

Agree. Seems to me we're living in times where it's never been so hard to make a living.

Back in the 60s and early 70s (in the UK at least), it was possible to walk out of a job, and straight into another. Fall out with your boss, and there was employment waiting elsewhere.

Nowadays it's not unusual to have both partners needing to work all hours just to make ends meet for themselves and their kids.

how true that is and back then you didnt need a CV either .very hard for youngsters now to accrue any serious money unless its in the family already

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

Thai men don't pay these kinds of dowrys. If they do they are very small and for show. Don't listen to what the thai gals tell you.

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And what about a large number of Thai men. Who want to be women! I see this every where now. Disturbing.

They usually class themselves as ladyboys not men (as do many Thais) and know they can never really be women.

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

Thai men don't pay these kinds of dowrys. If they do they are very small and for show. Don't listen to what the thai gals tell you.

One of my Thai friends payed 1million + 25 baht gold in dowry when married his wife, she is 28 with a PhD from Thamasat university and he is 35 and own his own restaurant in Bangkok.
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