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Thai Court Awards Abused Karen Girl $140K in Compensation

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If she was a Thai citizen who was treated like that in Burma, Thailand would be screaming

bloody murder. To that end, I would love to see Burma step up to the plate and demand

action on this case. To that end, just threaten to cut off gas supplies to Thailand until the couple

that are the abusers are brought to justice. Thailand would send a commando team to

Cambodia and have this couple rounded up in three days......

With the ongoing abuse of the ethnic Karen in Burma (including rape and torture), do you really believe the Burmese government would give a damn.

I believe I am correct that the Coup leaders have committed to a review of the Criminal Code, hopefully that will include not providing bail in some circumtances, such as the crimes committed in this topic

Edited by simple1
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Robert Buns got it right, " Mans' Inhumanity to Man "

"A mans a man and a that" another quote from the Bard, but you will have to get his name right Robby Burns.

These two can hardly be included in humanity nor in the animal world for no animal does that to its own kind.

Where are all you facebook, twitter etc people,

How about each of you putting up their photos,

Have you seen these people, do you know them, they did this to this little girl then ran from what they did.

Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours for it to go worldwide, use the power you have in the social media to get these people.

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Robert Buns got it right, " Mans' Inhumanity to Man "

"A mans a man and a that" another quote from the Bard, but you will have to get his name right Robby Burns.

These two can hardly be included in humanity nor in the animal world for no animal does that to its own kind.

Where are all you facebook, twitter etc people,

How about each of you putting up their photos,

Have you seen these people, do you know them, they did this to this little girl then ran from what they did.

Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours for it to go worldwide, use the power you have in the social media to get these people.

His full name was Robert, all others like Rab, Robby are corruptions

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I wonder how many other kids are abused and tortured but fail to escape or how many kids have died at the hands of their abusers, who seem to enjoy protection from criminal charges.

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Scandalous how Justice is handling this. Imagine if it was the daughter of the Kampheng phet Police Chief or Prosecutor General.

But in there eyes she is an illegal immigrant. Never mind she was abducted/kidnapped.

In Thailand illegals immigrants are worth less than nothing.

Army.... action please. And also action on this complacent Prosecutor who should get fired and jailed for his behavior

Edited by Travel Dude
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What I also find disgusting is that they disrobed her and paraded her naked in front of photographers so they could all "get their shot". Totally dehumanizing for the girl. But, wait, she's Karen, not Thai, so it's okay I guess. Yeah, right!

This is just another example of a 3rd world country. It's too mind boggling on all levels to even try and comprehend, right from the abusers

themselves, the parading of her body infront of the photographers as well as no justice being served on any level.

Thai justice gives a model 15 years time for some minor possesion yet treats this girls tragedy like a circus.

Edited by dude123
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The Josef Mengele treatment would be too good for this couple. And these lousy cops that removed her clothes, took photos of her and then distributed them should be tried in court for child abuse.

Edited by Pimay1
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Scandalous how Justice is handling this. Imagine if it was the daughter of the Kampheng phet Police Chief or Prosecutor General.

But in there eyes she is an illegal immigrant. Never mind she was abducted/kidnapped.

In Thailand illegals immigrants are worth less than nothing.

Army.... action please. And also action on this complacent Prosecutor who should get fired and jailed for his behavior

Take care with calling the army to act into this case and make a REAL Justice in Thailand that works..

GeorgeO will get very mad and ask you to leave the forum.

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The police, judges and whoever else who was/is in charge of this case need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, for there lack of concern. Jail the ba$tards for 20 years+. That might get the attention of some of those, boys in brown.

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The Josef Mengele treatment would be too good for this couple. And these lousy cops that removed her clothes, took photos of her and then distributed them should be tried in court for child abuse.

How about the case a few years before this where a (Thai) policeman emptied a can of gasoline on a Burmese woman and set her on fire?

As far as I know, the Policeman has never spend a day in jail.

How about the policeman who send the girl back to the couple when she came to the police in search for help?

As far as I know, the Policeman has never been charged with any wrongdoing.

How about the Burmese and Cambodian fisherman who were thrown out of the fishing boats and left to drown in sea?

How about the hundred of Rohinja people whose remains were found in a sunken boat near Sattahip?

How about .....

Too many similar cases in Thailand like this.

Yet, every fahrang "loves" Thailand.

So many fahrang traveling every day to Thailand in search of young girls and boys for a few days of orgy and sexual pleasure.

One word comes to mind.

Sounds like "Hypocrite".

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They should show the photo's of the people who did it not the victim.

Here is what monsters look like.....


I’m surprised they look so normal, only a truly cruel sadistic psychopathic personality could inflict that kind of demonic torture on a 12 year old child. The child’s body scaring is so horrific it took me a few seconds to figure out what exactly I was looking at when I saw the picture. These people are a danger to the planet they must be permanently removed from society, as soon as possible.

Psychopaths DO 'look normal'. Go to YT and see how many posted in their crime vids you'd never believe they were anything but the guy next door. The bloke you struck up conversation with in a pub. That is their danger.

BTW I agree with the poster who said they've very likely not 'fled' anywhere. What? Leave all their property here (which of course, in a civilised country, would be sequestrated, Civil or Criminal charge). I doubt they fear anything will happen to them as the Thai judiciary in their, er, wisdom, have decided not to prosecute a more serious Criminal charge, so what do they care? What's their address?

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What I also find disgusting is that they disrobed her and paraded her naked in front of photographers so they could all "get their shot". Totally dehumanizing for the girl. But, wait, she's Karen, not Thai, so it's okay I guess. Yeah, right!

This is just another example of a 3rd world country. It's too mind boggling on all levels to even try and comprehend, right from the abusers

themselves, the parading of her body infront of the photographers as well as no justice being served on any level.

Thai justice gives a model 15 years time for some minor possesion yet treats this girls tragedy like a circus.

Agree dude123 with what you say; it looks sick that the girl is paraded in front of the police officers.

However the one photograph is powerful and I hope is the catalyst to apprehend the two culprits. Its a shame the world press hasn't taken this story and put it around the world.

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Nothing short of a life sentence, forfeiture of all of their assets, and absolute blackening of the family name on every level, will be adequate punishment for this horrific crime against this woman. Pigs like this need to be rounded up, and locked up for life. Or sent to work on chain gangs. Such black hearts. What swine. If the couple cannot be found, I suggest all the offspring be held responsible, and locked up in their place.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You have to remember, this couple must be connected enough to avoid prosecution and will not be facing any courts. The deal has been done already. Why has the Thai prosecutor not opened up a case against them? The deal has been done.

Oh, and she is "only" Karen.

Personally, I would love the attention on this to get ramped up but don't expect any Thais to back you on it. They know better than to make trouble for connected people. If I remember correctly, a family member in the army facilitated their escape......

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This is weird language.

She hasn't been awarded anything by a court. The perpetrators have been found guilty in a civil case and been ordered to pay.

The court is not paying her anything. God knows how this can persist as a civil case without there being any criminal charges. What amount of evidence do the police need to act? The court could have ordered them to pay 100mn.

All in all absolutely shameful.

I don't understand it either. Even if they find the perpetrators, it would seem unlikely that they have that much money. So if the court isn't paying who is ? The courts' decision is pleasing but the girl is still in limbo. I'm not a supporter of capitol punishment but this case could make me change my mind.

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They should show the photo's of the people who did it not the victim.

Here is what monsters look like.....


Please advise if these pictures are recent or if they are old.

These pictures came out when they were arrested last year. They are a mug shot

with the height bars behind them, so I assume they are recent pictures.

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You have to remember, this couple must be connected enough to avoid prosecution and will not be facing any courts. The deal has been done already. Why has the Thai prosecutor not opened up a case against them? The deal has been done.

Oh, and she is "only" Karen.

Personally, I would love the attention on this to get ramped up but don't expect any Thais to back you on it. They know better than to make trouble for connected people. If I remember correctly, a family member in the army facilitated their escape......

I knew an " influential" person helped them escape, but I could not remember if he was

connected to the police or the army. Would love to see him brought in for some serious

questioning, but if he is connected to the army guess that will not be happening.... :-(

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These people that did this to the girl are absolutely disgusting. I just do not understand how another human being can do this to another . Its simple these people are morally bankrupt and should not be allowed to be on the outside with the general population Not telling what they are capable of doing

Lock them up for life That is where they belong My heart goes out to this girl

So sorry little one

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What I also find disgusting is that they disrobed her and paraded her naked in front of photographers so they could all "get their shot". Totally dehumanizing for the girl. But, wait, she's Karen, not Thai, so it's okay I guess. Yeah, right!

This is just another example of a 3rd world country. It's too mind boggling on all levels to even try and comprehend, right from the abusers

themselves, the parading of her body infront of the photographers as well as no justice being served on any level.

Thai justice gives a model 15 years time for some minor possesion yet treats this girls tragedy like a circus.

Agree dude123 with what you say; it looks sick that the girl is paraded in front of the police officers.

However the one photograph is powerful and I hope is the catalyst to apprehend the two culprits. Its a shame the world press hasn't taken this story and put it around the world.

I agree that this should have made world press, especially the part about no one being prosecuted still.

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I will give 50000 baht to the one who capture these people alive. This will expire in 10 days.

I match your offer but ...

So will I, however not too concerned about the alive part.

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