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Not too late to save our ailing body politic: Thai opinion


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This Thai writer is running on about Thai law "explicitly" states. When will Thai news writers like this one wake up and start to take the big leap in to truth? How can she run on about Thai law and breaking it, knowing that is the core problem in Thailand. Breaking law with impunity.

This Thai writer actually knows a thing or two about the dangers of not adhering the letter of the law.

Admittedly, had to do with USA law, and not Thai law - so it probably doesn't count, even if allegedly

related to illegal campaign donations which could possibly had something to do with promoting certain

foreign business interests.




Shame the full might of the Thai government and the Thai Foreign Ministry were not brought to bear and

save this poor soul who just did her best for her country.

Unless mistaking, Veera was not a soldier, nor sent by the Thai government.

Makes the comparison with USA policy of aiming to bring back POWs a bit off mark.

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The primary function of the Commerce Ministry in the last three years has been to stockpile and then conceal the thefts of rice stashed in silos, many of which existed only on paper. Before that, it was overpriced rubber saplings. There is no policy direction, no concrete mission that represents the real medium- and long-term commercial interests of the country in a meaningful and sustainable manner.

But, but, they were elected Thaksin proxy governments! Surely the author isn't suggesting that those governments were only interested in looting the country, were only interested in lining their own pockets or doing nothing at all to improve the living standards of their own people. Shocking!

Huh? Pornpimol Kanchanalak is easily the most virulently anti-Thaksin writer in either of the two main English language newspapers (continuing in the grand tradition of Sopon Ongkara - wonder what happened to him?). Surely your post would only make sense if she was some sort of TS fan girl who'd nevertheless criticized the govt over the rice scheme?

Or I guess it would make sense if she was the first person ever to point out that the rice scheme was corrupt and the Commerce Ministry was deeply involved in that corruption. Yet this has been repeated constantly for at least the last two years. There's usually at least one article in The Nation every day on this very subject. And even many PT voters would admit the rice scheme was a disaster. So I'm not sure who you think is going to be "shocked" by the comments in this article. If you are shocked, you obviously haven't been following the news.

(Or was it supposed to be some sort of attempt at humour? I must admit it's often hard to distinguish humorous posts from those that are sincerely meant on Thaivisa).

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Whilst you have substandard , below average thinkers and most important, persons that are regarded as un-worldly , you will always have a inward looking political system, they don't understand the difference between unfair and fairness, these parasites are now out of the picture, lets hope the new parliament can attract a new and educated type of person , one can only wish, knowing Thailand , I wont hold my breath. coffee1.gif

All around the world politics attracts the wrong people and the right people wouldn't want to be involved in politics for any amount of money,

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I'm not sure that the Foreign Ministry ever functioned under Suraporn. I'm not sure that Suraporn ever functioned.

'... under the democratically elected government of Abhisit Vejjajiva ...' Err, pardon? I'm no PTP, Thaksin or Redshirt fan, but the democrats under Abhisit weren't elected to government.

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'... under the democratically elected government of Abhisit Vejjajiva ...' Err, pardon? I'm no PTP, Thaksin or Redshirt fan, but the democrats under Abhisit weren't elected to government.

How did this ever make it past the fact checkers and editors? Whatever good points are made, the author now has zero credibility.

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If a politician told me it was raining, I would look out the window just to be sure, Far to many politicians are only there to serve their own interests, this is why the world we now live in is totally screwed.

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