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Nok Air evacuates passengers from flight after one throws a tantrum


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"I think Nok Air’s cabin crew showed a lack of experience by making that decision,” Warong wrote on Facebook

I wonder, what will be your entry in your Facebook, has something bad happen to the plane ?

Oh, I forgot, my pen rai.....

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Now I'm wondering why such an esteemed man as Warong Dechgitvigrom, a member of the former senate, was on a budget flight?

Maybe he got on the "warong" plane ...

Only budget airlines fly in/out of NST.

Don't let a good Thai bashing get away...lol

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Nokair have a responsibility for the safety of all their passengers. That one refused to show his pass and basically barged passed the cabin crew to get to his seat, is an unknown threat. I consider it a legimate reason to evacuate the aircraft and request support from the authorities.

Sorry that it inconvenienced anyone, but to then complain later is rather childish...Bon voyage...Air Asia would do the same.

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there have been several cases in Australia where entire airports have been evacuated and all flights stopped because a passenger by accident crossed into the secure area of the airport without having been screened. That may be an over reaction however evacuating an aircraft because an unscreened threat has entered it is not.

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Now, how to prevent these kind of bad guys from inconveniencing a plane load of good guys?

Well, parade him in front of everybody, make sure he is well pointed-at for the cameras and facebook, and then everybody gets to explain to the guy how his action has interfered with their life...

dream on...

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Poor Warong don't you feel so sorry for him for being so inconvenienced.

Well at least they were able to deal with it before take-off. Can you imagine being more or less trapped on board a flight while travelling from Bangkok to London with this clown. Some self-described "very important people" can really be a pain in the posterior.

A senior British diplomat in Thailand broke through three pairs of plastic handcuffs, threatened to kill fellow airline passengers and abused cabin staff after drinking heavily on a flight to London in the aftermath of the tsunami, a court heard yesterday.

Fellow passengers seated near Colonel Peter Roberts, defence attache at the British embassy in Thailand, said it became clear very quickly that he was an important man with an important job.

But as the Etihad Airways flight from Abu Dhabi to Heathrow flew over Belgium in February last year, Col Roberts' behaviour deteriorated until he went berserk, Isleworth crown court heard.


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a) Phitsanulok Warong Dechgitvigrom. Who?

cool.png Nok Air was perfectly correct.

c) It was not an over-reaction; is anyone stupid enough these days to want a non-checked passenger on board?

It looks as if the senator that complained about the evacuation of another obnoxious person from a Nok Air flight uses his Farcebook to complain about other things. This from another of today's threads.

" BANGKOK: -- ONGOING rice warehouse inspections by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) are expected to deliver crucial evidence related to alleged rampant corruption in the failed rice-pledging scheme, said former Democrat MP Warong Dechgitvigrom.

Warong, who blew the whistle on the scheme a few years ago, said on his Facebook page that he expected positive developments from the inspection process that officially started yesterday."

The Nation

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Poor Warong don't you feel so sorry for him for being so inconvenienced.

Well at least they were able to deal with it before take-off. Can you imagine being more or less trapped on board a flight while travelling from Bangkok to London with this clown. Some self-described "very important people" can really be a pain in the posterior.

A senior British diplomat in Thailand broke through three pairs of plastic handcuffs, threatened to kill fellow airline passengers and abused cabin staff after drinking heavily on a flight to London in the aftermath of the tsunami, a court heard yesterday.

Fellow passengers seated near Colonel Peter Roberts, defence attache at the British embassy in Thailand, said it became clear very quickly that he was an important man with an important job.

But as the Etihad Airways flight from Abu Dhabi to Heathrow flew over Belgium in February last year, Col Roberts' behaviour deteriorated until he went berserk, Isleworth crown court heard.


And the outcome:

A senior British diplomat who went berserk on a flight from Abu Dhabi to London was yesterday found not guilty of being drunk on an aircraft after saying his behaviour was caused by an antidepressant he was taking to deal with the stress of the Asian tsunami.

Colonel Peter Roberts MBE, the defence attache to Thailand, was said to have hurled a stream of abuse at crew and passengers on board an Etihad flight to Heathrow last February after drinking a cocktail of wine, whisky and port. At one point, ..


I wonder if Diplomatic Immunity covers Lesse Majesty or if the person ever has been able to return to Thailand.

Edited by harrry
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Should read Dr. Warong and a Democrat ex-MP not a senator. Quite a loud mouth during Parlimentary seatings and may account for his unnecessary Nok Air rant. Shouldnt he know that rules are rules and not to be flaunt. An educated man should know better.

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That would be a nominated senator, from democrats.

Next time take a hike, pal, nok will refuse you fare for being a snob

Explain exactly what relevance that has to the subject! Grow up.

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As a former airline captain who once threw a rather prominent personage off my aircraft I have every sympathy with the Nok Air crew. I'm not sure though, why it was necessary to evacuate all the pax. Not difficult for security to remove only Khun Warong; that's what they're there for.

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The incident was criticised online after Phitsanulok Warong Dechgitvigrom, a member of the former senate on board the flight, complained about it online.

"I think Nok Air’s cabin crew showed a lack of experience by making that decision,” Warong wrote on Facebook. “They should have referred to the aviation regulations first before inviting the passengers off the aircraft. They cannot just announce that one passenger is violent and refused to show his boarding pass. That sounded like a personal judgment to me.”

Warong’s wisdom might have benefited from his own review of airline security measures.

Removing the passengers from a flight to deal with a belligerent passenger is standard practice to avoid risking harm or injury during a security action, Patee explained yesterday.

According to the cabin crew, the passenger was butthurting because staff told him to enter through the plane’s rear entrance, which was already closed. Poor baby had to walk back and board the flight via the front entrance, Morning News reported.

Poor baby. Warong was forced to waste an hour or so of his precious time. He could have been earning 100,000 baht or so, by sucking the country dry, during that time he waited. Poor chap. The reality is, that the airline looks like they behaved properly. A lot of security protocol demands the evacuation. But, the poor spoiled ex senator had to waste his time. Poor, poor soul. Imagine that. He made himself look like such a fool with his silly, churlish, immature, thoughtless, devoid of wisdom posting on Facebook. What a nincompoop. And these creeps were running the country recently? No wonder Thailand has the problems it has. I cannot wait for this country to become a meritocracy, where people are appointed based on their talent, and not who they know, what their family name is, how much cash they have, or how much help they were in the election campaign. Wait a minute, that sounds like Washington!

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...you'd think he'd bought first class tickets to be entitled to be butt-hurt but ego's know no boundaries.

Possibly banned for life from flying Nok Air? Now he'll have to pay the price by being scalped by Thai Airways rates.

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"I think Nok Air’s cabin crew showed a lack of experience by making that decision,” Warong wrote on Facebook

I think any grown man that posts his whining on Facebook is a silly, self-centered boy, and it's great he is no longer in the senate.

I think any grown man that uses Facebook is a silly, self-centered boy.

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By not showing your boarding pass it is impossible for staff to verify that you should indeed be on the plane in the first place. He is indeed a big baby for not showing his boarding pass. I hope he was not allowed back on the plane after causing the delay to other passengers!

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Congratulations to cabin crew ! great job ! the people have to know who is in charge of the airplanes security and operation. every crew member has the say, not the 1000 baht passengers, VIP or not.

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There was another case like this 6 months ago.Had Yai? Days later I was at DM waiting for my NOK flight when screams and men came thundering out of the final foot bridge. A huge Thai man was screaming like an animal before slaughter. It took 4 security staff to calm him. Then he began again. They got him on the floor. It was scary and I was happy not to be on his flight. Why does NOK get more than its fair share of this?

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I worked for airlines in USA for 33 years, NOK did the right thing. This guy should show his boarding pass, it is a standard way of making sure some one does not come board without paying, however of more concern is whether this person had by-passed security with malintent.

As for the Ex-Senator who cares what he thinks, shut your mouth and sit down because the "Corruption Toilet" is being flushed and maybe you should have gone on the first attempt, of course I do not know and I guess it is none of my business. As a guest in this country for the last 10 years, I am just a walking ATM.

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It would have been the Captain's call to remove this man from the flight. We can be reasonably sure that he or she was following the air operators SOP's in this regard. In other words the correct decision was made despite the inconvenience to the other passengers, period.

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It would have been the Captain's call to remove this man from the flight. We can be reasonably sure that he or she was following the air operators SOP's in this regard. In other words the correct decision was made despite the inconvenience to the other passengers, period.

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Blacklist the bugger and don't let him fly for a year or so. The staff is to be rewarded and Patee is to be complimented for going public with this.
Let's face it; this clown Warong helped Nok Air to a FOC media blast since the latter only did a proper job.

It's time all those VIPs are getting the message and Nok Air seems to have made a lovely head start - well done!

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these thai people are not prepared in case of a special cases.....you can not cancel a flight just for a bullshit card from a passenger, just bring that guy down to the desk, scheck him for what ever... and let the rest go...thats is! not a big deal just a couple of minutes delate.


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