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Louis Vuitton-toting Thai nun apologizes


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these were all donated items. The price-tag doesn't matter. same same. A bag is a bag is a bag 30 or 30 000 same same. The same goes for the car(s)

Now will all temples give up all bags and cars now?

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

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What about the 6 million baht car??? I follower donated that also?? This stinks of donated money from honest Buddists being dirtied by a corrupt person seen to be in a place of respect and power again!!! Time to de-robe her!

All you known I love to drink It was told to me by a drunk in bar that she the person who givings her all these things is a very rich Farang

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What about the 6 million baht car??? I follower donated that also?? This stinks of donated money from honest Buddists being dirtied by a corrupt person seen to be in a place of respect and power again!!! Time to de-robe her!

All you known I love to drink It was told to me by a drunk in bar that she the person who givings her all these things is a very rich Farang

Ah! Harry, another good night na... ;)

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Related to this subject, I got on the bad side of my old gf last week. Some guy came here with a hand full of papers and plastic bags.They sat on the front porch in discussion while I was reading TVF posts and on my fourth Leo of the day. She waltzed in the house and asked me to open the safe. No way I'm giving her the combination. Of course I said for what. It seems she wanted 5,000 Baht to tamboon to the local wat. I asked tamboon for what. She replied for good luck. I said ok have a seat and let's talk about this. I just happen to know of two old ladies that the local people take food to every day because they are so poor they can't afford to buy food. How many times have these old ladies had good luck and the monks took food to them? Deer in the head lights look. I had to ask her three times before the answer "none" came. Next question was, please tell me about only one time the monks have helped one poor person in this village, not two people but only one person. If looks could kill....

I said when you tell me the monks are taking food to these old ladies and I hear about them helping poor people I will open the safe. She started into a dissertation of how I was a falang and didn't understand Buddhism. I got up and said I'm going to buy some beer and I ain't opening the <delete> safe. When I got back the guy was gone and she sulked the rest of the day. Broke my heart.

I don't think it's Buddhism you don't understand but the temple and monk franchise that uses Buddha.

I'm sure there are many good monks but I find a lot of it an insult to Buddhism, and I don't follow any religion.

Good for you.

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these were all donated items. The price-tag doesn't matter. same same. A bag is a bag is a bag 30 or 30 000 same same. The same goes for the car(s)

Now will all temples give up all bags and cars now?

Nuns and monks aren't allowed to drive....so why would they have a car?

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these were all donated items. The price-tag doesn't matter. same same. A bag is a bag is a bag 30 or 30 000 same same. The same goes for the car(s)

Now will all temples give up all bags and cars now?

Nuns and monks aren't allowed to drive....so why would they have a car?

chauffeur's day off ............. coffee1.gif

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

Was he riding a Porsche brand mule or a taxi mule? Did he have a Louis Vuitton bag as an accessory? Did he drive a Porsche mule every day or, just on this one occasion, take a taxi mule to fulfill prophesy? What has Jesus to do with this woman's blatant display of the trappings of wealth when she has sworn to live a life of selfless poverty? The nun took a vow of poverty but didn't seem to be following that vow. I would say to her, "Hypocrite, much"?

I guess it was a Palestinian brand donkey with no licence to walk into Jerusalem and got confiscated.wink.png

A vow of poverty is wrong and religious and serves a controlling spirit rather than the truth. As Yahushua said, "so shall you prosper(materialistic) as your spirit prospers".

BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

Was he riding a Porsche brand mule or a taxi mule? Did he have a Louis Vuitton bag as an accessory? Did he drive a Porsche mule every day or, just on this one occasion, take a taxi mule to fulfill prophesy? What has Jesus to do with this woman's blatant display of the trappings of wealth when she has sworn to live a life of selfless poverty? The nun took a vow of poverty but didn't seem to be following that vow. I would say to her, "Hypocrite, much"?

I guess it was a Palestinian brand donkey with no licence to walk into Jerusalem and got confiscated.wink.png

A vow of poverty is wrong and religious and serves a controlling spirit rather than the truth. As Yahushua said, "so shall you prosper(materialistic) as your spirit prospers".

BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

You wouldn't twist my words, would you? I never mentioned any money she may have brought in, yet you accuse me of saying I want them stopped. Asshat, much?

If the woman was true to her vows, she would pass ALL donations (including Porsches and designer handbags) on to the temple. Whether the vow of poverty is wrong or right, she assumed the responsibility to 'live the life' when she took her vows. If she doesn't agree with the rules of conduct, she should join some other organization that favors her behavior. Why are you even taking her side? Argumentative, much?

As for quoting the Christian Bible, and you didn't reference your quote so I don't even know if it is genuine (probably not), she is Buddhist (did you miss that part? You seem to have with your continued references to Christianity) and not subject to Christian teachings.

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BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

You wouldn't twist my words, would you? I never mentioned any money she may have brought in, yet you accuse me of saying I want them stopped. Asshat, much?

If the woman was true to her vows, she would pass ALL donations (including Porsches and designer handbags) on to the temple. Whether the vow of poverty is wrong or right, she assumed the responsibility to 'live the life' when she took her vows. If she doesn't agree with the rules of conduct, she should join some other organization that favors her behavior. Why are you even taking her side? Argumentative, much?

As for quoting the Christian Bible, and you didn't reference your quote so I don't even know if it is genuine (probably not), she is Buddhist (did you miss that part? You seem to have with your continued references to Christianity) and not subject to Christian teachings.

3 John 1:2New King James Version (NKJV)

2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. John

Jesus said;

"Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." — Jesus (Luke 6:38).

-- so far to that ...

I recommend to read the book of Thomas, brother of Yahushua and you will see that this is very close to the real teachings of Lord Buddha. It was taken out on purpose. Many other things were distorted(wittingly and unwittingly), but they couldn't erase all traces to the spiritual benefits of truth.

As for now, Buddhism is in general more mature in spiritual realms than Christianity.

Back to that lady. It's her choice and hers only to take it or give it away. Nothing and nobody can change that. I think she would be more helpful when she quits now and does her social work more efficient. But then again, it's her choice and that depends on her soul and it's calling for that experience.

Edited by wealth
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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

I always understood that riding a donkey was a not a 'luxury and expensive' mode of transport.

The prophet Zechariah wrote: “Behold, your king comes to you, triumphant and victorious. He is humble and riding on an ass, on a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zech 9:9)

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Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

Now I understand why they killed him.

A donkey would be the modern equivalent of a 4th hand crappy hyundai, rather than a 6 million baht Porsche.

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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I would have thought that the good nun would sell the gifts and use the proceeds to benefit the poor.

Impossible for foreigners to understand Thainess smile.png

You're right, but that same accusation could, and should, be leveled at everybody that has a comfortable life yet puts themselves before others - e.g. probably everybody posting on this thread. Her keeping a porsche is no different to us spending 50 baht on a bottle of chang, and her blatant hypocrisy doesn't annul our own.

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Typical in Thailand, she is only sorry she got caught.

Choice 1. A generous Thai benefactor gave his beloved Porsche to the temple as he no longer

needed it.

Choice 2. Simply stole the money from the temple and bought the car herself.

Choice 3. Like the jet set monk, she was laundering money, and getting the car was just

a little of skim off the top.

The jet set monk has COMPLETELY disappeared off of the radar screen, that guy must have

had some serious protection. But given the staggering amounts of money he was laundering,

guess that sort of makes sense. Wish I knew how that worked. So if you give the jet set monk

100 million baht, how does he launder it and get the money back to the person ?? Just curious.

I never understand why they don't just collect and hide the money til they have more than they could ever spend and then just take of and live the high life. It seems silly to keep up the silly charade that they are Buddhists.

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A few months ago something quite similar happened in Atlanta Georgia. A priest had a 2.2 million dollar house built for himself. The gift given to the church was from the estate of the nephew of Margret Mitchel (writer of Gone With the Wind). I think the latest news was that he has been forced to return the new 6,200 square foot home to the church to sell. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deaconsbench/2014/03/the-archbishop-of-atlantas-new-home-6000-square-feet-2-2-million/

It does not matter what religion you are, there are thieves in all of them. Thankfully there are a few good devout ones as well. wai.gif

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